Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

He was honest. Mule reported no evidence of collusion.
No where did Barr say there was NO EVIDENCE of collusion...or obstruction, that's the LIAR N CHIEF'S comment.... the Barr report said there WAS evidence of obstruction, but not enough to ESTABLISH a charge.

this "no evidence" mantra, on collusion or obstruction is a LIE.

''No'', being the key part and ''Collusion'' was a word NEVER USED in Barr's statement
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Congress has the legal right to the grand jury least the Judiciary committee and the Intelligence committee, we the people do not, until a later date.
Interesting...especially that is not what the law states, not what Democrats stated when the Republicans asked for Comey's notes / report.....

they are fking nut skankers these leftist tools. hly fk, the only way is their way and only their way, they think. fk them all. No notes from Comey, no unredacted report. fk those losers and criminals against american citizens.
So you want Barr to break the very Law Democrats Wrote?

Do you understand Mueller knows Grand Jury findings are sealed, and that is why he likely enclosed an Executive Summary of his findings that could be released without any further censoring by a partisan political hack posing as Attorney General?

Mueller's report could have been released days ago; the only reason that hasn't occurred is because Barr is functioning as Trump's personal fixer and not as a public servant.
So you want Barr to break the very Law Democrats Wrote?
I want Barr to follow the same rules Ken Starr and Leon Jaworski followed with their investigations; why don't you?

Because the report Mueller produced was under different law than Starr and Jaworski.
It was a special prosecutor, not a special counsel.

It was a Special Prosecutor because they were investigating actual crimes committed.

With Mueller, there was no crime named that was committed. Hence, Special Counsel, because Mueller was not investigating a crime, as they could not name one to justify his appointment.
you know that, and I know that, they don't want to know that. it's just that simple. TDS at the max.
He was honest. Mule reported no evidence of collusion.
No where did Barr say there was NO EVIDENCE of collusion...or that's the LIAR N CHIEF'S comment.... the Barr report said there WAS evidence of obstruction, but not enough to ESTABLISH a charge.

this "no evidence" mantra, on collusion or obstruction is a LIE.

''No'', being the key part
sure it was there. why do you ignore facts? So dude, are there any open indictments to act on, or sealed? if your answer is no, then there is no collusion. It's quite simple loser.
Don't get your hopes up. Barr said no such thing. It remains to be seen how Barr will handle the Mueller situation and frankly Trump's A.G. picks so far haven't been inspiring.
Congress has the legal right to the grand jury least the Judiciary committee and the Intelligence committee, we the people do not, until a later date.
Interesting...especially that is not what the law states, not what Democrats stated when the Republicans asked for Comey's notes / report.....

they are fking nut skankers these leftist tools. hly fk, the only way is their way and only their way, they think. fk them all. No notes from Comey, no unredacted report. fk those losers and criminals against american citizens.
The traitors are trying to spin the real truth as usual.

When DNC e-mails were leaked exposing Democrats' racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content and when their e-mails exposed the fact that the Democrats actually successfully altered the 2016 election by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, and screwing Bernie out of his nomination and giving it to Hillary, the Democrats quickly utilized the Liberal media to push the claim that the real story was that they were VICTIMS of cyber crimes against them as the main story.

Throughout history it is proven that when the Democrats get busted for something unethical, immoral, or illegal they quickly try to flip the script by accusing Republicans of something or quickly trying to change the subject to their false claims and accusations.
According to MSNBC and CNN she's a fucking genius! Designing a simple tunnel shouldn't be a problem for her.

Hmmmmm....the Pacific is 36,000' deep in places....pressure enough to crush a submarine like a beer can.....Since trains cost as much as flying, I wonder how far a Toyota would get through AOC's tunnel?

The NGD does not call for the elimination of all air travel. You people are just dumber than shit.
why did she say it did? she outloud said trains to hawaii. dude, why do you insist on covering for liars like her? she has no fking clue as to how an adult does anything in life. she is a kid protected from all angsts of life.

She didn't.

She said high speed rail to make air travel unnecessary. Obvious to places where trains go. She never said anything about over ocean bridges, under ocean tunnels or Hawaii.

You assfucks really need to read the NGD & quit making such asses out of yourselves.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal Aims to Eliminate Air Travel

"The resolution's aims include "overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and 19 greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible." According to an overview of the resolution, this will be accomplished, in part, by "build[ing] out highspeed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary.""
sure it was there. why do you ignore facts? So dude, are there any open indictments to act on, or sealed? if your answer is no, then there is no collusion. It's quite simple loser.
Much like how they conned the FISA Court and Congress, Democrats are trying to convince people that after finding zero evidence to support their false claims of 'Russian collusion' this only means that Mueller found no evidence of the crime Democrats continue to claim happened, despite having no evidence to prove it ever happened.

:p It's part of that crap they tried to push during the failed 'Cain'ing of Justice Kavanaugh, the declaration that in cases involving Republicans THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS ON THE ACCUSED, NOT THAT ACCUSER.
Congress has the legal right to the grand jury least the Judiciary committee and the Intelligence committee, we the people do not, until a later date.
Interesting...especially that is not what the law states, not what Democrats stated when the Republicans asked for Comey's notes / report.....

they are fking nut skankers these leftist tools. hly fk, the only way is their way and only their way, they think. fk them all. No notes from Comey, no unredacted report. fk those losers and criminals against american citizens.
The traitors are trying to spin the real truth as usual.

When DNC e-mails were leaked exposing Democrats' racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content and when their e-mails exposed the fact that the Democrats actually successfully altered the 2016 election by rigging primaries, cheating in debates, and screwing Bernie out of his nomination and giving it to Hillary, the Democrats quickly utilized the Liberal media to push the claim that the real story was that they were VICTIMS of cyber crimes against them as the main story.

Throughout history it is proven that when the Democrats get busted for something unethical, immoral, or illegal they quickly try to flip the script by accusing Republicans of something or quickly trying to change the subject to their false claims and accusations.
where is the list of congress folk who committed sexual assault and used tax payer money as hush money? I want that mthr fking list now.
We could offer the un-redacted version only if Treason is made punishable by hanging and firing squad, and Doxing nd protesting outside a person's residence is considered a crime worthy of Life Imprisonment.
where is the list of congress folk who committed sexual assault and used tax payer money as hush money? I want that mthr fking list now.
The American people wanted that list, too...BEFORE john Conyers was allowed to just quietly slip off into retirement instead of being held accountable in the scandal.

There’s a little-known fund that goes to victims of sexual harassment on the Hill. You pay for it.

"Michigan Rep. John Conyers paid a former staffer thousands of dollars in a settlement in 2015 after sexually harassing her and other women in his office and then firing her for refusing his advances.

He likely isn’t the only member of Congress to settle a harassment case. Since 1997, Congress has paid
at least $15 million to settle complaints about sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act under the umbrella of the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA) of 1995."
Don't get your hopes up. Barr said no such thing. It remains to be seen how Barr will handle the Mueller situation and frankly Trump's A.G. picks so far haven't been inspiring.
well he did say there were no indictments forthcoming. none. His words.

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

"The report does not recommend any further indictments, nor did the Special Counsel obtain any sealed indictments that have yet to be made public."
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

Trump is a liar and a pussy.

He's a billionaire......but won't release his taxes.

He's a genius.......but paid Cohen to block the release of transcripts.

He's been fully exonerated.......but won't release the report.

Total loser.
he is? when have you had encounters with the man? you seem to be acting like this is personal to you. did he meet you and do something to you? you're fired, perhaps? vindictive statements are coming from you.

Total loser.
All show and no go
Obstructing the investigation, dope. The process of justice.
an investigation to find a crime. Since there is no crime, one cannot obstruct finding information on nothing.

Obstructing the investigation itself, retard.

obstruction of justice
the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process
again, no crime was being investigated. so. until you can name me one, this is all nonsense.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
nonsense? then tell me what crime was being investigated?

Go away, dope. Read up on the investigation and come back prepared.
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

Trump is a liar and a pussy.

He's a billionaire......but won't release his taxes.

He's a genius.......but paid Cohen to block the release of transcripts.

He's been fully exonerated.......but won't release the report.

Total loser.
he is? when have you had encounters with the man? you seem to be acting like this is personal to you. did he meet you and do something to you? you're fired, perhaps? vindictive statements are coming from you.

Total loser.
All show and no go
says the butthurt demoloser.
an investigation to find a crime. Since there is no crime, one cannot obstruct finding information on nothing.

Obstructing the investigation itself, retard.

obstruction of justice
the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process
again, no crime was being investigated. so. until you can name me one, this is all nonsense.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
nonsense? then tell me what crime was being investigated?

Go away, dope. Read up on the investigation and come back prepared.
why can't you name the crime? The directive was to look for collusion. collusion isn't a crime.So instead, they made a witch hunt, look for anything.

It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.

Stupid is strughling with your native language. You obviously know obstruction of justice is a real crime and I gave you a real definition so.....the disconnect is somewhere in your own head.
obstruction of justice is a crime. I already told you that. why do you act as if I didn't say that? What I said was one can't obstruct something that isn't a crime. Just saying, if you would pay the fk attention to my comments.

Obstruction isn't about obstructing a crime, dope. It's about obstructing an investigation.
Obstruction is the crime.
I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
I just have to laugh at the stupidity you spew. One is only a suspect if there is a crime. Nonsense.

Stupid is strughling with your native language. You obviously know obstruction of justice is a real crime and I gave you a real definition so.....the disconnect is somewhere in your own head.
Oh sure, obstructing an active criminal investigation is a crime. Never said it wasn't. I said what mueller was doing wasn't a criminal investigation. As such, the probability of obstruction is null. There isn't a crime that Mueller was investigating. So, interviewing people on subjects that aren't crimes can't obstruct anything since no one has to incriminate oneself. You should learn the law.

There is no such qualifier, dope. Trump was a subject of the investigation, period.

I can't even begin to fathom why you would ever believe that you understand the law better than someone like Mueller.

Some sort of chronic, toxic dissonance I guess.
trump is a crime? how does one just get to investigate someone for nothing? It's all illegal. it's all biased and it's all a nothing burger that cost 25 million dollars and now we get to hear you all still whining about trump. why do you hate the man? just because he won? so you're admitting that you are a sore fking loser? sore loser boi.
Last time, retard.

The purpose of any investigation is to determine if there was any wrongdoing by the subject of that investigation.
Obstruction is a deliberate attempt by that subject to hinder that investigation.
Regardless of the findings of wrongdoing or not, the subject still committed obstruction, a crime.

Get it?
Obstructing the investigation itself, retard.

obstruction of justice
the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process
again, no crime was being investigated. so. until you can name me one, this is all nonsense.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
nonsense? then tell me what crime was being investigated?

Go away, dope. Read up on the investigation and come back prepared.
why can't you name the crime? The directive was to look for collusion. collusion isn't a crime.So instead, they made a witch hunt, look for anything.

Obstruction of justice would be the crime.
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

Trump is a liar and a pussy.

He's a billionaire......but won't release his taxes.

He's a genius.......but paid Cohen to block the release of transcripts.

He's been fully exonerated.......but won't release the report.

Total loser.
he is? when have you had encounters with the man? you seem to be acting like this is personal to you. did he meet you and do something to you? you're fired, perhaps? vindictive statements are coming from you.

Total loser.
All show and no go
says the butthurt demoloser.
Tell us about obstruction, retard.

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