Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

Aww some one got under your Antisemite skin?

Is Mueller gonna set him straight?

The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Fuck Barr! He's nothing but a Trump puppet.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Fuck Barr! He's nothing but a Trump puppet.
Attorney General Barr is going to wipe that grin off those liars' faces. He has to. They lied on President Trump for two full years. They gave him nothing but hell; now it's their turn to pay up. I saw one of the most honest lefties I know today telling how bad Trump was. That's how deep the lie went. They harassed his children in school, his family, beat up on his wife and said bad things about her. They lied their butts off about any involvement, and he kept telling people he did not collude as they charged. They spent FORTY MILLION DOLLARS PERPETRATING LIES THAT CAME FROM AN OBAMA DESK MEMO INSISTING ON GETTING TRUMP BUSTED BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE FOR A PERPETRATED LIE OUT OF HIS OWN PRESIDENT MEN'S IMAGINATION.

They're going to be wearing black and white stripes for the rest of their miserable, lying, calumnious creepy days. And nobody's going to be crying except their grandkids who had nothing to do with Grandpa's amusement crimes.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

It would be illegal for BArr to release the report unredacted, due to laws passed by a Democrat Congress in reaction to the Starr investigation.
No Jim....

Starr and Jaworski were both under the SAME law requiring grand jury testimony being kept private that Attorney General Barr is under, unless for great public interest in releasing it. (this law is NOT part of the new law regarding an independent counsel vs a special counsel)...

And both Starr and and Jaworski, went to a federal Judge, with the sitting Attorney Generals at the time, (hand in hand) to request from that Federal Judge the release of the grand jury testimony due to their being great public interest, and the Federal Judges in both cases, in one simple sweep, authorized the release of grand Jury testimony for both the Starr investigation and the Jaworski Warergate grand jury testimony.

AG Barr has on his own so far, REFUSED to do that.... refused to go with the House, to court, to have the grand jury testimony released to congress.
Jim, I was wrong on thinking the judge on Jaworski released the grand jury tapes to the public at the time... they did have to release the grand jury and the full report to the congressional committees... the grand jury testimony was not released to the public until years later.

Don’t Wait For a Redacted Mueller Report

I think there will be several versions of the Mueller report released.

1) A redacted one for the public.

2) A redacted one with an index that will be held in a secure location like they did with the Star report for a while, IIRC.

3) A nonredacted version that will be read only by a handful of top people, like the POTUS, Speaker and VP and Majority and minority Senate leaders, etc.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

It would be illegal for BArr to release the report unredacted, due to laws passed by a Democrat Congress in reaction to the Starr investigation.
No Jim....

Starr and Jaworski were both under the SAME law requiring grand jury testimony being kept private that Attorney General Barr is under, unless for great public interest in releasing it. (this law is NOT part of the new law regarding an independent counsel vs a special counsel)...

And both Starr and and Jaworski, went to a federal Judge, with the sitting Attorney Generals at the time, (hand in hand) to request from that Federal Judge the release of the grand jury testimony due to their being great public interest, and the Federal Judges in both cases, in one simple sweep, authorized the release of grand Jury testimony for both the Starr investigation and the Jaworski Warergate grand jury testimony.

AG Barr has on his own so far, REFUSED to do that.... refused to go with the House, to court, to have the grand jury testimony released to congress.
Jim, I was wrong on thinking the judge on Jaworski released the grand jury tapes to the public at the time... they did have to release the grand jury and the full report to the congressional committees... the grand jury testimony was not released to the public until years later.

Don’t Wait For a Redacted Mueller Report

I think there will be several versions of the Mueller report released.

1) A redacted one for the public.

2) A redacted one with an index that will be held in a secure location like they did with the Star report for a while, IIRC.

3) A nonredacted version that will be read only by a handful of top people, like the POTUS, Speaker and VP and Majority and minority Senate leaders, etc.
The Judiciary and Intelligence committees will get it too, it is part of their jobs in Congress.... but outside of that, we peons may not get to see it immediately...

I hope that is not the case! Mainly because it is like reading a 500 page Mystery book, down to the few chapters right before the last chapter, where you are trying to piece what the heck is really going on in this Mystery/Who Done it? book, and you have a thousand and one questions of huh?s... that you know will eventually come together in the very last chapter.... and all of your questions and confusion will be answered and that last chapter, the finale'!

And then you are told that the last chapter is not available for you to read! :eek::eek::eek:
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

It would be illegal for BArr to release the report unredacted, due to laws passed by a Democrat Congress in reaction to the Starr investigation.
No Jim....

Starr and Jaworski were both under the SAME law requiring grand jury testimony being kept private that Attorney General Barr is under, unless for great public interest in releasing it. (this law is NOT part of the new law regarding an independent counsel vs a special counsel)...

And both Starr and and Jaworski, went to a federal Judge, with the sitting Attorney Generals at the time, (hand in hand) to request from that Federal Judge the release of the grand jury testimony due to their being great public interest, and the Federal Judges in both cases, in one simple sweep, authorized the release of grand Jury testimony for both the Starr investigation and the Jaworski Warergate grand jury testimony.

AG Barr has on his own so far, REFUSED to do that.... refused to go with the House, to court, to have the grand jury testimony released to congress.
Jim, I was wrong on thinking the judge on Jaworski released the grand jury tapes to the public at the time... they did have to release the grand jury and the full report to the congressional committees... the grand jury testimony was not released to the public until years later.

Don’t Wait For a Redacted Mueller Report

I think there will be several versions of the Mueller report released.

1) A redacted one for the public.

2) A redacted one with an index that will be held in a secure location like they did with the Star report for a while, IIRC.

3) A nonredacted version that will be read only by a handful of top people, like the POTUS, Speaker and VP and Majority and minority Senate leaders, etc.

The Judiciary and Intelligence committees will get it too, it is part of their jobs in Congress.... but outside of that, we peons may not get to see it immediately...

I hope that is not the case! Mainly because it is like reading a 500 page Mystery book, down to the few chapters right before the last chapter, where you are trying to piece what the heck is really going on in this Mystery/Who Done it? book, and you have a thousand and one questions of huh?s... that you know will eventually come together in the very last chapter.... and all of your questions and confusion will be answered and that last chapter, the finale'!

And then you are told that the last chapter is not available for you to read! :eek::eek::eek:

Not so fast. Congressman Shiff has shown that he is untrustworthy with his mega misinterpretations that falsified information available to Democrats only that shows their contrived alteration of facts which he used as a weapon to target innocent people, enraging the likes of Sicko Rep. Maxine Watters, who went after Executive Office staffers; and all those lies in the press caused one very sick-minded Democratic operative to open fire on Republican lawmakers who were simply staying fit in a stadium. Several were injured by gunfire, Here's some of the crap Democrats were putting forth that enraged their operatives.

It's no wonder the average Democrat is so easily convinced the lie that President Trump was not completely exonerated by the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate Intelligence, and the somewhat hostile-to-Trump-and-Trump-Associates Mueller/FBI probe into the false allegations concocted in the previous White House to accuse Trump so that Hillary Clinton would win and Donald Trump would lose the Presidential election. What they didn't count on was that Americans REMEMBERED how Hillary "I forget" Clinton acted under questioning for crimes alleged against her Whitewater involvement and 900 FBI Dossiers laying on a table in her White House area when President Clinton was President. The American people actually prefer someone who will answer truthfully, even if the information is not in accordance with their views. Pretending not to remember something about honesty is not a forgettable thing. American parents require the truth from their children, and they demand the truth from someone who is running the country. It was widely known that Hillary had her finger in every pie including the Clinton War Room that tended to jump all over any person who disagreed with the underhanded methods of the Clinton White House, namely invasion of privacy of American citizens.


Timothy Slater, special agent in charge of the FBI Washington field office, said Hodgkinson, 66, had rented a storage unit in Alexandria started April 16, which he visited more than 43 times between April and June.

Also, Hodgkinson visited the office of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in mid-April and emailed Senators Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin, D-Ill., sometime between January 2017 and the shooting last week, the FBI said without elaborating.

In addition to the ammunition, investigators found a laptop computer, a receipt for a November 2016 gun purchase and additional SKS rifle components. Hodgkinson, from Belleville, Ill., used an SKS 7.62mm caliber rifle and a 9mm handgun during the shooting at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park on June 14.

I think the Congressional Democrats had better pay better attention to their loser animus which they copiously spread around against innocent leaders of men who support the Constitution and are inflamed when they see Democrats trying to replace the Constitution with Socialism which is what the Bolsheviks of Russia embraced in 1917 when they murdered the Czar, his wife, and 13 members of their family, including children under the age of 12, without a trial of any kind. Stalin used World War II to hide his murders of 20 million Russians in the late 30s and 40s. That and other unfriendly acts by the Russian KGB precipitated the Cold War that lasted until the Berlin Wall fell during the term of Republican President George H. W. Bush which started January 20, 1989, God rest his soul.

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America is a Democracy In Name Only

you can collude with Russia, commit treason, and become president of the united states!
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Fuck Barr! He's nothing but a Trump puppet.
Attorney General Barr is going to wipe that grin off those liars' faces. He has to. They lied on President Trump for two full years. They gave him nothing but hell; now it's their turn to pay up. I saw one of the most honest lefties I know today telling how bad Trump was. That's how deep the lie went. They harassed his children in school, his family, beat up on his wife and said bad things about her. They lied their butts off about any involvement, and he kept telling people he did not collude as they charged. They spent FORTY MILLION DOLLARS PERPETRATING LIES THAT CAME FROM AN OBAMA DESK MEMO INSISTING ON GETTING TRUMP BUSTED BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE FOR A PERPETRATED LIE OUT OF HIS OWN PRESIDENT MEN'S IMAGINATION.

They're going to be wearing black and white stripes for the rest of their miserable, lying, calumnious creepy days. And nobody's going to be crying except their grandkids who had nothing to do with Grandpa's amusement crimes.

Lol, you are in for a lifetime of disappointment.
It would be illegal for BArr to release the report unredacted, due to laws passed by a Democrat Congress in reaction to the Starr investigation.
No Jim....

Starr and Jaworski were both under the SAME law requiring grand jury testimony being kept private that Attorney General Barr is under, unless for great public interest in releasing it. (this law is NOT part of the new law regarding an independent counsel vs a special counsel)...

And both Starr and and Jaworski, went to a federal Judge, with the sitting Attorney Generals at the time, (hand in hand) to request from that Federal Judge the release of the grand jury testimony due to their being great public interest, and the Federal Judges in both cases, in one simple sweep, authorized the release of grand Jury testimony for both the Starr investigation and the Jaworski Warergate grand jury testimony.

AG Barr has on his own so far, REFUSED to do that.... refused to go with the House, to court, to have the grand jury testimony released to congress.
Jim, I was wrong on thinking the judge on Jaworski released the grand jury tapes to the public at the time... they did have to release the grand jury and the full report to the congressional committees... the grand jury testimony was not released to the public until years later.

Don’t Wait For a Redacted Mueller Report

I think there will be several versions of the Mueller report released.

1) A redacted one for the public.

2) A redacted one with an index that will be held in a secure location like they did with the Star report for a while, IIRC.

3) A nonredacted version that will be read only by a handful of top people, like the POTUS, Speaker and VP and Majority and minority Senate leaders, etc.
The Judiciary and Intelligence committees will get it too, it is part of their jobs in Congress.... but outside of that, we peons may not get to see it immediately...

I hope that is not the case! Mainly because it is like reading a 500 page Mystery book, down to the few chapters right before the last chapter, where you are trying to piece what the heck is really going on in this Mystery/Who Done it? book, and you have a thousand and one questions of huh?s... that you know will eventually come together in the very last chapter.... and all of your questions and confusion will be answered and that last chapter, the finale'!

And then you are told that the last chapter is not available for you to read! :eek::eek::eek:

Not so fast. Congressman Shiff has shown that he is untrustworthy with his mega misinterpretations that falsified information available to Democrats only that shows their contrived alteration of facts which he used as a weapon to target innocent people, enraging the likes of Sicko Rep. Maxine Watters, who went after Executive Office staffers; and all those lies in the press caused one very sick-minded Democratic operative to open fire on Republican lawmakers who were simply staying fit in a stadium. Several were injured by gunfire, Here's some of the crap Democrats were putting forth that enraged their operatives.

It's no wonder the average Democrat is so easily convinced the lie that President Trump was not completely exonerated by the House Intelligence Committee, the Senate Intelligence, and the somewhat hostile-to-Trump-and-Trump-Associates Mueller/FBI probe into the false allegations concocted in the previous White House to accuse Trump so that Hillary Clinton would win and Donald Trump would lose the Presidential election. What they didn't count on was that Americans REMEMBERED how Hillary "I forget" Clinton acted under questioning for crimes alleged against her Whitewater involvement and 900 FBI Dossiers laying on a table in her White House area when President Clinton was President. The American people actually prefer someone who will answer truthfully, even if the information is not in accordance with their views. Pretending not to remember something about honesty is not a forgettable thing. American parents require the truth from their children, and they demand the truth from someone who is running the country. It was widely known that Hillary had her finger in every pie including the Clinton War Room that tended to jump all over any person who disagreed with the underhanded methods of the Clinton White House, namely invasion of privacy of American citizens.


Timothy Slater, special agent in charge of the FBI Washington field office, said Hodgkinson, 66, had rented a storage unit in Alexandria started April 16, which he visited more than 43 times between April and June.

Also, Hodgkinson visited the office of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in mid-April and emailed Senators Tammy Duckworth and Dick Durbin, D-Ill., sometime between January 2017 and the shooting last week, the FBI said without elaborating.

In addition to the ammunition, investigators found a laptop computer, a receipt for a November 2016 gun purchase and additional SKS rifle components. Hodgkinson, from Belleville, Ill., used an SKS 7.62mm caliber rifle and a 9mm handgun during the shooting at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park on June 14.

I think the Congressional Democrats had better pay better attention to their loser animus which they copiously spread around against innocent leaders of men who support the Constitution and are inflamed when they see Democrats trying to replace the Constitution with Socialism which is what the Bolsheviks of Russia embraced in 1917 when they murdered the Czar, his wife, and 13 members of their family, including children under the age of 12, without a trial of any kind. Stalin used World War II to hide his murders of 20 million Russians in the late 30s and 40s. That and other unfriendly acts by the Russian KGB precipitated the Cold War that lasted until the Berlin Wall fell during the term of Republican President George H. W. Bush which started January 20, 1989, God rest his soul.

Cool story bro...except of course Russian interference investigation WAS KEPT HUSH HUSH UNTILL AFTER ELECTION and Mueller was not assigned as a special investigator untill Trump-the-idiot fired the FBI Director.

Want to try again?
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America is a Democracy In Name Only

you can collude with Russia, commit treason, and become president of the united states!

You forgot on-the-record pussy grabbing
Words only, dingus.

Wow. What else to say?

Can you explain what in the world makes you think it’s words only after dozens of women say it happened to them and Trump fully confessed to doing it?
I'd have to diagnose you with two separate diseases - TDS and Maddow On The Brain (MOB) Disease.
Democrats think they can find something in the report to lie about.
Lies occur when there is no transparency....

Democrats and many Republicans are asking for TRANSPARENCY so that LIES are not made up and used...with the release of the Mueller report, lies CAN'T be told because it is all there before our very eyes to see.

(Primarily by this President, who has already gone out and lied through his teeth about it)
Are you pleased that Mueller is helping Barr go through the report and redacting what BY LAW must be redacted?
No SC is EVER going to rule that Grand Jury proceeding, Sources and methods, ongoing investigation information be released to Shit For Brains so he can leak everytrhing to the NYT.
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Fuck Barr! He's nothing but a Trump puppet.
And one of Mueller best friends going back decades. Their families go on vacations together.
Barr stated at his confirmation hearing that he and Mueller were "close friends" and "when this is over Mueller and I and our families will still be close friends".
The LIBs have declared Mueller to be the "Gold Standard of integrity". So why is he still close friends with Barr?
By your dumb-ass reasoning that makes Mueller also a Trump puppet".
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

Afraid to show the Report, I see.
does he have it? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

Trump is a liar and a pussy.

He's a billionaire......but won't release his taxes.

He's a genius.......but paid Cohen to block the release of transcripts.

He's been fully exonerated.......but won't release the report.

Total loser.
he is? when have you had encounters with the man? you seem to be acting like this is personal to you. did he meet you and do something to you? you're fired, perhaps? vindictive statements are coming from you.
how can one obstruct nothing? explain it to me.

Obstructing the investigation, dope. The process of justice.
an investigation to find a crime. Since there is no crime, one cannot obstruct finding information on nothing.

Obstructing the investigation itself, retard.

obstruction of justice
the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process
again, no crime was being investigated. so. until you can name me one, this is all nonsense.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
nonsense? then tell me what crime was being investigated?
Just so you know, refusal to comply means they are trying to bury the report. It is difficult to know at this point how that disaster for Trump would be better than releasing the report.

Call in Mueller to testify....give him a once-over.....maybe have Brennan waterboard him....doesn't change a thing...he knew he didn't have squat two years ago.....cost the GOP the House....He served his purpose, now you get the Holder treatment....enjoy.
Is that the narrative that is going around the conservative media these days? Fight release at all costs?

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