Barack Obama's Legacy

Trump had help from the Russians. Proven fact.
That is not whining.
Uh...that is actually a proven lie. Russia took out ads with Facebook supporting Hitlery Clinton and making false and outrageous accusations against Donald Trump. Russia also compiled the false information for the Christopher Steele dossier.

Any other lies you'd like to try? I'll own your sorry ass at this content all day long. I'm extremely well versed in it.
So you know more than out intel agencies. They all say Russia fsavored Trump. Silly me, I should call our intel people liars & believe you.

Which parts of the Steele dossier have been disproven?
Of course it was oil. WTF did you think it was?
So please tell us which oil fields in Iraq are now under control of the United States government.

Seriously man...Hollywood movies are make believe. They are for entertainment. They are not documentaries. Please remove your tinfoil hat.
Bush & Cheney failing does not mean it was not their purpose.

They wanted as friendly government in Iraq who would work with US companies.

The Iraq War was about oil. Period
Trump had help from the Russians. Proven fact.
That is not whining.
Uh...that is actually a proven lie. Russia took out ads with Facebook supporting Hitlery Clinton and making false and outrageous accusations against Donald Trump. Russia also compiled the false information for the Christopher Steele dossier.

Any other lies you'd like to try? I'll own your sorry ass at this content all day long. I'm extremely well versed in it.
So you know more than out intel agencies. They all say Russia fsavored Trump. Silly me, I should call our intel people liars & believe you.

Which parts of the Steele dossier have been disproven?
All of it. Steele even admitted none of it was confirmed.
Trump had help from the Russians. Proven fact.
That is not whining.
Uh...that is actually a proven lie. Russia took out ads with Facebook supporting Hitlery Clinton and making false and outrageous accusations against Donald Trump. Russia also compiled the false information for the Christopher Steele dossier.

Any other lies you'd like to try? I'll own your sorry ass at this content all day long. I'm extremely well versed in it.
So you know more than out intel agencies. They all say Russia fsavored Trump. Silly me, I should call our intel people liars & believe you.

Which parts of the Steele dossier have been disproven?
All of it. Steele even admitted none of it was confirmed.

Not being conformed does not make it false.

In fsct, certain elements have been proven true.

Here's what's true in the infamous Trump-Russia dossier
The Legacy of Barack Obama isn't pretty, and its about to get some serious "sunshine."

A liar, a cowardly closeted cocksucker, a kleptocrat, a traitor, and a bigot.

That's the best way to sum it up in one sentence....

IN your tiny mnd
Nice foul mouth.
Trump u?

Care to explain how the former Cocksucker in Chief is now worth over $400 million?

Did he make that as a gay coke dealing pimp = source HUFFPO?

Where do you get that $400 million number? It's ten times his actual worth. Kinda Trumpian.
The List Increases: 1,375 Well Sourced Examples Of Barack Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
The List Increases: 1,375 Well
Sourced Examples Of Barack
Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking,
Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy,
Waste, Etc.

Freedom outpost?
The white supremist zero college site!!
You believe the uppity nixxer is a Kenyan?
Believe we landed on the moon?
Why don't you list his achievements?
28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time.
And where is he and where are you darlin?
Whining out of your double wide?
When our troops arrived in Baghdad, W and Rummy were exchanging emails about


not oil.

Just parroting Zionist Lies does not lead to truth....
The List Increases: 1,375 Well Sourced Examples Of Barack Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
The List Increases: 1,375 Well
Sourced Examples Of Barack
Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking,
Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy,
Waste, Etc.

Freedom outpost?
The white supremist zero college site!!
You believe the uppity nixxer is a Kenyan?
Believe we landed on the moon?
Why don't you list his achievements?
28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time.
And where is he and where are you darlin?
Whining out of your double wide?

MEASURING PERFORMANCE: New Data Shows Absolute Economic Destruction During Obama Years

The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis just released this single snapshot of economic performance over the Obama years.
What do you see?
His eight years did more to destroy America than any of past presidents, be they Democrat or Republican.
Look and study these few charts:


Student loans exploded and are a literal time bomb ticking away at he millennial generation.
Food stamps soared as poverty dramatically increased.
Federal debt went through the roof as we added more debt than all other previous periods combined.
We printed lots of money to paper over the monetary effects.
Health costs went way up when we were told they would drop. Obama care was a flop.
Labor force participation went down as unemployment increased and many just dropped out of the workplace altogether.
Inequality went up and up, as the rich got richer and the middle class shrank.
Median income dropped.
Home ownership also fell way down.
Overall, Americans were far worse off than before and we were told there was NO hope.
The country was losing to China and our children and grandchildren would not live as well as their parents and grandparents had.
Jobs would never return.

Now look at what has happened in the short years since Donald J. Trump was surprisingly elected President.


Even the Clinton’s knew: “It is the economy stupid” that gets you reelected.

We cannot go back to Democrat or socialist economics.

Economic growth at 3% solves lots of problems and serves up a true wealth effect.

Everyone benefits, especially minorities, women and youth.

Hope returns.

Trump had help from the Russians. Proven fact.
That is not whining.
Uh...that is actually a proven lie. Russia took out ads with Facebook supporting Hitlery Clinton and making false and outrageous accusations against Donald Trump. Russia also compiled the false information for the Christopher Steele dossier.

Any other lies you'd like to try? I'll own your sorry ass at this content all day long. I'm extremely well versed in it.
So you know more than out intel agencies. They all say Russia fsavored Trump. Silly me, I should call our intel people liars & believe you.

Which parts of the Steele dossier have been disproven?

I love this naive assertion that the resistance media has given you.. That Russia was dicking around simply to get Trump elected... What our Intel Agencies know is that Russian has been doing this since the COLD war and they don't play favorites because their object is to destroy voter confidence in the political system.. NOT elect one mental midget over another...

But really --- WE have done more damage to our political system these past 3 years than Putin EVER could... And what's at the CENTER of this "cold civil war" in America???

It's the phony as shit Steele dossier... Which is largely based on what?

It's based on Russian disinformation from the PROFESSIONAL russian spooks at the GRU/FSB... And Hillary bought it.. And Clapper packaged it as "actual intelligence"... And your FBI used it to launch a full blown overseas intel compromise operations on Trump campaign members..

GENUINE russian disinformation and propaganda. And last I read it -- Trump having hookers peeing on the bed that the Obama's slept in ---- WAS NOT FAVORABLE TO DONALD TRUMP --- you mental midget....

Putin's STILL ROFLing over that bonanza that started as a Dem smear piece....

The List Increases: 1,375 Well Sourced Examples Of Barack Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
The List Increases: 1,375 Well
Sourced Examples Of Barack
Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking,
Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy,
Waste, Etc.

Freedom outpost?
The white supremist zero college site!!
You believe the uppity nixxer is a Kenyan?
Believe we landed on the moon?
Why don't you list his achievements?
28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time.
And where is he and where are you darlin?
Whining out of your double wide?

MEASURING PERFORMANCE: New Data Shows Absolute Economic Destruction During Obama Years

The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis just released this single snapshot of economic performance over the Obama years.
What do you see?
His eight years did more to destroy America than any of past presidents, be they Democrat or Republican.
Look and study these few charts:


Student loans exploded and are a literal time bomb ticking away at he millennial generation.
Food stamps soared as poverty dramatically increased.
Federal debt went through the roof as we added more debt than all other previous periods combined.
We printed lots of money to paper over the monetary effects.
Health costs went way up when we were told they would drop. Obama care was a flop.
Labor force participation went down as unemployment increased and many just dropped out of the workplace altogether.
Inequality went up and up, as the rich got richer and the middle class shrank.
Median income dropped.
Home ownership also fell way down.
Overall, Americans were far worse off than before and we were told there was NO hope.
The country was losing to China and our children and grandchildren would not live as well as their parents and grandparents had.
Jobs would never return.

Now look at what has happened in the short years since Donald J. Trump was surprisingly elected President.


Even the Clinton’s knew: “It is the economy stupid” that gets you reelected.

We cannot go back to Democrat or socialist economics.

Economic growth at 3% solves lots of problems and serves up a true wealth effect.

Everyone benefits, especially minorities, women and youth.

Hope returns.

Nice Christian forgiving foul rube mouth.
No mention of him inheriting job losses of 750000 a month?
And the biggest recession since the 20s?
How many of your charts a related to the recession?
My daughter started a $150 MM business under Obama .
You have her brains? Dead easy
Any idea why the con created fewer jobs in his first 2 years than Obama did in his last 2?
The List Increases: 1,375 Well Sourced Examples Of Barack Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
The List Increases: 1,375 Well
Sourced Examples Of Barack
Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking,
Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy,
Waste, Etc.

Freedom outpost?
The white supremist zero college site!!
You believe the uppity nixxer is a Kenyan?
Believe we landed on the moon?
Why don't you list his achievements?
28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time.
And where is he and where are you darlin?
Whining out of your double wide?

MEASURING PERFORMANCE: New Data Shows Absolute Economic Destruction During Obama Years

The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis just released this single snapshot of economic performance over the Obama years.
What do you see?
His eight years did more to destroy America than any of past presidents, be they Democrat or Republican.
Look and study these few charts:


Student loans exploded and are a literal time bomb ticking away at he millennial generation.
Food stamps soared as poverty dramatically increased.
Federal debt went through the roof as we added more debt than all other previous periods combined.
We printed lots of money to paper over the monetary effects.
Health costs went way up when we were told they would drop. Obama care was a flop.
Labor force participation went down as unemployment increased and many just dropped out of the workplace altogether.
Inequality went up and up, as the rich got richer and the middle class shrank.
Median income dropped.
Home ownership also fell way down.
Overall, Americans were far worse off than before and we were told there was NO hope.
The country was losing to China and our children and grandchildren would not live as well as their parents and grandparents had.
Jobs would never return.

Now look at what has happened in the short years since Donald J. Trump was surprisingly elected President.


Even the Clinton’s knew: “It is the economy stupid” that gets you reelected.

We cannot go back to Democrat or socialist economics.

Economic growth at 3% solves lots of problems and serves up a true wealth effect.

Everyone benefits, especially minorities, women and youth.

Hope returns.

Trump had help from the Russians. Proven fact.
That is not whining.
Uh...that is actually a proven lie. Russia took out ads with Facebook supporting Hitlery Clinton and making false and outrageous accusations against Donald Trump. Russia also compiled the false information for the Christopher Steele dossier.

Any other lies you'd like to try? I'll own your sorry ass at this content all day long. I'm extremely well versed in it.
So you know more than out intel agencies. They all say Russia fsavored Trump. Silly me, I should call our intel people liars & believe you.

Which parts of the Steele dossier have been disproven?

I love this naive assertion that the resistance media has given you.. That Russia was dicking around simply to get Trump elected... What our Intel Agencies know is that Russian has been doing this since the COLD war and they don't play favorites because their object is to destroy voter confidence in the political system.. NOT elect one mental midget over another...

But really --- WE have done more damage to our political system these past 3 years than Putin EVER could... And what's at the CENTER of this "cold civil war" in America???

It's the phony as shit Steele dossier... Which is largely based on what?

It's based on Russian disinformation from the PROFESSIONAL russian spooks at the GRU/FSB... And Hillary bought it.. And Clapper packaged it as "actual intelligence"... And your FBI used it to launch a full blown overseas intel compromise operations on Trump campaign members..

GENUINE russian disinformation and propaganda. And last I read it -- Trump having hookers peeing on the bed that the Obama's slept in ---- WAS NOT FAVORABLE TO DONALD TRUMP --- you mental midget....

Putin's STILL ROFLing over that bonanza that started as a Dem smear piece....

Do you seriously believe comey releasing hill material didn't cost her election?
Try googling Steele, almost all his stuff was correct.
Steele 10 year mi6 Moscow guy.
Our zero college white rubes here ?
Who would you believe?
And btw the con being spanked by his Time article was true I believe
The List Increases: 1,375 Well Sourced Examples Of Barack Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking, Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy, Waste, Etc.
The List Increases: 1,375 Well
Sourced Examples Of Barack
Obama’s Lies, Lawbreaking,
Corruption, Cronyism, Hypocrisy,
Waste, Etc.

Freedom outpost?
The white supremist zero college site!!
You believe the uppity nixxer is a Kenyan?
Believe we landed on the moon?
Why don't you list his achievements?
28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time.
And where is he and where are you darlin?
Whining out of your double wide?

MEASURING PERFORMANCE: New Data Shows Absolute Economic Destruction During Obama Years

The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis just released this single snapshot of economic performance over the Obama years.
What do you see?
His eight years did more to destroy America than any of past presidents, be they Democrat or Republican.
Look and study these few charts:


Student loans exploded and are a literal time bomb ticking away at he millennial generation.
Food stamps soared as poverty dramatically increased.
Federal debt went through the roof as we added more debt than all other previous periods combined.
We printed lots of money to paper over the monetary effects.
Health costs went way up when we were told they would drop. Obama care was a flop.
Labor force participation went down as unemployment increased and many just dropped out of the workplace altogether.
Inequality went up and up, as the rich got richer and the middle class shrank.
Median income dropped.
Home ownership also fell way down.
Overall, Americans were far worse off than before and we were told there was NO hope.
The country was losing to China and our children and grandchildren would not live as well as their parents and grandparents had.
Jobs would never return.

Now look at what has happened in the short years since Donald J. Trump was surprisingly elected President.


Even the Clinton’s knew: “It is the economy stupid” that gets you reelected.

We cannot go back to Democrat or socialist economics.

Economic growth at 3% solves lots of problems and serves up a true wealth effect.

Everyone benefits, especially minorities, women and youth.

Hope returns.

Trump had help from the Russians. Proven fact.
That is not whining.
Uh...that is actually a proven lie. Russia took out ads with Facebook supporting Hitlery Clinton and making false and outrageous accusations against Donald Trump. Russia also compiled the false information for the Christopher Steele dossier.

Any other lies you'd like to try? I'll own your sorry ass at this content all day long. I'm extremely well versed in it.
So you know more than out intel agencies. They all say Russia fsavored Trump. Silly me, I should call our intel people liars & believe you.

Which parts of the Steele dossier have been disproven?

I love this naive assertion that the resistance media has given you.. That Russia was dicking around simply to get Trump elected... What our Intel Agencies know is that Russian has been doing this since the COLD war and they don't play favorites because their object is to destroy voter confidence in the political system.. NOT elect one mental midget over another...

But really --- WE have done more damage to our political system these past 3 years than Putin EVER could... And what's at the CENTER of this "cold civil war" in America???

It's the phony as shit Steele dossier... Which is largely based on what?

It's based on Russian disinformation from the PROFESSIONAL russian spooks at the GRU/FSB... And Hillary bought it.. And Clapper packaged it as "actual intelligence"... And your FBI used it to launch a full blown overseas intel compromise operations on Trump campaign members..

GENUINE russian disinformation and propaganda. And last I read it -- Trump having hookers peeing on the bed that the Obama's slept in ---- WAS NOT FAVORABLE TO DONALD TRUMP --- you mental midget....

Putin's STILL ROFLing over that bonanza that started as a Dem smear piece....

Do you seriously believe comey releasing hill material didn't cost her election?
Try googling Steele, almost all his stuff was correct.
Steele 10 year mi6 Moscow guy.
Our zero college white rubes here ?
Who would you believe?
And btw the con being spanked by his Time article was true I believe

Steele himself, when put under oath in Britain for a libel case about the dossier, ADMITTED that most of the sourcing in the POS "dossier" was professional Russian disinformation and likely could never be verified. You know jack shit about this.. So it's very likely in the NEAR future, you're gonna end up to be road kill again when all the phony bullshit you've been fed ends up AGAIN to be propaganda to keep the "resistance" members happy and ignorant..
Try googling Steele, almost all his stuff was correct.
Furthermore, let’s just pretend for a moment that that is true. All you’ve done now is prove that it was Hitlery Clinton and the Dumbocrats “colluding” with Russia to influence the election. Oops.
My daughter started a $150 MM business under Obama
Yeah...because 6 of Obama’s 8 years were under total Republican control, coast-to-coast. MaObama took a “shellacking” (his word) in the 2010 midterm.

Obama didn’t turn around Wisconsin. Scott Walker did. Obama didn’t turn around Ohio. John Kasich did. I could go on and on and on.

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