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Not charged yet. They are deferring that decision until the Feds are done putting his co-conspirators in prison.

2 pled guilty, one went to trial. It ended in a mistrial in June, with one very questionable juror blowing it up. So they will retry him. When they are done with that, the State of New York will announce their charges against Bannon.
The sucker's are all riled up over Conman Bannon because Trump is. Trump doesn't give a shit about the goof, he's scared shitless he might rat him out.

Which he may because there's no honor among Trump & the thieves he runs with.
The sucker's are all riled up over Conman Bannon because Trump is. Trump doesn't give a shit about the goof, he's scared shitless he might rat him out.

Which he may because there's no honor among Trump & the thieves he runs with.
Tim Shea's retrial is set for October. It will take a week or so. He will almost certainly be convicted. Once he is, the State of New York will charge Bannon with multiple felonies.
You have nothing. Only a dog and pony show. Democrats are feeding you pawns pig slop and you're gulping it down like it's your last meal.
Come January the traitorous Prog psychotics who run the House will be neutered. Repubs need to give karma back.
You have nothing. Only a dog and pony show. Democrats are feeding you pawns pig slop and you're gulping it down like it's your last meal.
Uh, no. The majority of the people testifying are Trump appointees who worked in the W.H. like Cippolene & Barr who saw it all. There are a few lackeys like Meadows who lawyered up & are hidng under their desks because they're cowards.

Next on the list headed off to jail? Navarro. Think good old Pete is going to the slammer to protect Trump? Heh, heh, heh.
Not charged yet. They are deferring that decision until the Feds are done putting his co-conspirators in prison.

2 pled guilty, one went to trial. It ended in a mistrial in June, with one very questionable juror blowing it up. So they will retry him. When they are done with that, the State of New York will announce their charges against Bannon.
Two of the people involved with it admitted bilking the money , they will recharge him, they already did once in 2020 and he was found guilty I believe and Scumbag pardons the criminal. The way it looks with the line-up of charges, this time he would have been better off accepting the charges from 2020
This will be fun as they drop one at a time. I want Trumps sentence to be a life sentence, 20 years would do that for sure.
Tim Shea's retrial is set for October. It will take a week or so. He will almost certainly be convicted. Once he is, the State of New York will charge Bannon with multiple felonies.
haha sure sure just like they are gonna charge trump with tax fraud…anyway
1) all yoj needed was one to undo xiden and the dems racist bill
2) i don’t have a script to that newspaper
3) The dems great society “war on poverty” that just made more people poorer and dependent…the dems love poor dependent people
4) so you do t care about poor people here…thought so
5) just because someone is black doesn’t mean they are going to be dependent a poor
6). read your link…it’s right in it
7) nope it was dems…dems fought against civil rights for 100 plus years…hell thy fought against the 13th amendment..learn your history
8) haha demaklan
democrats like poor, dependent people, he says. What a hoot, Biggest recipients of Snap, right wing run states , the biggest recipients of welfare, right wing states , dumbest and worse educated, right wing states, the biggest recipient of fed money taking way more out than they contribute , right wing states , who pays for them? Democratic states. Worst place to raise a family , right wing states, most rapes, right wing states , the worst homicide right wing states, the worst homicide by guns , right wing states , most criminal , right wing states. SHOULD I GO ON>
haha sure sure just like they are gonna charge trump with tax fraud…anyway
NYAG Letitia James has been rattling Trump's cage for over two years. Think she won't go after a slug like Bannon?

democrats like poor, dependent people, he says. What a hoot, Biggest recipients of Snap, right wing run states , the biggest recipients of welfare, right wing states , dumbest and worse educated, right wing states, the biggest recipient of fed money taking way more out than they contribute , right wing states , who pays for them? Democratic states. Worst place to raise a family , right wing states, most rapes, right wing states , the worst homicide right wing states, the worst homicide by guns , right wing states , most criminal , right wing states. SHOULD I GO ON>
the largest taker of snap and welfare is cali and it’s not even close
NYAG Letitia James has been rattling Trump's cage for over two years. Think she won't go after a slug like Bannon?
yeah all those criminal charges against trump she’s broghr! haha
she’s a demafasict abusing her office, i wouldn’t be surprised if she goes after political rivals like bannon

that’s what they do
Uh, no. The majority of the people testifying are Trump appointees who worked in the W.H. like Cippolene & Barr who saw it all. There are a few lackeys like Meadows who lawyered up & are hidng under their desks because they're cowards.

Next on the list headed off to jail? Navarro. Think good old Pete is going to the slammer to protect Trump? Heh, heh, heh.
No one's going to jail. Don't you understand this is just theater to keep you useful idiots interested until election day? Slow learners.
The ones already passed and implemented are tearing the country apart and severely alienating the voting bloc.
Sure they are. 😄

Not the adamant refusal of one party and their leader from admitting they lost an election though. That's having little effect.
Very doubtful they'll make criminal referrals. They don't have to. It's on the DOJ now.

Maybe you didn't know that, either.
They have been crowing that crap since day one of their 'hearing'......guess you didn't realize that.
Because in 2022 Conservative = scum. They have been destroying themselves since the 1981 trickle down lie. They earned this country's hatred.
Must be why the scum conservatives have attracted so many from the other side of the political spectrum, recently. November should be a wild ride.
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