Bannon issues threats if Trump indicted

There is a good chance that, if such groups were really to become violent and overtly seditious, they might find the second amendment can also work against them.
Goddammit -


These goddamn partisans are so FUCKING STUPID it boggles the mind.

Are you fucking idiots listening to yourselves?

You're arguing about 11,000 votes here, 12,000 there... Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona.... you're fucking ARGUING about who's cheating more!

Can't you see you're being played? On BOTH sides?

Look here - why is this going on, all this arguing?

It's going on because WE DON'T HAVE SECURE ELECTIONS.

If we had secure elections, no one could ask anyone for votes, and there wouldn't be any questions about outcomes, and there wouldn't be any questions about cheating.

But instead of FIXING THE PROBLEM (which the Deep State could do in a heartbeat if it wanted to), they have you fuckers ARGUING about who cheated more.

Instead of spending your taxpayer money on a secure election system which would be a SOLUTION, they're keeping you partisans at loggerheads BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT SECURE ELECTIONS

Can't you see? This isn't about Trump, it:s about the Deep State manipulating you.

YOU. You're the one they're manipulating.

Because YOU'RE the one who's arguing.

But the truth is, today the Trumpers are on the butt end of the tally, but tomorrow when the Deep State changes it's mind the Libs will be in the butt end.

That's how these things go. Any security vulnerability is low hanging fruit for an exploit.

FIX THE VULNERABILITY. Don't let it remain open while you're arguing about who's doing the exploiting "today".

A Carlson/FAUX NEWS/OANN/NEWSMAX victim screeching about someone else being manipulated.


This isn't about Trump it is about protecting our democracy from a wanna be dictator and his sycophants.
It is about the crimes committed by Trump to overthrow our democracy and become the king he feels he deserves.
It is about the crimes committed by Trump's followers at his command.
If you've actually watched the hearings you'd see no one there is talking about the GOP or the Dems.
They're talking about crimes.
Crimes and the criminal codes don't say a damned word about the Republican or Democratic party.
Although many Republicans have expressed interest in criminalizing the Democratic party.
Stop trying to act bipartisan.
Your rant is nothing more than a demand to ignore Trump's crimes.
They will not be ignored.

A Carlson/FAUX NEWS/OANN/NEWSMAX victim screeching about someone else being manipulated.


Stupid leftie moron. ^^^

This isn't about Trump it is about protecting our democracy from a wanna be dictator and his sycophants.

In other words it's about Trump, darling.

You people aren't very bright.

It is about the crimes committed by Trump to overthrow our democracy and become the king he feels he deserves


It is about the crimes committed by Trump's followers at his command.


Are you brain dead or what?

If you've actually watched the hearings you'd see no one there is talking about the GOP or the Dems.
They're talking about crimes.

Yap yap yap. Bla bla bla.

No one is listening.

Crimes and the criminal codes don't say a damned word about the Republican or Democratic party.
Although many Republicans have expressed interest in criminalizing the Democratic party.
Stop trying to act bipartisan.
Your rant is nothing more than a demand to ignore Trump's crimes.
They will not be ignored.
Are all lefties this stupid?

This one is completely vacant.

And just think, this maroon votes.
I don't need to watch them since it's nothing but a clown show. WTF do you think they hired an ABC entertainment CEO to conduct the show? When has that ever been done in history of a US Congress?

The two groups of people I hate the most in life are thieves and liars. Since the Communist party leads in both, all I would do is get aggravated by watching it.
Even the Republican Secretary of State from Georgia testified against Trump. Was that fake news also?
Even the Republican Secretary of State from Georgia testified against Trump. Was that fake news also?
Today, Trump's own justice department, testified that he put pressure on them to corroborate that the election was stolen.

"What I'm asking you to do is just say that the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen." -- Donald Trump to acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue

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