Barbie doll producer mattel to meet with homosexual men to discuss creating same sex wedding set

I'm sure the powers that be at Mattel sat down in meetings and many studies done with highly paid consultants before they came up with this decision and how it's going to impact the bottom line.
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SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!

If someone forces you to buy a same-sex Wedding Set, then you should call the cops immediately. If they aren't, then you should quit whining.
Do adults play with dolls now? What's the market unless you're a homo who's gained control of children and is abusing them.

I don't think adults play with dolls. The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc. before kindergarten even. If a toddler tells his parent in 2018 "I am a girl", he is immediately put on hormone treatment. This is the new way of thinking.

Stupid to say that is accepted standard procedure. Quit lying.
I worked with a woman who was in her mid to late 40's at the time that collected Barbies. One day I walked into her office and there were Barbies everywhere still in their boxes. She just brought them in to work for a few days. Pretty strange.

Girls must still play with them if they are still selling them.
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SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!

If someone forces you to buy a same-sex Wedding Set, then you should call the cops immediately. If they aren't, then you should quit whining.
Do adults play with dolls now? What's the market unless you're a homo who's gained control of children and is abusing them.

I don't think adults play with dolls. The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc. before kindergarten even. If a toddler tells his parent in 2018 "I am a girl", he is immediately put on hormone treatment. This is the new way of thinking.

Stupid to say that is accepted standard procedure. Quit lying.

Apparently you haven't seen the children being given hormone treatments to reinforce the decision they made that they were gay or tranny. You need to watch the learning channel more.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!
Good for them!

The more they piss off the conservatards the better.

Yeah we can see you all saying that too after it's learned how the kid was being fkd up the azz too. Yeah piss those conservatives off. Nice use a kid to piss off those conservatives that's a great TRENDY , TRUMP HATING WAY TO GO!!

zero four thirty way to go hero.
So...when you see Barbie dolls, you immediately think of children being sodomized. Who's the messed up one here?
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!

If someone forces you to buy a same-sex Wedding Set, then you should call the cops immediately. If they aren't, then you should quit whining.
Do adults play with dolls now? What's the market unless you're a homo who's gained control of children and is abusing them.

I don't think adults play with dolls. The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc. before kindergarten even. If a toddler tells his parent in 2018 "I am a girl", he is immediately put on hormone treatment. This is the new way of thinking.

Stupid to say that is accepted standard procedure. Quit lying.

Apparently you haven't seen the children being given hormone treatments to reinforce the decision they made that they were gay or tranny. You need to watch the learning channel more.

I'm suppose you might find one example that you think might support your claim, if you ignore all the parts that don't fit your theory. That doesn't make it more than one exceptional case among millions.
The men meeting with Mattel had a same sex wedding and created a same sex wedding couple BOX. All they needed was two Ken dolls and a Barbie wedding. They had a box custom made. Then they sent pix to Mattel. There really isn't much of a market for dolls supposedly gay.
No doubt about it, that is beyond sick. Right up there with the 10 year boy dancing in drag at the gay club.
So will they have a "Promiscuous Gay Ken", and a "Butch (I hate men) Barbie"? She'd have to gain seventy pounds, cut her hair, and wear guy jeans.
The men meeting with Mattel had a same sex wedding and created a same sex wedding couple BOX. All they needed was two Ken dolls and a Barbie wedding. They had a box custom made. Then they sent pix to Mattel. There really isn't much of a market for dolls supposedly gay.

You could be right, but that really isn't your choice to make unless you are a member of Mattel management. Are you part of Mattel's management?
So will they have a "Promiscuous Gay Ken", and a "Butch (I hate men) Barbie"? She'd have to gain seventy pounds, cut her hair, and wear guy jeans.

You mean going for the Sarah Huckabee look?
The men meeting with Mattel had a same sex wedding and created a same sex wedding couple BOX. All they needed was two Ken dolls and a Barbie wedding. They had a box custom made. Then they sent pix to Mattel. There really isn't much of a market for dolls supposedly gay.

Hillary Clinton received 65 million votes, it sounds like a big market to me. Can Barbie's outfits fit Ken?
The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc
How on earth does THAT happen without indoctrination and brainwashing? Normalizing these perversions is poisoning the minded of an entire generation. This is child abuse, but as long as the government is willing to protect this form of abuse, I don't know how we can ever regain our sanity. Going down this road means there can be no turning back. This is how nations and empires die
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!

Funny to watch Mattel completely destroy itself in an attempt to become PC.
The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc
How on earth does THAT happen without indoctrination and brainwashing? Normalizing these perversions is poisoning the minded of an entire generation. This is child abuse, but as long as the government is willing to protect this form of abuse, I don't know how we can ever regain our sanity. Going down this road means there can be no turning back. This is how nations and empires die

If a little boy told his parents "I'm a girl" back in the day, dad would say "no, sonny, your a boy" and that would be that.
The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc
How on earth does THAT happen without indoctrination and brainwashing? Normalizing these perversions is poisoning the minded of an entire generation. This is child abuse, but as long as the government is willing to protect this form of abuse, I don't know how we can ever regain our sanity. Going down this road means there can be no turning back. This is how nations and empires die

If a little boy told his parents "I'm a girl" back in the day, dad would say "no, sonny, your a boy" and that would be that.
It's worse than that. Three year old Bobby can babble that he's a girl. Mom and dad will put him in a dress. When Bobby is five and says he's a boy. He will be corrected. No you're a girl. When Bobby is 15 and says he likes girls, mom and dad will up his hormones.
The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc
How on earth does THAT happen without indoctrination and brainwashing? Normalizing these perversions is poisoning the minded of an entire generation. This is child abuse, but as long as the government is willing to protect this form of abuse, I don't know how we can ever regain our sanity. Going down this road means there can be no turning back. This is how nations and empires die

If a little boy told his parents "I'm a girl" back in the day, dad would say "no, sonny, your a boy" and that would be that.

You think there isn't serious evaluation by experts before any steps are taken? Not very informed, are you?
The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc
How on earth does THAT happen without indoctrination and brainwashing? Normalizing these perversions is poisoning the minded of an entire generation. This is child abuse, but as long as the government is willing to protect this form of abuse, I don't know how we can ever regain our sanity. Going down this road means there can be no turning back. This is how nations and empires die

If a little boy told his parents "I'm a girl" back in the day, dad would say "no, sonny, your a boy" and that would be that.

You think there isn't serious evaluation by experts before any steps are taken? Not very informed, are you?

Whose an "expert" who is qualified to give an "evaluation"? Flip Wilson? Ru Paul? The fact is that this is a whole new line of thought that millions of men are broads stuck in a man's body. There are no "experts" in it, just sexual perverts who are sexualizing young children to tell them they are trannies.

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