Barr pushes back on Trump: This is Not a ‘Witch hunt’

That is what you should be in front of.

For what, noticing the William Barr is guilty of dozens of counts of treason, and remains to this day

1. fully aware 911 was a false flag hate hoax by his demographic
2. that Co2 does nothing and the FBI has had a fraud case since 2010 if not earlier
3. that 2/3rds of Congress has received kickbacks from Ukraine
4. that Covid was fraud and the "vax" is deliberate "population control"
Are you being wilfully stupid or or are you really this gullible?

No one said Barr changed the Mueller report. Barr created a summary of the Muellerp report which falsely claimed that Mueller exonerated Trump.
Barr did not change anything in the report.

He created a separate summary in his own words. He never said anything about exoneration you idiot.
For what, noticing the William Barr is guilty of dozens of counts of treason, and remains to this day

1. fully aware 911 was a false flag hate hoax by his demographic
2. that Co2 does nothing and the FBI has had a fraud case since 2010 if not earlier
3. that 2/3rds of Congress has received kickbacks from Ukraine
4. that Covid was fraud and the "vax" is deliberate "population control"
You guys are just plain stupid.
Are you being wilfully stupid or or are you really this gullible?

No one said Barr changed the Mueller report….
This nit-wit did you idiot ……
forkup said:
Depends on how you define "input." If "input" means Barr told Mueller what to put in the report, you are absolutely right. If "input" means Barr corruptly changed what was in the report. Barr had all the "input." I'll demonstrate. This is Barr's press-conference.
Like so many other Republicucks, the Democucks hated Barr before they loved him.

Boy, those Democucks sure are a bunch of cucking flip-floppers, ain't they?

Cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck.
Anyone with a brain disliked Barr because he was another one of Trump's lackeys who sold this Country down the goddam river in servitude to that no good assfuck Trump.

He's looking at 10 miles of bad road if he thinks he can redeem himself with a few remarks about Trump after he allowed Trump to him push him around instead of him standing up for the Constitution & doing what was right.
Anyone with a brain disliked Barr because he was another one of Trump's lackeys who sold this Country down the goddam river in servitude to that no good assfuck Trump.

He's looking at 10 miles of bad road if he thinks he can redeem himself with a few remarks about Trump after he allowed Trump to him push him around instead of him standing up for the Constitution & doing what was right.

Yeah, we have to get rid of the "Deep State" FBI, Justice Dept, etc.
And the 'Fake News' MSM!
Only Trump has the truth. In fact he's make many of you into blithering enablers.

Barr pushes back on Trump: This is not a ‘witch hunt’​

06/06/23 - 2:47PM - TheHill

""Former Attorney General Bill Barr pushed back on former President Trump’s claims that a special counsel’s ongoing documents probe is politically motivated and said he thinks the public eventually will come to realize the former president’s culpability.

“Over time, people will see that this is not a case of the Department of Justice conducting a witch hunt,” Barr said in an interview on CBS on Tuesday.
“In fact, they approached this very delicately and with deference to the president, and this would have gone Nowhere had the president just returned the documents.
But he Jerked them around for a Year and a half.”

When will these loons shut the hell up?
One of those chosen by Trump who ended up choosing to stab Trump and America in the back.

Barr is rapidly getting close to top 10 all time traitor status...
Billy the Bagman speaking the truth about Don is all it takes for The Following to throw him under the bus. But they'll always have "exoneration."
Starting from the beginning, how about Billy the Bagman's audition for the AG position by way of the paper he wrote in defense of the plenary power of the executive? It was a big wet kiss to Don designed to send the message that Billy essentially felt the POTUS was tantamount to a music to Individual 1's ears.
Starting from the beginning, how about Billy the Bagman's audition for the AG position by way of the paper he wrote in defense of the plenary power of the executive? It was a big wet kiss to Don designed to send the message that Billy essentially felt the POTUS was tantamount to a music to Individual 1's ears.

You didn't like President Trump having those powers?

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