Barack Obama's Record-Setting Presidency

Here is a list of people who thanked Swallow, the gay hating uber bigot. I also added how many times they thanked him.

Lakhotax2 (06-03-2013), Luddly Neddite (Yesterday), TheOldSchoolx3(06-03-2013)

Grats lefties, you support/like/thank and prolly add rep to one of the more famous homophobes on these boards, and only 1 single time to date have I seen one "liberal" call him out on it... After I pointed it out of course.
Post # --26
All the bad records are Bush's fault.

See Frank, even a republican can get something right, about every 40,000 posts or so.


Poverty increases during a recession. Now you shameless lying republicans want to
blame our cool president for a poverty increase during Ex President lying
cocksuckers recession. such Such Chutzpah. --Shameless.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:

Only knuckle dragging sister fucking republicans think its wrong to feed people.
And I,quite frankly don't give a flying fuck what they think.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:
Post # --26
All the bad records are Bush's fault.

See Frank, even a republican can get something right, about every 40,000 posts or so.


Another Illustration of the Shameless Chutzpah of the lying republicans.

Blame our cool president for something caused by Ex President lying
cocksuckers recession

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:

Looks to me like the increase is about the same as it was during Ex President lying
cocksuckers expansion.
Did our cool president ever Promise to cut Disability?
I thought that was a job for cold hearted republicans.
Didn't the nut-sucking baggy s have to vote for the funding?

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:
Post # --26
All the bad records are Bush's fault.

See Frank, even a republican can get something right, about every 40,000 posts or so.


Another Illustration of the Shameless Chutzpah of the lying republicans. :eek:

Blame our cool president for something caused by Ex President lying
cocksuckers recession.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:
Post # --26
All the bad records are Bush's fault.

See Frank, even a republican can get something right, about every 40,000 posts or so.


Another Illustration of the Shameless Chutzpah of the lying republicans. :eek:

Blame our cool president for something caused by Ex President lying
cocksuckers recession.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.

-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:
I'll skip #8.
I find it comical for the blood-thirsty republicans to oppose a war.

Post # --26
All the bad records are Bush's fault.

See Frank, even a republican can get something right, about every 40,000 posts or so.


Same as #1

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
Nuff said.

1. No Budget
President Obama is the only president not to pass a budget in a given fiscal year.
The Democrat-controlled Congress passed one in 2009, holding spending levels at
trillion dollar deficits.

February 4, 2008.

In my 2009 Budget, I have set clear priorities that will help us meet our
Nation’s most pressing needs while addressing the long-term challenges
ahead. With pro-growth policies and spending discipline, we will balance
the budget in 2012, keep the tax burden low, and provide for our national
security. And that will help make our country safer and more prosperous.

February 4, 2008

On February 4, 2008 Ex President lying cocksucker summited his 2009 budget
which he said would balance the budget in 2012.

11 months later the OMB Forecast a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.

$1.2 Trillion Deficit Forecast as Obama Weighs Options
Published: January 7, 2009

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
This is a historical fact. All of the history books written since 2009
contain this fact.
For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.They think if they blame Obama for the
deficits billions of times, year after year, that they can change history.
But lying doesn't change history. The historical FACT Remains, that
Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.


Bush Balanced
Budget Baseline
2009 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...2,700 .......2,105 .....-595
Outlays....3,107 .......3,518 .....+411
Deficit ....-407 ......-1,413

Ex President lying cocksucker had a $407 billion deficit written into his budget.
The Collapse of his supply side scam resulted in revenues coming in $595 billion
below projections. He added about $200 billion for TRAP.

Obama added about $200 billion to the 2009 spending. THAT'S IT.
historical fact. Lying about it billions of times will not change History.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut ----:evil:
I'll skip #8.
I find it comical for the blood-thirsty republicans to oppose a war.

Post # --26
All the bad records are Bush's fault.

See Frank, even a republican can get something right, about every 40,000 posts or so.


Same as #1

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
Nuff said.

1. No Budget
President Obama is the only president not to pass a budget in a given fiscal year.
The Democrat-controlled Congress passed one in 2009, holding spending levels at
trillion dollar deficits.

February 4, 2008.

In my 2009 Budget, I have set clear priorities that will help us meet our
Nation’s most pressing needs while addressing the long-term challenges
ahead. With pro-growth policies and spending discipline, we will balance
the budget in 2012, keep the tax burden low, and provide for our national
security. And that will help make our country safer and more prosperous.

February 4, 2008

On February 4, 2008 Ex President lying cocksucker summited his 2009 budget
which he said would balance the budget in 2012.

11 months later the OMB Forecast a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.

$1.2 Trillion Deficit Forecast as Obama Weighs Options
Published: January 7, 2009

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
This is a historical fact. All of the history books written since 2009
contain this fact.
For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.They think if they blame Obama for the
deficits billions of times, year after year, that they can change history.
But lying doesn't change history. The historical FACT Remains, that
Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.


Bush Balanced
Budget Baseline
2009 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...2,700 .......2,105 .....-595
Outlays....3,107 .......3,518 .....+411
Deficit ....-407 ......-1,413

Ex President lying cocksucker had a $407 billion deficit written into his budget.
The Collapse of his supply side scam resulted in revenues coming in $595 billion
below projections. He added about $200 billion for TRAP.

Obama added about $200 billion to the 2009 spending. THAT'S IT.
historical fact. Lying about it billions of times will not change History.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut ----:evil:

Your numbers have already been debunked months ago. But, I doubt that really matters to you. :eusa_whistle:
Meister --LIES
Your numbers have already been debunked months ago. But, I doubt that really matters to you

So you have no facts. Just another lie.

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

Budget deficit to hit $1.2 trillion in fiscal 2009 | Reuters
Wed Jan 7, 2009
The U.S. budget deficit will swell to a record $1.186 trillion in fiscal 2009.

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

U.S. expects $1.2 trillion budget deficit in fiscal 2009 - MarketWatch
Jan. 7, 2009
Budget deficit of $1.2 trillion seen for fiscal 2009

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

Federal Budget Deficit Projected to Skyrocket in 2009 | Online NewsHour | January 7, 2009 | PBS
January 7, 2009
Congressional Budget Office figures released Wednesday predict the federal budget
deficit will hit $1.2 trillion in 2009

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

CBO Projects The Federal Budget Deficit Will Add $1.2 Trillion to National Debt in 2009
January 8, 2009
CBO Projects The Federal Budget Deficit Will Add $1.2 Trillion to National Debt in 2009

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit.
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:
Post #69
Your numbers have already been debunked months ago. But, I doubt that really matters to you

Meister still wants to change history by lying.


Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit. :cuckoo:
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

Budget deficit to hit $1.2 trillion in fiscal 2009 | Reuters
Wed Jan 7, 2009
The U.S. budget deficit will swell to a record $1.186 trillion in fiscal 2009.

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit. :cuckoo:
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit. :cuckoo:
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

U.S. expects $1.2 trillion budget deficit in fiscal 2009 - MarketWatch
Jan. 7, 2009
Budget deficit of $1.2 trillion seen for fiscal 2009

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit. :cuckoo:
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

Federal Budget Deficit Projected to Skyrocket in 2009 | Online NewsHour | January 7, 2009 | PBS
January 7, 2009
Congressional Budget Office figures released Wednesday predict the federal budget
deficit will hit $1.2 trillion in 2009

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit. :cuckoo:
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.

CBO Projects The Federal Budget Deficit Will Add $1.2 Trillion to National Debt in 2009
January 8, 2009
CBO Projects The Federal Budget Deficit Will Add $1.2 Trillion to National Debt in 2009

Ex President lying cocksucker handed Obama a $1.2 Trillion Deficit. :cuckoo:
This is recorded history.
And no matter how many billions of times republicans lie about it,
history will not change.


For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:

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