Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

FBI Man’s Testimony Points to Wrongdoing Well Beyond Spying.
From the end of 2015 to the end of 2018, Bill Priestap was assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, which meant he oversaw the FBI’s global counterintelligence efforts. In that role, he managed both of the bureau’s most politically sensitive investigations: the inquiry into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information and the probe into whether Donald Trump or his campaign conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 presidential election. His testimony provides rare insight into the attitudes and thoughts of officials who launched the Russia probe and the probe of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, whose final report is expected to be released very soon.

More important, his testimony contains extensive indications of wrongdoing, including that the FBI and DoJ targeted Trump and did so with information it made no effort to verify. It paints a portrait of the Obama-era bureau as one that was unconcerned with political interference in investigations and was willing to enlist the help of close foreign allies to bring down its target. And, perhaps presaging a defense to Barr’s claim that American officials had spied on the Trump campaign, it showcases the euphemisms that can be used to disguise “spying.”
Stay tuned.
So if we don't let them in they'll come in anyway. The goal is to keep them out.
by law and treaty, we have to let asylum seekers in and give them their day in immigration court, to determine if they meet the criteria for refugee status... whether they come through the gates, or hop the fence...

Mexicans are not asylum seekers because by law definition, an asylum seeker has to come from a country that does not share a border with us.

If the asylum seeker does not meet refugee status in court, they are added to a list of seekers but denied, then shipped back to their own countries.

And this list of denied seekers is maintained. When and if this denied seeker tries to enter our country again, it becomes a FELONY.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
We've been crying that so many Americans were so stupid as top vote for Trump and still support him as jhe desroys America.

Trump has done NOTHING good.

He fucked up the border & you assfucks blame Democrats. He was given funding & he said no. So Fuck you.
How did he fuck up the border?
the worst thing he has done to make it worse is threaten to shut the border or close it down or brag about it....

This has made all the Central Americans RUSH to our border to set a foot in, before he closes it... thus the reason we have so many people at once...

The second mistake in my opinion was reducing the amount of border entry point agents and capping those who can enter through them down to a hundred a day....

this has caused the asylum seekers to swarm the border and cross outside of our border entry points by hopping our walls and fences in place, causing border patrol to be overwhelmed with refugee seekers, which is masking the bad guys like drug traffickers, sex traffickers, gang members etc and preventing border patrol from being able to concentrate on catching the ''bad guys''. Trump did this by not manning the border entry points....

and the zero tolerance program of Sessions has overwhelmed our holding cells, caused great mental harm to the children ripped and taken from their parents the past 2 years in their cold hearted plan to deter others from coming here... instead we've had increases, that plan didn't work at all, a total failure... that has caused great harm to other human beings.

and his only solution has been touting additional border walls because he is campaigning 24/7 since he arrived in DC and says what you all want to hear, instead of seeking solutions in to the actual humanitarian crisis we are in.... like increasing crossing point agents and increasing the judges in the courts so we do not need to hold them in captivity for a darn year before they can get their legal right to a hearing n immigration court...

or spending money on ankle monitors, and a staff to monitor them, so they can be released, and forced to return for their court date

really, investing in the courts and judges would be the best thing to do, so we can process them a lot quicker....and take in the ones who qualify for refugee status and ship back as soon as possible the ones that are not granted refugee status.

AND having his State dept's best and brightest, get their rear ends down to central America and working on a diplomatic solution instead of twiddling their thumbs, is necessary and urgent!

Instead he's only been playing the campaign slogan of 'build a wall' crap and blaming democrats for open borders bull shat, when it will take a decade or two to get the land and eminent Domain lawsuits settled that takes the land owners land away from them to do such.... what a waste of time.... but it sure gets you all riled... which is his intent.... not getting to a solution to this crisis.

when by law and by treaty, we actually have to accept asylum seekers even if they hop a wall, and give them their day in court to determine their status of being a refugee or NOT.

Move to Mexico.

What does Mexico have to do with Asylum seekers? :dunno:
Asylum seeking is for serious, life threatening circumstances usually due to politics. It’s not for food stamps, welfare, more money, or any freebies.
What does Mexico have to do with Asylum seekers? :dunno:
By definition an asylum seeker applies in the 1st country he/she reaches that is safe from the oppression and danger they are fleeing.

If you walk through Mexico to reach America you aren't seeking asylum.
No and yes. The deep state does exist. It's composed of all the permanent bureaucrats who believe they know better than the voters what kind of government we should have.
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
We've been crying that so many Americans were so stupid as top vote for Trump and still support him as jhe desroys America.

Trump has done NOTHING good.

You've been doing a lot more than that. You've been promoting and defending a coup against a lawfully elected president.

How is Trump destroying America? It's obviously the Dims who are destroying American. For example, they refuse to take any action to control the border. They are actively obstructing Trump's efforts to control the border.

He fucked up the border & you assfucks blame Democrats. He was given funding & he said no. So Fuck you.

The catch and release policy of leftwing judges is what fucked up the border. Trump wasn't given jack shit. The Dims have done everything they can to open the border even wider.

Zero college again?
Didn't both parties have a $25 B wall agreement agreed that was nixed by the con?
No and yes. The deep state does exist. It's composed of all the permanent bureaucrats who believe they know better than the voters what kind of government we should have.
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
Fucking moron, they’re complaining about trump, not our government being elected by the people. And not for nothing but, the right “cried like petulant children” for the 8 years Obama was president.

Plus the two years since because they just can’t quit him.
What a lying douchebag. You and all the other pieces of shit in this forum have been attacking everyone who voted for Trump. Anyone who wears a MAGA hat is taking his life into his hands.

Why would I want to quite Trump? He's the best Republican president we've had since Reagan. He may even be better than Reagan.

Furthermore, you just proved my claim. You don't argue that this policy or that policy is better. You claim that anyone who voted for Trump is scum.

You're the scum.

Nice foul mouth again.
Educate me and tell us what the con has done?
Grabber to the supremes?
Fewer jobs created in his first 2 years than Obama in his last 2?
Record trade deficit?
Record deficit?
Record number of border crossings?
MAGA hats? Our WWII Nazi group name?
Record number of white supremist crimes?
I'm sure you can add a few.
I love him, now I can drag my wife by the hair before raping her and feel ok
Obama separated children from parents at the border.
Obama did it to protect the children from predators.
Trump does it because he's a mean and evil person who wants to punish wetbacks for trespassing.

So the predators are now gone because Trump is POTUS? OMG....HOW STOOOOPID ARE YOU?

Obama built the cages. The fake news media blamed Trump for them.
Have you got a link???
Try this
FACT CHECK: Trump Wrongly States Obama Administration Had Child Separation Policy
Another deep state commie link?
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
Fucking moron, they’re complaining about trump, not our government being elected by the people. And not for nothing but, the right “cried like petulant children” for the 8 years Obama was president.

Plus the two years since because they just can’t quit him.
What a lying douchebag. You and all the other pieces of shit in this forum have been attacking everyone who voted for Trump. Anyone who wears a MAGA hat is taking his life into his hands.

Why would I want to quite Trump? He's the best Republican president we've had since Reagan. He may even be better than Reagan.

Furthermore, you just proved my claim. You don't argue that this policy or that policy is better. You claim that anyone who voted for Trump is scum.

You're the scum.

Nice foul mouth again.
Educate me and tell us what the con has done?
Grabber to the supremes?
Fewer jobs created in his first 2 years than Obama in his last 2?
Well, let's have a look.
Record trade deficit?
Record deficit?
Record number of border crossings?
MAGA hats? Our WWII Nazi group name?
Record number of white supremist crimes?
I'm sure you can add a few.
I love him, now I can drag my wife by the hair before raping her and feel ok[/QUOTE]
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
Fucking moron, they’re complaining about trump, not our government being elected by the people. And not for nothing but, the right “cried like petulant children” for the 8 years Obama was president.

Plus the two years since because they just can’t quit him.
What a lying douchebag. You and all the other pieces of shit in this forum have been attacking everyone who voted for Trump. Anyone who wears a MAGA hat is taking his life into his hands.

Why would I want to quite Trump? He's the best Republican president we've had since Reagan. He may even be better than Reagan.

Furthermore, you just proved my claim. You don't argue that this policy or that policy is better. You claim that anyone who voted for Trump is scum.

You're the scum.

Nice foul mouth again.
Educate me and tell us what the con has done?
Grabber to the supremes?...
Biden and Reid Rule
Record deficit?...
Trump's been President for 813 days and over that period the Federal Debt has increased

That compares well with Obama's debt increase over his last 813 days of

Trump's a bit higher in nominal terms a bit lower in inflation adjusted terms.

And then of course, Trump's GDP is much better, which is why Trump's Debt as a percentage of GDP is also superior.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
Record number of border crossings?
We are fine with border crossings, it's illegal border crossings that he is seeking to control.
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Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.

Did you see they pussy boy trying to get Barr to change the wording?

Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
We've been crying that so many Americans were so stupid as top vote for Trump and still support him as jhe desroys America.

Trump has done NOTHING good.

You've been doing a lot more than that. You've been promoting and defending a coup against a lawfully elected president.

How is Trump destroying America? It's obviously the Dims who are destroying American. For example, they refuse to take any action to control the border. They are actively obstructing Trump's efforts to control the border.

He fucked up the border & you assfucks blame Democrats. He was given funding & he said no. So Fuck you.

The catch and release policy of leftwing judges is what fucked up the border. Trump wasn't given jack shit. The Dims have done everything they can to open the border even wider.

Zero college again?
Didn't both parties have a $25 B wall agreement agreed that was nixed by the con?
Obama separated children from parents at the border.
Obama did it to protect the children from predators.
Trump does it because he's a mean and evil person who wants to punish wetbacks for trespassing.

So the predators are now gone because Trump is POTUS? OMG....HOW STOOOOPID ARE YOU?

Obama built the cages. The fake news media blamed Trump for them.
Have you got a link???
Try this
FACT CHECK: Trump Wrongly States Obama Administration Had Child Separation Policy
Another deep state commie link?
NPR? Fake news.
If one is performing surveillance without the party being surveilled knowing, that’s called fucking spying.

Dimms and their obsession with words.
If one is performing surveillance without the party being surveilled knowing, that’s called fucking spying.

Dimms and their obsession with words.
Snowflakes have a problem with reality.
They Spied


Spying did occur in the Trump-Russia investigation conducted by (among others) the Justice Department and the FBI during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The question is "Why?" Because spying on a political campaign is a big deal. Barr will get to the original rationale for the spying.

We should have known long ago have known what the rationale was. If an incumbent Republican administration had green-lighted a Justice Department and FBI investigation of the Democrat Party’s presidential campaign, we would already be fully informed about what triggered the investigation.

Democrats would have been unified in demanding it, the media would have echoed those demands in an endless loop and – if there had been an abuse of power – all the pertinent heads would by now have rolled.

If spying is to be conducted under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, then FISA must be followed. To conduct FISA surveillance of an American citizen suspected of being an agent of a foreign power, there must be probable cause that the American citizen is knowingly – not unwittingly – engaged in clandestine activities on behalf of the foreign power; and those clandestine activities must be a probable violation of federal criminal law.

By the FBI’s own procedures, approved by the Justice Department, facts are only submitted to the FISA Court if they have been verified. There must be corroboration of the alleged facts on which the court is being asked to base a probable cause finding.

In an investigation of the incumbent administration’s political opposition, if the campaign of the incumbent administration’s party has had a role in generating or supplying information to the FBI, that fact must be disclosed to the court with complete transparency.

There needs to be a thorough inquiry. We need answers. The attorney general is right to press for them

Andrew McCarthy: Barr is right to review why Trump-Russia investigation began
If one is performing surveillance without the party being surveilled knowing, that’s called fucking spying.

Dimms and their obsession with words.

The point here is that the FISA was falsely obtained . .

That's a real problem.

If one is performing surveillance without the party being surveilled knowing, that’s called fucking spying.

Dimms and their obsession with words.

The point here is that the FISA was falsely obtained . .

That's a real problem.

That certainly is how it looks to us, we will know more once Barr completes his examination of why and how Comey commenced the spying operation against The Trump Campaign.
If one is performing surveillance without the party being surveilled knowing, that’s called fucking spying.

Dimms and their obsession with words.

The point here is that the FISA was falsely obtained . .

That's a real problem.

That certainly is how it looks to us, we will know more once Barr completes his examination of why and how Comey commenced the spying operation against The Trump Campaign.

If it becomes evident that the FISA judges were duped.... I don't know who is going to save the fraudsters from several hundred really pissed off federal judges.

If one is performing surveillance without the party being surveilled knowing, that’s called fucking spying.

Dimms and their obsession with words.

The point here is that the FISA was falsely obtained . .

That's a real problem.

That certainly is how it looks to us, we will know more once Barr completes his examination of why and how Comey commenced the spying operation against The Trump Campaign.

If it becomes evident that the FISA judges were duped.... I don't know who is going to save the fraudsters from several hundred really pissed off federal judges.

I wish I was seeing some anger out of these FISA judges. It will be interesting to see the time stamps. We may find out that they approve these spying applications, Stevie Wonder Style, as fast as they can swing the "APPROVED" stamp on them.

And what about Justice Roberts? He picked every single FISA judge.
If one is performing surveillance without the party being surveilled knowing, that’s called fucking spying.

Dimms and their obsession with words.

The point here is that the FISA was falsely obtained . .

That's a real problem.

That certainly is how it looks to us, we will know more once Barr completes his examination of why and how Comey commenced the spying operation against The Trump Campaign.

If it becomes evident that the FISA judges were duped.... I don't know who is going to save the fraudsters from several hundred really pissed off federal judges.

I wish I was seeing some anger out of these FISA judges. It will be interesting to see the time stamps. We may find out that they approve these spying applications, Stevie Wonder Style, as fast as they can swing the "APPROVED" stamp on them.

And what about Justice Roberts? He picked every single FISA judge.

Judges aren't allowed to be ANGRY per se.
At least not that it can be observed... It immediately disqualifies them from whatever is before them.... But they can calmly, collectively and coolly be very vindictive pricks even the women.

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