Barack Obama's Legacy

Second, the dixiecrats started becoming republic ones in 1964 because of some law passed about race. Anyone with half of an idiots brain understands those facts.
Here is a quick history lesson for you, you dumb high school dropout...

Second, the dixiecrats started becoming republic ones in 1964 because of some law passed about race. Anyone with half of an idiots brain understands those facts.
Here is a quick history lesson for you, you dumb high school dropout...

I posted the truth. So the best thing for you would be to get at least half an idiots brain.
I posted the truth. So the best thing for you would be to get at least half an idiots brain.
No. You didn’t. Which is why you just got owned. It’s why you can’t explain why the Republican Party doesn’t have 85% of the population (since all of the “racists” from the Dumbocrats came over to our side).
The legacy of MaObama is a sad and ugly legacy...
Barack Obama approached foreign relations like stumping for prom king. The Obama administration’s foreign policy was marked by deference to international organizations, appeasement of enemies like Iran, a willful ignorance of the ISIS threat, a failed “pivot” on China, an abandonment of Iraq and strained relationships with allies like Israel.
He was rude and combative towards England and Israel while he dropped to his knees to appease Iran, Russia, and Cuba.

The Trump Doctrine takes shape as 2018 comes to a close
Isn’t it “funny” how a tweet from President Trump about the fake news has the left falling to their knees and screaming in utter terror over the “war on the media” and yet they worshipped Barack Obama who waged an actual and literal war on the media?
The Obama administration’s Justice Department launched more leak investigations under the World War I-era Espionage Act than any other administration in history
What happened to the journalist who broke that story? Well, he was targeted by the Obama Administration.
The Obama administration targeted Risen with a subpoena to force him to reveal his sources.
But...the Obama reign of terror didn’t end there.
In a separate case, the Obama Justice Department named then-Fox News Channel reporter James Rosen as an unindicted co-conspirator. The Justice Department also seized the phone records of Rosen’s parents.
Can you imagine what would happen if the Trump Administration seized the phone records of the parents of a journalist?!? And it wasn’t just Risen and Rosen. The Obama Administration also spied on journalist Sharyl Attkisson (who still has a lawsuit going against them). And, as slanted left as the media is, they even admitted that information was more readily available and forthcoming under President Bush than Obama (who had campaigned on the “most transparent administration ever”).

7 Presidents Tougher Than Trump on the Media
Historians, particularly those that are asked to rate the presidents simply know their history better than most posters.
Boom! Just remember this years from now regent when your precious “historians” (ie progressive propagandists) work really hard to convince future generations that this complete failure and jack-ass was actually a real-life superhero. He even finished behind Richard freaking Nixon.
And 45% of Americans think the U.S. would be better off if Mitt Romney had been elected President in 2012, according to the poll
The nation would have been exponentially better off if we had gotten Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Now sit back and watch the left-wing propagandists do what they do - attempt to rewrite history.

Obama is the Worst President Since World War II, Poll Says
While the left will inevitably do what they do best (attempt to replace history with propaganda), here is the true legacy of the Barack Obama presidency...

1. The non-stimulating stimulus. Obama’s $750,000,000-plus stimulus plan retarded economic recovery, but it did manage to shatter by gargantuan amounts the record for annual federal budget deficits and set us on the path of approximately doubling the national debt during Obama’s eight years.

2. The unconstitutional takeover/reorganization of General Motors and Chrysler. Obama shredded over 200 years of settled bankruptcy law by placing unsecured creditors (UAW) ahead of the secured creditors (bondholders) of those companies.

3. Seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. Obama abandoned the winning Bush/Petraeus surge strategy in Iraq, destabilizing that key country, pushing it closer to Iran as well as opening the door for Isis.

4. Allowing the American military to fall into a state of disrepair. Well, at least he has made sure that the Navy is using expensive biofuels instead of cheap petroleum.

5. Loss of American stature in the world. Jimmy Carter-like, he has sought to charm America’s enemies (the Castros and the Iranian ayatollahs) while disrespecting old allies like the UK and newer allies like Poland. Through his indecisiveness with Syria, his bumbling interference in Libya, his capitulation to the Iranian mullahs, his passive acquiescence to Putin’s takeover of Crimea, and his obvious belief that America owes the world apologies instead of strong leadership, he has greatly reduced respect for our country around the globe.

6. Obamacare. ‘Nuff said.

7. Dodd-Frank and its wicked spawn, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Ditto.

8. Hostility to fossil fuels. Using the EPA and other regulatory agencies, he has done everything he could to cripple the domestic production of cheap, reliable fossil fuels and given subsidies to political cronies and others producing green boondoggles.

9. Disrespect for our system of government. He has shown contempt for our Constitution, for anyone who resists his power grabs, and for the American people, particularly the middle class. He seems to have tried to reduce the United States of America to a banana republic by governing in the manner of a Latin American caudillo.

10. Weak support for police and an increase of racial tensions. You know it’s bad when the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations is so frustrated that he publicly accuses the President of the United States of waging “war on cops.”

10 things you won’t see the mainstream media talk about in the last 100 days of Obama’s presidency
Just a couple of small points.
Codpiece George signed getting out of Iraq before Obama came in.
Obama inherited losing 750000 jobs a month.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts. You didn't get one.
Omg he hindered coal miners dying at 50?
Oil and gas darlin.
Sort of like the stagecoach, progress
I'm still looking for actual charges, not your small minded opinions.
Dare I guess where 10 things came from?
Just a couple of small points.
Each one of them dumb as hell and weak as shit.
Codpiece George signed getting out of Iraq before Obama came in.
Doesn’t matter what his predecessor does. Once sworn in, the sitting President becomes Commander in Chief. He didn’t care that GWB had cut taxes. Certainly didn’t let that stop him from completely reversing lower taxes.
Obama inherited losing 750000 jobs a month.
And promptly made it exponentially worse.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts. You didn't get one.
Uh...MaObama raised taxes, snowflake. Struggling with your propaganda today?
Omg he hindered coal miners dying at 50?
He also “hindered” desperately needed energy and affordable energy.
Oil and gas darlin.
Two things MaObama caused to be expensive and in short supply.
I'm still looking for actual charges, not your small minded opinions.
Charges of what?!? Da fuck are you talking about? You just responded to the first post of a thread I made. That post wasn’t a response to anything from you. :eusa_doh:
Just a couple of small points.
Each one of them dumb as hell and weak as shit.
Codpiece George signed getting out of Iraq before Obama came in.
Doesn’t matter what his predecessor does. Once sworn in, the sitting President becomes Commander in Chief. He didn’t care that GWB had cut taxes. Certainly didn’t let that stop him from completely reversing lower taxes.
Obama inherited losing 750000 jobs a month.
And promptly made it exponentially worse.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts. You didn't get one.
Uh...MaObama raised taxes, snowflake. Struggling with your propaganda today?
Omg he hindered coal miners dying at 50?
He also “hindered” desperately needed energy and affordable energy.
Oil and gas darlin.
Two things MaObama caused to be expensive and in short supply.
I'm still looking for actual charges, not your small minded opinions.
Charges of what?!? Da fuck are you talking about? You just responded to the first post of a thread I made. That post wasn’t a response to anything from you. :eusa_doh:
Do I really have to post the job creation graph?
Just a couple of small points.
Each one of them dumb as hell and weak as shit.
Codpiece George signed getting out of Iraq before Obama came in.
Doesn’t matter what his predecessor does. Once sworn in, the sitting President becomes Commander in Chief. He didn’t care that GWB had cut taxes. Certainly didn’t let that stop him from completely reversing lower taxes.
Obama inherited losing 750000 jobs a month.
And promptly made it exponentially worse.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts. You didn't get one.
Uh...MaObama raised taxes, snowflake. Struggling with your propaganda today?
Omg he hindered coal miners dying at 50?
He also “hindered” desperately needed energy and affordable energy.
Oil and gas darlin.
Two things MaObama caused to be expensive and in short supply.
I'm still looking for actual charges, not your small minded opinions.
Charges of what?!? Da fuck are you talking about? You just responded to the first post of a thread I made. That post wasn’t a response to anything from you. :eusa_doh:
Nice foul mouth again.
You still don't even know the origin of snowflake.
Original pro slavery white boys
I thought you would be proud to be one
Historians, particularly those that are asked to rate the presidents simply know their history better than most posters.
Boom! Just remember this years from now regent when your precious “historians” (ie progressive propagandists) work really hard to convince future generations that this complete failure and jack-ass was actually a real-life superhero. He even finished behind Richard freaking Nixon.
And 45% of Americans think the U.S. would be better off if Mitt Romney had been elected President in 2012, according to the poll
The nation would have been exponentially better off if we had gotten Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Now sit back and watch the left-wing propagandists do what they do - attempt to rewrite history.

Obama is the Worst President Since World War II, Poll Says
Thanks for the ancient 2014 poll.
Care to guess whose the worst in a 2018 poll!
Just a couple of small points.
Each one of them dumb as hell and weak as shit.
Codpiece George signed getting out of Iraq before Obama came in.
Doesn’t matter what his predecessor does. Once sworn in, the sitting President becomes Commander in Chief. He didn’t care that GWB had cut taxes. Certainly didn’t let that stop him from completely reversing lower taxes.
Obama inherited losing 750000 jobs a month.
And promptly made it exponentially worse.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts. You didn't get one.
Uh...MaObama raised taxes, snowflake. Struggling with your propaganda today?
Omg he hindered coal miners dying at 50?
He also “hindered” desperately needed energy and affordable energy.
Oil and gas darlin.
Two things MaObama caused to be expensive and in short supply.
I'm still looking for actual charges, not your small minded opinions.
Charges of what?!? Da fuck are you talking about? You just responded to the first post of a thread I made. That post wasn’t a response to anything from you. :eusa_doh:
What do you mean.?
George wouldn't agree to usa military being tried in Iraq.
Hence we got out.
What did you want O to do?
Invade again?
I'm sure brave boys like you would have been on the front line.
Historians, particularly those that are asked to rate the presidents simply know their history better than most posters.
Boom! Just remember this years from now regent when your precious “historians” (ie progressive propagandists) work really hard to convince future generations that this complete failure and jack-ass was actually a real-life superhero. He even finished behind Richard freaking Nixon.
And 45% of Americans think the U.S. would be better off if Mitt Romney had been elected President in 2012, according to the poll
The nation would have been exponentially better off if we had gotten Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Now sit back and watch the left-wing propagandists do what they do - attempt to rewrite history.

Obama is the Worst President Since World War II, Poll Says
Try the 2018 poll, guess who.
A hoot, historians now equal progressives
Nothing like a both sides mind
Enjoying your socialist Medicare and SS ?
Historians, particularly those that are asked to rate the presidents simply know their history better than most posters.
Boom! Just remember this years from now regent when your precious “historians” (ie progressive propagandists) work really hard to convince future generations that this complete failure and jack-ass was actually a real-life superhero. He even finished behind Richard freaking Nixon.
And 45% of Americans think the U.S. would be better off if Mitt Romney had been elected President in 2012, according to the poll
The nation would have been exponentially better off if we had gotten Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Now sit back and watch the left-wing propagandists do what they do - attempt to rewrite history.

Obama is the Worst President Since World War II, Poll Says
I presume you are a millionaire like me?
Did great under Obama, you??
I bet you did too but just like to whine
While the left will inevitably do what they do best (attempt to replace history with propaganda), here is the true legacy of the Barack Obama presidency...

1. The non-stimulating stimulus. Obama’s $750,000,000-plus stimulus plan retarded economic recovery, but it did manage to shatter by gargantuan amounts the record for annual federal budget deficits and set us on the path of approximately doubling the national debt during Obama’s eight years.

2. The unconstitutional takeover/reorganization of General Motors and Chrysler. Obama shredded over 200 years of settled bankruptcy law by placing unsecured creditors (UAW) ahead of the secured creditors (bondholders) of those companies.

3. Seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. Obama abandoned the winning Bush/Petraeus surge strategy in Iraq, destabilizing that key country, pushing it closer to Iran as well as opening the door for Isis.

4. Allowing the American military to fall into a state of disrepair. Well, at least he has made sure that the Navy is using expensive biofuels instead of cheap petroleum.

5. Loss of American stature in the world. Jimmy Carter-like, he has sought to charm America’s enemies (the Castros and the Iranian ayatollahs) while disrespecting old allies like the UK and newer allies like Poland. Through his indecisiveness with Syria, his bumbling interference in Libya, his capitulation to the Iranian mullahs, his passive acquiescence to Putin’s takeover of Crimea, and his obvious belief that America owes the world apologies instead of strong leadership, he has greatly reduced respect for our country around the globe.

6. Obamacare. ‘Nuff said.

7. Dodd-Frank and its wicked spawn, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Ditto.

8. Hostility to fossil fuels. Using the EPA and other regulatory agencies, he has done everything he could to cripple the domestic production of cheap, reliable fossil fuels and given subsidies to political cronies and others producing green boondoggles.

9. Disrespect for our system of government. He has shown contempt for our Constitution, for anyone who resists his power grabs, and for the American people, particularly the middle class. He seems to have tried to reduce the United States of America to a banana republic by governing in the manner of a Latin American caudillo.

10. Weak support for police and an increase of racial tensions. You know it’s bad when the executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations is so frustrated that he publicly accuses the President of the United States of waging “war on cops.”

10 things you won’t see the mainstream media talk about in the last 100 days of Obama’s presidency

I stopped at a rest stop. Someone took a dump and didn't flush. Right then I thought - that is Obama's legacy.
Obama sabotaged the Sofa agreement negotiations by demanding not just the President of Iraq sign it but the entire Iraqi Counsel / Cabinet, something that had never been asked / done before.

Obama could have brought troops home, out of harm's way. He didn't.

Not only did he NOT bring troops home, he put more troops in harm's way -- he committed an International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without the request or permission of the govt / leader.

The Nobel Peace Prize Winner not only sided with the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - Al Qaeda - to help them take over Libya, not only did he finance / supply / arm terrorists, he invaded Syria....and before he left office he refused to take troops out of harm's way again.

Democrats who railed against Bush for an invasion we had no business engaging in defended / still defend the Nobel Peace Prize Winner for invading Syria.

Democrats who once said we are not the world's policeman and rebuked Bush for putting troops in harm's way defended / defend Obama for doing the same thing.

Obama said in his own memoir that in college he learned to be lime a chameleon ... All things to all people to get what he wanted / where he wanted to go.

He carried that with him until he left office.

Remember before he ever took office he declared he wanted to FUNDAMENTALLY Change the United States.
What do you mean.? George wouldn't agree to usa military being tried in Iraq. Hence we got out. What did you want O to do? Invade again? I'm sure brave boys like you would have been on the front line.
What do you mean? GWB wouldn’t agree to the military being “tried” in Iraq? What does that even mean? GWB sent the military into Iraq. He removed Saddam Hussein and assisted with installing a government by the Iraqi people.

I can’t tell if you’re a troll or if you’re just attempting to rewrite history.
But remember...according to the left...none of this ever happened :rolleyes:
The federal government in recent days has been issuing settlement checks to 100 right-of-center groups wrongfully targeted for their political beliefs under the Obama administration’s Internal Revenue Service.
Barack Obama actually weaponized departments within the federal government and then turned them on Americans. Unquestionably the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States.

Tea Party Groups Targeted by Lerner's IRS Receive Settlement Checks
Not a single original record and not a single archivist on site to assist researchers...
There will be NONE of Obama’s official presidential records on site — rather, the Obama Foundation will pay to have roughly 30 million pages of unclassified records digitized. There will also be no archivists on site to help professional researchers and historians.
Gee...I wonder why? If I were MaObama, I wouldn’t want an accurate historical record of my actions either.

The Obama Presidential Library That Isn't - Obama's Paper Records Will Be Digitized With ZERO Archivists on Site

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