Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

How would you know? Seen the report?

Barr also took it upon himself to clear Trump on Obstruction, which is of course not a credible judgement considering he auditioned for the job by assuring Trump he could not possibly commit that.

Let’s see the report, wtf are you Trumplings so concerned about if it really does clear Trump???

Obstruction needs a committed crime!
There ain't none.
But, I'm sure a retro-tard like you will make one up.
Obstruction needs a committed crime!
There ain't none.

Nonsense. Obstruction itself is a crime regardless of whether any investigation finds criminality.
how can one obstruct nothing? explain it to me.

Obstructing the investigation, dope. The process of justice.
an investigation to find a crime. Since there is no crime, one cannot obstruct finding information on nothing.

You can't explain it to 'em.
These TDS afflicted gummers are do-do's.
So you want Barr to break the very Law Democrats Wrote?

Do Democrats know why the Mueller report is classified? Has it occurred to them to even ask this question? If they did a little checking, they would be embarrassed about their claims/insinuations that Barr is "hiding" or misrepresenting the report's findings.

HINT: Do Democrats understand that grand jury proceedings are sealed?
Do you understand Mueller knows Grand Jury findings are sealed, and that is why he likely enclosed an Executive Summary of his findings that could be released without any further censoring by a partisan political hack posing as Attorney General?

Mueller's report could have been released days ago; the only reason that hasn't occurred is because Barr is functioning as Trump's personal fixer and not as a public servant.
So you want Barr to break the very Law Democrats Wrote?
I want Barr to follow the same rules Ken Starr and Leon Jaworski followed with their investigations; why don't you?

Because the report Mueller produced was under different law than Starr and Jaworski.

Starr and Jaworski were both under the SAME law requiring grand jury testimony being kept private that Attorney General Barr is under, unless for great public interest in releasing it. (this law is NOT part of the new law regarding an independent counsel vs a special counsel)...

And both Starr and and Jaworski, went to a federal Judge, with the sitting Attorney Generals at the time, (hand in hand) to request from that Federal Judge the release of the grand jury testimony due to their being great public interest, and the Federal Judges in both cases, in one simple sweep, authorized the release of grand Jury testimony for both the Starr investigation and the Jaworski Warergate grand jury testimony.

AG Barr has on his own so far, REFUSED to do that.... refused to go with the House, to court, to have the grand jury testimony released to congress.

And he should not.
Democrats think they can find something in the report to lie about.
Lies occur when there is no transparency....

Democrats and many Republicans are asking for TRANSPARENCY so that LIES are not made up and used...with the release of the Mueller report, lies CAN'T be told because it is all there before our very eyes to see.

(Primarily by this President, who has already gone out and lied through his teeth about it)
Democrats think they can find something in the report to lie about.
Lies occur when there is no transparency....

Democrats and many Republicans are asking for TRANSPARENCY so that LIES are not made up and used...with the release of the Mueller report, lies CAN'T be told because it is all there before our very eyes to see.

(Primarily by this President, who has already gone out and lied through his teeth about it)

No one has lied about anything. I am not sure why I took you off ignore, but it was my mistake and I'll fix it now.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?


Is this all part of that transparency trump promised?
And what about the FISA report...wasn't he going to give that to the public unredacted? Or was that just another donnie lie?
Rosenstein could release it. why not?

He hasn't . Must be some reason.
right? I agree. so release it. rhetorical.

That would be great if the decision was left to you and me. It's not. Even after all the right wing rants about it, there must be something Trump is afraid of in it. We would have it by now otherwise.
And the chairman of the House intel committee with oversight authority over Mueller's counter-intelligence investigation results, dope.

Welcome to the 8 years of Barry the Fairy's DOJ....Holder was cited for contempt on Fast & Furious....nothing happened....expect the same until you lose the House next year....ya commie hump.
Nothing happened to Holder, because the Judge handling the case suing Holder for the information, decided that Holder did not commit obstruction or contempt of congress and was following the rules of the court, and that it was simply a partisan dog and pony show by the Republicans with them trying to get him charged with contempt of congress.

When the case was said and done, the Judge did end up ordering the release of the information Holder was holding back, and he DID end up giving it to congress.

(And I am guessing Congress did not find a crime or wrong doing once it was released to them, because the issue died off and Repubs did not continue with their never ending investigation)
Is this all part of that transparency trump promised?
And what about the FISA report...wasn't he going to give that to the public unredacted? Or was that just another donnie lie?
Rosenstein could release it. why not?

He hasn't . Must be some reason.
right? I agree. so release it. rhetorical.

That would be great if the decision was left to you and me. It's not. Even after all the right wing rants about it, there must be something Trump is afraid of in it. We would have it by now otherwise.
why? why would trump be concerned? he is of the knowledge it was a witch hunt.
Barr took two days to say the president is in the clear but he needs weeks to give the Mueller report to congress? Barr came into office knowing he was under suspicion of being there for the sole purpose of protecting the president from the Mueller report and damned if it does not look like he is doing exactly that. Barr's reputation declines every day this drags out.
he has zero responsibility to give Congress anything.
LOL it would be funny if he actually tried to say that but he knows better. The appropriate congressional committee can issue a subpoena and he had better comply.
Congress doesn't have a the ability to do anything to someone who ignores a subpoena. just no authority. sorry bubba. Rod Rosenstein is ignoring a congressional subpoena still today. See anyone going after him from congress? LOL.
Just so you know, refusal to comply means they are trying to bury the report. It is difficult to know at this point how that disaster for Trump would be better than releasing the report.
they have no authority to do anything. he doesn't need to comply to anything they fking want. they can kick and scream all the way to the supreme court. He doesn't report to them. He reports to the president of the US. I tell you what, prove me wrong and post up the statute/ regulation that demands your nonsense.
Ahh, didn't take much to get you LYING and back peddling for your Messiah...

All through the investigation, you said over and over again that you wanted to see the FULL Mueller report....

You really are not an upstanding guy, a man of your word... and this proves it.
And what about the FISA report...wasn't he going to give that to the public unredacted? Or was that just another donnie lie?
Rosenstein could release it. why not?

He hasn't . Must be some reason.
right? I agree. so release it. rhetorical.

That would be great if the decision was left to you and me. It's not. Even after all the right wing rants about it, there must be something Trump is afraid of in it. We would have it by now otherwise.
why? why would trump be concerned? he is of the knowledge it was a witch hunt.

No idea, but have you ever known Trump to hold back anything that he thought might help him at the moment?
So you want Barr to break the very Law Democrats Wrote?

Do you understand Mueller knows Grand Jury findings are sealed, and that is why he likely enclosed an Executive Summary of his findings that could be released without any further censoring by a partisan political hack posing as Attorney General?

Mueller's report could have been released days ago; the only reason that hasn't occurred is because Barr is functioning as Trump's personal fixer and not as a public servant.
So you want Barr to break the very Law Democrats Wrote?
I want Barr to follow the same rules Ken Starr and Leon Jaworski followed with their investigations; why don't you?

Because the report Mueller produced was under different law than Starr and Jaworski.

Starr and Jaworski were both under the SAME law requiring grand jury testimony being kept private that Attorney General Barr is under, unless for great public interest in releasing it. (this law is NOT part of the new law regarding an independent counsel vs a special counsel)...

And both Starr and and Jaworski, went to a federal Judge, with the sitting Attorney Generals at the time, (hand in hand) to request from that Federal Judge the release of the grand jury testimony due to their being great public interest, and the Federal Judges in both cases, in one simple sweep, authorized the release of grand Jury testimony for both the Starr investigation and the Jaworski Warergate grand jury testimony.

AG Barr has on his own so far, REFUSED to do that.... refused to go with the House, to court, to have the grand jury testimony released to congress.

And he should not.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Barr needs time to do his job congress has waited almost 2 years 2 to 4 weeks more wont hurt them .
They act like little kids and want a cookie and are all pissed when told after dinner .

The longer they wait, the smaller that cookie will be.

No one outside of a bunch of dumbasses trusts Trump. No One.
/——-/ So anyone who doesn’t buy into your idiotic conspiracy therories is a dumbass.
he has zero responsibility to give Congress anything.
LOL it would be funny if he actually tried to say that but he knows better. The appropriate congressional committee can issue a subpoena and he had better comply.
Congress doesn't have a the ability to do anything to someone who ignores a subpoena. just no authority. sorry bubba. Rod Rosenstein is ignoring a congressional subpoena still today. See anyone going after him from congress? LOL.
Just so you know, refusal to comply means they are trying to bury the report. It is difficult to know at this point how that disaster for Trump would be better than releasing the report.
they have no authority to do anything. he doesn't need to comply to anything they fking want. they can kick and scream all the way to the supreme court. He doesn't report to them. He reports to the president of the US. I tell you what, prove me wrong and post up the statute/ regulation that demands your nonsense.
Ahh, didn't take much to get you LYING and back peddling for your Messiah...

All through the investigation, you said over and over again that you wanted to see the FULL Mueller report....

You really are not an upstanding guy, a man of your word... and this proves it.

I'm for releasing the entire thing with innocent folks crossed off. That wasn't the point of the reply. It was what Barr was going to do. Not me, I don't have the report. I can't make decisions like that. but hey, way to miss the thread point.
So you want Barr to break the very Law Democrats Wrote?

Do you understand Mueller knows Grand Jury findings are sealed, and that is why he likely enclosed an Executive Summary of his findings that could be released without any further censoring by a partisan political hack posing as Attorney General?

Mueller's report could have been released days ago; the only reason that hasn't occurred is because Barr is functioning as Trump's personal fixer and not as a public servant.
So you want Barr to break the very Law Democrats Wrote?
I want Barr to follow the same rules Ken Starr and Leon Jaworski followed with their investigations; why don't you?

Because the report Mueller produced was under different law than Starr and Jaworski.

Starr and Jaworski were both under the SAME law requiring grand jury testimony being kept private that Attorney General Barr is under, unless for great public interest in releasing it. (this law is NOT part of the new law regarding an independent counsel vs a special counsel)...

And both Starr and and Jaworski, went to a federal Judge, with the sitting Attorney Generals at the time, (hand in hand) to request from that Federal Judge the release of the grand jury testimony due to their being great public interest, and the Federal Judges in both cases, in one simple sweep, authorized the release of grand Jury testimony for both the Starr investigation and the Jaworski Warergate grand jury testimony.

AG Barr has on his own so far, REFUSED to do that.... refused to go with the House, to court, to have the grand jury testimony released to congress.

And he should not.

The only reason he is not is to try to protect Trump from the information in the report. Why do you think he should be protected from what he has done?
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

It would be illegal for BArr to release the report unredacted, due to laws passed by a Democrat Congress in reaction to the Starr investigation.
Democrats think they can find something in the report to lie about.
Lies occur when there is no transparency....

Democrats and many Republicans are asking for TRANSPARENCY so that LIES are not made up and used...with the release of the Mueller report, lies CAN'T be told because it is all there before our very eyes to see.

(Primarily by this President, who has already gone out and lied through his teeth about it)

No one has lied about anything. I am not sure why I took you off ignore, but it was my mistake and I'll fix it now.
have at it! I have no problem with you needing the ignore button...

the President came out and claimed there was no evidence of collusion, exonerated completely, and said it was all made up.... that's a lie...

the President came out and said their was absolutely NO evidence of obstruction of justice by him, he was exonerated completely, and that too was a lie.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

It would be illegal for BArr to release the report unredacted, due to laws passed by a Democrat Congress in reaction to the Starr investigation.
No Jim....

Starr and Jaworski were both under the SAME law requiring grand jury testimony being kept private that Attorney General Barr is under, unless for great public interest in releasing it. (this law is NOT part of the new law regarding an independent counsel vs a special counsel)...

And both Starr and and Jaworski, went to a federal Judge, with the sitting Attorney Generals at the time, (hand in hand) to request from that Federal Judge the release of the grand jury testimony due to their being great public interest, and the Federal Judges in both cases, in one simple sweep, authorized the release of grand Jury testimony for both the Starr investigation and the Jaworski Warergate grand jury testimony.

AG Barr has on his own so far, REFUSED to do that.... refused to go with the House, to court, to have the grand jury testimony released to congress.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?


I think that in the next few weeks, those smiles on their faces will get wiped clean off. :cranky:


List of Federal Prisons for Treason: All Federal Prisons in the USA
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The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Fuck Barr! He's nothing but a Trump puppet.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Fuck Barr! He's nothing but a Trump puppet.
Fuck Barr! He's nothing but a Trump puppet.
I suspect Barr is also aware congress will be on recess from 19 April to 29 April?
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

It would be illegal for BArr to release the report unredacted, due to laws passed by a Democrat Congress in reaction to the Starr investigation.
No Jim....

Starr and Jaworski were both under the SAME law requiring grand jury testimony being kept private that Attorney General Barr is under, unless for great public interest in releasing it. (this law is NOT part of the new law regarding an independent counsel vs a special counsel)...

And both Starr and and Jaworski, went to a federal Judge, with the sitting Attorney Generals at the time, (hand in hand) to request from that Federal Judge the release of the grand jury testimony due to their being great public interest, and the Federal Judges in both cases, in one simple sweep, authorized the release of grand Jury testimony for both the Starr investigation and the Jaworski Warergate grand jury testimony.

AG Barr has on his own so far, REFUSED to do that.... refused to go with the House, to court, to have the grand jury testimony released to congress.
Jim, I was wrong on thinking the judge on Jaworski released the grand jury tapes to the public at the time... they did have to release the grand jury and the full report to the congressional committees... the grand jury testimony was not released to the public until years later.

Don’t Wait For a Redacted Mueller Report

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