#BareShelvesBiden trends across multiple social media outlets...

Wow, FoxNews is comparing us to the Soviet Union.

Never saw that coming.

Next thing you know MSNBC will say bad things about Trump.

What is this world coming to.
Fox News news division is pretty good.

Sure... you've got narratives and framing...but you have that everywhere.

In a country where we haven't had shortages like this in my lifetime, the comparison is apt, even if somewhat hyperbolic...
Fox News news division is pretty good.

Sure... you've got narratives and framing...but you have that everywhere.

In a country where we haven't had shortages like this in my lifetime, the comparison is apt, even if somewhat hyperbolic...
Brings back fond memories of Venezuela....
Only now they're doing that? Sounds stupid to me.
Between a massive spike in illness...so people are out sick.

And delayed, destroyed, undelivered food...we have a huge supply chain issue.

Shipping is at historic highs.

Ports are backed up for eternity.

I mean really...

We have only 330 million people in America...two coastlines and a gulf all with numerous ports. Complete interstate system, highway system and airports and railway. But we can't seem to get groceries in the grocery stores.

That's Biden's fault...pure and simple.
And he can try to gaslight us by saying that we are imagining things....but it's he that is delusional at this point.

Every industry is changing, and it's having severe shortages in employee's across the boards. It's a generational and trending change because of the super fast changing landscapes involved, the culture's involved, and the way kids have been raised and/or turned into snowflake's sad to say.

Kid's while young were being fed a steady diet of modernization, lies, and experiencing divorce in their family's.

Then you have Democrat government come along to seal the deal by attempting to unify with these young adults who are as gullible and weak minded as they can be, and then set to believe and/or do anything.

We see the youth of today engaging in destructive lifestyle's that end up destroying their productive lives quickly, and then we have hollyweird dumping heavily it's fuel on the fires. All these things end up being felt heavily in the workforces of America, and therefore they lead to human resource shortages big time. I could go on and on, but we all know the deal, and we know who and what is responsible for it all.
Lol, got groceries here. So there's that. You do realize we live in a capitalist society right? Biden does not purchase and stock your stores shelves. That is the responsibility of ownership and management.
Government can affect shortages or just overall attitude's and action's due to knee jerk foreign policies, sanctions, and a variety of domestic interventionism, anti-capitalism, dabbling where it doesn't belong, hyping issues for political reasons, and so on and so forth.
Mrs. MO and I have been noticing an abundance of empty shelf space at Wallyworld and Aldi's but thought it just might be a regional phenomenon...

... it looks like shortages have returned at grocery stores across the country.

Count your blessings, but read the labels on what's left. Where the Welch's real grape juice bottles for $3.50 were, there is a Welch grape (word juice omitted) bottle set of 6 that contain basically koolaid mixed with a couple of drops of artificial food color, artificial flavorings, but you can't take it back made because the word "juice" is missing for a higher price than real juice was last year. Business has its coping mechanisms..... so consumer, watch out. The next generation of Americans are going to be undernourished while megalith businesses living on a tradition of excellence succumb to wanton greed and candy water instead of nature's finest. :(
Count your blessings, but read the labels on what's left. Where the Welch's real grape juice bottles for $3.50 were, there is a Welch grape (word juice omitted) bottle set of 6 that contain basically koolaid mixed with a couple of drops of artificial food color, artificial flavorings, but you can't take it back made because the word "juice" is missing for a higher price than real juice was last year. Business has its coping mechanisms..... so consumer, watch out. The next generation of Americans are going to be undernourished while megalith businesses living on a tradition of excellence succumb to wanton greed and candy water instead of nature's finest. :(
P.S. Also, look out for shelving sets of bottles with the ingredients missing inside and whatever used to be there is some kind of mixture so the manufacturer doesn't have to tell you the ingredients are different with the real name of the product concealed from your view, packaged in the same kind of look as the real deal used to be. Deceptions abound when a President extorts money from third world countries as his party elevates him to puppet status with a high office title.
Fox News news division is pretty good.

Sure... you've got narratives and framing...but you have that everywhere.

In a country where we haven't had shortages like this in my lifetime, the comparison is apt, even if somewhat hyperbolic...

The shortages are localized, some places are bad, most are not having issues. If you live in one of the places that are, then this is a big deal to you, if you live the places that are not, it is not a big deal.
Stupid comment ^^^, not unexpected from you.

My family recycles plastics though we try not to buy plastics. One more example of the private sectors greed - using plastic and harming our ecosystem.
You’re the one claiming your trash ended up in the ocean. So again, why didn’t you dispose of your trash legally?
Mrs. MO and I have been noticing an abundance of empty shelf space at Wallyworld and Aldi's but thought it just might be a regional phenomenon...

... it looks like shortages have returned at grocery stores across the country.

Should have seen this coming a mile away. Why didn’t Trump have a plan?
Including lefties favorite virtue signaling prop “ the mask” that they cant seem to dispose of properly while touting about their virtuous nature regarding the environment.

This is a very big problem, I agree.

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