Barack Obama's Legacy

P@triot, post: 21401799
He did no such thing, snowflake.
The dude with Bush would have been killed if he went into Iraq when Saddam Hussein was in power.
President Bush “would have been killed if he went into Iraq when Saddam Hussein was in power”. What’s your point, asshat? That you love vicious, violent dictators like Saddam Hussein? Yeah...we know.
That’s funny shit considering you drop to your knees and fellate MaObama who ran up as much debt as all presidents in U.S. history combined.

You are a liar. Obama policy did not run up as much debt as all presidents combined. That is a lie. The Invasion of Iraq debt was not Obama’s policy. Bush’s tax cuts during war time was not Obama’s debt.

Trump’s debt is debt due to his policy -cutting taxes for the wealthy during positive gdp and low unemployment.

Obama got re-elected because the economy was recovering from the Great Bush recession in which Bush’s term ended with the economy losing a million jobs a month.

Trump started with low unemployment and positive job growth inherited from Obama.
P@triot, post: 21402346
President Bush “would have been killed if he went into Iraq when Saddam Hussein was in power”. What’s your point, asshat? That you love vicious, violent dictators like Saddam Hussein? Yeah...we know.

Idiot. That is my point. Bush opened the door for the Iranians to move into Iraq. Yet you blame it on Obama.

Had Bush wanted to go in when the U.N. inspector’s were there in early 2003 Saddam probably would not have tried to kill him by the way,'re quick. Correct, little ignorant one. That is not Iran. It is Cuba.

So why did you post it when the subject is Bush welcoming Iran into Iraq in 2003.

Freakin racist. Always bring your racist attacks on Obama having nothing to do with the point of the discussion.
P@triot, post: 21397491
. Violating campaign finance law is violating campaign finance law.

No it isn’t you dimwit.

Campaign finance laws like what Obama did are enforced administratively by the Federal Election Commission by applying such penalties as civil fines.

The DOJ however has concurrant criminal jurisdiction when violations of campaign finance laws appear to be willful and involve fraud. These crimes can lead to imprisonment and fines.

There are clerical errors such as not filing reports on time which would not be referred to the Justice Dept as a criminal matter.

Then there is what Trump allegedly did which is a criminal matter that involves intent and fraud and covering up payments

You should stop making such stupid statements when you know you don’t know what the hell you are talking about.
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P@triot, post: 21402337,
MaObama sucked up to every evil dictator in the world. One picture of Bush in the White House shaking hands is the best you have.

Bush got tens of thousands of American troops killed and wounded in Iraq because as Trumpo said he lied to the world in order to invade.

Obama warned that invading Iraq would be a dumb war - he was right. It was dumb, costly and deadly and no wmd was there.

Even someone as stupid as Trump can see that.

So Trumpo helps Obama’s legacy by pointing out that Obama was right. It was stupid and deceitful to invade and try to occupy Iraq.

And welcome the Iranians in.
P@triot, post: 21402337
One picture of Bush in the White House shaking hands is the best you have.

In case you are too ignorant to recall I was rejecting the hairbrained notion that it was Obama that welcomed Iran into Iraq.

So I posted a photo of Bush holding hands as he was welcoming one of Iran’s leaders who went into Iraq after Saddam’s removal and was welcomed by Bush to do so.

So you post pictures of Obama with leaders from Cuba, Russia and Venezuela which has nothing to do with Iran or Iraq.

Because you are a loser you posted irrelevant crap with no context to the fact that Bush welcomed Iran into Iraq not Obama.
That’s funny shit considering you drop to your knees and fellate MaObama who ran up as much debt as all presidents in U.S. history combined.
You are a liar. Obama policy did not run up as much debt as all presidents combined. That is a lie.
You’re an idiot. A complete and total idiot. A bonafide idiot. When MaObama took office, the national debt was at $10 trillion and change. Fact. When MaObama left office, the national debt was at $20 trillion and change. Fact. Even you can subtract 10 from 20 and realize you get 10. Now just add the appropriate amount of zeros, you high school dropout. :laugh:
That is my point. Bush opened the door for the Iranians to move into Iraq. Yet you blame it on Obama.
God you Obamorangutans are pitiful. Bush didn’t “open the door”. Saddam Hussein did by acting like a maniac. And then Obama invited Iran into Iraq by ending the troop surge, by rolling over and showing Ahmadinejad his belly, and by helping Iran to develop nukes.
You are so full of crap. why not just admit you are a racist.
Don’t project your bigotry on others. You are the racist. You support the party that fought for slavery and the party that created the KKK.

Losing the Civil War created the kkk and all those Dixiecrats now enjoy membership in the gop.
Yeah...that desperate and idiotic claim by you racists was debunked decades ago.

First, the origin of the kkk.

Six Confederate veterans from Pulaski, Tennessee created the original Ku Klux Klan on December 24, 1865, during the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War. The name was formed by combining the Greek kyklos with clan. The group was known for a short time as the "Kukluux Clan".

Ku Klux Klan - Wikipedia

Second, the dixiecrats started becoming republic ones in 1964 because of some law passed about race. Anyone with half of an idiots brain understands those facts.
Second, the dixiecrats started becoming republic ones in 1964 because of some law passed about race. Anyone with half of an idiots brain understands those facts.
If that were even remotely true, you ignorant dillhole, then the Republican Party would have overwhelming control of the nation. See, the problem with your idiotic false narrative is that it fails to explain why all of the Republicans then left the Republican Part to join the Dumbocrats. Dumb asshole. :laughs

Furthermore, why would all of the racist Dumbocrats leave the Dumbocrat Party to join the party that lead the Civil Rights movement? Oops.

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