#BareShelvesBiden trends across multiple social media outlets...

I'm with you on that.
They're nasty!! The Wife is always bringing home shit I wont drink.

Drinks are where we tend to differ the most in our taste. Though she does put Ketchup on her eggs and does not like grits....those two were almost game changers! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ;)
Drinks are where we tend to differ the most in our taste. Though she does put Ketchup on her eggs and does not like grits....those two were almost game changers! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: ;)

The Wife brought home a new smoothie maker the other day and I asked Her what was wrong with the $400 dollar one She just had to have and used maybe three times.
This one is different and easier to use...... I told Her it's a fucken glorified blender fer fucks sake!!! The only difference is that it has two glasses you attach to it rather than pouring from the blender into a glass.
Mrs. MO and I have been noticing an abundance of empty shelf space at Wallyworld and Aldi's but thought it just might be a regional phenomenon...

... it looks like shortages have returned at grocery stores across the country.

Shelves weren't empty accross the country. Maybe you read stuff from credible sources.
The vast majority of trash in our oceans is from small nations and ships.
The ships routinely dump all their trash overboard. After a hurricane we went down to S. Padre Island seashore and drove the 65 mile trip down the beach and the vast majority of the trash was obviously from ships and foreign countries.
It was pretty obvious since the writing was mostly spanish and some form of asian dialect.
If every country was as clean as we are the problem would be pretty much solved.
The dialect was printed?
Lol, another crying little bitch wants to blame thier problem on the government. Lol hilarious 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀 Mean while I go to my grocery store the shelves are full. Why can my grocery store get their shit and yours can't? Again waiting for that policy that has been put in place that is stopping them. What is it shit for brains?
My stapler jammed last night. I blamed Biden.
Try as I might I cannot another source for this story. Whichi means this is just another article by a pay by the site.

Your source is a lie and you are posting lies.
It's on Fox News front page from six hours ago... with quotes from the Mayor of Atlanta, CNBC reporters and others...


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