Barney Frank's Revisionist History

when did Frank become the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee?

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
Published: September 11, 2003
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. .WASHINGTON, Sept. 10— The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

•In 2005, Frank, then the ranking Democrat on the House Financial Services Committee, worked with committee chairman Rep. Michael Oxley (R-OH) on the Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005, which would have established the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to replace the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) as overseer of the activities of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. After voting for the bill in committee, Frank voted against final passage of the bill on the House floor, stating that he was doing so because an amendment to the bill on the House floor imposed restrictions on the kinds of nonprofit organizations that could receive funding under the bill.
•In early 2007, as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Frank sponsored H.R. 1427, a bill to create the FHFA, granting that agency "general supervisory and regulatory authority over" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and directing it to reform the companies' business practices and regulate their exposure to credit and market risk. Among other things, Frank's legislation, titled the "Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2007," directed the FHFA director to "ensure" that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac "operate[] in a safe and sound manner, including maintenance of adequate capital and internal controls" and to establish standards for "management of credit and counterparty risk" and "management of market risk." The FHFA was eventually created after Congress incorporated provisions that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said were "similar" to those of H.R. 1427 into the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, which the president signed into law on July 30.

In 2006 a Fannie Mae representative stated in SEC filings that they "did not participate in large amounts of these non-traditional mortgages in 2004 and 2005."[53]In response to criticism from conservatives, Frank said, “In 2004, it was Bush who started to push Fannie and Freddie into subprime mortgages, because they were boasting about how they were expanding homeownership for low-income people. And I said at the time, ‘Hey—(a) this is going to jeopardize their profitability, but (b) it’s going to put people in homes they can’t afford, and they’re gonna lose them.’” [6]

In 2009 Frank responded to what he called "wholly inaccurate efforts by Republicans to blame Democrats, and [me] in particular" for the subprime mortgage crisis, which is linked to the financial crisis of 2007-2009.[54] He outlined his efforts to reform these institutions and add regulations, but met resistance from Republicans, with the main exception being a bill with Republican Mike Oxley that died because of opposition from President Bush.[54] The 2005 bill included Frank objectives, which were to impose tighter regulation of Fannie and Freddie and new funds for rental housing. Frank and Mike Oxley achieved broad bipartisan support for the bill in the Financial Services Committee, and it passed the House. But the Senate never voted on the measure, in part because President Bush was likely to veto it. “If it had passed, that would have been one of the ways we could have reined in the bowling ball going downhill called housing,” Oxley told Frank. In an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal, Lawrence B. Lindsey, a former economic adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote that Frank “is the only politician I know who has argued that we needed tighter rules that intentionally produce fewer homeowners and more renters.”[6] Once control shifted to the Democrats, Frank was able to help guide both the Federal Housing Reform Act (H.R. 1427) and the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act (H.R. 3915) to passage in 2007.[54] Frank also said that the Republican-led Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999, which repealed part of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 and removed the wall between commercial and investment banks, contributed to the financial meltdown.[54] Frank further stated that "during twelve years of Republican rule no reform was adopted regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In 2007, a few months after I became the Chairman, the House passed a strong reform bill; we sought to get the [Bush] administration’s approval to include it in the economic stimulus legislation in January 2008; and finally got it passed and onto President Bush’s desk in July 2008. Moreover, "we were able to adopt it in nineteen months, and we could have done it much quicker if the [Bush] administration had cooperated."[55]
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As fun as it is to point out Republican hypocrisy, it is more than a tad disingenuous to steer the blame for the collapse of Freddie and Fannie to the Republicans and away from the Democrats.

Barney Frank Hypocrisy Hits New Record After Saying Republicans Ought To Be Embarrassed About Fannie And Freddie | zero hedge

Barney Frank asks, "What housing bubble?" LOL


Now you need a video of Chris Dodd saying the same thing and then a video fo the both of these condemning Bush for doing what they were bragging about having done.

No wonder they want free health care. They could hurt their necks turning around that fast.
As Ffun as it is to point out Republican hypocrisy, it is more than a tad disingenuous to steer the blame for the collapse of Freddie and Fannie to the Republicans and away from the Democrats.

Barney Frank Hypocrisy Hits New Record After Saying Republicans Ought To Be Embarrassed About Fannie And Freddie | zero hedge

Barney Frank asks, "What housing bubble?" LOL


Now you need a video of Chris Dodd saying the same thing and then a video fo the both of these condemning Bush for doing what they were bragging about having done.

No wonder they want free health care. They could hurt their necks turning around that fast.

in 2005, Frank compares the Housing situation to the Dot Com bubble where magic carpets and smoke and mirrors were at work. Frank calls for more home ownership. Where is the scandal? He says 'obviously speculation is never a good thing'

he tries to calm fears about a collapse---in 2005---of a housing bubble.

where was he wrong? was he saying the same thing as Bush said?
As fun as it is to point out Republican hypocrisy, it is more than a tad disingenuous to steer the blame for the collapse of Freddie and Fannie to the Republicans and away from the Democrats.

Barney Frank Hypocrisy Hits New Record After Saying Republicans Ought To Be Embarrassed About Fannie And Freddie | zero hedge

Barney Frank asks, "What housing bubble?" LOL


Where exactly is the hypocrisy? It's 2005---2005, and it's National Home ownership Month? Was Frank ever against Home ownership? :cuckoo:
Here is an interesting compilation of the committee discussions:
YouTube - Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam that caused our Economic Crisis

Frank, Meeks, Waters, Clay, et al said 'no' to more regulations in 2004, when it was still fixable. So did Bubba.


Tying this to the financial collapse is just precious. :lol:

The scandals of the early to mid 2000s had very little to do with the current economic crisis. :lol:

gawd, you fools see a video with a misleading headline and take it for a history lesson.

gawd, I love watching the Right Wing Lunacy perform it's many feats of reasoning gymnastics. Up is down, left is right, principled people are RINOS, liberals are socialists, big business and financial firms are socialistic organs of a secret plot to reinvigorate Saul Alinsky from obscurity...

:lol: :lol: :lol::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol::lol:
Financial reform which doesn't include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is a joke.

We've bailed them out for $400B, more than was given to all banks combined. They should be dismantled and privatized. Socializing risk and privatizing profit is The Cause of the crisis - and FM/FM were at the nexus of that noxious mess

You are confusing the financial system's collapse with the housing market.

par for the course


The financial system collapsed BECAUSE of the housing market, dummy.

House values plummeted because prices were overly inflated, and the MBS, CDO's, CDS, etc, crashed.

Get out of threads you know nothing about.

Or stay and look stupid.

Financial reform which doesn't include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is a joke.

We've bailed them out for $400B, more than was given to all banks combined. They should be dismantled and privatized. Socializing risk and privatizing profit is The Cause of the crisis - and FM/FM were at the nexus of that noxious mess

You are confusing the financial system's collapse with the housing market.

par for the course


The financial system collapsed BECAUSE of the housing market, dummy.

House values plummeted because prices were overly inflated, and the MBS, CDO's, CDS, etc, crashed.

Get out of threads you know nothing about.

Or stay and look stupid.


methinks you are confusing derivatives and other horseshit with the housing market.

oar for teh course

no use trying to discuss anything but gay insults with you....hey get back to that other thread. all the other Dante Fevah victims are there...even Gunny! :lol:
You are confusing the financial system's collapse with the housing market.

par for the course


The financial system collapsed BECAUSE of the housing market, dummy.

House values plummeted because prices were overly inflated, and the MBS, CDO's, CDS, etc, crashed.

Get out of threads you know nothing about.

Or stay and look stupid.


methinks you are confusing derivatives and other horseshit with the housing market.

oar for teh course

no use trying to discuss anything but gay insults with you....hey get back to that other thread. all the other Dante Fevah victims are there...even Gunny! :lol:

Derivatives are tied to the mortgages, idiot. All the defaulted mortgages were due to lost income from job losses brought on by collapsing derivative values, which led to banks locking the door on lending to businesses. The decline in derivative values was correlated to the decline in home values. The decline in home values put a lot of people extremely upside down in a mortgage they already couldn't afford to pay.

You obviously don't know what derivatives are, so do yourself a favor and quit while you're behind.
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You are confusing the financial system's collapse with the housing market.

par for the course


The financial system collapsed BECAUSE of the housing market, dummy.

House values plummeted because prices were overly inflated, and the MBS, CDO's, CDS, etc, crashed.

Get out of threads you know nothing about.

Or stay and look stupid.


methinks you are confusing derivatives and other horseshit with the housing market.

oar for teh course

no use trying to discuss anything but gay insults with you....hey get back to that other thread. all the other Dante Fevah victims are there...even Gunny! :lol:

Derivatives channeled credit into the housing market, which gave people more credit to buy houses, causing home prices to rise. Without these derivatives, there is no way the housing bubble would have gotten as out of hand as it did.

The GSEs had some effect - you can't be 40% of the market and have no effect - but derivative structures were responsible for packaging the shittiest subprime mortgages into respectable products, and had much more of an effect than Freddie and Fannie did on the housing bubble. Wall Street, which created these products, is IMHO perhaps only second to the Fed in the list of culprits for this mess.
No FAMILY! :evil:

That rule is pretty clear cut. And in case you didn't know, Rep. Frank is Dahntay's life partner.

I'm sure he'll be here soon to defend the love of his life from such fair and legitimate criticism.

Barney is quite capable of defending himself. Not many people and especially you, would have the balls to go face to face with the man in a debate let alone an insult session. Unlike Dude, you're not a lightweight hack, you're just a lightweight who has his moments. The less said by you the greater your mystique among the prols here...the more you say...well let us just say this small pond has proved long ago to be too big for your bullshit games.:eusa_whistle:

Keep telling yourself that poser. :lol:

I've had your number for what seems like an eternity, and you've obviously not yet made your peace with it. :thup:
Financial reform which doesn't include Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is a joke.

We've bailed them out for $400B, more than was given to all banks combined. They should be dismantled and privatized. Socializing risk and privatizing profit is The Cause of the crisis - and FM/FM were at the nexus of that noxious mess

Let's not forget about the Fed's 1.25 trillion in agency MBS purchases.
Is the American Enterprise Institute helping the Fed transfer $1.25 trillion in toxic MBS and non-performing loans onto the public's balance sheet?

Was Quantitative Easing a fraud from the get go? The first leg of a two step process designed to "remove the bad paper from the bank's balance sheets and then dump it on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as discreetly as possible."

"Naturally the Fed will need an excuse to justify what amounts to another gigantic bail-out.

"The AEI thinks the fear of inflation will do the trick, and they are probably right.

"Expect the Fed to mobilize its allies in the media to launch a public relations campaign that focuses on the imminent threat of hyperinflation."

Anybody think Barney hasn't figured this out?
The financial system collapsed BECAUSE of the housing market, dummy.

House values plummeted because prices were overly inflated, and the MBS, CDO's, CDS, etc, crashed.

Get out of threads you know nothing about.

Or stay and look stupid.


methinks you are confusing derivatives and other horseshit with the housing market.

oar for teh course

no use trying to discuss anything but gay insults with you....hey get back to that other thread. all the other Dante Fevah victims are there...even Gunny! :lol:

Derivatives channeled credit into the housing market, which gave people more credit to buy houses, causing home prices to rise. Without these derivatives, there is no way the housing bubble would have gotten as out of hand as it did.

The GSEs had some effect - you can't be 40% of the market and have no effect - but derivative structures were responsible for packaging the shittiest subprime mortgages into respectable products, and had much more of an effect than Freddie and Fannie did on the housing bubble. Wall Street, which created these products, is IMHO perhaps only second to the Fed in the list of culprits for this mess.
thank you:eusa_whistle:
This mess was caused by a lack of regulations on the industry.

To pretend anything else is stupidity
No FAMILY! :evil:

That rule is pretty clear cut. And in case you didn't know, Rep. Frank is Dahntay's life partner.

I'm sure he'll be here soon to defend the love of his life from such fair and legitimate criticism.

Barney is quite capable of defending himself. Not many people and especially you, would have the balls to go face to face with the man in a debate let alone an insult session. Unlike Dude, you're not a lightweight hack, you're just a lightweight who has his moments. The less said by you the greater your mystique among the prols here...the more you say...well let us just say this small pond has proved long ago to be too big for your bullshit games.:eusa_whistle:

Keep telling yourself that poser. :lol:

I've had your number for what seems like an eternity, and you've obviously not yet made your peace with it. :thup:

My number? Go play with yourself behind a tree on the blvd you fuckin' cry baby. :lol:

You're routine got old after a few threads back at bhf
Barney is quite capable of defending himself. Not many people and especially you, would have the balls to go face to face with the man in a debate let alone an insult session. Unlike Dude, you're not a lightweight hack, you're just a lightweight who has his moments. The less said by you the greater your mystique among the prols here...the more you say...well let us just say this small pond has proved long ago to be too big for your bullshit games.:eusa_whistle:

Keep telling yourself that poser. :lol:

I've had your number for what seems like an eternity, and you've obviously not yet made your peace with it. :thup:

My number? Go play with yourself behind a tree on the blvd you fuckin' cry baby. :lol:

You're[sic] routine got old after a few threads back at bhf


The girly-man dipshit is blubbering all over himself while calling someone else a crybaby.

TFF! :rofl:
Keep telling yourself that poser. :lol:

I've had your number for what seems like an eternity, and you've obviously not yet made your peace with it. :thup:

My number? Go play with yourself behind a tree on the blvd you fuckin' cry baby. :lol:

You're[sic] routine got old after a few threads back at bhf


The girly-man dipshit is blubbering all over himself while calling someone else a crybaby.

TFF! :rofl:

yeah right, like you could make anybody blubber... :lol:
My number? Go play with yourself behind a tree on the blvd you fuckin' cry baby. :lol:

You're[sic] routine got old after a few threads back at bhf


The girly-man dipshit is blubbering all over himself while calling someone else a crybaby.

TFF! :rofl:

yeah right, like you could make anybody blubber... :lol:
As sociopaths can't experience any shame, for example, they rarely cry, even when they should. They just continue their attention-seeking behavior.

The girly-man dipshit is blubbering all over himself while calling someone else a crybaby.

TFF! :rofl:

yeah right, like you could make anybody blubber... :lol:
As sociopaths can't experience any shame, for example, they rarely cry, even when they should. They just continue their attention-seeking behavior.

mani is one of the greatest sociopaths I've ever met on the internet(s). His sharing without embarrassment of an inability to experience anything outside the sphere selfishness, is amazing. But then again, most all Randian nitwits are sociopaths.

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