Barack Obama Is A Liar: He Approved Massive Surveillance On American Citizens...

Obama is a liar we all know it. He is getting what he deserves and if he doesn't call off his dogs he is going to end up destroying any approval he and his party has left. Maybe he agrees with me because the leaks stopped when Trump called his ass out.
Trump is a liar and we all know that. Trump is the one making a fool of himself. He and the Trump Davidians.
Both Barack Obama and his Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, have been proven to be liars. So why should we believe them when they say they didn't conduct surveillance on the Trump Campaign?

The former Director of National Intelligence under the Obama administration, James Clapper, denied there was a secret court order for surveillance at Trump Tower. Speaking on NBC's Meet The Press, Clapper said that in the national intelligence activity he oversaw, "there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president, the president-elect at the time, as a candidate or against his campaign."

Clapper's comments come after President Trump accused former President Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower in the last stages of the 2016 presidential campaign, and at the same time as the White House announced it would request a Congressional probe into whether Obama abused "executive branch investigative powers."

Some have pointed out the irony of relying on Clapper's word to deny Trump's word.

Senator Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat on the intelligence committee asked Clapper: “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions, or hundreds of millions, of Americans?”

Clapper replied, untruthfully: “No sir,” rubbing his head. “Not wittingly.”

After Snowden's documents confirmed Clapper lied, the former intelligence director offered a shifting series of explanations for his publicly uttered falsehood. He first said it was the “least untruthful” answer he could provide in an unclassified hearing. Later he said he misunderstood which particular communications collection program Wyden was asking about – despite Wyden’s staff alerting Clapper’s before the hearing as to the question – and apologized to the committee...

Read More:
James Clapper Denies Obama Wiretapped Trump | Zero Hedge

Do you want us to believe that Zero Hedge supposed to be credible? You must be desperate.

Zero Hedge is a pro Russian and anti American news media.'s on video what Clapper said.

And the New York Times back on Jan 20th already claimed that four agencies were in a "broad investigation" of Trump looking at Trump staff communications, and that information was forwarded to the White House. Think about that for a second. What authority did agencies have to wiretap Trump? Clapper said no authority was given by FISA.

Is Clapper lying? If so, why would he? If FISA gave the authority for wiretaps, then it would had all been perfectly "legal", although still very dubious. He's risking his career by making such an emphatic statement.
If FISA did not authorize any such wiretaps, then why was the FBI, CIA, Treasury Dept, and NSA wiretapping the Trump staff as the NYT reported? Was the NYT and every other MSM outlet lying about the "investigations" against Trump? We know for a fact Flynn was illegally wiretapped. If they were tapping the Russian ambassador as many liberals are trying to claim, then that recording would had been archived and secured and never used since an American was identified on it. Instead, it was leaked. So whoever was recording wasn't doing so according to FISA guidelines and committed a felony, even Rep. Jim Himes (D) on the House Intel Committee agrees with that.

So you know more than Rep. Senator Devin Nunes Chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee? Nunes a die hard supporter cannot even support Trump.
There was no evidence that Flynn phone was wiretapped. Somebody from your group just plug that in support of Trump. If there was an illegal wiretapped against Flynn your lying Trump could have came out blasting long before last Sunday morning. Don't you think?
Trump woke up Sunday morning, came out series of tweets, without discussing with his own team or advisers.......... *I just found out that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower*........... That is according to Breitbart a very reputable fake news media. Give me a break....
Our intelligence wiretapped or gather intelligence against Russian diplomats and others here in US. They do the same to us in Russia and other places they can get. That is called espionage that is going n since the early 50s. There is nothing new.

GOP Hill leaders back away from Trump on wiretap allegations

(CNN)The top Republicans investigating Russia's interference in the US election declined Tuesday to back up President Donald Trump's claims that then-President Barack Obama wiretapped his Manhattan headquarters last year -- leaving the White House on its own to explain the stunning allegation.

When pressed on whether he believed Trump's allegations, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes -- one of Trump's strongest supporters in the House and a member of his transition team -- brushed aside the President's allegations.

No evidence that Flynn was being tapped? It doesn't matter it the Russian was being tapped, once an American is identified the recording must undergo "minimization procedures" according to FISA rules. That was clearly violated as that recording was circulated around and leaked. The mishandling of that information is a felony.

But the is not all that happened. The NYT reported four agencies were monitoring wiretaps of several Trump staff members. So either they were spying on his staff directly, without warrants, or they were misusing wiretaps of Russians in violation of FISA. Either way, it was ILLEGAL. Which is exactly why Trump is demanding the intelligence oversight committee look into the matter. It is not up to the President to present evidence, that is what the committees get paid to do.

If the wiretaps were legal, then why hasn't the FBI released the warrants, or copies of the FISA authorization to tap Russians been released?

Yes there was no evidence that Flynn phone was wiretapped.
Again....... if Flynn was wiretapped....... Don't you think Trump coulda shoulda brought this up by now? Don't be ridiculous.
GOPs are abandoning Trump and he is on his own to prove this himself. He better come up something fast because his credibility are declining.
Even Nunes came out telling the media yesterday that Trump is a NEOPHYTE politician.

Just because Trump said something stupid like this ....... that doesn't mean it's true.

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