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Barr: 'Separation Of Church & State' A Socialist Slogan To Eliminate Importance/Influence of Religion

Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

Trumpsters calling Jefferson a socialist. That's pretty much all we need to know, eh?
Well you can't get any more ignorant than comparing Jeffersonian political philosophy to Socialism.
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

Who is "attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good"? There are many religions in this world. Moreover, non-religious people, these "militant secularists," whomever they might be, have the same rights as "religious" people do. Folks who cry about "religious people" supposedly being mistreated seem to be referring only to people who follow the particular religion that they have chosen for themselves, not a universal right to freedom of religion.
No thats not it at all.

Why are you banned from singing at church?
Why are you banned from going to church?

But lets get to the crux, why can people pray at school?
Why use holidays, when we are talking about Christmas?

What should happen is people should be able to exercise whatever religious beliefs they have (to an extent, things like human sacrifice would not be allowed...sorry aztecs).
So if I want to put a nativity scene on my desk I should be allowed to. If a Jew wants to put a minora on their desk, that's fine. If Muslims need to pray facing Mecca, I'm down for that.
The free exercise thereof should supersede anything else on religion, it is in the first amendment, separation of church and state is not in the constitution and basically means that the US cannot compel you to join a religion.......that's it...it doesn't mean if you feel left out because of your religion, you get to stop others from practicing theirs.....which is what is happening now.

It’s true that various groups have in the past sued to prevent state or federal governments from erecting religious monuments on public property. In 2001, for example, the ACLU of Southern California sued for removal of the Mojave Desert Cross at Sunrise Rock, which stood on land that had become part of a national preserve run by the National Park Service. That long and tangled legal battle continues and is now before the U.S. Supreme Court. (Update, April 28, 2010: The high court later ruled against the ACLU in that case, allowing the cross to stand. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote: "The goal of avoiding governmental endorsement [of religion] does not require eradication of all religious symbols in the public realm.")
wait you can't respond to it?
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

Who is "attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good"? There are many religions in this world. Moreover, non-religious people, these "militant secularists," whomever they might be, have the same rights as "religious" people do. Folks who cry about "religious people" supposedly being mistreated seem to be referring only to people who follow the particular religion that they have chosen for themselves, not a universal right to freedom of religion.
No thats not it at all.

Why are you banned from singing at church?
Why are you banned from going to church?

But lets get to the crux, why can people pray at school?
Why use holidays, when we are talking about Christmas?

What should happen is people should be able to exercise whatever religious beliefs they have (to an extent, things like human sacrifice would not be allowed...sorry aztecs).
So if I want to put a nativity scene on my desk I should be allowed to. If a Jew wants to put a minora on their desk, that's fine. If Muslims need to pray facing Mecca, I'm down for that.
The free exercise thereof should supersede anything else on religion, it is in the first amendment, separation of church and state is not in the constitution and basically means that the US cannot compel you to join a religion.......that's it...it doesn't mean if you feel left out because of your religion, you get to stop others from practicing theirs.....which is what is happening now.

It’s true that various groups have in the past sued to prevent state or federal governments from erecting religious monuments on public property. In 2001, for example, the ACLU of Southern California sued for removal of the Mojave Desert Cross at Sunrise Rock, which stood on land that had become part of a national preserve run by the National Park Service. That long and tangled legal battle continues and is now before the U.S. Supreme Court. (Update, April 28, 2010: The high court later ruled against the ACLU in that case, allowing the cross to stand. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote: "The goal of avoiding governmental endorsement [of religion] does not require eradication of all religious symbols in the public realm.")

Who banned you from going to church or singing at church? Kids can pray at school as long as adults are not involved and it's not disruptive. This has already been decided. There is nothing wrong with saying "holiday." This is utter nonsense and grandstanding by people who are totally insecure. People don't know what, if anything you are celebrating. Someone you meet casually wouldn't know. Saying "holiday" avoids both confusion and insult.

I disagree with Kennedy. I think that people should come and use public space, and then pack up their stuff and take it with them. Otherwise, people will try and hog it. For instance, I remember a case, can't remember the name, when a town allotted spaces for holiday displays on public land, and held a lottery, because certain faith groups wanted all of the spaces, so the other groups would get none. If we allow permanent symbols, the space would fill up and we would have bickering as to who gets to erect what. Nobody needs to put up anything ostentatious, anyway, and there is plenty of private land on which religious symbols can be displayed.

Moreover, some people who call themselves religious are quite aggressive. If they want to build a new church, let no one try to stop them, but if another congregation wants to build a mosque, these same kooks go running to the zoning board, screaming. Wiccans have been treated badly. There was a case at a military base in Texas of Wiccans who asked for an outdoor worship area on base, and people who were not Wiccan had a tantrum. Same when the military resisted putting the Wiccan symbol on the headstone of a soldier who was killed in action. While you say that "it doesn't mean if you feel left out because of your religion, you get to stop others from practicing theirs," but it has been "religious" people who have been doing just that to people of other religions.

Don't get me started on "religious" people who use their "faith" as a reason to attack others. The attacks on the rights of LGBTs have been nothing short of shameful. They are being attacked because of their sexual orientation, and LGBTs, like all of us, get to choose what religion they wish to follow. It may not be your's.

There seems to be a thing in some religions to assume that everyone they meet or accost follows the same religion, same denomination, same sect as they do. It's an assumption that they shouldn't make, and it's really irritating to be confronted by someone who wants to put you on the spot so they can try and convert you. This sort of thing has arisen at public meetings. There should not be any sort of religious service at public meetings. Anyone who wants to pray first, however they want to do it and whomever they want to pray to, has plenty of time to do so before the meeting starts.

It's fine to practice your religion, but it's another thing to be a pain in the ass to other people just because you want to grandstand.
Who banned you from going to church?

Singing? Why ban singing in church?

I think the problem is you don't like that's most people in this country are Christian and you hate that.....sorry......that is no excuse to stop people from practicing their faith....period.....and I don't give a fuck about your feelings....my first amendment rights don't stop just because you are offended....it's not how it works.
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

Trumpsters calling Jefferson a socialist. That's pretty much all we need to know, eh?
How did he call Jefferson a socialist?
A religious perspective does not mean imposing your religious beliefs on others. That is what the abortion debate is about. There is no scientific evidence of when a fetus becomes a life.

You also seem to think churches are above the law. Read the Bible where Jesus says to give tg Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God. Churches were treated no differently than other businesses. Churches were a major source of the spread of the coronavirus.
'IMPOSING' their beliefs, agenda, and ideology is the only thing the Democrats know how to do. Look at Obamacare - a radical minority rammed a radical minority-supported piece of legislation right down the throats of the majority who did not want it....and they did it while the American people slept. Americans who believed they had defeated Obamacare 2 weeks earlier woke one morning to the news that during the night the Democrats had voted it into law, finishing the vote around 5am.

Look at all the Constitutional and Civil Rights violations perpetrated by Democrats in the name of COVID-19.

Americans are not children who need dictatorial rulers to tell us we can't go to the store, that we can't go to church, that we must wear a mask 24/7, that we have to wipe our asses with our left hand, that we have to shutter our stores because we can't be trusted to carry out the virus-prevention steps by ourselves like adults.

Democrats declared Americans could not go to church, they could not go to drive-up churches, they could not SING in church - again, WTF?!

While Democrats destroyed / eliminated approx 46% of ALL black-owned small businesses, 31% of all Latino-owned small businesses, 36% of all Asian-owned small businesses, and 25%of all women-owned small businesses in the last 7-8 months (a horrific blow to the economy not to mention destroying Americans dreams/businesses/lives), these same Democrats were exposed / discovered keeping and visiting their favorite Jewelry stores and hair salons open, going to restaurants, and walking side-by-side with domestic terrorists, often without wearing masks.

This was about hurting the economy and power / control, imposing their will on the American people while demonstrating again their mandates, rules, and laws - from religious oppression to economic / small-business 'assassinations' - were for the 'deplorables', not them.
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

Trumpsters calling Jefferson a socialist. That's pretty much all we need to know, eh?
How did he call Jefferson a socialist?

History. Read some.
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

Trumpsters calling Jefferson a socialist. That's pretty much all we need to know, eh?
How did he call Jefferson a socialist?

History. Read some.
I have....but your comment was on his post, not history...so fill us in genius
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

Trumpsters calling Jefferson a socialist. That's pretty much all we need to know, eh?
How did he call Jefferson a socialist?

History. Read some.
I have....but your comment was on his post, not history...so fill us in genius
It doesn't take genius. Just the ability to use a search engine:

"Separation of church and state" is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson and used by others in expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

The principle is paraphrased from Thomas Jefferson's "separation between Church & State." It has been used to express the understandings of the intent and function of this amendment, which allows freedom of religion. It is generally traced to a January 1, 1802, letter by Thomas Jefferson, addressed to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut, and published in a Massachusetts newspaper.

Jefferson wrote,...
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.
Why should we take Right Wingers seriously about Religion? All it is, is a Talking point for right wingers to garner Audience participation.

Why should you take them seriously?

Samuel Alito Goes Full Political Commentator In Federalist Society Speech
The conservative justice criticized science-backed COVID-19 restrictions and condemned the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to legalize same-sex marriage.

The Federalist Society is the conservative legal organization that has chosen and helped confirm all three of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominees ― Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett ― and nearly all of his 53 appeals court judges.

Alito’s politicization of scientific fact is alarming as the United States enters a dark winter of soaring coronavirus cases and hospitalizations ― and comes after Coney Barrett said during her Senate confirmation hearing that the climate crisis, another scientific fact, was “a very contentious matter of public debate” and “politically controversial.”

Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

The Communists somehow turned the 1st Amendment from:

"Congress shall make no Law..." restricting the government's ability to abuse churches to:

"Churches shall not..." restricting a church from saying anything political.

fucking progs man.
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.
Why should we take Right Wingers seriously about Religion? All it is, is a Talking point for right wingers to garner Audience participation.

Why should you take them seriously?

Samuel Alito Goes Full Political Commentator In Federalist Society Speech
The conservative justice criticized science-backed COVID-19 restrictions and condemned the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to legalize same-sex marriage.

The Federalist Society is the conservative legal organization that has chosen and helped confirm all three of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominees ― Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett ― and nearly all of his 53 appeals court judges.

Alito’s politicization of scientific fact is alarming as the United States enters a dark winter of soaring coronavirus cases and hospitalizations ― and comes after Coney Barrett said during her Senate confirmation hearing that the climate crisis, another scientific fact, was “a very contentious matter of public debate” and “politically controversial.”

Well it's hard for the religious to coincide science, along with the law of physics, with what they were taught in the bible. Man lived three days inside a whale, A guy managed to get every species of animal/mammal on a boat for forty days while the entire planet was under water. A woman was turned into salt for disobeying something. Jesus walked on water, healed the blind and even rose from the dead. So if it's believing what's taught in the bible or science, they will take the bible.
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

The Communists somehow turned the 1st Amendment from:

"Congress shall make no Law..." restricting the government's ability to abuse churches to:

"Churches shall not..." restricting a church from saying anything political.

fucking progs man.

This is imposed by the tax exemption for churches. Repeal that, problem goes away.
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.

Bob Barr isw so full of it. He is nothing but a hypocrit who knows comments like this jack up fake Christians. No one is being silenced. What about Christian values when it comes to people who are facing hardship due to the coronavirus. In a debate, McConnell laughed when the subject of helping people being devastated by the coronavirus. How about showing some religious values for them. Also Barr wants to elevate chruchs above the law. That clearly is a vgiolation of church and state. Taliban Christians would also allow laws based on theology rather than science Women would be told what to do with their bodies and potentially jailed for having a abortion. The founding fathers fled England because of state sponsored religion. Now fake Christians want to establish what the founding fathers fled.

Both Republicans and Democrats have been trying to prevent peple from getting sick. They are not violating anyone's rights. I hope you look under your bed every night because there might be socialists there. You are a crazy motherfucker.
Finally someone said it...

“Militant secularists have long seized on that slogan as a facile justification for attempting to drive religion from the public square and to exclude religious people from bringing a religious perspective to bear on conversations about the common good,” Barr said during the virtual ceremony that had been postponed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic."

Welcome to Socialism, where parents, religion, and everything people rely on are replaved, where they are eliminated until there is nothing left but government...

Democrats have used COVID-19 as justification to violate American citizen's Constitutional and Civil Rights, perhaps none more so than the Freedom of Religion, the perfect tool to advance the socialist agenda against religion here in the US.
Why should we take Right Wingers seriously about Religion? All it is, is a Talking point for right wingers to garner Audience participation.

Why should you take them seriously?

Samuel Alito Goes Full Political Commentator In Federalist Society Speech
The conservative justice criticized science-backed COVID-19 restrictions and condemned the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision to legalize same-sex marriage.

The Federalist Society is the conservative legal organization that has chosen and helped confirm all three of President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominees ― Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett ― and nearly all of his 53 appeals court judges.

Alito’s politicization of scientific fact is alarming as the United States enters a dark winter of soaring coronavirus cases and hospitalizations ― and comes after Coney Barrett said during her Senate confirmation hearing that the climate crisis, another scientific fact, was “a very contentious matter of public debate” and “politically controversial.”

There is no Constitutional religious test.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

All right wingers know how to do is bear false witness to our own supreme law of the land even with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge.
I believe in the separation of church and state. The state is the biggest violator of that separation while making accusations to the contrary.
Freedom of being denied into or forced into but not freedom from visible example of it.

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