Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

Barr should make the complete and unredacted report available to Congress. The Redacted report should be made public.
If YOU were one of the hundreds of names mentioned in the Grand Jury proceedings but you had nothing to do with anything except you worked at the carwash where Flynn had his car washed would YOU want Shit For Brains to leak your name to the NYT?
Then Muller and Barr and their families can take a nice long vacation at a resort somewhere warm but not too hot.
Maui is nice this time of year.

What's the train schedule to Maui? :lol:
OAC is busy designing a tunnel. She's stuck on how to manufacture every fucking component without using fossil fuels.
It's AOC, and she's not an engineer.
According to MSNBC and CNN she's a fucking genius! Designing a simple tunnel shouldn't be a problem for her.
According to MSNBC and CNN she's a fucking genius! Designing a simple tunnel shouldn't be a problem for her.

Hmmmmm....the Pacific is 36,000' deep in places....pressure enough to crush a submarine like a beer can.....Since trains cost as much as flying, I wonder how far a Toyota would get through AOC's tunnel?
an investigation to find a crime. Since there is no crime, one cannot obstruct finding information on nothing.

Obstructing the investigation itself, retard.

obstruction of justice
the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process
again, no crime was being investigated. so. until you can name me one, this is all nonsense.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.
Obstructing the investigation itself, retard.

obstruction of justice
the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process
again, no crime was being investigated. so. until you can name me one, this is all nonsense.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.

Stupid is strughling with your native language. You obviously know obstruction of justice is a real crime and I gave you a real definition so.....the disconnect is somewhere in your own head.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

/----/ Chuckie Schumer reacts
bigger hoax.jpg
Do Democrats know why the Mueller report is classified? Has it occurred to them to even ask this question? If they did a little checking, they would be embarrassed about their claims/insinuations that Barr is "hiding" or misrepresenting the report's findings.

HINT: Do Democrats understand that grand jury proceedings are sealed?
They don't give a damn about any laws or rules as long as they get what they want. That should be clear and it is the modus operandi of these filthy scum.
again, no crime was being investigated. so. until you can name me one, this is all nonsense.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.

Stupid is strughling with your native language. You obviously know obstruction of justice is a real crime and I gave you a real definition so.....the disconnect is somewhere in your own head.
Oh sure, obstructing an active criminal investigation is a crime. Never said it wasn't. I said what mueller was doing wasn't a criminal investigation. As such, the probability of obstruction is null. There isn't a crime that Mueller was investigating. So, interviewing people on subjects that aren't crimes can't obstruct anything since no one has to incriminate oneself. You should learn the law.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

We should play by the rules when your side never does? The past two years have shown us the leftists don't believe in anything, especially the Constitution. They've used every opportunity they had to "resist" and overthrow a duly elected President. If you want transparency all of sudden, fine.....let's have the plotters appear before the Senate Intel committee and get asked the kind of questions, under oath, they've been asking Trump satellites for the last two years. And I suggest they be taken to testify in leg irons after their doors are kicked in by SWAT teams with weapons drawn....sound good?
Bring it on. Call them in.

Let them present the evidence they had that led them to investigate your fat assed orange buddy and his dealings with the Russians.

Only in Trumpworld do assfucls think we should ignore Russian interference in our affairs & those that lie about communicating with them.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.

Stupid is strughling with your native language. You obviously know obstruction of justice is a real crime and I gave you a real definition so.....the disconnect is somewhere in your own head.
Oh sure, obstructing an active criminal investigation is a crime. Never said it wasn't. I said what mueller was doing wasn't a criminal investigation. As such, the probability of obstruction is null. There isn't a crime that Mueller was investigating. So, interviewing people on subjects that aren't crimes can't obstruct anything since no one has to incriminate oneself. You should learn the law.

So, if I am being investigated for defrauding my company out of a huge sum of money & I contact my accountants & threaten their lives if they cooperate law enforcement and I avoid prosecution, I did not obstruct jusctice?

It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.

Stupid is strughling with your native language. You obviously know obstruction of justice is a real crime and I gave you a real definition so.....the disconnect is somewhere in your own head.
Oh sure, obstructing an active criminal investigation is a crime. Never said it wasn't. I said what mueller was doing wasn't a criminal investigation. As such, the probability of obstruction is null. There isn't a crime that Mueller was investigating. So, interviewing people on subjects that aren't crimes can't obstruct anything since no one has to incriminate oneself. You should learn the law.

There is no such qualifier, dope. Trump was a subject of the investigation, period.

I can't even begin to fathom why you would ever believe that you understand the law better than someone like Mueller.

Some sort of chronic, toxic dissonance I guess.
According to MSNBC and CNN she's a fucking genius! Designing a simple tunnel shouldn't be a problem for her.

Hmmmmm....the Pacific is 36,000' deep in places....pressure enough to crush a submarine like a beer can.....Since trains cost as much as flying, I wonder how far a Toyota would get through AOC's tunnel?

The NGD does not call for the elimination of all air travel. You people are just dumber than shit.
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

No, this isn't Holder/Lynch....Barr is an honorable man, he might not even care for the President, and he certainly wouldn't blow the reputation he's spent 40 years building with some fakery. He'll do the right thing, something you wouldn't recognize if it bit you on the face.
The time for Barr to prove his alleged honor is right now. Acting all mysterious and vague about the Mueller report is not doing his credibility any favors. If Barr is interested in his reputation being intact after all this mess he had better hurry up and give it to congress and it had better say what he he says it does.
Are you aware that Muller and his team of lawyers is helping Barr redact anything that must not BY LAW be released to Congress? The Inspector General and his lawyers are also involved.
Don't forget to change hands. You'll put your back out.
If Trump can see it, so can certain members of Congress.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.

Stupid is strughling with your native language. You obviously know obstruction of justice is a real crime and I gave you a real definition so.....the disconnect is somewhere in your own head.
Oh sure, obstructing an active criminal investigation is a crime. Never said it wasn't. I said what mueller was doing wasn't a criminal investigation. As such, the probability of obstruction is null. There isn't a crime that Mueller was investigating. So, interviewing people on subjects that aren't crimes can't obstruct anything since no one has to incriminate oneself. You should learn the law.

So, if I am being investigated for defrauding my company out of a huge sum of money & I contact my accountants & threaten their lives if they cooperate law enforcement and I avoid prosecution, I did not obstruct jusctice?
sure, defrauding in a company is a crime. so sure, it would be obstruction to that.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.

Stupid is strughling with your native language. You obviously know obstruction of justice is a real crime and I gave you a real definition so.....the disconnect is somewhere in your own head.
Oh sure, obstructing an active criminal investigation is a crime. Never said it wasn't. I said what mueller was doing wasn't a criminal investigation. As such, the probability of obstruction is null. There isn't a crime that Mueller was investigating. So, interviewing people on subjects that aren't crimes can't obstruct anything since no one has to incriminate oneself. You should learn the law.

There is no such qualifier, dope. Trump was a subject of the investigation, period.

I can't even begin to fathom why you would ever believe that you understand the law better than someone like Mueller.

Some sort of chronic, toxic dissonance I guess.
Thankyou for your vote of confidence in Mueller. I'm sure his best friend going back decades William Barr agrees with you.
Mueller is the LIB's 'Gold Standard' when it comes to personal integrity. Hard to imagine Mueller having anything to do with someone he didn't 100% trust right? Mueller and Barr and their families are very close friends. They holiday together!
Mueller is currently helping Barr with any redactions needed before the report goes to Shit For Brains so he can immediately leak it to the NYT.
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

No, this isn't Holder/Lynch....Barr is an honorable man, he might not even care for the President, and he certainly wouldn't blow the reputation he's spent 40 years building with some fakery. He'll do the right thing, something you wouldn't recognize if it bit you on the face.
The time for Barr to prove his alleged honor is right now. Acting all mysterious and vague about the Mueller report is not doing his credibility any favors. If Barr is interested in his reputation being intact after all this mess he had better hurry up and give it to congress and it had better say what he he says it does.
Are you aware that Muller and his team of lawyers is helping Barr redact anything that must not BY LAW be released to Congress? The Inspector General and his lawyers are also involved.
Don't forget to change hands. You'll put your back out.
If Trump can see it, so can certain members of Congress.
nope, president has the executive branch. guess who the AG reports to?
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.

Stupid is strughling with your native language. You obviously know obstruction of justice is a real crime and I gave you a real definition so.....the disconnect is somewhere in your own head.
Oh sure, obstructing an active criminal investigation is a crime. Never said it wasn't. I said what mueller was doing wasn't a criminal investigation. As such, the probability of obstruction is null. There isn't a crime that Mueller was investigating. So, interviewing people on subjects that aren't crimes can't obstruct anything since no one has to incriminate oneself. You should learn the law.

There is no such qualifier, dope. Trump was a subject of the investigation, period.

I can't even begin to fathom why you would ever believe that you understand the law better than someone like Mueller.

Some sort of chronic, toxic dissonance I guess.
well it's obvious mueller didn't find a crime. No crime, no obstruction. Again, for the umpteenth time to you all, no open indictment in the report to act on, and no sealed indictment either. So, no crime. No crime means no obstruction. can't make it any simpler for you, but you keep up your nonsense, you enjoy it obviously.

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