Barr Reportedly Told Prosecutors To Look At Sedition Charges For Protest Violence


I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.
that comment shows youre either very ignorant or complicit in what is going on,,,

I'm going with ignorant,,,

No you're ignorant, protesting against police brutality and systemic racism is NOT sedition, you white men are the ones that are ignorant attacking anything thats against white supremacy.
we arent talking about the peaceful protest dumbass,,,

I gave you two videos that walk you through it all so educate yourself,,,

Nobody is trying to overthrow the government nor even talking about it except far right groups and whitenationalists.
thats your ignorance,,,cause some are openly saying just that,,,and those are the ones hes going after,,,

None are openly saying that nor are any trying to overthrow the government, but the far right groups have openly said so, especially during Obama term. Barr isn't targeting far right groups
thats where you ignorance comes into play,,,

I gave you the proof but I cant make you watch it,,,

so your ignorance is self inflicted,,,not my fault,,,

You gave absolutely no evidence period.
And you lie.

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.
that comment shows youre either very ignorant or complicit in what is going on,,,

I'm going with ignorant,,,

No you're ignorant, protesting against police brutality and systemic racism is NOT sedition, you white men are the ones that are ignorant attacking anything thats against white supremacy.
we arent talking about the peaceful protest dumbass,,,

I gave you two videos that walk you through it all so educate yourself,,,

Nobody is trying to overthrow the government nor even talking about it except far right groups and whitenationalists.

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.
that comment shows youre either very ignorant or complicit in what is going on,,,

I'm going with ignorant,,,

No you're ignorant, protesting against police brutality and systemic racism is NOT sedition, you white men are the ones that are ignorant attacking anything thats against white supremacy.
Racist thug^^

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.

To sum up Flaylo's posts ie. if you read ONE you have read them ALL:

"Blah Blah Drump" "Blah Blah Fascist" "Blah Blah Evil Whitey" "Blah Blah Far Right Groups" "Blah Blah White Nationalists"

^^^^ Rinse and Repeat for his next low IQ thread.

I mean WHY Flaylo is even posting at the forum who knows, or do you NOT have the balls to join your fellow Feral BLM Mob on the streets rioting and looting and torching thing?
They are all walking tropes with nothing but traitorous messages boiled down to three word phrases.

They are traitors and absolute loud and proud enemies.

All reasons to be treated as the enemies they loudly and proudly proclaim they are.

Do anything, call us nazi fascists.
Don't do something, call us nazi fascists.

Not trying to convince them of anything and providing the long list of examples where societies have been overthrown under the same exact tactics.

Sick of wasting my time by throwing pearls at swine. They are everything they claim they are against, which makes them the anti Semitic, patronizing racist fascists who gleefully use the blacks as cannon fodder.

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.

So Scumpty's lapdog wants to charge protesters with sedition, conspiring to overthrow the U.S. government. But, nothing said, zero, zilch about taking down confederate monuments to criminals who practiced sedition by trying, unsuccessfully to overthrow the United States of America. In fact, Scumpty says that "we will never take down our beautiful confederate monuments.

So, for Scumpty and his lap dog, confederate sedition was a good thing. Bigly!!!
Seems like this is more in line with sedition...armed men breaking into the state house.


I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.

Rioting is not constitutionally protected speech.

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
he has a constitutional duty to do this,,,

Fascism is not constitutional.
and thats why hes going with sedition charges,,,,to stop their facist actions,,,

Drump is the fascists trying to stomp out protest and opposition to him by any means necessary and by targeting Democrats. They are not targeting far right groups meaning its politically motivated you dumbass.

How bout opposition to rioters and looters in Seattle, Portland and Indianapolis? Seems to me that what this is about. Lefty Mayors telling their police departments to stand down and let rioters loot and burn building to the ground.

Your and your fascist crap can kiss my ass.
“Attorney General William Barr reportedly told federal prosecutors to aggressively consider charging violent demonstrators at anti-racism protests with crimes, including with plotting to overthrow the government, several media outlets said Wednesday.” ibid

This is the stuff of authoritarian dictators – that Trump supporters defend it comes as no surprise.

Such actions are an effort by Trump to silence dissent and opposition using fear and intimidation.

I told you all that Drump and his administration are fascists. Obama never committed fascist acts.
How do you suggest we stop democrats from burning down black cities?

^^^^ This:

View attachment 389782

And this:

View attachment 389781

Name how many whites BLM has lynched.....I'll wait, wait a minute, its not even an organization.

The Official Protect Yourself Category Against Feral Black Supremacist Mobs:


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