Barbie doll producer mattel to meet with homosexual men to discuss creating same sex wedding set

Mattel is about to make Barbie a lost icon, and failure for American girls.

Great opportunity though for a conservative Christian 'Babrie-ish' doll to take Babries place.
I've been kinda hoping for Barbie to fade away, for many years. She is a 1960's "icon" whose time is well past.
I've been kinda hoping for Barbie to fade away, for many years. She is a 1960's "icon" whose time is well past.
I just want WASP culture to die, dry up and blow away to the ash heap of history.

Cant happen soon enough for me.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!

If someone forces you to buy a same-sex Wedding Set, then you should call the cops immediately. If they aren't, then you should quit whining.
Do adults play with dolls now? What's the market unless you're a homo who's gained control of children and is abusing them.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!

If someone forces you to buy a same-sex Wedding Set, then you should call the cops immediately. If they aren't, then you should quit whining.
Do adults play with dolls now? What's the market unless you're a homo who's gained control of children and is abusing them.

I don't think adults play with dolls. The point is that children are identified and come out as gay/lgbt/tranny/etc. before kindergarten even. If a toddler tells his parent in 2018 "I am a girl", he is immediately put on hormone treatment. This is the new way of thinking.
What have you got against Protestants, Jim?

It is not all Protestants, just the Seven Sisters of the Anglican church denominational family.

They are decadent, anti-Christ and evil from tippy top (the Queen) to most of their pews as well.

Protestants who still follow the Bible have my respect, always
I love it when companies/organizations shoot themselves in the foot catering to social justice warriors.
The Boy Scouts are on the verge of bankruptcy since allowing girls to join. Dicks Sporting Goods is closing 18 stores since not selling guns. So, expect Mattel to lose money over this decision.
My question is, would they lose enough to put themselves out of business? And what makes them think that such a product would be a popular enough buy in the first place when they make things that are mostly wanted by little girls?

God bless you always!!!


P.S.Your mentioning Dick's made me think of the CVS company. Apparently they didn't suffer much when they decided to rid their stores of tobacco products.
Good for them!

The more they piss off the conservatards the better.

Yeah we can see you all saying that too after it's learned how the kid was being fkd up the azz too. Yeah piss those conservatives off. Nice use a kid to piss off those conservatives that's a great TRENDY , TRUMP HATING WAY TO GO!!

zero four thirty way to go hero.

If someone sexually abuses a child they should go to jail or be executed.

But this is capitalism. There are same-sex weddings. They want same-sex wedding decorations and will pay for them.

As it was with same sex marriage, it doesn't effect anyone but the family involved.
I love it when companies/organizations shoot themselves in the foot catering to social justice warriors.
The Boy Scouts are on the verge of bankruptcy since allowing girls to join. Dicks Sporting Goods is closing 18 stores since not selling guns. So, expect Mattel to lose money over this decision.
My question is, would they lose enough to put themselves out of business? And what makes them think that such a product would be a popular enough buy in the first place when they make things that are for little girls?

God bless you always!!!


P.S.Your mentioning Dick's made me think of the CVS company. Apparently they didn't suffer much when they decided to rid their stores of tobacco products.

Tobacco products doesn't exactly fall under the social justice warrior umbrella.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!
I didn't know gays looked different from anyone else. This is perplexing. A wedding set with two Ken dolls, fine. The tuxes would be cool, anyway.

Kens boyfriend is named Lance.


SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!

jesus christ i am wondering if there really IS a devil out there the way the world is getting more and more dangerous by the minute.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!
I didn't know gays looked different from anyone else. This is perplexing. A wedding set with two Ken dolls, fine. The tuxes would be cool, anyway.

Yeah i'm sure this is REAL PARENT APPROVED TOO


Desmond is Amazing on Instagram: “Found a fellow peacock @theannarexia at @rupaulsdragcon . . . #dragcon #dragconnyc #annarexia #desmondisamazing #amazies . booking:…”


Just imagine if it were a girl having this done to her, Oh that's right gay white little boys are preferred by the leftist cult.

I didn't know you could be such an idiot and embrace pedos sucking in a little boy after all he did read at the beginning of the video LGBTQ P . we know the P went right over your head since we can be sure you never bothered to watch the video provided.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!
They could call it Ken meets Dave.
It is a mistake to cave into people who represent a small minority in order to vex and irritate a larger majority.

And you think the purpose is just to vex crazy right wingers. How small and childish of you.

I wouldn't say "crazy right wingers", but it is definitely a way of homoamericans showing their disdain for American societal norms for sure.

The light in the loafer crowd appreciates what they call "high camp" to try and outrage us straight arrows. The height of camp was their degradation and attack on the institution of marriage. The government quick folding on that is now causing them to do even crazier things. I don't think the gay beaus were really ready for the quick approval of men in wedding dresses.

You have a very active imagination.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

Well Dick meet Dick we are getting married we are trying to make ourselves feel normal in every way there is but our pysche can't run from itself when we know all the wrongs are being made right and no matter how much we get our ways with being seemingly normal our inner voice knows we can never ever be " normal" no matter what we shove down the normal american's throat!

Sorry If I were a parent I'd drop buying this trash bs for kids in a heartbeat, let me own kid decided when they are an adult not some fkn brainwashed bs shoved down their throats making them think they are gay when they aren't or a trans when they aren't . THAT IS ABUSIVE BRAINWASHING" !!

If someone forces you to buy a same-sex Wedding Set, then you should call the cops immediately. If they aren't, then you should quit whining.
Do adults play with dolls now? What's the market unless you're a homo who's gained control of children and is abusing them.

I'm sure sales of dolls are determined by the same things that have always determined the sales of dolls -- The parents decision of what dolls are appropriate for their children. Your accusation that a same sex wedding set is somehow associated with child molestation is just stupid, and typical or right wing logic.

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