Barack O'Romney


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Ignore what the candidates say they'll do differently on foreign policy. They're basically the same man.

If Barack Obama is reelected, he ought to consider making Mitt Romney his new secretary of state. I propose this far-fetched howler not because I'm trying to get into my own Dumb Idea Hall of Fame, or because white-male secretaries of state seem to be going the way of the dodo at Foggy Bottom (we haven't had one since Warren Christopher departed in 1997), or because I believe deeply in bipartisanship. (Although I do; it's been a long time since we've had a secretary of state who was from the opposing party, and it would be great idea.)

I raise the idea to drive home a broader point. Despite his campaign rhetoric, Romney would be quite comfortable carrying out President Obama's foreign policy because it accords so closely with his own.

Barack O'Romney - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy

Of course, anybody not watching this race with partisan blinders on has already seen this clear as day.
Not true. The American League (R) is much better than the National League (D).

Any major dude will tell you. :lol:
Ignore what the candidates say they'll do differently on foreign policy. They're basically the same man.

If Barack Obama is reelected, he ought to consider making Mitt Romney his new secretary of state. I propose this far-fetched howler not because I'm trying to get into my own Dumb Idea Hall of Fame, or because white-male secretaries of state seem to be going the way of the dodo at Foggy Bottom (we haven't had one since Warren Christopher departed in 1997), or because I believe deeply in bipartisanship. (Although I do; it's been a long time since we've had a secretary of state who was from the opposing party, and it would be great idea.)

I raise the idea to drive home a broader point. Despite his campaign rhetoric, Romney would be quite comfortable carrying out President Obama's foreign policy because it accords so closely with his own.

Barack O'Romney - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy

Of course, anybody not watching this race with partisan blinders on has already seen this clear as day.

Bush got us into two wars; Obama is getting us out of two wars. I'm not judging whether getting involved in Iraq and Afghanistan was good or bad, just stating a fact. I think Romney would have gotten us involved just as Bush did. I do not think Obama would have nor would have Clinton. Again, I'm not trying to judge whether we should have or should not have, because you can make good arguments for either case. I don't believe either is completely right or wrong. But there is one thing we do know; going to war is expensive.
Ignore what the candidates say they'll do differently on foreign policy. They're basically the same man.

If Barack Obama is reelected, he ought to consider making Mitt Romney his new secretary of state. I propose this far-fetched howler not because I'm trying to get into my own Dumb Idea Hall of Fame, or because white-male secretaries of state seem to be going the way of the dodo at Foggy Bottom (we haven't had one since Warren Christopher departed in 1997), or because I believe deeply in bipartisanship. (Although I do; it's been a long time since we've had a secretary of state who was from the opposing party, and it would be great idea.)

I raise the idea to drive home a broader point. Despite his campaign rhetoric, Romney would be quite comfortable carrying out President Obama's foreign policy because it accords so closely with his own.

Barack O'Romney - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy

Of course, anybody not watching this race with partisan blinders on has already seen this clear as day.

Bush got us into two wars; Obama is getting us out of two wars. I'm not judging whether getting involved in Iraq and Afghanistan was good or bad, just stating a fact. I think Romney would have gotten us involved just as Bush did. I do not think Obama would have nor would have Clinton. Again, I'm not trying to judge whether we should have or should not have, because you can make good arguments for either case. I don't believe either is completely right or wrong. But there is one thing we do know; going to war is expensive.

What wars is Obama getting us out of? We still have a military presence in Iraq despite declaring victory for what, the fifth time now? Afghanistan is still ongoing, but he says he's pulling troops out in 2014. I'll believe it when I see it. As for not starting wars, tell that to Libya and all of the people that have been bombed by Obama in Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan.
On Foreign Policy I agree. There is no difference from Bush to Obama, and there will be no difference between Obama and Romney. Again, we are only talking about FP.

I disagree, but we've been through that.

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