Banning nuclear weapons going well!

I don't know why you guys are so boisterous for something that is so deadly. If a few nukes go off we can all be toast. But if you won't join me in being positive about a safe planet, if I fail you all get nuked and if I win nothing. It is not about the number of nuclear bombs and pieces of paper that show signatures of heads of states. It is about coming to our senses that if we just get a little more peaceful at a time we can probably live in a very nice utopia. Seriously, support peace there is nothing else. I'm not telling you to do something impossible. Show some balls for peace though. Ift we can get to a 50% chance of survival we are doing good. There wasn't much chance a few months ago when it looked like none of the countries were signing up. I hope one of you will show some follow-through.
I don't know why you guys are so boisterous for something that is so deadly. If a few nukes go off we can all be toast. But if you won't join me in being positive about a safe planet, if I fail you all get nuked and if I win nothing. It is not about the number of nuclear bombs and pieces of paper that show signatures of heads of states. It is about coming to our senses that if we just get a little more peaceful at a time we can probably live in a very nice utopia. Seriously, support peace there is nothing else. I'm not telling you to do something impossible. Show some balls for peace though. Ift we can get to a 50% chance of survival we are doing good. There wasn't much chance a few months ago when it looked like none of the countries were signing up. I hope one of you will show some follow-through.

The ban was a total and epic fail. Suck it up and move on!
I’m sorry if I sound like a scratched CD, but there is no reason for me to just go away.

It was not a total fail; way more countries signed on then were expected. What is epic about it is that we have so much further to go.

I will suck up anything but there is no reason to move away from this critical condition.

If I can get one more of the 9 countries that did not participate to go for it, I would feel rewarded. Sanity is knowing that there's no reason not to try to make a difference.
Banning something you do not have makes no sense because it accomplishes nothing. It's like soaking down everything in your house just in case you think you might have a fire!
I respectfully disagree. I think it is still a significant commitment to not pursue nuclear weapons and I think way more countries than were expected to made this. Why give up hope now?

The people of the world are growing mentally rapidly. They are learning the truth about everything.

Also I've taken an online course at MIT on nuclear weapons. Flashpoints are very real and very dangerous.

Regardless of the result though, why does no one here seem to want to support banning use and testing of nuclear weapons at all? The real goal is just to be peaceful though.
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Look it up before me!
What a big honking load of bullshit. I do not see countries like Russia, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, or Israel giving up their nukes only a hypothetically progressive liberal controlled US would be stupid enough to follow such a ban.
Pakistan/India has been a major flashpoint so this will help Megatons.
Nukes are not effective any more, because the world population is growing faster than what a nuke could thin out.
At this point all I can say catatonic is you chose your posting name well. I hope you can wake up some day.
Since there's no reason to give up on an issue that's so important to me I will just reply.

Sarah Palin said we have enough nukes that if we used some it would be impossible for the world to recover economically. That seems intuitive to me.

Also my name is catatomic, not catatonic. I do have mental illness but it is ironic that I'm here forever with an "atomic" in my name.
Sometimes I feel catatonic because I am afraid of all of you and North Korea! I do not ask a military to defend me; if their job is to defend the whole country fine; if there is a list to opt-out show me where to sign up. I do not want anyone killed on my behalf. I try not to support the military directly.

If I am bothering you, I will probably shut up if you quit posting on this thread unless something big happens.
More good news: North Korea is ordering the production of more rocket warheads and engines. However despite fiery rhetoric, has indicated it doesn’t want increased conflict.

Balbina Hwang: "We do not see any particular increase in North Korean military readiness for war. We don’t see any sort of major maneuvering that would indicate North Korea is ready to launch any kind of major conventional or military strike."

FRANK JANNUZI: A close reading of North Korea’s statements has provided signals to the United States that in fact they are open to negotiations, they’re willing to sit down and talk with us. We need to test them. And we need to explore what, if anything, is possible through those talks.

ADM. HARRY HARRIS, U.S. Navy: Incredible combat power should be in support of diplomacy, and not the other way around.
Yes thank you I know... I was just trying to encourage it! I'm sure I'm together with all of you not to wipe out humanity.
There are many starters. Countries can ban their use of nukes. Countries can take them out of the hands of the military. Countries can set reduction goals together. People can convince countries that nukes are not good tactically. People can be warned about the Book of Revelations in the Bible. People and countries can be reminded of how they don't know what they're messing with. People can be entertained so their leaders won't be able to get them to pay attention to their maniacal desires. Aliens might help. Heck I'll just admit that I used to be Raelian and at on September 16th there's going to be an online event where this world prophet is going to discuss all the new ins and outs for the world we are coming to live in. I can't attend but you guys can and you can tell me what you think.

There are many ways to warn people of the dangers. The less-nuke holding, less economically powerful countries could be pressured into giving up their nukes first. Mutual draw-downs. Peaceful demonstrations. Art. OK you get the idea there are a lot of ideas. I'm not going away so there is more time for more ideas!

Also, there is the completely complementary strategy of building anti-nuke devices.

Lastly, I thank you mhansen2 for being the first on this thread to try to meet me halfway.
Who says that a country has to spend all its extra money on the military?

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