Bangladesh - A Muslim Moderate Country?


Changes aren't permanent, but change is...
Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2010
Govt asked to explain failure to stop fatwa


The reports said Hena was raped by her 40-year-old relative Mahbub on Sunday. Next day, a fatwa was announced at a village arbitration that she must be given 100 lashes. She fell unconscious after nearly 80 lashes.

Fatally injured Hena was rushed to Naria health complex where she succumbed to her injuries.

Supreme Court lawyer Seema Zahur yesterday placed before the HC bench a press report on the incident on behalf of Bangladesh National Women Lawyers Association.

Meanwhile, another High Court bench yesterday directed the law enforcement agencies to submit a report to it within three weeks on what steps have been taken following this incident in the light of its judgment on extra-judicial punishment.

This news came out in BBC world wide as broad Asian News. This news makes Bangladeshi people ashamed to the other nations. People of other nations respect Bangladesh as a moderate Muslim country but this sort of News is giving them chances to misunderstand that Bangladesh is also like Pakistan where ancient Arabic and African Beduwin uncivilized ideologies are practised. There should not be any imam in any sort of Mosque in village or city without government proposed training certificate. The imam who did this crime did from the sense of Shariah law but the imam is not aware that there are many Shariah law came from the uncivilized Beduwin societies. This is why, there should be government led-training institutes to train the imams as to make them aware of the darkness parts of ancient uncivilized Beduwin and Wahabi of Arab and Africa.

Bangladesh: Girl, 14, Lashed to Death after Rape by 40-year-old Cousin

Warning Extreme Graphic :

Religion of peace? Bangladesh is a supposedly moderate Islamic Muslim country.
Bangladesh or East Pakistan as it was initially known was a part of the Indian Raj that India seemed glad to see leave their new-found confederation, it was probably the poorest of any Provence at that time, being poor is a common circumstance of primitive people and as we all know there is no excuse for that condition in this day and age of wealth redistribution,,, we are not prepared to deal with some aspects of the human condition.
Why are we concerned with "civilizations" we cannot hope to control?
Surely our goodness and kindness will haunt us the rest of our days.
Everything East of Suez and West of the Malay Peninsula is a cultural swamp full of swamp varmints that can cause great pain if fed with a casual manner,,, ask Siegfried and Roy.
Beatings, stoning, beheadings and female circumcisions are occurring to this day,,, what part of our economy should we apply to eradicate those practises in foreign lands?
A word of advice never try to use your credit or debit card with a street beggar, you will only incur his enmity,,, he's after hard cash,,, or your watch,,, and that's the reality of the near East and beyond,,,, been there done that.
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