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The orange cancer is "at war". That's why they don't care that Trump refused to stop the attack.

“We would expect them to make our borders porous,” Peroutka told the crowd, which had come to hear the Republicans running for state attorney general. “We would expect them to make our cities unsafe places to live. We would expect them to try to ruin our economy.” The country was “at war,” he explained, “and the enemy has co-opted members and agencies and agents of our government.”

They're at war. We're not. Shades of 9/11.
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Dealing with these Maga Maggots is like dealing with microbes. All they are good at is making you sick and have absolutely no redeeming value. Just read their points, or lack of points. They have nothing, except they don't like you, say you are dumb, attack your spelling and if they really feel cornered they bring in their only big guns they have , Hunter Biden. The funny part is no matter what the subject, it is the Maga maggots only response. Just read their empty-headed comments. This is a great place for people like me who have just average intelligence, but responding to these microbes make me look like Einstein.
If you follow the only right wing course projected here, it is just a challenge on who can out stupid others.
You seem all too familiar with Babble.

Another absolutely worthless irrelevant off topic and inane post from Naptime.

Maybe she belongs on iggy, too.

Hey, Naptime. Try something new for once. Try cobbling together a couple of “premises” followed by a related “conclusion,” support your premises and thereby craft an argument of any value — on topic.

Granted, this thread ain’t much of a topic. (It is stale news about a guy who got convicted of two whole misdemeanors!!!) 🙄

But you’re free to try the experiment on a worthwhile topic in a thread all your own!
Supporting Trump isn't a crime, thanks for admitting this is all a witch hunt and hoax cause your side has raging TDS though
Supporting Scum bag makes you a traitor to this country, anyone who supports the overthrow of our government and democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator is scum , bottom feeding scum and a traitor to this country. You clowns will get what you deserve in your lifetime and how history treats , that's every one of you MAGA maggots. There will be justice. That justice is the fact that as of now you are aligned to lose 3 more senators and if they time it right the hearings will take the automatic win from you of the house. IT is a automatic that in the interim elections the party that is out of power wins that election, that will not happen. Like I said, it will be in the timing. The earliest charges for scum bag will be best at the end of next years first quarter.
The only thing to save our democracy and country is that your hate party loses in the next election, and it is leaning that way every day, closer to the big flush of you turds. The turd traitors of the right.
Fingers in ears… stomping feet

Nope. Happy to read any transcripts you provide. Lefty vid links, at best start off with slow partisan shit and then continues with a stream of partisan shit with rare points scattered within.

And that's the best case scenario.

So, no. Not worth my time.
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