Barack Obama’s grovelling before the Russians is an embarrassment


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
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my gawd people, WAKE UP


By Nile Gardiner World Last updated: March 28th, 2012

79 Comments Comment on this article

Ronald Reagan, together with Margaret Thatcher, stood up to Moscow, and brought the Soviet Empire to its knees. In contrast, Barack Obama has gone on his knees to grovel before the Russians. The exchange between President Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev in Seoul was a display of supplication before a major strategic adversary on an issue of great importance for US national security – missile defence. The private conservation was picked up on microphone, and relayed by ABC News correspondent Jake Tapper:

Barack Obama’s comments are disturbing on several levels. First, they display a willingness to placate America’s enemies, and cede ground over issues of national interest. Second, Obama is linking foreign policy decision-making to the timetable of the US presidential election, openly telling the Russians that he will deliver when he is no longer constrained by seeking re-election. This demonstrates contempt for the American people, suggesting that what he tells the Russians may be completely different to his message at home. Third, they reveal a dismissive approach towards America’s friends in eastern and central Europe, as well as US allies in the Gulf states, who must be wondering now if they will be sold out next.

the rest with comments at..
Barack Obama
Got you AND the Russians fooled!!! Way to go Mr.President. :clap2:

BTW, what has he given away? :confused:
Romney and our resident fruitcakes are trying to start the Cold War all over again. Sick little minds and mean of soul.
Romney and our resident fruitcakes are trying to start the Cold War all over again. Sick little minds and mean of soul.

I'd rather have one good Cold War vs. the eight wars Obama currently has raging, asswipe.

No thanks, we'll go for No War. He'll probably earn his Peace Prize next year. Who's going to vote for Romney now with that rhetoric? :cuckoo:
Neonuts are delusion, Reagan didn't bring down the USSR or free the hostages.

Reagan did free the do you think he won the election against Carter?

And one of Reagan's signature accomplishments, and trust me..I think Reagan was one of our worst Presidents, was capitalizing on the fact that Gorbachev was looking to change the USSR and worked with him to do so..

I still think he should have been impeached and removed from office. The whole Iran-Contra thing was a horrible precedent.
We've spent billions of dollars on missile defense and what do we have to show for it. We've spent on a par with the APOLLO PROGRAM for THREE DECADES and WHAT DO WE HAVE TO SHOW FOR IT?
A working system? Nope. Successful tests? Nope. Practical applications in the civilian world? Nope.

Moronic low grade contard idiots can't recognize a boondoggle when they see one.

Or perhaps they've worked out how to identify REAL warheads from balloons? Nope?

Smart. Real Smart.
Neonuts are delusion, Reagan didn't bring down the USSR or free the hostages.

Reagan did free the do you think he won the election against Carter?

And one of Reagan's signature accomplishments, and trust me..I think Reagan was one of our worst Presidents, was capitalizing on the fact that Gorbachev was looking to change the USSR and worked with him to do so..

I still think he should have been impeached and removed from office. The whole Iran-Contra thing was a horrible precedent.

Iran was negotiating with Carter Admin to release the hostages until Reagan offered Iran weapons to hold the hostages.

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