Bannon: 'The Trump Presidency That We Fought For, Is Over.' WHEEE!

On another thread it says Bannon just made an official statement that he is GOING TO WAR FOR TRUMP...................and that is why he returned to Breitbart.

This may be a ROPE A DOPE...............

This thread also says that he plans to make the most of a Trump presidency. It sounds as if he's losing faith in Trump's ability to get things done and feels he could be better utilized as an outsider.
On another thread it says Bannon just made an official statement that he is GOING TO WAR FOR TRUMP...................and that is why he returned to Breitbart.

This may be a ROPE A DOPE...............

I don't know a great deal about this guy, but from what I have read and heard from the news, he is a hardcore anti-establishment, somewhat protectionist, economic nationalist. Which is what Trump campaigned on and the policies which the country believed were required to save the country from the bleeding. His latest interview was odd and I can't say I agree with all of his opinions, but certainly, his position to approach China as an enemy is valid, they are a serial human right abuser and the biggest threat to American dominance, maybe ever.

To me, I am guessing he is bitter and going to push Trump and his team hard through his news outlet to keep his promises. It's been said he had a board in his office with a full list of Trumps promises and checked them off as he went along. He will support the president where warranted, but also criticize and go at him and his team if he doesn't keep his word.

The reason Trump won is he was the protest vote, if he just becomes like another establishment GOP candidate who he beat in the primaries, he has a real uphill battle to beat the Democrats who will fill that voice through adept political presentation.
Will Congress have the balls to challenge the selection of Mueller INDEPENDENT COUNCIL............LOL........

As he picks DNC cash donors to stand with

Perhaps it's time to fire back....................Congress has that it.
On another thread it says Bannon just made an official statement that he is GOING TO WAR FOR TRUMP...................and that is why he returned to Breitbart.

This may be a ROPE A DOPE...............

This thread also says that he plans to make the most of a Trump presidency. It sounds as if he's losing faith in Trump's ability to get things done and feels he could be better utilized as an outsider.
Yes I read that................the purpose of the investigations is to stall Trump's agenda and make him quack and waddle like a duck.................Not to prosecute or drag on like a lead anchor for his term or at least until the next election cycle...................They couldn't impeach the dog catcher........LOL
View attachment 144602
Will Congress have the balls to challenge the selection of Mueller INDEPENDENT COUNCIL............LOL........

As he picks DNC cash donors to stand with

Perhaps it's time to fire back....................Congress has that it.
Why the hell with fire...........

Your side doing guys got evidence on anything yet....................perhaps we will not die of old age waiting for it.

Off topic aren't you?
But since you stumbled into this topic let me educate you. Mueller is going nowhere. He has the support of the entire United States Congress. You didn't know that did you.

Does he.......................Ummmm hate to tell you this it's a Congressman pushing this your ALL bit is a fabrication..........and nothing more.
On another thread it says Bannon just made an official statement that he is GOING TO WAR FOR TRUMP...................and that is why he returned to Breitbart.

This may be a ROPE A DOPE...............

I don't know a great deal about this guy, but from what I have read and heard from the news, he is a hardcore anti-establishment, somewhat protectionist, economic nationalist. Which is what Trump campaigned on and the policies which the country believed were required to save the country from the bleeding. His latest interview was odd and I can't say I agree with all of his opinions, but certainly, his position to approach China as an enemy is valid, they are a serial human right abuser and the biggest threat to American dominance, maybe ever.

To me, I am guessing he is bitter and going to push Trump and his team hard through his news outlet to keep his promises. It's been said he had a board in his office with a full list of Trumps promises and checked them off as he went along. He will support the president where warranted, but also criticize and go at him and his team if he doesn't keep his word.

The reason Trump won is he was the protest vote, if he just becomes like another establishment GOP candidate who he beat in the primaries, he has a real uphill battle to beat the Democrats who will fill that voice through adept political presentation.

I read an article related to what Eagle is talking about. It sounds to me like one of the groups he plans to go to war with are not only those in Congress but those he considered enemies in Trump's administration. And if the many reports over the months are true Kushner could be on his hit list. It could actually turn out well for Trump or be a complete disaster for his administration.
View attachment 144602
Will Congress have the balls to challenge the selection of Mueller INDEPENDENT COUNCIL............LOL........

As he picks DNC cash donors to stand with

Perhaps it's time to fire back....................Congress has that it.
Why the hell with fire...........

Your side doing guys got evidence on anything yet....................perhaps we will not die of old age waiting for it.
You obviously have no idea how a professional criminal investigation works. They don't leak information. This isn't the Trump White House. It's a totally professional endeavor by 16 of the toughest and most competent prosecutors in the country.
Trump's ass is grass. There will be a direct Russian connection IMO and his finances ... oh brother...he's as dirty as sin , has been all his life.... and Mueller will reveal it to the whole world WHEN ITS THE PROPER TIME.
On another thread it says Bannon just made an official statement that he is GOING TO WAR FOR TRUMP...................and that is why he returned to Breitbart.

This may be a ROPE A DOPE...............

I don't know a great deal about this guy, but from what I have read and heard from the news, he is a hardcore anti-establishment, somewhat protectionist, economic nationalist. Which is what Trump campaigned on and the policies which the country believed were required to save the country from the bleeding. His latest interview was odd and I can't say I agree with all of his opinions, but certainly, his position to approach China as an enemy is valid, they are a serial human right abuser and the biggest threat to American dominance, maybe ever.

To me, I am guessing he is bitter and going to push Trump and his team hard through his news outlet to keep his promises. It's been said he had a board in his office with a full list of Trumps promises and checked them off as he went along. He will support the president where warranted, but also criticize and go at him and his team if he doesn't keep his word.

The reason Trump won is he was the protest vote, if he just becomes like another establishment GOP candidate who he beat in the primaries, he has a real uphill battle to beat the Democrats who will fill that voice through adept political presentation.

I read an article related to what Eagle is talking about. It sounds to me like one of the groups he plans to go to war with are not only those in Congress but those he considered enemies in Trump's administration. And if the many reports over the months are true Kushner could be on his hit list. It could actually turn out well for Trump or be a complete disaster for his administration.
Pandora's box...............sometimes must be opened.................................

LOOK OUT .....................DUCK.

Off topic aren't you?
But since you stumbled into this topic let me educate you. Mueller is going nowhere. He has the support of the entire United States Congress. You didn't know that did you.

Does he.......................Ummmm hate to tell you this it's a Congressman pushing this your ALL bit is a fabrication..........and nothing more.

First of all, Mueller is a republican who has a resume that could make your pussygrabber weep.
Not one congressman will interfere with his investigation.
Trump is so scared he sent Mueller a note THANKING him for the investigation. Bet you didn't know that. I doubt Hannity covered that.
I don't know why shockedcanadian is so sure that the natural alternative to a failed Trump administration is the Democrats taking control. We could end up with an ACTUAL conservative as President. I've owned underwear longer than Trump has claimed to be a Republican.
On another thread it says Bannon just made an official statement that he is GOING TO WAR FOR TRUMP...................and that is why he returned to Breitbart.

This may be a ROPE A DOPE...............

I don't know a great deal about this guy, but from what I have read and heard from the news, he is a hardcore anti-establishment, somewhat protectionist, economic nationalist. Which is what Trump campaigned on and the policies which the country believed were required to save the country from the bleeding. His latest interview was odd and I can't say I agree with all of his opinions, but certainly, his position to approach China as an enemy is valid, they are a serial human right abuser and the biggest threat to American dominance, maybe ever.

To me, I am guessing he is bitter and going to push Trump and his team hard through his news outlet to keep his promises. It's been said he had a board in his office with a full list of Trumps promises and checked them off as he went along. He will support the president where warranted, but also criticize and go at him and his team if he doesn't keep his word.

The reason Trump won is he was the protest vote, if he just becomes like another establishment GOP candidate who he beat in the primaries, he has a real uphill battle to beat the Democrats who will fill that voice through adept political presentation.

I read an article related to what Eagle is talking about. It sounds to me like one of the groups he plans to go to war with are not only those in Congress but those he considered enemies in Trump's administration. And if the many reports over the months are true Kushner could be on his hit list. It could actually turn out well for Trump or be a complete disaster for his administration.

Bannon MAY be a loose cannon.

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