Barr pushes back on Trump: This is Not a ‘Witch hunt’

Trump did a huge disservice to our country, by making him self more important than Our country.

I’m reminded of Call to service by Kennedy. Modified by Trump of course. Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what you can do for me.
Actually, it is a witch hunt.


Ordered by Joe Biden.

They told me that if I voted for Trump, fascism would appear; I did and it has.

“We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he — under legitimate efforts of our Constitution — does not become the next president again,” Biden said.

This is also good Differentiation/Justification for Trump to be Indicted on the Documents and NOT Pence or Biden.

OF COURSE, what Barr doesn't Mention was that Trump was IN the Document Business in the White House AND after he left.
In that "1.5 Year Jerking around" he probably sold $20-$50 Million worth and/or traded for Saudi Financing.

Jared's $2 Billion arguably came in part from the Trump Docs flow.
Trump just got a big licensing fee from a HUGE Golf and Hotel complex in the UAE financed by.... Saudi Arabia with another $ 2 Billion.


One of those chosen by Trump who ended up choosing to stab Trump and America in the back.

Barr is rapidly getting close to top 10 all time traitor status...

You haven’t noticed that all of the witnesses at both impeachment trials, and the January 6 hearings, and all of the witnesses appearing before the grand jury for Jack Smith are Republicans?

You haven’t noticed that none of the former members of Donald Trump’s cabinet, who he personally hired, have endorsed Trump for president in 2024???

Most of the people who are still supporting, Trump are unindicted co-conspirators, who are either headed for jail, or they’re already in jail.

And still, you believe Trump’s lies. How gullible are you when those closest to him are telling you he’s lying.

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