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Barack Obama: Worst. President. Ever.

If Conservatives thought Obama was a great President it would mean:

1. We cut taxes on billionaires
2. We invaded Egypt, Libya and Syria
3. 10 million Americans would be without insurance
4. Gays would be back in the closet
5. GM and Chrysler would be bankrupt
6. The environment would be sold off to the capitalists

I think it is great that conservatives think Obama is the worst President ever

Remember all that time when the RW'ers used to say that Sarah Palin must be doing something right,

based on how upset she made the Democrats?

Well, let's be fair and use that line of thinking to describe Obama. Fair enough?
Tincede far left needs to deal with the fact that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

But you will never seem them acknowledge that the far left religion is a failure..
The far left are a tiny minority who you incredible power to.

Obama lied and people died!

yep, and the body count isn't over yet. they can add Hillary in that too

Is it up to 4500 Americans dead in Iraq?
Man o man I love me some crazy ass Republican Fascist in the Morning.

"This is one of those moments when you almost appreciate the parliamentary system, which can hold a vote of no confidence in the chief executive."

Robert Tracinski, Author of the OP's hit piece.
Man o man I love me some crazy ass Republican Fascist in the Morning.

"This is one of those moments when you almost appreciate the parliamentary system, which can hold a vote of no confidence in the chief executive."

Robert Tracinski, Author of the OP's hit piece.

Fascist? just talking about the obvious is now Fascist?

man on man you have to love the dramatic from the Obama cult followers. that's why we don't need another Obama like (Hillary, Bernie, etc) in 2016 folks
'we'll just get more of the dramatic like accusing people of Fascist
Man o man I love me some crazy ass Republican Fascist in the Morning.

"This is one of those moments when you almost appreciate the parliamentary system, which can hold a vote of no confidence in the chief executive."

Robert Tracinski, Author of the OP's hit piece.

Fascist? just talking about the obvious is now Fascist?

man on man you have to love the dramatic from the Obama cult followers. that's why we don't need another Obama like (Hillary, Bernie, etc) in 2016 folks
'we'll just get more of the dramatic like accusing people of Fascist

Wrapped in a flag.
Hes done his best to prevent calamity. He hasn't had much support at all really and I do believe he's struggled against bigotry.
Yup.....when you're losing an argument, always scream racism.
It's in their DNA
There are many things In my dna, but overconfidence is not one of them.

Obama is trying to cause world-wide turmoil.

It's the only thing he's any good at.

The fact that he's black is the only reason he hasn't been removed from office already. The GOP is too spineless to do it. Obama dared them to impeach him a few years ago. They figure now that he's 14 months from moving to Hawaii...why bother.
course I'm just 81.

if you drop the "1" you will be right on. :up:

Some of the assholes at this forum should have been around back in the mid thirties when everything in the country was screwed up thanks to ol' Republican Hoover. Men were standing in line waiting for a chance to work 12 hours for $0.75....not $0.75 an hour, $0.75 for 12 hours. When I was a pre schooler I saw grown men cry because they couldn't put food on the table. There were no unions... there were no benefits. My dad ruptured himself unloading skids in a box factory and the second day he missed they replaced him. If you wanted to work you sweated for 12 hours and hoped the foreman or straw boss liked the way you parted your hair. "Go Draw Your Pay!" were words nobody wanted to hear. That meant the slave driver had just terminated you. It's the same kind of scenario the Republicans are trying their best to return us to. They loved it....you know, the rich people.
If Conservatives thought Obama was a great President it would mean:

1. We cut taxes on billionaires
2. We invaded Egypt, Libya and Syria
3. 10 million Americans would be without insurance
4. Gays would be back in the closet
5. GM and Chrysler would be bankrupt
6. The environment would be sold off to the capitalists

I think it is great that conservatives think Obama is the worst President ever

Remember all that time when the RW'ers used to say that Sarah Palin must be doing something right,

based on how upset she made the Democrats?

Well, let's be fair and use that line of thinking to describe Obama. Fair enough?

The only effect Sarah had on the Democrats was that she inspired them to vote. What a goddamned idiot:

If Conservatives thought Obama was a great President it would mean:

1. We cut taxes on billionaires
2. We invaded Egypt, Libya and Syria
3. 10 million Americans would be without insurance
4. Gays would be back in the closet
5. GM and Chrysler would be bankrupt
6. The environment would be sold off to the capitalists

I think it is great that conservatives think Obama is the worst President ever

Remember all that time when the RW'ers used to say that Sarah Palin must be doing something right,

based on how upset she made the Democrats?

Well, let's be fair and use that line of thinking to describe Obama. Fair enough?

The only effect Sarah had on the Democrats was that she inspired them to vote. What a goddamned idiot:

If Conservatives thought Obama was a great President it would mean:

1. We cut taxes on billionaires
2. We invaded Egypt, Libya and Syria
3. 10 million Americans would be without insurance
4. Gays would be back in the closet
5. GM and Chrysler would be bankrupt
6. The environment would be sold off to the capitalists

I think it is great that conservatives think Obama is the worst President ever

Remember all that time when the RW'ers used to say that Sarah Palin must be doing something right,

based on how upset she made the Democrats?

Well, let's be fair and use that line of thinking to describe Obama. Fair enough?

The only effect Sarah had on the Democrats was that she inspired them to vote. What a goddamned idiot:

If Conservatives thought Obama was a great President it would mean:

1. We cut taxes on billionaires
2. We invaded Egypt, Libya and Syria
3. 10 million Americans would be without insurance
4. Gays would be back in the closet
5. GM and Chrysler would be bankrupt
6. The environment would be sold off to the capitalists

I think it is great that conservatives think Obama is the worst President ever

Remember all that time when the RW'ers used to say that Sarah Palin must be doing something right,

based on how upset she made the Democrats?

Well, let's be fair and use that line of thinking to describe Obama. Fair enough?

The only effect Sarah had on the Democrats was that she inspired them to vote. What a goddamned idiot:

If Conservatives thought Obama was a great President it would mean:

1. We cut taxes on billionaires
2. We invaded Egypt, Libya and Syria
3. 10 million Americans would be without insurance
4. Gays would be back in the closet
5. GM and Chrysler would be bankrupt
6. The environment would be sold off to the capitalists

I think it is great that conservatives think Obama is the worst President ever

Remember all that time when the RW'ers used to say that Sarah Palin must be doing something right,

based on how upset she made the Democrats?

Well, let's be fair and use that line of thinking to describe Obama. Fair enough?

The only effect Sarah had on the Democrats was that she inspired them to vote. What a goddamned idiot:

The Party of the barley 3 digit IQ President and his even dumber VP talking about idiots

If Conservatives thought Obama was a great President it would mean:

1. We cut taxes on billionaires
2. We invaded Egypt, Libya and Syria
3. 10 million Americans would be without insurance
4. Gays would be back in the closet
5. GM and Chrysler would be bankrupt
6. The environment would be sold off to the capitalists

I think it is great that conservatives think Obama is the worst President ever

Remember all that time when the RW'ers used to say that Sarah Palin must be doing something right,

based on how upset she made the Democrats?

Well, let's be fair and use that line of thinking to describe Obama. Fair enough?

The only effect Sarah had on the Democrats was that she inspired them to vote. What a goddamned idiot:

The Party of the barley 3 digit IQ President and his even dumber VP talking about idiots


He was RE-elected to the highest office in the country in the middle of one of the worst recessions in our country's history....and you numbnuts assholes can't even figure out why it happened. Let me enlighten you...when Romulus referred to the 47% that the party doesn't even care about he not only cut his throat he cut the Republican party's throat:

Last edited:
CrusaderFrank supports Trump, a bigger and badder Progressive than FDR and Obama combined.
What a patently stupid thing to say. Have you totally given up on even attempting to appear relevant? Cuz now you sound straight up insane.
The Great Goose said:
Lumpy 1 said:
Wow, you're totally wrong.
I WAS wrong, now I know.

You seem okay to me, we don't have to agree...:popcorn:
Except you think Obama is a failure and i dont.

Such is life, if you believed in capitalism and were a conservative you'd be misrepresented as well..
Well, I have been told not to believe in capitalism and though i revere traditionalism, i am inovative at heart.

But, though Obama is a destructive personality, i dont begruge him his time. For the fact is, theGOP are crazy.
When you're raised to despise liberty and humanity, as you have been, it skews your perception of sanity, truth, and reason.
I knew we were in trouble from that Crowning, I mean of his swearing in ceremony that was the ugliest of any President I have lived under. You could tell from that how much he and the wife hated us and everything about us as a country.
this sums him up to a tee and my gawd we have another year to go

By Robert Tracinski
November 19, 2015

I still remember a lot of people telling me in 2006 that George W. Bush was the “worst president ever.”

They had no idea what they were talking about. This is what the “worst president ever” looks like. In his response to the attacks in Paris, Barack Obama has shown us a leader who is not just inadequate to his core responsibilities, but contemptuous of them.

It started Friday night with his first statement about the attacks. He was perfunctory, devoid of content, and utterly listless. His delivery was flat and without affect — expressing neither outrage nor sorrow — giving the impression that he had no desire to be in front of the cameras or to make any comment at all.


I don’t demand much out of an early press conference like this. The president still knows too few facts about the case and has not had time to formulate a detailed response. But he should at least look as if he cares. If France is “our oldest ally” and “represents the timeless values of human progress,” shouldn’t Obama be very engaged with what happens there?

By contrast, here was his same-day reaction to a mass shooting in Oregon six weeks earlier.


See especially the part about four minutes in. It’s clear that the prospect of imposing gun control domestically gets Obama riled up. Fighting the enemies of America overseas does not. But the first of these goals is actually prohibited to him by the Constitution — while the second is mandated for him. I don’t know if we’ve ever seen a president whose personal priorities are so out of sync with the actual demands of his office.

The administration’s reaction has only gotten worse as it has had more days to respond. On Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry let out the howler that the terrorist attack in France earlier this year — wiping out the headquarters of a satirical magazine that had offended radical Muslims — was kind of understandable.

There’s something different about what happened from Charlie Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that. There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of—not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, okay, they’re really angry because of this and that. This Friday was absolutely indiscriminate. It wasn’t to aggrieve one particular sense of wrong. It was to terrorize people.

To be sure, this sentiment didn’t come from Obama himself. But he hired Kerry, who has a record of making horribly insensitive statements. He is the same guy who thought a James Taylor song was an appropriate response to the Charlie Hebdo massacre — and Obama apparently agreed that this would make up for skipping out on an international unity rally in support of France. So maybe we know now why the administration couldn’t really get mobilized to show support for Charlie Hebdo: deep down, they thought the magazine had it coming.

Obama’s administration can’t even get the easy, symbolic stuff right. But the real problem is the substance of his response.

That brings us to Obama’s petty, peevish press conference on Monday. This is the president who infamously dismissed the Islamic State as the junior varsity squad and described it as “contained” just hours before the attacks in Paris. So naturally, he faced a flurry of questions challenging him on that. At which point, as Politico put it, “he appeared to lose patience with repeated questions about whether he underestimated the threat of the terror network.”

Even Democrats are concerned that “at times he was patronizing, at other times he seemed annoyed and almost dismissive.” Nothing was more dismissive than this comment:

If folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do, present a specific plan. If they think that somehow their advisors are better than the Chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff and the folks who are actually on the ground, I want to meet them. And we can have that debate. But what I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning, or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people, and to protect people in the region who are getting killed, and to protect our allies and people like France. I’m too busy for that.

This was supposed to show that he doesn’t give a damn what his critics think, but it just shows that he doesn’t give a damn. This is the point inadvertently made by a blogger who praised him and put the issue in no uncertain terms, though I have bowdlerized it a bit to make it publishable on a family website.

We’ve kinda suspected it before, but President Obama genuinely gives no [damns] at this point. He is [damn] devoid. [Damn] deficient. [Damn] deprived. [Damn] destitute. His cupboard of [damns] is barren; his tank of [damns] has been depleted. You know how, on cloudy nights, you might look up into the vast and endless sky and not find any stars? The same thing would happen if you looked at Obama and searched for [damns]. And this, this total absence of [damns], is where pop off came from.”

This is supposed to make Obama “cool,” I guess, because it shows that he is defying the “haters” — those “haters” being his critics back home, not the guys shooting people on the streets of Paris. But it actually shows contempt for pretty much everybody.

It’s contemptuous of some of his political allies, like Dianne Feinstein, who are concerned that the Islamic State is “not contained.” It’s contemptuous of the reporters who are asking him good, tough questions. And it’s contemptuous of the American people, who are suddenly concerned that attacks like the one in Paris are going to start happening in our own cities and who want some kind of reassurance that the president of the United States is on the job. They don’t want to be told that they are just “popping off,” or that the president isn’t taking their concerns seriously.

all of it here and we should all be hanging our heads in shame
Barack Obama: Worst. President. Ever.
You had your chance to remove him from office ...

Operation american spring | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

... and you blew it. I blame you.
I knew we were in trouble from that Crowning, I mean of his swearing in ceremony that was the ugliest of any President I have lived under. You could tell from that how much he and the wife hated us and everything about us as a country.
this sums him up to a tee and my gawd we have another year to go

By Robert Tracinski
November 19, 2015

I still remember a lot of people telling me in 2006 that George W. Bush was the “worst president ever.”

They had no idea what they were talking about. This is what the “worst president ever” looks like. In his response to the attacks in Paris, Barack Obama has shown us a leader who is not just inadequate to his core responsibilities, but contemptuous of them.

It started Friday night with his first statement about the attacks. He was perfunctory, devoid of content, and utterly listless. His delivery was flat and without affect — expressing neither outrage nor sorrow — giving the impression that he had no desire to be in front of the cameras or to make any comment at all.


I don’t demand much out of an early press conference like this. The president still knows too few facts about the case and has not had time to formulate a detailed response. But he should at least look as if he cares. If France is “our oldest ally” and “represents the timeless values of human progress,” shouldn’t Obama be very engaged with what happens there?

By contrast, here was his same-day reaction to a mass shooting in Oregon six weeks earlier.


See especially the part about four minutes in. It’s clear that the prospect of imposing gun control domestically gets Obama riled up. Fighting the enemies of America overseas does not. But the first of these goals is actually prohibited to him by the Constitution — while the second is mandated for him. I don’t know if we’ve ever seen a president whose personal priorities are so out of sync with the actual demands of his office.

The administration’s reaction has only gotten worse as it has had more days to respond. On Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry let out the howler that the terrorist attack in France earlier this year — wiping out the headquarters of a satirical magazine that had offended radical Muslims — was kind of understandable.

There’s something different about what happened from Charlie Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that. There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of—not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, okay, they’re really angry because of this and that. This Friday was absolutely indiscriminate. It wasn’t to aggrieve one particular sense of wrong. It was to terrorize people.

To be sure, this sentiment didn’t come from Obama himself. But he hired Kerry, who has a record of making horribly insensitive statements. He is the same guy who thought a James Taylor song was an appropriate response to the Charlie Hebdo massacre — and Obama apparently agreed that this would make up for skipping out on an international unity rally in support of France. So maybe we know now why the administration couldn’t really get mobilized to show support for Charlie Hebdo: deep down, they thought the magazine had it coming.

Obama’s administration can’t even get the easy, symbolic stuff right. But the real problem is the substance of his response.

That brings us to Obama’s petty, peevish press conference on Monday. This is the president who infamously dismissed the Islamic State as the junior varsity squad and described it as “contained” just hours before the attacks in Paris. So naturally, he faced a flurry of questions challenging him on that. At which point, as Politico put it, “he appeared to lose patience with repeated questions about whether he underestimated the threat of the terror network.”

Even Democrats are concerned that “at times he was patronizing, at other times he seemed annoyed and almost dismissive.” Nothing was more dismissive than this comment:

If folks want to pop off and have opinions about what they think they would do, present a specific plan. If they think that somehow their advisors are better than the Chairman of my Joint Chiefs of Staff and the folks who are actually on the ground, I want to meet them. And we can have that debate. But what I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of American leadership or America winning, or whatever other slogans they come up with that has no relationship to what is actually going to work to protect the American people, and to protect people in the region who are getting killed, and to protect our allies and people like France. I’m too busy for that.

This was supposed to show that he doesn’t give a damn what his critics think, but it just shows that he doesn’t give a damn. This is the point inadvertently made by a blogger who praised him and put the issue in no uncertain terms, though I have bowdlerized it a bit to make it publishable on a family website.

We’ve kinda suspected it before, but President Obama genuinely gives no [damns] at this point. He is [damn] devoid. [Damn] deficient. [Damn] deprived. [Damn] destitute. His cupboard of [damns] is barren; his tank of [damns] has been depleted. You know how, on cloudy nights, you might look up into the vast and endless sky and not find any stars? The same thing would happen if you looked at Obama and searched for [damns]. And this, this total absence of [damns], is where pop off came from.”

This is supposed to make Obama “cool,” I guess, because it shows that he is defying the “haters” — those “haters” being his critics back home, not the guys shooting people on the streets of Paris. But it actually shows contempt for pretty much everybody.

It’s contemptuous of some of his political allies, like Dianne Feinstein, who are concerned that the Islamic State is “not contained.” It’s contemptuous of the reporters who are asking him good, tough questions. And it’s contemptuous of the American people, who are suddenly concerned that attacks like the one in Paris are going to start happening in our own cities and who want some kind of reassurance that the president of the United States is on the job. They don’t want to be told that they are just “popping off,” or that the president isn’t taking their concerns seriously.

all of it here and we should all be hanging our heads in shame
Barack Obama: Worst. President. Ever.
You had your chance to remove him from office ...

Operation american spring | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

... and you blew it. I blame you.

I love it......Obama is in the final year of two terms as U S president and he doesn't even have a birth certificate

Everybody knows he was born in Hong Kong Peru
CrusaderFrank supports Trump, a bigger and badder Progressive than FDR and Obama combined.
What a patently stupid thing to say. Have you totally given up on even attempting to appear relevant? Cuz now you sound straight up insane.
kg, you are loon. The entire board knows it. Trump is a progressive statist. He supports the Iran deal. He wants single payer health care. He wants heavier taxes on the rich. He is for looser controls on abortion. He approves water board and torture. He tells the Big Lie. Girl, he makes FDR and Obama seem small peanuts in comparison.
The far left needs to deal with the fact that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

But you will never seem them acknowledge that the far left religion is a failure..

Yep.....but they didn't have to see their brother and his concubine steal the election. There's no way in hell that George W. Bush would have won that election without his brother and the supreme court............take that truth to the bank
The far left needs to deal with the fact that they voted for worse than Bush twice.

But you will never seem them acknowledge that the far left religion is a failure..

Yep.....but they didn't have to see their brother and his concubine steal the election. There's no way in hell that George W. Bush would have won that election without his brother and the supreme court............take that truth to the bank

LOL...you either can't read or you don't want to
Counting Up Obama’s Cataclysmic Foreign Policy Failures



With the Islamic State expanding its reach after two key victories in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s Anbar Province, and Palmyra, a strategically important city in Syria, it might a good time to ask: What are the worst foreign policy failures of Barack Obama’s presidency? The list is long; here are several to choose from.

1. The Rise of ISIS. President Obama failed to anticipate the rise of ISIS, which he ridiculed as a “jayvee team” as recently as last year, and he has since failed to do anything effective to impede it. ISIS had established territory in large parts of Syria and Iraq; it now “controls a volume of resources and territory unmatched in the history of extremist organizations.” Under Mr. Obama’s watch, a jihadist caliphate has been established in the heart of the Middle East — and the president has no strategy to deal with it.

2. Losing the War in Iraq. President Obama’s predecessor handed to him a war that had been won. Don’t take my word for it; take the word of Mr. Obama and his vice president. On December 14, 2011, in welcoming troops home at Ft. Bragg as he was ending the American presence in Iraq, the president declared “we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.” It was, the commander-in-chief said, a “moment of success.” A year earlier Vice President Joe Biden put it this way: “I am very optimistic about Iraq. I think it’s going to be one of the great achievements of this administration.” All our hard-earned achievements were undone by the president’s determined commitment to withdraw all American troops from Iraq during his presidency. He did what he was determined to do and, as a result, Iraq is collapsing and Iran is rushing in, increasing its influence to an unprecedented degree.

3. Failing to Aid Iran’s Green Revolution. In the summer of 2009, a revolution in Iran threatened to topple the mullahs. Leaders of the so-called “Green Revolution” pleaded for support. They got none. President Obama, in saying he “want[ed] to avoid the United States being the issue inside Iran”, did nothing to aid the pro-democracy elements that were seeking to overthrow the Islamic theocracy. Whether our assistance would have altered the course of events is impossible to know — but the president, in essentially casting his lot with the Iranian regime during its most vulnerable period since the 1979 revolution, ensured the democratic uprising would fail. And with it, our best chance of the Middle East cleansing itself of the most malignant and dangerous regime on earth.

4. Triggering a Nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has long advocated a Middle East free of nuclear weapons. But President Obama’s determined effort to strike a deal with Iran, in which all the important concessions are made by us and none by the Iranians, has petrified our traditional Sunni allies in the region. Fearful of Iran, nations like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and others are now considering and/or preparing to acquire nuclear weapons. Saudi Arabia’s former intelligence chief and ex-ambassador to Washington, Prince Turki al Faisal, declared in March that whatever Iran gets in its nuclear deal with the United States, “we will want the same.” Ibrahim al-Marie, a retired Saudi colonel and a security analyst in Riyadh, put it this way: “Our leaders will never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon while we don’t. If Iran declares a nuclear weapon, we can’t afford to wait 30 years more for our own—we should be able to declare ours within a week.” The president’s effort to strike a deal with Iran, then, is triggering a nuclear arms race in the world’s most volatile region, with the risks of nuclear war increased by the threat of terrorist groups acquiring radioactive material.

5. Erasing the “Red Line” in Syria. In 2012, President Obama said Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad — who the previous year was referred to as a “reformer” by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — should step down and that the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime against rebel forces would constitute crossing a “red line.” Mr. Assad crossed the red line, and President Obama did nothing. The brutal Syrian leader is still in power, Syria is being torn apart by a civil war in which around a quarter of a million people have died, around four million have fled as refugees, and around eight million have been internally displaced. Syria’s neighbors are being destabilized. And an unmistakable message of weakness was sent by Mr. Obama and received by every adversary and ally of the United States: Mr. Obama’s words and threats are worthless.

Counting Up Obama's Cataclysmic Foreign Policy Failures - Commentary Magazine

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