Bank failures have started

The fact that Trump is responsible for 25% of all the debt accumulated under every single president is a FACT.

You can whine about people pointing it out, but that's all you're doing.
The fact is the US Constitution fails the people because it doesn't limit the debt level of presidents.

  • During Donald Trump’s whole presidency, the U.S. national debt increased by $8.18 trillion, a percentage increase of 40.43%. This is less than Barack Obama (69.98%) and George W. Bush (105.8%). However, Donald Trump was in office for only 4 years compared to 8 years for both Barack Obama and George W. Bush.
The thread I started and you commented in previously.

I know, I was hoping you would post it again, since it is full of shit. They consider environmentally friendly donations to be BLM....but they know folks like you will never follow the links
I know, I was hoping you would post it again, since it is full of shit. They consider environmentally friendly donations to be BLM....but they know folks like you will never follow the links
If you followed the links, you would have seen, what you consider 'environmentally friendly organizations' all share the same ESG/WEF visions, of which BLM sees themselves as an integral part.
So the woke experiment with other peoples money has shit the bed, bigly.
A man who worked at the Swiss bank Credit Suisse:
"Thieves are everywhere. From what I have personally observed: the purchase of overpriced hardware (servers, switches, etc.) with kickbacks. Purchase of unnecessary software, or necessary but more expensive.
Stealing money to hire consultants, when one MD's wife owned a consulting company through which the Indians were hired as programmers. Credit Suisse was paying up to $1200 per day for each consultant. The consultancy firm paid the Indians a salary of $45000, that is <$4000 per month. The rest went into the family pocket :). And there were hundreds of such consultants."
The fact is the US Constitution fails the people because it doesn't limit the debt level of presidents.

  • During Donald Trump’s whole presidency, the U.S. national debt increased by $8.18 trillion, a percentage increase of 40.43%. This is less than Barack Obama (69.98%) and George W. Bush (105.8%). However, Donald Trump was in office for only 4 years compared to 8 years for both Barack Obama and George W. Bush.

A reminder, Congress controls the nation's purse strings...

When Pelosi became minority leader in 2003, the national debt stood at $6.2 trillion. When she turned over the speaker’s gavel, the national debt stood at $31.5 trillion. In other words, about 80 percent of the debt accumulated in all of U.S. history was accrued since Pelosi ascended to a leadership position in Congress.

That said, it’s difficult to find a single politician in either party who bears more responsibility than Pelosi. For years, she talked a tough game about pay-as-you-go rules in the House, ostensibly designed to prevent new deficit spending, yet the U.S. government racked up an unprecedented amount of deficit spending on her watch.

The process was aided by Pelosi’s refusal to allow floor amendments and by her embrace of massive omnibus bills that congressional members were not given time to review.

“No other Speaker, President, or Senate Majority Leader, can even come close to her indubitable record of deficit spending,” Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie contends.
A reminder, Congress controls the nation's purse strings...

When Pelosi became minority leader in 2003, the national debt stood at $6.2 trillion. When she turned over the speaker’s gavel, the national debt stood at $31.5 trillion. In other words, about 80 percent of the debt accumulated in all of U.S. history was accrued since Pelosi ascended to a leadership position in Congress.

That said, it’s difficult to find a single politician in either party who bears more responsibility than Pelosi. For years, she talked a tough game about pay-as-you-go rules in the House, ostensibly designed to prevent new deficit spending, yet the U.S. government racked up an unprecedented amount of deficit spending on her watch.

The process was aided by Pelosi’s refusal to allow floor amendments and by her embrace of massive omnibus bills that congressional members were not given time to review.

“No other Speaker, President, or Senate Majority Leader, can even come close to her indubitable record of deficit spending,” Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie contends.
Congress signs off the president's spending. Unless paying for a war, president's should supply balanced books at the end of their tenure. Same with Prime Ministers.
I told you the Saudis would react.

from the Hal Turner show

"Loss of confidence in the US Dollar is growing. Saudi Arabia has begun earnestly dumping US Treasuries, with the Oil-rich nation now having fewer US Treasuries than anytime in the past 7 years.

This trend with Saudi Arabia is being mirrored by many other countries which are fearful the US has already over-spent itself (into oblivion) and will NOT be able to actually repay the money it owes."
I told you the Saudis would react.

from the Hal Turner show

"Loss of confidence in the US Dollar is growing. Saudi Arabia has begun earnestly dumping US Treasuries, with the Oil-rich nation now having fewer US Treasuries than anytime in the past 7 years.

This trend with Saudi Arabia is being mirrored by many other countries which are fearful the US has already over-spent itself (into oblivion) and will NOT be able to actually repay the money it owes."
I think the equity line doesn't want the US to be a dominant factor in the global frontier.
"French authorities have raided five major banks as part of a 100 billion euro fraud investigation.
- Societe Generale
- BNP Paribas
- Natixis
- Exane."
The savage and permanent theft of the financial capital bandits is only ceased to be ignored in times of crisis. And do not notice their robbery of the future at all.
been busy, so. for those that are interested. I resemble this article.


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