Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

He was honest

How would you know? Seen the report?

Barr also took it upon himself to clear Trump on Obstruction, which is of course not a credible judgement considering he auditioned for the job by assuring Trump he could not possibly commit that.

Let’s see the report, wtf are you Trumplings so concerned about if it really does clear Trump???
Isn’t that his job? Do you even know what an AG does?
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

He was honest

How would you know? Seen the report?

Barr also took it upon himself to clear Trump on Obstruction, which is of course not a credible judgement considering he auditioned for the job by assuring Trump he could not possibly commit that.

Let’s see the report, wtf are you Trumplings so concerned about if it really does clear Trump???

Obstruction needs a committed crime!
There ain't none.
But, I'm sure a retro-tard like you will make one up.

What crime was committed when Clinton got a BJ? Is oral sex outlawed?
Sexual harassment?
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

He was honest

How would you know? Seen the report?

Barr also took it upon himself to clear Trump on Obstruction, which is of course not a credible judgement considering he auditioned for the job by assuring Trump he could not possibly commit that.

Let’s see the report, wtf are you Trumplings so concerned about if it really does clear Trump???

Obstruction needs a committed crime!
There ain't none.
But, I'm sure a retro-tard like you will make one up.

What crime was committed when Clinton got a BJ? Is oral sex outlawed?
Sexual harassment?

and it is an outright lie lie lie that obstruction of an official investigation or any obstruction of justice needs an underlying crime....

Martha Stewart. no underlying crime was charged, Scooter Libby, no underlying crime was charged, Bill Clinton, no underlying crime was charged.... by congress in an article of impeachment.
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He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

They are going to release the whole report. Why are you so worried? Trump committed no crimes or obstructed or colluded.
Barr overstepped his bounds by making the call.... without even reading the full investigation's report AND because it was up to Congress to make the call NOT the AG in this case because of the rule in the Justice dept that a president can not be indicted,

IT GOES TO THE HOUSE, to determine if they think an indictment in an article of impeachment is necessary or not.

Bill Clinton was NOT charged by Starr for obstruction, Starr did NOT make that call, he handed it over to the House, the prosecutors in Richard Nixon's Watergate, DID NOT charge Nixon with Obstruction when the report was turned in, it was handed over to the HOUSE.... for them to decide and draw an article of impeachment....

This President and HIS SWAMP CREATURES is the dirtiest, MOST crooked, lawless president and administration in my life time.....
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

They are going to release the whole report. Why are you so worried? Trump committed no crimes or obstructed or colluded.
How do you know that? Have you seen the Mueller report?

Is that what you really think, or are you just repeating the lies you were TOLD to say like a good little lockstep minion?
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

They are going to release the whole report. Why are you so worried? Trump committed no crimes or obstructed or colluded.
How do you know that? Have you seen the Mueller report?

Is that what you really think, or are you just repeating the lies you were TOLD to say like a good little lockstep minion?

Barr has no reason to lie.
He was honest

How would you know? Seen the report?

Barr also took it upon himself to clear Trump on Obstruction, which is of course not a credible judgement considering he auditioned for the job by assuring Trump he could not possibly commit that.

Let’s see the report, wtf are you Trumplings so concerned about if it really does clear Trump???

Obstruction needs a committed crime!
There ain't none.
But, I'm sure a retro-tard like you will make one up.

What crime was committed when Clinton got a BJ? Is oral sex outlawed?
Sexual harassment?

and it is an outright lie lie lie that obstruction of an official investigation or any obstruction of justice needs an underlying crime....

Martha Stewart. no underlying crime was charged, Scooter Libby, no underlying crime was charged, Bill Clinton, no underlying crime was charged.... by congress in an article of impeachment.
Dude, insider trading is a crime!
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Afraid to show the Report, I see.
How would you know? Seen the report?

Barr also took it upon himself to clear Trump on Obstruction, which is of course not a credible judgement considering he auditioned for the job by assuring Trump he could not possibly commit that.

Let’s see the report, wtf are you Trumplings so concerned about if it really does clear Trump???

Obstruction needs a committed crime!
There ain't none.
But, I'm sure a retro-tard like you will make one up.

What crime was committed when Clinton got a BJ? Is oral sex outlawed?
Sexual harassment?

and it is an outright lie lie lie that obstruction of an official investigation or any obstruction of justice needs an underlying crime....

Martha Stewart. no underlying crime was charged, Scooter Libby, no underlying crime was charged, Bill Clinton, no underlying crime was charged.... by congress in an article of impeachment.
Dude, insider trading is a crime!
Dudette, no one was charged with insider trading.
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

Trump is a liar and a pussy.

He's a billionaire......but won't release his taxes.

He's a genius.......but paid Cohen to block the release of transcripts.

He's been fully exonerated.......but won't release the report.

Total loser.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?


Is this all part of that transparency trump promised?
And what about the FISA report...wasn't he going to give that to the public unredacted? Or was that just another donnie lie?
I can understand him being pissed about the border, although if he hadn't listened to Stephen Miller et al, he could have been building the wall two years ago. Yes, the Dems are being obstructionist and pretending they're not. A pox on both their houses.

But I am very concerned about this imaginative leap that the Republicans are taking that the Mueller investigation was some sort of coup attempt based on lies.
It was not.
At least not based on the facts so far.

The Mueller investigation only came about because of a now discredited, fake Dossier and an upper echelon, FBI soft coup conspiracy. We need to appoint a special investigator to look into this total corruption, the DNC and the Clinton foundation and a a few individuals tried to illegally topple a duly elected President. The MSM also needs to be investigated for being a propaganda arm of the DNC.
The Mueller investigation only came about because of a now discredited, fake Dossier and an upper echelon, FBI soft coup conspiracy.

Liar. Mueller only happened when Trump fired Comey thereby threatening the existing FBI investigation, dope.
Barr worded his report very carefully,

He did not say no one colluded with the Russians.... he said no one conspired or coordinated with the Russian GOVERNMENT.

Well, Manafort gave inside polling data to Kilimnik, a Ukrainian Russian with connections to the Russian govt, but not actually the Russian Government....

And Roger Stone, worked with wikileaks/Julian Assange and the stolen emails,

Well, Julian Assange is not the Russian Government, but he is or acted as, a tool of the Russian government....

This is why we need to see the Mueller Report, so we can see and read, what was actually done.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

He was honest

How would you know? Seen the report?

Barr also took it upon himself to clear Trump on Obstruction, which is of course not a credible judgement considering he auditioned for the job by assuring Trump he could not possibly commit that.

Let’s see the report, wtf are you Trumplings so concerned about if it really does clear Trump???

Obstruction needs a committed crime!
There ain't none.
But, I'm sure a retro-tard like you will make one up.
Obstruction needs a committed crime!
There ain't none.

Nonsense. Obstruction itself is a crime regardless of whether any investigation finds criminality.
What crime was committed when Clinton got a BJ? Is oral sex outlawed?

That was then.
This is now.

Apple's n' oranges, and never the twain shall meet.
I'm shocked that you didn't go all the way back to Nixon!
You reprobate idiot.

The laws are the same. What do you think is different?

If you think I'm skipping down some contrived yellow brick road with you, you're a bigger munchkin than I thought!
Look out for da' flying monkeys, Dorothy.

You know when you can't back up your claims. I can understand that.

Who the hell knows what conspiracy you're making up in your muddled mind related way back to Clinton? :cuckoo:.
Not me, Dorothy.
Click your ruby slippers 3x and maybe Hillary will be President.
But, I doubt it.
^ Has no clue.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

They are going to release the whole report. Why are you so worried? Trump committed no crimes or obstructed or colluded.
How do you know that? Have you seen the Mueller report?

Is that what you really think, or are you just repeating the lies you were TOLD to say like a good little lockstep minion?

Barr has no reason to lie.
Barr has no reason to lie

Sure. You must also believe it's mere coincidence that he is now the AG.

READ: Bill Barr's 19-Page Memo Ripping Mueller Probe
Obstruction needs a committed crime!
There ain't none.
But, I'm sure a retro-tard like you will make one up.

What crime was committed when Clinton got a BJ? Is oral sex outlawed?
Sexual harassment?

and it is an outright lie lie lie that obstruction of an official investigation or any obstruction of justice needs an underlying crime....

Martha Stewart. no underlying crime was charged, Scooter Libby, no underlying crime was charged, Bill Clinton, no underlying crime was charged.... by congress in an article of impeachment.
Dude, insider trading is a crime!
Dudette, no one was charged with insider trading.

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