Barack Obama's Legacy

Missed opportunity
Picked at old wounds instead of moving us to the next level.
So true. Many Americans thought once he was elected racial animosity would end. Instead it got worse.

O was nothing if not a corporatist. He could have bailed out the American people, instead he bailed out his big wealthy donors on Wall Street who caused the Great Recession. Plus he started several new wars. Passed a failed HC plan that he lied about repeatedly.

A black man in the White House firedc up all the racist fucks.

Obama's election just said there are enough people who see through skin color to over ride your hoard of ignorant, uneducated, racist fucks.
You must be confused. Where in my factual and accurate description of O’s presidency did I refer to his race?

Using your illogical position, you must hate white people because you hate Trump. See how dumb your position is?

Your post talked about race. Did you think Obama's race was a secret.

Look, assfuick, if you are going to be a racist, be it. Quit trying to pretend you aren't. Man up. Grow a fuckling pair.
What do you mean.? George wouldn't agree to usa military being tried in Iraq. Hence we got out. What did you want O to do? Invade again? I'm sure brave boys like you would have been on the front line.
What do you mean? GWB wouldn’t agree to the military being “tried” in Iraq? What does that even mean? GWB sent the military into Iraq. He removed Saddam Hussein and assisted with installing a government by the Iraqi people.

I can’t tell if you’re a troll or if you’re just attempting to rewrite history.

That means after the initial US invasion, Americans were in Iraq under a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), negotiated with the installed gov't of Iraq. Upon expiration, the Iraqis insisted US soldiers would be subject to Iraqi law under any new agreement.

That's what "tried in Iraq" means. You could look it up.
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
WASHINGTON — Lawyers for Gregory B. Craig, a White House counsel in the Obama administration, expect him to be indicted in the coming days on charges related to his work for the Russia-aligned government of Ukraine.
MaObama built his administration on “resetting” relations with Putin and Russia. Then he sucked up to Putin and Russia. Then he mocked anyone who stated that Putin and Russia were a geopolitical threat. And then he instructed his Administration to stand down when they found evidence that Putin and Russia were trying to influence the elections in favor of Hitlery Clinton.

Ex-Obama Counsel Expects to Be Charged Soon in Mueller-Related Case
Actually dickbag, he informed Congressional leadership who agreed with the actions taken.

If Obama would have announced that the Russians were working tro get Trump elected & he lost, you assfucks would be whining for the rest of your lives.

No body kisses Putin's ass like your orange buddy.

The Intel agencies said what happened & captain bone spurs believed Putin instead.
Because our intel lied like you.
Anther dumbass Trumpette believing Trump over 16 intel agencies.

Bush cheerry picked the intel to find an excuse to invade Iraq.
So you are saying they CAN be manipulated?
All roads from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
WASHINGTON — Lawyers for Gregory B. Craig, a White House counsel in the Obama administration, expect him to be indicted in the coming days on charges related to his work for the Russia-aligned government of Ukraine.
MaObama built his administration on “resetting” relations with Putin and Russia. Then he sucked up to Putin and Russia. Then he mocked anyone who stated that Putin and Russia were a geopolitical threat. And then he instructed his Administration to stand down when they found evidence that Putin and Russia were trying to influence the elections in favor of Hitlery Clinton.

Ex-Obama Counsel Expects to Be Charged Soon in Mueller-Related Case
Actually dickbag, he informed Congressional leadership who agreed with the actions taken.

If Obama would have announced that the Russians were working tro get Trump elected & he lost, you assfucks would be whining for the rest of your lives.

No body kisses Putin's ass like your orange buddy.

The Intel agencies said what happened & captain bone spurs believed Putin instead.
Because our intel lied like you.
Anther dumbass Trumpette believing Trump over 16 intel agencies.

Bush cheerry picked the intel to find an excuse to invade Iraq.
I don't think even I could have made you look any more stupid with this remark.
Missed opportunity
Picked at old wounds instead of moving us to the next level.
So true. Many Americans thought once he was elected racial animosity would end. Instead it got worse.

O was nothing if not a corporatist. He could have bailed out the American people, instead he bailed out his big wealthy donors on Wall Street who caused the Great Recession. Plus he started several new wars. Passed a failed HC plan that he lied about repeatedly.

Is racial animosity automatically the fault of the black guy?
The Legacy of Barack Obama isn't pretty, and its about to get some serious "sunshine."

A liar, a cowardly closeted cocksucker, a kleptocrat, a traitor, and a bigot.

That's the best way to sum it up in one sentence....
If Obama would have announced that the Russians were working tro get Trump elected & he lost, you assfucks would be whining for the rest of your lives.
Actually Real Dick, he instructed his entire administration to stand down and allow Russia to continue to interfere because they were working to get Hitlery elected. He loved Putin and Russia and he wanted a Dumbocrat in the White House.

That is a fact. And you are an angry little asshole.
If Obama would have announced that the Russians were working tro get Trump elected & he lost, you assfucks would be whining for the rest of your lives.
Actually Real Dick, he instructed his entire administration to stand down and allow Russia to continue to interfere because they were working to get Hitlery elected. He loved Putin and Russia and he wanted a Dumbocrat in the White House.

That is a fact. And you are an angry little asshole.

Why you directed that post to me is a mystery. I did not author the quote you attribute to me.

OTOH, how do you reconcile the cognitive dissonance created by Russia hacking and releasing DNC emails, to the Democratic Party's detriment, and Trumpkins claiming Russia wanted a Democrat in the White House?
If Obama would have announced that the Russians were working tro get Trump elected & he lost, you assfucks would be whining for the rest of your lives.
You mean like how you weak, homosexual, snowflakes have been doing for two had a half years now? :laugh:
If Obama would have announced that the Russians were working tro get Trump elected & he lost, you assfucks would be whining for the rest of your lives.
Actually Real Dick, he instructed his entire administration to stand down and allow Russia to continue to interfere because they were working to get Hitlery elected. He loved Putin and Russia and he wanted a Dumbocrat in the White House.

That is a fact. And you are an angry little asshole.

Why you directed that post to me is a mystery. I did not author the quote you attribute to me.

OTOH, how do you reconcile the cognitive dissonance created by Russia hacking and releasing DNC emails, to the Democratic Party's detriment, and Trumpkins claiming Russia wanted a Democrat in the White House?
I corrected it within a minute or two. Patience man. Patience.
If Obama would have announced that the Russians were working tro get Trump elected & he lost, you assfucks would be whining for the rest of your lives.
Actually Real Dick, he instructed his entire administration to stand down and allow Russia to continue to interfere because they were working to get Hitlery elected. He loved Putin and Russia and he wanted a Dumbocrat in the White House.

That is a fact. And you are an angry little asshole.

Why you directed that post to me is a mystery. I did not author the quote you attribute to me.

OTOH, how do you reconcile the cognitive dissonance created by Russia hacking and releasing DNC emails, to the Democratic Party's detriment, and Trumpkins claiming Russia wanted a Democrat in the White House?
I corrected it within a minute or two. Patience man. Patience.

Now, about that cognitive dissonance....
OTOH, how do you reconcile the cognitive dissonance created by Russia hacking and releasing DNC emails, to the Democratic Party's detriment, and Trumpkins claiming Russia wanted a Democrat in the White House?
1.) Because an investigation by the intelligence immunity showed that Russia was taking out pro-Hitlery ads on Facebook. It’s been well documented. How convenient that you just happen to miss that.

2.) Russia didn’t release DNC emails - WikiLeaks did. There is 0 affiliation between WikiLeaks and Russia.
OTOH, how do you reconcile the cognitive dissonance created by Russia hacking and releasing DNC emails, to the Democratic Party's detriment, and Trumpkins claiming Russia wanted a Democrat in the White House?
1.) Because an investigation by the intelligence immunity showed that Russia was taking out pro-Hitlery ads on Facebook. It’s been well documented. How convenient that you just happen to miss that.

2.) Russia didn’t release DNC emails - WikiLeaks did. There is 0 affiliation between WikiLeaks and Russia.
Every intelligence agency said the Rissians were interfering & helping Trump.

Why do you think that was a good thing?
If Obama would have announced that the Russians were working tro get Trump elected & he lost, you assfucks would be whining for the rest of your lives.
Actually Real Dick, he instructed his entire administration to stand down and allow Russia to continue to interfere because they were working to get Hitlery elected. He loved Putin and Russia and he wanted a Dumbocrat in the White House.

That is a fact. And you are an angry little asshole.
lying fuck.

You assfucks & your fake "stand down" orders.
Bush cheerry picked the intel to find an excuse to invade Iraq.
True. But it needed to be done. He should have simply said “Saddam’s time is up and I don’t need a reason”.
Nothing like pissing on that piece of Trash Constitution. Right Mr Fake Patriot. How did that work out? You & Your buddies killed 4600 solders & we got nothing.

Further more, you assfucks strengthened Iran by taking out their number one enemy. So as you & Trump whine about Iran, look in the fucking mirror asshole because you made then stronger.

Jesus fuck you people are dumber than shit.
The Legacy of Barack Obama isn't pretty, and its about to get some serious "sunshine."

A liar, a cowardly closeted cocksucker, a kleptocrat, a traitor, and a bigot.

That's the best way to sum it up in one sentence....

IN your tiny mnd
Nice foul mouth.
Trump u?
The Legacy of Barack Obama isn't pretty, and its about to get some serious "sunshine."

A liar, a cowardly closeted cocksucker, a kleptocrat, a traitor, and a bigot.

That's the best way to sum it up in one sentence....

IN your tiny mnd
Nice foul mouth.
Trump u?

Care to explain how the former Cocksucker in Chief is now worth over $400 million?

Did he make that as a gay coke dealing pimp = source HUFFPO?
The Legacy of Barack Obama isn't pretty, and its about to get some serious "sunshine."

A liar, a cowardly closeted cocksucker, a kleptocrat, a traitor, and a bigot.

That's the best way to sum it up in one sentence....

IN your tiny mnd
Nice foul mouth.
Trump u?

Care to explain how the former Cocksucker in Chief is now worth over $400 million?

Did he make that as a gay coke dealing pimp = source HUFFPO?
We wrote books./ Since you are too fucking stupid to read, you wouldn't know this.

You people are dumber than shit.

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