Banning nuclear weapons going well!

I think all we can hope for is further treaties that reduce the number of warheads. Considerable progress has been made in that area in the past 40 or so years.
Well, even if you don't like any of my suggestions in the last post I think we should keep thinking of ideas.
Well, even if you don't like any of my suggestions in the last post I think we should keep thinking of ideas.

Sure! You be the first to go explain Revelations to Kim Jung Un!

Or explaining it to the Muslims in Pakistan or the Hindus in India.

We will sit by and laugh!
Here is a letter I got from Orrin Hatch:

Dear [catatomic[:

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding relations with North Korea. I welcome the opportunity to respond.

First, let me offer my sincere appreciation to the dedicated men and women who have served our country so bravely over the years. Throughout my service to the people of Utah, I have worked diligently to support those who serve our country in accordance with the fiscally responsible values I seek to apply to all areas of the federal government.

As the longest-serving Republican Senator on both the Intelligence and the Judiciary Committees, I am very much aware of the threats facing our nation. I have long held that the United States needs the appropriate resources to defend our country against terrorists and hostile nations. I believe the United States should not be at a disadvantage when it comes to intelligence gathering and fighting against our enemies, as long as the techniques used are deemed constitutional and legal.

While the North Korean threat is serious, I am confident that American diplomacy and military deterrence will preclude the necessity for armed conflict. Despite my optimism, something must be done in the long term to prevent North Korea from attaining nuclear weapons that can reach the United States. The Trump administration is working tirelessly to convince our international partners, including China, to pressure the North Korean regime to back down from its current position.

We certainly live in troubled times. But we can maintain global stability if we continue to assert a strong and stable presence in the world. I am a firm believer that war is not inevitable, which is why I hope the administration will pursue a strong but peaceful foreign policy.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. If you would like to receive regular updates on my work in the U.S. Senate, I welcome you to subscribe to my e-mail newsletter, visit my Facebook page, and follow me on Twitter.

Your Senator,

Orrin G. Hatch

United States Senator
Just as Revelations is supposed to be written for everybody, it quite literally does apply to everyone including us. I'm sure other religions have warnings too. The Book of Mormon mentions nukes in it for sure.
Just as Revelations is supposed to be written for everybody, it quite literally does apply to everyone including us. I'm sure other religions have warnings too. The Book of Mormon mentions nukes in it for sure.

Yes, the Bible mentions nukes. What planet do you live on and what version of the Bible are you reading? I would suggest some reading comprehension lessons.
Here is a letter I got from Orrin Hatch:

Dear [catatomic[:

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding relations with North Korea. I welcome the opportunity to respond.

First, let me offer my sincere appreciation to the dedicated men and women who have served our country so bravely over the years. Throughout my service to the people of Utah, I have worked diligently to support those who serve our country in accordance with the fiscally responsible values I seek to apply to all areas of the federal government.

As the longest-serving Republican Senator on both the Intelligence and the Judiciary Committees, I am very much aware of the threats facing our nation. I have long held that the United States needs the appropriate resources to defend our country against terrorists and hostile nations. I believe the United States should not be at a disadvantage when it comes to intelligence gathering and fighting against our enemies, as long as the techniques used are deemed constitutional and legal.

While the North Korean threat is serious, I am confident that American diplomacy and military deterrence will preclude the necessity for armed conflict. Despite my optimism, something must be done in the long term to prevent North Korea from attaining nuclear weapons that can reach the United States. The Trump administration is working tirelessly to convince our international partners, including China, to pressure the North Korean regime to back down from its current position.

We certainly live in troubled times. But we can maintain global stability if we continue to assert a strong and stable presence in the world. I am a firm believer that war is not inevitable, which is why I hope the administration will pursue a strong but peaceful foreign policy.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. If you would like to receive regular updates on my work in the U.S. Senate, I welcome you to subscribe to my e-mail newsletter, visit my Facebook page, and follow me on Twitter.

Your Senator,

Orrin G. Hatch

United States Senator

Nice. That is a form letter in case you didn't realize it.
I am not sure about too many other religions mentioning nukes. The Bible and Book of Mormon mention nukes. If it can't help other countries maybe it can help ours.

You can laugh all you want at me but if we die we will both be sad and if we live we will both be happy (you obviously are in good spirits; so am I) so I don't really see how you will laugh at me.

I am not going away.
I am not sure about too many other religions mentioning nukes. The Bible and Book of Mormon mention nukes. If it can't help other countries maybe it can help ours.

You can laugh all you want at me but if we die we will both be sad and if we live we will both be happy (you obviously are in good spirits; so am I) so I don't really see how you will laugh at me.

I am not going away.

Where do the words nuclear weapons appear in the Bible? How about the Book of Mormon?

Being a good sport, I'll give you the chance to embarrass yourself further!
Oh I don't think I'm embarrassing myself. Saying the elements will melt with fervent heat is pretty descriptive of a nuclear bomb!

Revelations 6:14 - Future nuclear missiles will be able to move land.
Revelations 8:8-9 - A third of life will be destroyed from nukes.
Revelations 8:12 - A third part of the sky will not be visible.
Revelations 16:20 - See also Revelations 6:14
Elsewhere in the New Testament and collaborated with similar language in the Book of Mormon
2 Peter 3:10,12
10 But the aday of the Lord will bcome as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall cpass away with a great noise, and the delements shall melt with fervent heat, the eearth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Book of Mormon
Mormon 9:2
2 Behold, will ye believe in the day of your visitation—behold, when the Lord shall come, yea, even that agreat day when the bearth shall be rolled together as a scroll, and the elements shall cmelt with fervent heat, yea, in that great day when ye shall be brought to stand before the Lamb of God—then will ye say that there is no God?
Book of Mormon
3 Nephi 26:3
3 And he did expound all things, even from the beginning until the atime that he should come in his bglory—yea, even all things which should come upon the face of the earth, even until the celements should melt with fervent heat, and the earth should be dwrapt together as a scroll, and the heavens and the earth should pass away;
See also Doctrine & Covenants

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