Barr is traveling to other countries trying to disprove Russia hacked the 2016 election!

From what I recall Barry Hussein was in charge in 2016 and the Obama administration used foreign agents to try to influence the election. The FBI was corrupted and the former CIA chief is a player in an attempted political coup of a sitting president.

Correct. The hacking took place under Hussein. Hillary indirectly hired a foreign agent, who obtained information from the Russian government. But Trump, with no political ties, no international leadership ties, was responsible for Trump winning the election.
The Clinton's and the gang are undoubtedly the most corrupt people in Washington D.C. Why else would they have had a server set up like they did, and the blame game they put on that poor film artist over Ben-Gazi excetra, excetra ???? Allowing people to go free after crimes were comitted, has proven to be a huge mistake that has come back to haunt this nation in a huge way. It actually gave a green light or normalized bad behaviour. Not good.

And this phony impeachment thing just adds to it. Imagine, they are going to try and impeach a President over their interpretation of what they read. It's never been done before in the history of our country.
Couldn't believe that bullcrap when I heard it.. I mean who in the hell do they think they are anyways ??? Don't you just love how the Democrats allot themselves power in which they don't have, yet because they say they do then it must be true ??? Pathetic.
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.


Barr should be prosecuted for misusing the DOJ for political purposes - helping Trump.
Good luck attempting to brand him in this way, but everyone knows the crats are just bloviating out of desperation.
From what I recall Barry Hussein was in charge in 2016 and the Obama administration used foreign agents to try to influence the election. The FBI was corrupted and the former CIA chief is a player in an attempted political coup of a sitting president.

Correct. The hacking took place under Hussein. Hillary indirectly hired a foreign agent, who obtained information from the Russian government. But Trump, with no political ties, no international leadership ties, was responsible for Trump winning the election.
The Clinton's and the gang are undoubtedly the most corrupt people in Washington D.C. Why else would they have had a server set up like they did, and the blame game they put on that poor film artist over Ben-Gazi excetra, excetra ???? Allowing people to go free after crimes were comitted, has proven to be a huge mistake that has come back to haunt this nation in a huge way. It actually gave a green light or normalized bad behaviour. Not good.

And this phony impeachment thing just adds to it. Imagine, they are going to try and impeach a President over their interpretation of what they read. It's never been done before in the history of our country.
Couldn't believe that bullcrap when I heard it.. I mean who in the hell do they think they are anyways ??? Don't you just love how the Democrats allot themselves power in which they don't have, yet because they say they do then it must be true ??? Pathetic.

It's basically the Nazi mentality of the left. They (and their constituents) believe this is their country, and always has been. Conservatives are merely visitors here.

Yes, they allow us some say in the direction, but don't you dare try to take over, even if by the will of the people. Because the will of the people is secondary to their rein of power. Dare you try, our media will destroy you, our teachers will brainwash children into hatred, our entertainment industry will convince tabloid slaves that you are the devil incarnate. We will ask our followers to attack anybody who supports you either verbally or physically.

You are only welcome in our country at our pleasure.
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.


Barr should be prosecuted for misusing the DOJ for political purposes - helping Trump.

So the AG should be prosecuted for looking into the last administration WHO DID misuse our agencies for political purposes. They used the FBI, the CIA, and even our FISA courts to defeat an opponent.

You people are such hypocrites.
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies
My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH: My God! Barr is gathering up all this evidence on the democrats and THE SHIT IS GONNA HIT THE FAN when Trump's team finally has the chance to get the real story out to the world! :dance: Man, it REALLY sucks to be a democrat now. And there is no backing out, Nancy.

What I find amazing is how gullible they are. Barr is traveling all over the place to "disprove" the Russian hacking. How does one disprove something? What is Barr doing in his mind, running around asking people if something didn't happen? How does that work exactly?

The only thing remarkable about Tards is that after losing the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, the White House in 2016, the Supreme Court in 2018 and the Mueller Witch Trial in 2019 all through lies, delusion and misinformation to themselves, here we are going into 2020 and what are the Tards still trying as their best idea for a winning solution?

More lies to themselves.
More misinformation to their base.
And more delusions about Trump and their real prospects for next year.

I understand that, but don't some liberals have common sense???? I'm quite aware they are puppet masters. It's why some are still running around saying Russia stole the election, or that Trump said white supremacists are great people. But this is a whole new level if you ask me.

Attempted coups tend to take situations to a new level
A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:

Only the GOP and their fellow travelers believe Russia did not have any aid and comfort by trump&co. in Putin's effort to elect trump.

And Mueller
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies
My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH: My God! Barr is gathering up all this evidence on the democrats and THE SHIT IS GONNA HIT THE FAN when Trump's team finally has the chance to get the real story out to the world! :dance: Man, it REALLY sucks to be a democrat now. And there is no backing out, Nancy.

What I find amazing is how gullible they are. Barr is traveling all over the place to "disprove" the Russian hacking. How does one disprove something? What is Barr doing in his mind, running around asking people if something didn't happen? How does that work exactly?

The only thing remarkable about Tards is that after losing the House in 2010, the Senate in 2014, the White House in 2016, the Supreme Court in 2018 and the Mueller Witch Trial in 2019 all through lies, delusion and misinformation to themselves, here we are going into 2020 and what are the Tards still trying as their best idea for a winning solution?

More lies to themselves.
More misinformation to their base.
And more delusions about Trump and their real prospects for next year.

I understand that, but don't some liberals have common sense????

Sure. But those are your Zell Miller democrats, the old school Dems, quite reasonable and decent people, which means that in today's D-party, they are entirely inhibited from speaking out because A). The radicalized Dems won't listen to them, and B). They run the risk of having the party turn against them and treat them as no better or different than any tRumpster.

And a lot of those people don't like what they see in their party today and in 2016, many swung to Donald because they retched at the thought of Hillary Clinton.

Who can blame them.
A lie. He's traveling the world because Demonicrats are corrupt and invented the Russian hoax.

Nobody is denying Russia tried to influence an election one way or another. Many countries do, and we do the same. At the end of the day it had no impact. If it did, compare and contrast to TV, "news", web and debates who are bent-over for leftists with 24/7 propaganda. :1peleas:

There is no Russiai "hoax". There was a massive Russian disinformationo campaign run on several scores, through Twitter, FaceBook, and other social media platforms, including this one.

Mueller was very clear in his evidence, and the Russian hacking has been confirmed by British Intelligence and Dutch Intelligence, as well as the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA. The American accomplice to the Russians has already plead guilty to charges that he aided and abetted the Russians in setting up fake identities. But you have to ask yourself why Trump is so determined to prove Russia didn't hack the DNC?

The most logical reason is that Barrack Obama imposed a number of sanctions on Russia for election interference and hacking the DNC. That's in addition to the sanctions imposed on Russia by the EU and NATO for the annexation of Crimea and the invasion of the Ukraine, and the Magnitsky Act sanctions imposed for corruption in Russia. The Republican Congress and the Senate almost unanimously passed a law that Donald Trump couldn't lift sanctions against Russia without the Consent of Congress. Since the Democrats joined in whole heartedly, the law was veto proof which, much to the chagrin of both Trump and Putin.

Bill Browder, the American businessman whose lawyer, Sergei Maginitsky was murdered for exposing corruption in Russia, testified for an entire week before Congress. His bombshell testimony would normally have been the headline of the week, except that was the week that Donald Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci and fired Sean Spice and Lance Priebus. Nobody noticed they guy testifying how the Russian government stole $230 million dollars from his company, and murdered his lawyer when he complained. Browder finished his testimony on Friday, and the Mooch was fired on Monday.

Don Jr.'s meeting in Trump Tower about "Russian orphans" is really the Magnitsky Act. Putin banned Americans from adopting Russian orphans in retaliation for the Magnitsky Act sanctions. General Flynn was talking to the Russian Ambassador about lifting sanctions after the Inauguration. Russian oligarchs cannot travel freely or access their stolen millions because of these sanctions.

Trump is also encouraging Zelensky to "make a deal" with Russia. If the Ukrainians and Russia make peace and Trump can prove the Ukrainians hacked the DNC or interfere in the election, then Trump can make the case to Congress to let him lift the sanctions against Russia.

The sanctions are the quid pro quo for Russia helping Trump with the election.
William Barr travels to U.K. to 'do a hatchet job' on U.S. intelligence agencies

My Gosh!! The DOJ is being run by a Complete trump Stooge! He is trying to disprove facts that have already by verified by numerous Intel agencies in various countries.

NO. He is trying to prove the CIA and Democrats HIRED the Russians! Wish him luck!

He wants to prove the Democrats hired the Russians to help hurt the Democrats? They must be putting Kool-aid in your Kool-aid.
No, to hurt Trump-keep up with current events

I couldn't possibly slurp enough propaganda to believe that counter-factual bullshit, and you shouldn't let anyone think you believe it. Your family would be so embarrassed.
Why do you think you are right-because you hate Trump? You swallow bullshit from CNN-why is that better than the logic of proving dirty dems dirty?

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