Barbie doll producer mattel to meet with homosexual men to discuss creating same sex wedding set

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!

You're getting this worked up over......

.....a barbie doll?
The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc
How on earth does THAT happen without indoctrination and brainwashing? Normalizing these perversions is poisoning the minded of an entire generation. This is child abuse, but as long as the government is willing to protect this form of abuse, I don't know how we can ever regain our sanity. Going down this road means there can be no turning back. This is how nations and empires die

If a little boy told his parents "I'm a girl" back in the day, dad would say "no, sonny, your a boy" and that would be that.

You think there isn't serious evaluation by experts before any steps are taken? Not very informed, are you?

Whose an "expert" who is qualified to give an "evaluation"? Flip Wilson? Ru Paul? The fact is that this is a whole new line of thought that millions of men are broads stuck in a man's body. There are no "experts" in it, just sexual perverts who are sexualizing young children to tell them they are trannies.

That does seem to be the right wing belief. It's pretty goofy, and not backed up by research, but that never stopped you before.
The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc
How on earth does THAT happen without indoctrination and brainwashing? Normalizing these perversions is poisoning the minded of an entire generation. This is child abuse, but as long as the government is willing to protect this form of abuse, I don't know how we can ever regain our sanity. Going down this road means there can be no turning back. This is how nations and empires die

If a little boy told his parents "I'm a girl" back in the day, dad would say "no, sonny, your a boy" and that would be that.

You think there isn't serious evaluation by experts before any steps are taken? Not very informed, are you?

Whose an "expert" who is qualified to give an "evaluation"? Flip Wilson? Ru Paul? The fact is that this is a whole new line of thought that millions of men are broads stuck in a man's body. There are no "experts" in it, just sexual perverts who are sexualizing young children to tell them they are trannies.

That does seem to be the right wing belief. It's pretty goofy, and not backed up by research, but that never stopped you before.

Its just a fact that the number of trannies has skyrocketed over the past 50 years. I remember my grandmother watching Dave Susskind interview Christine Jorgenson on TV back in the 1960's, and she thought the whole idea was pretty stupid. Nowadays, this is accepted as normal. I think that's the main reason for the massive increase in popularity for transexuality.
How on earth does THAT happen without indoctrination and brainwashing? Normalizing these perversions is poisoning the minded of an entire generation. This is child abuse, but as long as the government is willing to protect this form of abuse, I don't know how we can ever regain our sanity. Going down this road means there can be no turning back. This is how nations and empires die

If a little boy told his parents "I'm a girl" back in the day, dad would say "no, sonny, your a boy" and that would be that.

You think there isn't serious evaluation by experts before any steps are taken? Not very informed, are you?

Whose an "expert" who is qualified to give an "evaluation"? Flip Wilson? Ru Paul? The fact is that this is a whole new line of thought that millions of men are broads stuck in a man's body. There are no "experts" in it, just sexual perverts who are sexualizing young children to tell them they are trannies.

That does seem to be the right wing belief. It's pretty goofy, and not backed up by research, but that never stopped you before.

Its just a fact that the number of trannies has skyrocketed over the past 50 years. I remember my grandmother watching Dave Susskind interview Christine Jorgenson on TV back in the 1960's, and she thought the whole idea was pretty stupid. Nowadays, this is accepted as normal. I think that's the main reason for the massive increase in popularity for transexuality.

There are no more people effected now than there were then. It's just easier for them to come out to the world and seek the relief they need..
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!
After explaining to my 2 youngest kids about this we had a father/daughters bonding time burning their barbies....they hardly played with them and Christmas is soon and they are getting different times. Wonder if the Wal Mart here will sell them...I think not.
What have you got against Protestants, Jim?

It is not all Protestants, just the Seven Sisters of the Anglican church denominational family.

They are decadent, anti-Christ and evil from tippy top (the Queen) to most of their pews as well.

Protestants who still follow the Bible have my respect, always
The Queen is still the head of the Anglican church? That's amazing.
Mattel has always been willing to produce dolls with a smaller expected sales number. We are all familiar with the Fox news Barbies which appear on Fox network throughout the day, and are based on discontinued Barbie models that aren't anatomically correct.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!
Did you ever see those brainwashing TV shows from the 1950's and 1960's? They had housewives that dressed up nicely, put on makeup just to do chores. Yeah, like that ever really happened.
I love it when companies/organizations shoot themselves in the foot catering to social justice warriors.
The Boy Scouts are on the verge of bankruptcy since allowing girls to join. Dicks Sporting Goods is closing 18 stores since not selling guns. So, expect Mattel to lose money over this decision.
Girls were allowed to join in the 1980's
Ghee-whiz, as if people really needed a toy setup that mimics people ruining their lives with contractual marriage acts..
There are no more people effected now than there were then. It's just easier for them to come out to the world and seek the relief they need..

That's bullshit.

Back in the day, if a man said they were a broad or that they were Napoleon or Jesus H. Christ, they saw a psychiatrist who told them "no, you are a man, and no, you aren't Jesus Christ"

When you have horses' patoots in the mental health field who feed into this crapola, people aren't going to be cured.

If this kind of mental disorder happened to me, I would hope that professionals would dissuade me from the misconceptions.
There are no more people effected now than there were then. It's just easier for them to come out to the world and seek the relief they need..

That's bullshit.

Back in the day, if a man said they were a broad or that they were Napoleon or Jesus H. Christ, they saw a psychiatrist who told them "no, you are a man, and no, you aren't Jesus Christ"

When you have horses' patoots in the mental health field who feed into this crapola, people aren't going to be cured.

If this kind of mental disorder happened to me, I would hope that professionals would dissuade me from the misconceptions.

Back in the day, mental illness was thought to be due to demons, and diseases were caused by a disruption of the humors. A good blood letting was the standard treatment for lots of problems.
What have you got against Protestants, Jim?

It is not all Protestants, just the Seven Sisters of the Anglican church denominational family.

They are decadent, anti-Christ and evil from tippy top (the Queen) to most of their pews as well.

Protestants who still follow the Bible have my respect, always
The Queen is still the head of the Anglican church? That's amazing.

Yeah, I know.

Monarchy of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia

The sovereign is the Supreme Governor of the established Church of England. Archbishops and bishops are appointed by the monarch, on the advice of the prime minister, who chooses the appointee from a list of nominees prepared by a Church Commission. The Crown's role in the Church of England is titular; the most senior clergyman, the Archbishop of Canterbury, is the spiritual leader of the Church and of the worldwide Anglican Communion.[84][85] The monarch takes an oath to preserve the Church of Scotland and he or she holds the power to appoint the Lord High Commissioner to the Church's General Assembly, but otherwise plays no part in its governance, and exerts no powers over it.[86][87]
There are no more people effected now than there were then. It's just easier for them to come out to the world and seek the relief they need..

That's bullshit.

Back in the day, if a man said they were a broad or that they were Napoleon or Jesus H. Christ, they saw a psychiatrist who told them "no, you are a man, and no, you aren't Jesus Christ"

When you have horses' patoots in the mental health field who feed into this crapola, people aren't going to be cured.

If this kind of mental disorder happened to me, I would hope that professionals would dissuade me from the misconceptions.

Back in the day, mental illness was thought to be due to demons, and diseases were caused by a disruption of the humors. A good blood letting was the standard treatment for lots of problems.

Back in the day, they may not have always had effective treatments for psychotic conditions, but at least they were able to recognize when someone was nuts.
There are no more people effected now than there were then. It's just easier for them to come out to the world and seek the relief they need..

That's bullshit.

Back in the day, if a man said they were a broad or that they were Napoleon or Jesus H. Christ, they saw a psychiatrist who told them "no, you are a man, and no, you aren't Jesus Christ"

When you have horses' patoots in the mental health field who feed into this crapola, people aren't going to be cured.

If this kind of mental disorder happened to me, I would hope that professionals would dissuade me from the misconceptions.

Back in the day, mental illness was thought to be due to demons, and diseases were caused by a disruption of the humors. A good blood letting was the standard treatment for lots of problems.

Back in the day, they may not have always had effective treatments for psychotic conditions, but at least they were able to recognize when someone was nuts.

People have read your posts. It's still pretty easy to tell some people are nuts.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!
Did you ever see those brainwashing TV shows from the 1950's and 1960's? They had housewives that dressed up nicely, put on makeup just to do chores. Yeah, like that ever really happened.

It did happen. Back in the day, the neighbors were always watching to make sure that you looked clean and did your chores or they'd rat on you heh

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