Barr Reportedly Told Prosecutors To Look At Sedition Charges For Protest Violence

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
They also need to charge them with terrorism and ship them to Gitmo, and strip them of their citizenship...

Then, since no one will take them, they can live out their lives there...

What The Feral Mob aka Antifa aka filthy WHITE TRASH and BLM aka filthy Black RACIST Marxist TRASH are doing is the literal definition of Terrorism:


I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.
that comment shows youre either very ignorant or complicit in what is going on,,,

I'm going with ignorant,,,

No you're ignorant, protesting against police brutality and systemic racism is NOT sedition, you white men are the ones that are ignorant attacking anything thats against white supremacy.

Trying to overthrow the Government by means of VIOLENT INSURRECTION is NOT only Sedition it's also the definition of what TERRORISM is.

Who tried to overthrow the government you shameless monkey? WHO?
your ignorance is showing again,,,,

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
Its all a bit sinister isnt it ? What happened to those Bundy characters ? What were they charged with ?

Ted Bundy is dead, get with the programme :smoke:

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
How do you suggest we stop democrats from burning down black cities?

^^^^ This:


And this:


I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
They also need to charge them with terrorism and ship them to Gitmo, and strip them of their citizenship...

Then, since no one will take them, they can live out their lives there...

STFU, as a war vet who went to real combat there is no similarity between the protestors and enemy combatants on the battlefield who tried to harm the United States. GTFOH you deluded monkey with your dumbass reaches.
thats false valor and you should be ashamed,,,

I"m retired and I actually went to war dumbass. Don't piss on my service because you're politically deluded.
Thank you for your service!

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.
that comment shows youre either very ignorant or complicit in what is going on,,,

I'm going with ignorant,,,

No you're ignorant, protesting against police brutality and systemic racism is NOT sedition, you white men are the ones that are ignorant attacking anything thats against white supremacy.

Trying to overthrow the Government by means of VIOLENT INSURRECTION is NOT only Sedition it's also the definition of what TERRORISM is.

Who tried to overthrow the government you shameless monkey? WHO?

^^^^ This:


I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
Shut up and put your mask on or you will be sentenced to ten years in prison.

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.
that comment shows youre either very ignorant or complicit in what is going on,,,

I'm going with ignorant,,,

No you're ignorant, protesting against police brutality and systemic racism is NOT sedition, you white men are the ones that are ignorant attacking anything thats against white supremacy.
we arent talking about the peaceful protest dumbass,,,

I gave you two videos that walk you through it all so educate yourself,,,

Nobody is trying to overthrow the government nor even talking about it except far right groups and whitenationalists.

As you have illustrated how uneducated and ignorant you are, then why waste time actually responding to you with ANY sort of text and so I'll just post IMAGES to illustrate my points to you, in general to show how absurd your gibberish is.

"Nobody is trying to overthrow the government nor even talking about it except far right groups and whitenationalists."

^^^^ My visual image response to your above gibberish is this:


I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.
that comment shows youre either very ignorant or complicit in what is going on,,,

I'm going with ignorant,,,

No you're ignorant, protesting against police brutality and systemic racism is NOT sedition, you white men are the ones that are ignorant attacking anything thats against white supremacy.
we arent talking about the peaceful protest dumbass,,,

I gave you two videos that walk you through it all so educate yourself,,,

But but but the Propaganda MSM say they are just "Peaceful Protesters" :rolleyes-41:



I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.

Libs are trying to start a civil war because of the previous idiot in the office. Your racism continues to manifest itself.

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.
that comment shows youre either very ignorant or complicit in what is going on,,,

I'm going with ignorant,,,

No you're ignorant, protesting against police brutality and systemic racism is NOT sedition, you white men are the ones that are ignorant attacking anything thats against white supremacy.
we arent talking about the peaceful protest dumbass,,,

I gave you two videos that walk you through it all so educate yourself,,,

But but but the Propaganda MSM say they are just "Peaceful Protesters" :rolleyes-41:

View attachment 389786

View attachment 389787

Thats the entire history of the white man towards all nonwhites

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
How do you suggest we stop democrats from burning down black cities?

^^^^ This:

View attachment 389782

And this:

View attachment 389781

Name how many whites BLM has lynched.....I'll wait, wait a minute, its not even an organization.
I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.

Amazing huh? He also compared "national lockdowns" (we've never had a national lockdown) to SLAVERY :omg:

And he ragged all over his own prosecutors:

AND threatened to lock up the Mayor of Seattle:

What Fascist thing will Billy Barf say or do today (always a guessing game of outrageousness)

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
We know, tell ANTIFA and BLM.

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