Barr is traveling to other countries trying to disprove Russia hacked the 2016 election!

A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:
fu without the pos trumps help from russia he'd be back in NY ripping off whomever he could He and ah trump supporters are traitors

What timing. Thanks for exemplifying my point.
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

NO. He is trying to prove the CIA and Democrats HIRED the Russians! Wish him luck!

He wants to prove the Democrats hired the Russians to help hurt the Democrats? They must be putting Kool-aid in your Kool-aid.
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

NO. He is trying to prove the CIA and Democrats HIRED the Russians! Wish him luck!

He wants to prove the Democrats hired the Russians to help hurt the Democrats? They must be putting Kool-aid in your Kool-aid.
No, to hurt Trump-keep up with current events
A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:

Only the GOP and their fellow travelers believe Russia did not have any aid and comfort by trump&co. in Putin's effort to elect trump.
Seems this goes beyond the duties of an attorney general but what with trump's fixer in prison and gooliani nowhere to be found...well, someone has to help keep this stupid a hole of a president out of the hoosegow.
A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:
fu without the pos trumps help from russia he'd be back in NY ripping off whomever he could He and ah trump supporters are traitors


Russian memes tricked literally dozens of Dems to vote for Trump in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

NO. He is trying to prove the CIA and Democrats HIRED the Russians! Wish him luck!

He wants to prove the Democrats hired the Russians to help hurt the Democrats? They must be putting Kool-aid in your Kool-aid.
No, to hurt Trump-keep up with current events

I couldn't possibly slurp enough propaganda to believe that counter-factual bullshit, and you shouldn't let anyone think you believe it. Your family would be so embarrassed.
From what I recall Barry Hussein was in charge in 2016 and the Obama administration used foreign agents to try to influence the election. The FBI was corrupted and the former CIA chief is a player in an attempted political coup of a sitting president.

Correct. The hacking took place under Hussein. Hillary indirectly hired a foreign agent, who obtained information from the Russian government. But Trump, with no political ties, no international leadership ties, was responsible for Trump winning the election.
The Clinton's and the gang are undoubtedly the most corrupt people in Washington D.C. Why else would they have had a server set up like they did, and the blame game they put on that poor film artist over Ben-Gazi excetra, excetra ???? Allowing people to go free after crimes were comitted, has proven to be a huge mistake that has come back to haunt this nation in a huge way. It actually gave a green light or normalized bad behaviour. Not good.
Seems this goes beyond the duties of an attorney general but what with trump's fixer in prison and gooliani nowhere to be found...well, someone has to help keep this stupid a hole of a president out of the hoosegow.
Big talk as the investigation goes on that needed to go on. Cart before the horse much ??
They quickly forget that trump stood at a podium beside Putin the thug and denied that Russis hacked the 2016 election....cause he is a DICK....
From what I recall Barry Hussein was in charge in 2016 and the Obama administration used foreign agents to try to influence the election. The FBI was corrupted and the former CIA chief is a player in an attempted political coup of a sitting president.

Correct. The hacking took place under Hussein. Hillary indirectly hired a foreign agent, who obtained information from the Russian government. But Trump, with no political ties, no international leadership ties, was responsible for Trump winning the election.
The Clinton's and the gang are undoubtedly the most corrupt people in Washington D.C. Why else would they have had a server set up like they did, and the blame game they put on that poor film artist over Ben-Gazi excetra, excetra ???? Allowing people to go free after crimes were comitted, has proven to be a huge mistake that has come back to haunt this nation in a huge way. It actually gave a green light or normalized bad behaviour. Not good.

And this phony impeachment thing just adds to it. Imagine, they are going to try and impeach a President over their interpretation of what they read. It's never been done before in the history of our country.
Trump And Barr Ask UK Officials To Attack The US Intelligence Community

Barr and trump are slugs and co-conspirators....

trump has given Barr the order...."YOU NEED TO PROVE THAT RUSSIA DID NOT HACK THE 2016 ELECTION!"

A request direct from the Kremlin....
Y'all love using all your bullcrap rehtoric about Trump and his alledged co-conspiritors etc, but act all worried about the role Democrats played in covering up their crimes in the attempt to over throw a President. Can't make this crap up I tell ya.
Amazing the number of Russian Trolls on here!

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg

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