Barack Obama's Legacy

Missed opportunity
Picked at old wounds instead of moving us to the next level.
So true. Many Americans thought once he was elected racial animosity would end. Instead it got worse.

O was nothing if not a corporatist. He could have bailed out the American people, instead he bailed out his big wealthy donors on Wall Street who caused the Great Recession. Plus he started several new wars. Passed a failed HC plan that he lied about repeatedly.

A black man in the White House firedc up all the racist fucks.

Obama's election just said there are enough people who see through skin color to over ride your hoard of ignorant, uneducated, racist fucks.
I voted for him. Valid critique and criticism is not racist, try something besides that worn out bogus default response.
Missed opportunity
Picked at old wounds instead of moving us to the next level.
So true. Many Americans thought once he was elected racial animosity would end. Instead it got worse.

O was nothing if not a corporatist. He could have bailed out the American people, instead he bailed out his big wealthy donors on Wall Street who caused the Great Recession. Plus he started several new wars. Passed a failed HC plan that he lied about repeatedly.

A black man in the White House firedc up all the racist fucks.

Obama's election just said there are enough people who see through skin color to over ride your hoard of ignorant, uneducated, racist fucks.
I voted for him. Valid critique and criticism is not racist, try something besides that worn out bogus default response.
Look assfuck, when I respond to a post that cites race relations, then it is about race. I call out racist posts. You defendr them.

So fuck off,
Trump had help from the Russians. Proven fact.
That is not whining.
Uh...that is actually a proven lie. Russia took out ads with Facebook supporting Hitlery Clinton and making false and outrageous accusations against Donald Trump. Russia also compiled the false information for the Christopher Steele dossier.

Any other lies you'd like to try? I'll own your sorry ass at this content all day long. I'm extremely well versed in it.
Every intelligence agency said the Rissians were interfering & helping Trump.
No, they didn't, real liar. They proved that Russia had as many anti-Trump ads on Facebook as anyone else. And, Russia provided the false information on the Christopher Steele dossier. That's just a simple, indisputable fact.

Where was Russia's false information for a Hitlery Clinton dossier? Oops.
Missed opportunity
Picked at old wounds instead of moving us to the next level.
So true. Many Americans thought once he was elected racial animosity would end. Instead it got worse.

O was nothing if not a corporatist. He could have bailed out the American people, instead he bailed out his big wealthy donors on Wall Street who caused the Great Recession. Plus he started several new wars. Passed a failed HC plan that he lied about repeatedly.

A black man in the White House firedc up all the racist fucks.

Obama's election just said there are enough people who see through skin color to over ride your hoard of ignorant, uneducated, racist fucks.
I voted for him. Valid critique and criticism is not racist, try something besides that worn out bogus default response.
Look assfuck, when I respond to a post that cites race relations, then it is about race. I call out racist posts. You defendr them.

So fuck off,
Pussy. Try your fuck offs face to face. I voted for the guy first time. To observe later on that I felt disappointed in him
Is not racist but rather an observation from me as a participant in his Presidency.
Try some anger management or life in the real world. In the real world you can’t snowflake tell every dissenting experience to fuck off.
My solace is that soon you will pop off in front of somebody way crazier than I am and he will fuck you up far more than I could. That is comforting.
Actually Real Dick, he instructed his entire administration to stand down and allow Russia to continue to interfere because they were working to get Hitlery elected. He loved Putin and Russia and he wanted a Dumbocrat in the White House.

That is a fact. And you are an angry little asshole.
lying fuck. You assfucks & your fake "stand down" orders.
I told you I was well versed in this content, Real Dick. How embarrassing for you.
WASHINGTON — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered tostand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.
His own appointed "chief cyber official" testified before Congress that he was ordered to stand down by Obama. Let me know if you'd like me to make you my personal bitch again.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
Bush cheerry picked the intel to find an excuse to invade Iraq.
True. But it needed to be done. He should have simply said “Saddam’s time is up and I don’t need a reason”.
Nothing like pissing on that piece of Trash Constitution.
Hey Mr. Ignorant? The U.S. Constitution makes the President of the United States the sole Commander in Chief of the military.

God damn you are so dumb, it's scary.

And no, Real Dick, it wasn't a "war" no matter how desperately you want to paint it as such. We conducted military operations to oust a vicious dictator. We didn't plant the American flag. We didn't take over the nation. We removed a threat and turned the nation back over to the Iraq people.
So fuck off,
Pussy. Try your fuck offs face to face. I voted for the guy first time. To observe later on that I felt disappointed in him. Try some anger management or life in the real world. In the real world you can’t snowflake tell every dissenting experience to fuck off. My solace is that soon you will pop off in front of somebody way crazier than I am and he will fuck you up far more than I could. That is comforting.
Real Dave is a real dick. He's an original "internet tough guy" and he always sounds like a dumb asshole. I can only imagine how much he is hated in the real world by everyone who meets him.
Care to explain how the former Cocksucker in Chief is now worth over $400 million?
Did he make that as a gay coke dealing pimp = source HUFFPO?
We wrote books./ Since you are too fucking stupid to read, you wouldn't know this. You people are dumber than shit.
Who is "we"? You a pal of Obama? And what book has MaObama released since the end of his presidency? Bet you can't name one. :laugh:
lying fuck. You assfucks & your fake "stand down" orders.
Ohhh Real Dick...I just made you my bitch again.
WASHINGTON — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered tostand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.
How humiliating for you.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Bush cheerry picked the intel to find an excuse to invade Iraq.
True. But it needed to be done. He should have simply said “Saddam’s time is up and I don’t need a reason”.
Nothing like pissing on that piece of Trash Constitution.
Hey Mr. Ignorant? The U.S. Constitution makes the President of the United States the sole Commander in Chief of the military.

God damn you are so dumb, it's scary.

And no, Real Dick, it wasn't a "war" no matter how desperately you want to paint it as such. We conducted military operations to oust a vicious dictator. We didn't plant the American flag. We didn't take over the nation. We removed a threat and turned the nation back over to the Iraq people.
The President can not go to war on his own. He need Congress. Lying to Congress seems to be OK with you.

There are lots of dictators worse than Sadam. Why didn't we attack them? Could it be oil?
Actually Real Dick, he instructed his entire administration to stand down and allow Russia to continue to interfere because they were working to get Hitlery elected. He loved Putin and Russia and he wanted a Dumbocrat in the White House.

That is a fact. And you are an angry little asshole.
lying fuck. You assfucks & your fake "stand down" orders.
I told you I was well versed in this content, Real Dick. How embarrassing for you.
WASHINGTON — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered tostand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.
His own appointed "chief cyber official" testified before Congress that he was ordered to stand down by Obama. Let me know if you'd like me to make you my personal bitch again.

Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
It was determined that more damage would be done to the election process by this becoming public.
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Care to explain how the former Cocksucker in Chief is now worth over $400 million?
Did he make that as a gay coke dealing pimp = source HUFFPO?
We wrote books./ Since you are too fucking stupid to read, you wouldn't know this. You people are dumber than shit.
Who is "we"? You a pal of Obama? And what book has MaObama released since the end of his presidency? Bet you can't name one. :laugh:
Typo deal with it
There are lots of dictators worse than Sadam. Why didn't we attack them? Could it be oil?
Then where is all of the oil? Why did we turn the entire nation over to the Iraqi’s (including all oil)?

Seriously man...Hollywood movies are make believe. They are not documentaries.
It was determined that more damage would be done to the election process by this becoming public.
And you believed that?!? :lmao:

(Psst...that was MaObama’s ridiculous excuse for why he ordered his own chief cyber official to stand down. He couldn’t say “I stand with Putin & Russia and I saw they were working to get Hitlery elected”)
Of course it was oil. WTF did you think it was?
So please tell us which oil fields in Iraq are now under control of the United States government.

Seriously man...Hollywood movies are make believe. They are for entertainment. They are not documentaries. Please remove your tinfoil hat.

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