Barr Tells Congress Rats To Pound Sand

Just so you know, refusal to comply means they are trying to bury the report. It is difficult to know at this point how that disaster for Trump would be better than releasing the report.

Call in Mueller to testify....give him a once-over.....maybe have Brennan waterboard him....doesn't change a thing...he knew he didn't have squat two years ago.....cost the GOP the House....He served his purpose, now you get the Holder treatment....enjoy.
LOL it would be funny if he actually tried to say that but he knows better. The appropriate congressional committee can issue a subpoena and he had better comply.

Or what....Nonads will have him arrested? :auiqs.jpg:
they don't have that kind of power. rosenstein still hasn't complied with the congressional subpoena he received last year.
how can one obstruct nothing? explain it to me.

Obstructing the investigation, dope. The process of justice.
an investigation to find a crime. Since there is no crime, one cannot obstruct finding information on nothing.

Obstructing the investigation itself, retard.

obstruction of justice
the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process
again, no crime was being investigated. so. until you can name me one, this is all nonsense.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.
Yes, that's about what Barr said, but I don't think it's gonna turn out that way.
Why did the Congress give Barr an arbitrary deadline? He has said he will release it in mid-April or before. It's a long report and there is stuff in there that no doubt needs to be redacted by law. So giving him a few weeks is not unreasonable.
What is happening on April 3 that makes the Congress's deadline so important?

Oh wait I know....Ginsberg is scheduled to die that day.

He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.
If Barr gave the unredacted report to Congress Shit For Brains would leak it to the NYT within minutes. THAT's why Barr isn't going to. Three weeks BEFORE Barr released the four page summary Muller, a very old friend of Barr went to Barr's office and told him he wasn't going to make a call on any collusion.
Now that Barr has the full report Muller and his team of lawyers, Barr and Rosenstein and their lawyers AND the lawyers from the Inspector General are going over the report to see what must BY LAW be redacted.
Obstructing the investigation, dope. The process of justice.
an investigation to find a crime. Since there is no crime, one cannot obstruct finding information on nothing.

Obstructing the investigation itself, retard.

obstruction of justice
the crime or act of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law especially by influencing, threatening, harming, or impeding a witness, potential witness, juror, or judicial or legal officer or by furnishing false information in or otherwise impeding an investigation or legal process
again, no crime was being investigated. so. until you can name me one, this is all nonsense.


It's the very definition, dope.
How horrible your life must be when you have to struggle to understand such basic things.
so how does one obstruct something one knows nothing about? please explain? Was mueller ever told not to do anything? if not, then again, you are spewing nonsense.

I gave you the definition, retard. It said nothing about a crime being required.

I can be a suspect and under investigation.
If I act to impede or lie to those investigators, I've committed obstruction whether the investigation later clears me or not. The act of obstructing the investigation is the crime.
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

No, this isn't Holder/Lynch....Barr is an honorable man, he might not even care for the President, and he certainly wouldn't blow the reputation he's spent 40 years building with some fakery. He'll do the right thing, something you wouldn't recognize if it bit you on the face.
The time for Barr to prove his alleged honor is right now. Acting all mysterious and vague about the Mueller report is not doing his credibility any favors. If Barr is interested in his reputation being intact after all this mess he had better hurry up and give it to congress and it had better say what he he says it does.
Are you aware that Muller and his team of lawyers is helping Barr redact anything that must not BY LAW be released to Congress? The Inspector General and his lawyers are also involved.
Don't forget to change hands. You'll put your back out.
Just so you know, refusal to comply means they are trying to bury the report. It is difficult to know at this point how that disaster for Trump would be better than releasing the report.

Call in Mueller to testify....give him a once-over.....maybe have Brennan waterboard him....doesn't change a thing...he knew he didn't have squat two years ago.....cost the GOP the House....He served his purpose, now you get the Holder treatment....enjoy.
Is that the narrative that is going around the conservative media these days? Fight release at all costs?
Is that the narrative that is going around the conservative media these days? Fight release at all costs?

Nope....just that Nadler can shut the fuck up and wait a couple weeks....or not get shit....capiche?
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

No, this isn't Holder/Lynch....Barr is an honorable man, he might not even care for the President, and he certainly wouldn't blow the reputation he's spent 40 years building with some fakery. He'll do the right thing, something you wouldn't recognize if it bit you on the face.
The time for Barr to prove his alleged honor is right now. Acting all mysterious and vague about the Mueller report is not doing his credibility any favors. If Barr is interested in his reputation being intact after all this mess he had better hurry up and give it to congress and it had better say what he he says it does.
Are you aware that Muller and his team of lawyers is helping Barr redact anything that must not BY LAW be released to Congress? The Inspector General and his lawyers are also involved.
Don't forget to change hands. You'll put your back out.
They say that but I find it difficult to believe the report would not already be sectioned in such a way that makes redaction easy. It is far more likely that there is a fight going on to redact parts that would be jumping off points for further investigation.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

He was honest. Mule reported no evidence of collusion. Barr-Rosenstein read it and agreed. You are calling them all Liars based on what? Hope for bad on Trump? What motive do they have to Lie? Mule knows what is in it. They have copies, perhaps?

Go ahead, Release it all. Make you all look even more foolish for the third investigation, and most complete investigation of all times.

The you and Chancy can run aroud saying but Coehn went to Prague with you hair on fire smelling like salmon and old man.

Collusion isn't a crime, Barr says the Mueller Report does NOT exonerate Trump, but he doesn't say in what way. Furthermore, it is not Barr's call whether or not Trump is charged with obstruction of justice, since the Justice Department policy is that you can't indict a sitting President. Any indictment would have to come from Congress, so Congress needs the full Report to make a determination.

Last but not least, this is an investigation bought and paid for by the American people to help restore faith in the President, and the government which he is running. If the report is not released, people will continue to believe that Donald Trump is hiding something. Just like with his taxes.
The report is going to be released dummy!
Shit for brains isn't going to get the Grand Jury proceeding. He isn't going to get anything regarding any ongoing investigations. He isn't going to get any 'sources and methods' information.
So the only thing he'll be able to leak to the NYT is what's left.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

They are going to release the whole report. Why are you so worried? Trump committed no crimes or obstructed or colluded.
How do you know that? Have you seen the Mueller report?

Is that what you really think, or are you just repeating the lies you were TOLD to say like a good little lockstep minion?

Barr has no reason to lie.
Barr has no reason to lie

Sure. You must also believe it's mere coincidence that he is now the AG.

READ: Bill Barr's 19-Page Memo Ripping Mueller Probe
READ: Bill Barr's 19-Page Memo Ripping Mueller Probe | National Law Journal
did someone hide Mueller? if all this is true as you suggest, where's he at?
Muller is currently very busy helping Barr go through the report to help with any redactions required by law.
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

No, this isn't Holder/Lynch....Barr is an honorable man, he might not even care for the President, and he certainly wouldn't blow the reputation he's spent 40 years building with some fakery. He'll do the right thing, something you wouldn't recognize if it bit you on the face.
The time for Barr to prove his alleged honor is right now. Acting all mysterious and vague about the Mueller report is not doing his credibility any favors. If Barr is interested in his reputation being intact after all this mess he had better hurry up and give it to congress and it had better say what he he says it does.
Barr obeying the law puts a check in his honor column for me. Not a lot of honorable lawbreakers around except in the polluted minds of lefty idiots.
Barr took two days to say the president is in the clear but he needs weeks to give the Mueller report to congress? Barr came into office knowing he was under suspicion of being there for the sole purpose of protecting the president from the Mueller report and damned if it does not look like he is doing exactly that. Barr's reputation declines every day this drags out.
Barr and Muller have been close personal friends for decades. Their families take holidays together!
Barr stated at his confirmation hearing that he and Mueller are very close friends and will continue to be after this whole bullshit farce is over.
I doubt very much Mueller would have that sort of personal relationship with anyone who he was not 100% trusting of both personally and professionally.
You, as usual are barking up the wrong tree pal.
No, this isn't Holder/Lynch....Barr is an honorable man, he might not even care for the President, and he certainly wouldn't blow the reputation he's spent 40 years building with some fakery. He'll do the right thing, something you wouldn't recognize if it bit you on the face.
The time for Barr to prove his alleged honor is right now. Acting all mysterious and vague about the Mueller report is not doing his credibility any favors. If Barr is interested in his reputation being intact after all this mess he had better hurry up and give it to congress and it had better say what he he says it does.
Barr obeying the law puts a check in his honor column for me. Not a lot of honorable lawbreakers around except in the polluted minds of lefty idiots.
Barr took two days to say the president is in the clear but he needs weeks to give the Mueller report to congress? Barr came into office knowing he was under suspicion of being there for the sole purpose of protecting the president from the Mueller report and damned if it does not look like he is doing exactly that. Barr's reputation declines every day this drags out.
he has zero responsibility to give Congress anything.
LOL it would be funny if he actually tried to say that but he knows better. The appropriate congressional committee can issue a subpoena and he had better comply.
Barr can do what Holder did: Tell them to shove their precious subpoena up their collective ass.
Then Congress can hold Barr in contempt like they did with Holder. Holder told them to shove their contempt order up their ass! Then Muller and Barr and their families can take a nice long vacation at a resort somewhere warm but not too hot.
Maui is nice this time of year.
He should do it for the sake of transparency in the law and our Judicial department, and for the sake of our country to stay a country.... and for the sake of honesty.... and truth...

cover ups by government swamp creatures, are never good for the Nation...

Honesty is the best policy... transparency is the best policy, where ever possible.... knowing the actual facts is the best policy.... informing the public of the facts, is the best policy.

At least if we are going to go at each other, we can do so with actual facts instead of conjecture on both sides.

We should play by the rules when your side never does? The past two years have shown us the leftists don't believe in anything, especially the Constitution. They've used every opportunity they had to "resist" and overthrow a duly elected President. If you want transparency all of sudden, fine.....let's have the plotters appear before the Senate Intel committee and get asked the kind of questions, under oath, they've been asking Trump satellites for the last two years. And I suggest they be taken to testify in leg irons after their doors are kicked in by SWAT teams with weapons drawn....sound good?
Bring it on. Call them in.

Let them present the evidence they had that led them to investigate your fat assed orange buddy and his dealings with the Russians.

Only in Trumpworld do assfucls think we should ignore Russian interference in our affairs & those that lie about communicating with them.

And the chairman of the House intel committee with oversight authority over Mueller's counter-intelligence investigation results, dope.

Welcome to the 8 years of Barry the Fairy's DOJ....Holder was cited for contempt on Fast & Furious....nothing happened....expect the same until you lose the House next year....ya commie hump.

What's your point? Any subpoenas will be decided in court no doubt.
Holder told the 'court' to shove their subpoena up their ass. The 'court' did fuck all about it.
Barr should make the complete and unredacted report available to Congress. The Redacted report should be made public.
Wow the Mueller report must be pretty juicy watching how shitty the Trump camp is acting about a report that allegedly exonerates Trump. By now the White House has a leaked copy and it has been funny watching them try to keep a lid on it.

No, this isn't Holder/Lynch....Barr is an honorable man, he might not even care for the President, and he certainly wouldn't blow the reputation he's spent 40 years building with some fakery. He'll do the right thing, something you wouldn't recognize if it bit you on the face.
The time for Barr to prove his alleged honor is right now. Acting all mysterious and vague about the Mueller report is not doing his credibility any favors. If Barr is interested in his reputation being intact after all this mess he had better hurry up and give it to congress and it had better say what he he says it does.
Are you aware that Muller and his team of lawyers is helping Barr redact anything that must not BY LAW be released to Congress? The Inspector General and his lawyers are also involved.
Don't forget to change hands. You'll put your back out.
They say that but I find it difficult to believe the report would not already be sectioned in such a way that makes redaction easy. It is far more likely that there is a fight going on to redact parts that would be jumping off points for further investigation.
You 'believe' a lot of bullshit claims don't you.
Any luck selling all those 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' T-shirts yet?
The HOAX is DEAD....and now the rodents want to give it an autopsy, the results of which would be in the NYTimes within minutes. No reason the AG should give them law says he must, no standard for the USSC to rule on.....if he decides not to, the slime machine shuts down. So since tomorrow is April Fool's Day, a day before the "deadline" they dreamed up, he should send them 300 pages of redacted black magic marker blocked out nothing. Screw them. If there was any "collusion" or "obstruction" that Barr hasn't told us about, does anybody believe that Mueller, or Weissman, or Rosenstein wouldn't have been on CNN screaming about it? They all know better, all of them, and they had a good time doing it...until now that is. I wonder how funny they think it will be when the new FBI is knocking on their doors?

F**king A.

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