Banning immigrants IS constitutional and a duty for U.S presidents


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Our president is obligated, as per the constitution, to protect American citizens. That sometimes means banning immigrants from countries who pose a danger to our citizens. We come first, not the immigrants, illegal immigrants or refugees. Our national security is the consideration here. Yes, terrorists are hiding among refugees. That alone justifies the decision to halt immigration from some of these countries. 10% of the refugees, possibly more than that, are coming in with the refugees. That a lot of fucking terrorists who can kill a lot of people. Arab countries need to step up now. It's not up to the U.S. to fix everyone's problems. Time for them to take care of their own since they are far better able to do it than we are.

"Obama has barred huge groups of potentially dangerous immigrants from entering the United States at least six times, undercutting his claim that barring Muslims from terrorist countries as Donald Trump has proposed is un-American.

In his first ban, according to a search of White House records, Obama instituted a ban on “immigrants or nonimmigrants” covered by a larger United Nations travel ban. He also included those on an economic sanctions list. Most countries were Muslim.

He cited the very same section of law that many critics of his policies have asked him to use, “section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.” It says, “Whenever the president finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrant’s or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

He used the same provision five other times, one more in 2011, twice in 2012 and twice in 2014. In those, he targeted people aiding Iran, Syria, Crimea, and those involved in war crimes.

Still, in his latest tirade against Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims from terror nations, Obama said such bans violate the American way.

In reaction to the Orlando terror attack, Trump said, “When I’m elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies until we fully understand how to end these threats.”

Obama ripped him. “That’s not the America we want,” he said. “It doesn’t reflect our democratic ideals. It will make us less safe.”

White House documents also show that former President Bill Clinton issued six immigrant bans; George W. Bush six immigrant bans; and former President Ronald Reagan four. And in 1980, former President Jimmy Carter banned Iranians after Tehran seized the U.S. embassy.

Below are Obama’s actions:

— July 25, 2011. Barred those under a UN travel ban, or who broke 29 executive orders covering transactions with terrorists.

— Aug. 4, 2012. Banned anybody involved in war crimes, or just about any other crime including human rights violations.

— April 23, 2012. Barred those helping Syria or Iran, or involved in human rights abuses for those governments.

— May 1, 2012. Another block on those helping Iran and Syria.

— April 3, 2014. Banned anyone known to threaten South Sudan.

— March 6, 2014 . Barred entry of those claiming government authority in the Crimea region of Ukraine, presumably on behalf of Moscow."

BREAKING : The Past SIX Presidents Have “Banned Immigrants”
Our president is obligated, as per the constitution, to protect American citizens. That sometimes means banning immigrants from countries who pose a danger to our citizens. We come first, not the immigrants, illegal immigrants or refugees. Our national security is the consideration here. Yes, terrorists are hiding among refugees. That alone justifies the decision to halt immigration from some of these countries. 10% of the refugees, possibly more than that, are coming in with the refugees. That a lot of fucking terrorists who can kill a lot of people. Arab countries need to step up now. It's not up to the U.S. to fix everyone's problems. Time for them to take care of their own since they are far better able to do it than we are.

"Obama has barred huge groups of potentially dangerous immigrants from entering the United States at least six times, undercutting his claim that barring Muslims from terrorist countries as Donald Trump has proposed is un-American.

In his first ban, according to a search of White House records, Obama instituted a ban on “immigrants or nonimmigrants” covered by a larger United Nations travel ban. He also included those on an economic sanctions list. Most countries were Muslim.

He cited the very same section of law that many critics of his policies have asked him to use, “section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.” It says, “Whenever the president finds that the entry of aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrant’s or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

He used the same provision five other times, one more in 2011, twice in 2012 and twice in 2014. In those, he targeted people aiding Iran, Syria, Crimea, and those involved in war crimes.

Still, in his latest tirade against Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims from terror nations, Obama said such bans violate the American way.

In reaction to the Orlando terror attack, Trump said, “When I’m elected, I will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies until we fully understand how to end these threats.”

Obama ripped him. “That’s not the America we want,” he said. “It doesn’t reflect our democratic ideals. It will make us less safe.”

White House documents also show that former President Bill Clinton issued six immigrant bans; George W. Bush six immigrant bans; and former President Ronald Reagan four. And in 1980, former President Jimmy Carter banned Iranians after Tehran seized the U.S. embassy.

Below are Obama’s actions:

— July 25, 2011. Barred those under a UN travel ban, or who broke 29 executive orders covering transactions with terrorists.

— Aug. 4, 2012. Banned anybody involved in war crimes, or just about any other crime including human rights violations.

— April 23, 2012. Barred those helping Syria or Iran, or involved in human rights abuses for those governments.

— May 1, 2012. Another block on those helping Iran and Syria.

— April 3, 2014. Banned anyone known to threaten South Sudan.

— March 6, 2014 . Barred entry of those claiming government authority in the Crimea region of Ukraine, presumably on behalf of Moscow."

BREAKING : The Past SIX Presidents Have “Banned Immigrants”

What do you mean, the people come first? The democratic party should come first! How is the party going to gather enough votes without importing criminals and jihadists into the country? We don't have enough of our own to keep them in power.
how about banning all lawmakers of whom's genders are in question? like many democrats. till this day, no one really knows which of the five genders Cong.Patty Murray and Debbie Wasserman are.
how about banning all lawmakers of whom's genders are in question? like many democrats. till this day, no one really knows which of the five genders Cong.Patty Murray and Debbie Wasserman are.

Washington Post is claiming that Obama was justified in banning immigrants from a Muslim country because two people were suspected of plotting an attack on U.S. soil. They tried to claim that there are no groups plotting now and, therefore, Trump's bans are unwarranted.

The ban is warranted (and should have been in place already by Obama) because not only is ISIS and other groups continuing to threaten us, but we've had 20 fully vetted 'refugees' commit acts of terror since arriving here. Considering that ISIS admitted using the refugee crisis as a Trojan Horse and the fact that we cannot vet refugees, how is that not a clear threat? The terrorists have continued striking all over and the threat is real. I guess the left wants more of them, probably in hopes that they can keep blaming guns.

Trump has access to intel that we don't. I don't believe for one moment that the Washington Post or any of the protesters can claim to have better information regarding potential threats. It's a matter of them choosing to ignore all the past incidents and the fact that terrorists are among the refugees.

This is more of the same crap that lost Hillary the election. They are trying to play with people's emotions and make it appear that Trump is being mean to the Muslims for no reason. They keep falsely claiming it's a Muslim ban despite the clear wording of the order that states it's an anti-terror measure. I am amused at the way the left now equates terrorists and Muslims. Even without knowing the latest intel, what has been made public regarding ISIS's plans and the attacks that have been carried out in the U.S. and abroad, there is no doubt that a real threat exists.

That means that Trump has a duty to protect U.S. citizens. The left puts their desire for open borders and one world government ahead of peoples' safety. They have the same mentality with our open southern border. They want everyone, good and bad, to be able to enter freely and without question.

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