Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. ā€¦ I think itā€™s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.

It's only his dopey opinion. He said he's seen no evidence of spying.
Barr: ā€˜I Think Spying Did Occurā€™ Against Trump Campaign

god damn you're not only terminally stupid, but a liar to boot.
Oh? And what did Barr bass that on?

I see that Faun, wants extraordinary evidence before considering it, but it has been suspected for over TWO years already:

Under oath he says the following in this selected excerpt, courtesy of The Last Refuge:

"AG William Barr: Yeah, I, uh, as I said in my confirmation hearing, I am going to be reviewing both the genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed at the Trump campaign during 2016. And, uh, alot of this has already been investigated, and a substantial portion of this has been investigated, and is being investigated, by the office of the inspector general at the department. But one of the things I want to do is pull together all the information from the investigations that have gone on, including on the Hill and the department, and see if there are any remaining questions to be addressed.

Shaheen: Can you share with us why you feel the need to do that?

Barr: Well, for the same reason we are worried about foreign influence in elections we want to make sure that, uh, during an election, I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal. Itā€™s a big deal.

The generation I grew up in, which is the Vietnam war period, people were all concerned about spying on anti-war people and so forth by the government; and there were a lot of rules put in place to ensure there was an adequate basis for, before our law enforcement agencies get involved in political surveillance. Iā€™m not suggesting that those rules were violated, but I think itā€™s important to look at that; and Iā€™m not just talking about the FBI necessarily, but the intelligence agencies more broadly.

Shaheen: So your not, your not suggesting though that spying occurred?

Barr: I donā€™t, well, I guess you could, I think thereā€™s that spying did occur. Yes, I think spying did occur.


Shaheen: Wow, let me, uhā€¦

Barr: But the question is: whether it was predicated. Adequately predicated. And Iā€™m not suggested that it wasnā€™t adequately predicated, but I need to explore that......"

Now you have the necessary context to what he stated under oath. He DOES believe there was spying going on.


Then we have this to ponder over from someone who has the access to the intelligence, selected excerpts from The Last Refuge:

"Finallyā€¦. F.i.n.a.l.l.y, Devin Nunes outlines the origin of the spying operation as it began in 2015 and extended into 2016. During an interview to discuss his criminal referrals to Attorney General Barr [see here] Devin Nunes outlines the big picture. "


Nunes Referral Notification

He is expected to brief the Attorney General about 8 criminal referrals that will pertain to the spying and leaking in the early days.

Democrats are in a world of serious trouble......
Weā€™ve seen much of the evidence and so far, thereā€™s been no actionable evidence. Barr saying he ā€œthinksā€ there was spying is nothing more than a biased opinion. But weā€™ll soon see if there actually is any evidence behind his opinion as Horowitz will soon be wrapping up his investigation. As far as Nunes, he was spoon fed information from the White House; hardly an objective source on the matter.

But like I said with the Mueller investigation, Iā€™ll wait until the findings are released.
We know you have trouble with the word think to the extent you have to put it in italics. Thatā€™s because thought is a foreign concept to you. All you do is emote.
Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. ā€¦ I think itā€™s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.
The Carter Page FISA Warrant (Spying) is being reviewed and the origins of the counter intelligence investigation, by the Justice Dept's IG, as it should be.

I have no problem with that....

I almost fell off the couch when I read this.........

This is very decent of you.....

I take back calling you a zealot before...

There is hope for the world..
hahahahahahaha! :lol:

Well, I think it should be done because there are questions on it and a whole bunch of rhetoric and speculation primarily on your side of the aisle...

And we as Americans, all of us, including your "side" deserves to know if something fishy in our government or with gvt officials is going on or has happened.

I think having the IG investigate, who is a neutral character in all of this, without a partisan side and who has the position to investigate anything fishy or even the appearance of being fishy, should do his job and investigate these kind of things, to give us all some comfort that there is some watchdog out there that really does not have a dog in the fight, doing the investigating to put us all at ease....

So although I may not think something fishy happened and you do think such, the IG investigation must go on, so we can get to the facts.

Plus, starting a counter intelligence investigation on a candidate or president, is a pretty BIG thing, and we do not want it ever to be started for partisan reasons....

but again, like I said, my thoughts is it was a valid investigation to start, but yours is that it was started for nefarious reasons....

we all need to know the truth and facts and feel confident these truth and facts are not driven by partisan hacks....

the IG seems like the perfect person for the job.... and necessary imo.
Now the deep state douchebags are wriggling on the hook. This will be fund to watch.
Deep state?
Believe sandy hook was an undercover job?
Believe we landed on the moon?
No and yes. The deep state does exist. It's composed of all the permanent bureaucrats who believe they know better than the voters what kind of government we should have.
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
We've been crying that so many Americans were so stupid as top vote for Trump and still support him as jhe desroys America.

Trump has done NOTHING good.

He fucked up the border & you assfucks blame Democrats. He was given funding & he said no. So Fuck you.
Our government spies on every friggin body, why should they be the exception? (rhetorical & /sarc)

None of you ever hear of the Church Committee?
So you're fine with Trump's DOJ spying on the eventual Democrat nominee?
and if we allow this against trump cause we hate him, the right will adopt this as a viable tactic in todays climate.

it's the nature of the beast.
It has nothing to do with people hating trump.

It has to do with the following fscts:

1) A Trum campain advisor getting caught on a wire tap of a Russian suspect.
2) Trump lying about his campaign connections with Russia
3) Trump campaign people lying about Russian contacts
4) Trump lying about his business interests in Russia
5 Russia did interfere in Trump's favor.

THAT is what this is about.

If you don't like it, tell your fat assed POS buddy to quit his fucking lying & hiding his tax returns.
Jesis fuck you people are dumber that shit
Bummer Mueller was unable to find sufficient probable cause to indict him on anything. Could not find a single crime. Trump's probably the cleanest guy in DC, well, except for Pence, and Ivanka and her husband, and Don Jr.

Kind of a bummer that your Russian Collusion Hoax has turned into an investigation into illegal spying by the Obama Administration. What is it about all these torpedoes that the Left keeps dropping into the water, that keep turning around on them?
So, you've read the report.
Deep state?
Believe sandy hook was an undercover job?
Believe we landed on the moon?
No and yes. The deep state does exist. It's composed of all the permanent bureaucrats who believe they know better than the voters what kind of government we should have.
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
We've been crying that so many Americans were so stupid as top vote for Trump and still support him as jhe desroys America.

Trump has done NOTHING good.

He fucked up the border & you assfucks blame Democrats. He was given funding & he said no. So Fuck you.
How did he fuck up the border?
Barr "thinks"? Really?
Oh he's really smart, but his evenhandedness is questionable. At best.

Bullshit.... It's his even handedness that they're afraid of. This entire affair has had nothing to do with fairness or even handedness or even the truth. The left has set the rules by which they will now be judged. Just like Harry Reid set the rule change that got Kavanaugh his SCOTUS seat.

Last edited:
No and yes. The deep state does exist. It's composed of all the permanent bureaucrats who believe they know better than the voters what kind of government we should have.
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
We've been crying that so many Americans were so stupid as top vote for Trump and still support him as jhe desroys America.

Trump has done NOTHING good.

He fucked up the border & you assfucks blame Democrats. He was given funding & he said no. So Fuck you.
How did he fuck up the border?
the worst thing he has done to make it worse is threaten to shut the border or close it down or brag about it....

This has made all the Central Americans RUSH to our border to set a foot in, before he closes it... thus the reason we have so many people at once...

The second mistake in my opinion was reducing the amount of border entry point agents and capping those who can enter through them down to a hundred a day....

this has caused the asylum seekers to swarm the border and cross outside of our border entry points by hopping our walls and fences in place, causing border patrol to be overwhelmed with refugee seekers, which is masking the bad guys like drug traffickers, sex traffickers, gang members etc and preventing border patrol from being able to concentrate on catching the ''bad guys''. Trump did this by not manning the border entry points....

and the zero tolerance program of Sessions has overwhelmed our holding cells, caused great mental harm to the children ripped and taken from their parents the past 2 years in their cold hearted plan to deter others from coming here... instead we've had increases, that plan didn't work at all, a total failure... that has caused great harm to other human beings.

and his only solution has been touting additional border walls because he is campaigning 24/7 since he arrived in DC and says what you all want to hear, instead of seeking solutions in to the actual humanitarian crisis we are in.... like increasing crossing point agents and increasing the judges in the courts so we do not need to hold them in captivity for a darn year before they can get their legal right to a hearing n immigration court...

or spending money on ankle monitors, and a staff to monitor them, so they can be released, and forced to return for their court date

really, investing in the courts and judges would be the best thing to do, so we can process them a lot quicker....and take in the ones who qualify for refugee status and ship back as soon as possible the ones that are not granted refugee status.

AND having his State dept's best and brightest, get their rear ends down to central America and working on a diplomatic solution instead of twiddling their thumbs, is necessary and urgent!

Instead he's only been playing the campaign slogan of 'build a wall' crap and blaming democrats for open borders bull shat, when it will take a decade or two to get the land and eminent Domain lawsuits settled that takes the land owners land away from them to do such.... what a waste of time.... but it sure gets you all riled... which is his intent.... not getting to a solution to this crisis.

when by law and by treaty, we actually have to accept asylum seekers even if they hop a wall, and give them their day in court to determine their status of being a refugee or NOT.
Deep state?
Believe sandy hook was an undercover job?
Believe we landed on the moon?
No and yes. The deep state does exist. It's composed of all the permanent bureaucrats who believe they know better than the voters what kind of government we should have.
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
Fucking moron, theyā€™re complaining about trump, not our government being elected by the people. And not for nothing but, the right ā€œcried like petulant childrenā€ for the 8 years Obama was president.

Plus the two years since because they just canā€™t quit him.
What a lying douchebag. You and all the other pieces of shit in this forum have been attacking everyone who voted for Trump. Anyone who wears a MAGA hat is taking his life into his hands.

Why would I want to quite Trump? He's the best Republican president we've had since Reagan. He may even be better than Reagan.

Furthermore, you just proved my claim. You don't argue that this policy or that policy is better. You claim that anyone who voted for Trump is scum.

You're the scum.
Deep state?
Believe sandy hook was an undercover job?
Believe we landed on the moon?
No and yes. The deep state does exist. It's composed of all the permanent bureaucrats who believe they know better than the voters what kind of government we should have.
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
We've been crying that so many Americans were so stupid as top vote for Trump and still support him as jhe desroys America.

Trump has done NOTHING good.

You've been doing a lot more than that. You've been promoting and defending a coup against a lawfully elected president.

How is Trump destroying America? It's obviously the Dims who are destroying American. For example, they refuse to take any action to control the border. They are actively obstructing Trump's efforts to control the border.

He fucked up the border & you assfucks blame Democrats. He was given funding & he said no. So Fuck you.

The catch and release policy of leftwing judges is what fucked up the border. Trump wasn't given jack shit. The Dims have done everything they can to open the border even wider.
Exactly. They are Oligarchists, fancying themselves as Lords and Nobles. BUT, in this Great Nation , we have no nobility, NO ONE has an inherent right to rule, because we rule ourselves. All government power is derived from someone who stood before the voters and was granted, by us, the authority they wield.

The Left has a real problem with this, which quite frankly is their problem, so long as they are restrained from violating our civil rights, I couldn't give less of a damn what they want, think or desire, but, with this Illegal spying they crossed a bright red line. I look forward to a full and complete investigation of how the Illegal Trump Spying came to be "approved", who approved it, who lied to FISC, who felonious swore false oaths to obtain warrants, who colluded it this effort.
Who engaged in the Unmasking Orgy in the closing days of the Corrupt Obama Administration
Who feloniously and recklessly leaked classified information to the media over the last two years.
What utter tripe. :cuckoo:

The left does not have an issue of our government being elected by the people.
Sure it does. They've been crying like petulant children because the people elected Trump.
We've been crying that so many Americans were so stupid as top vote for Trump and still support him as jhe desroys America.

Trump has done NOTHING good.

He fucked up the border & you assfucks blame Democrats. He was given funding & he said no. So Fuck you.
How did he fuck up the border?
the worst thing he has done to make it worse is threaten to shut the border or close it down or brag about it....

This has made all the Central Americans RUSH to our border to set a foot in, before he closes it... thus the reason we have so many people at once...

The second mistake in my opinion was reducing the amount of border entry point agents and capping those who can enter through them down to a hundred a day....

this has caused the asylum seekers to swarm the border and cross outside of our border entry points by hopping our walls and fences in place, causing border patrol to be overwhelmed with refugee seekers, which is masking the bad guys like drug traffickers, sex traffickers, gang members etc and preventing border patrol from being able to concentrate on catching the ''bad guys''. Trump did this by not manning the border entry points....

and the zero tolerance program of Sessions has overwhelmed our holding cells, caused great mental harm to the children ripped and taken from their parents the past 2 years in their cold hearted plan to deter others from coming here... instead we've had increases, that plan didn't work at all, a total failure... that has caused great harm to other human beings.

and his only solution has been touting additional border walls because he is campaigning 24/7 since he arrived in DC and says what you all want to hear, instead of seeking solutions in to the actual humanitarian crisis we are in.... like increasing crossing point agents and increasing the judges in the courts so we do not need to hold them in captivity for a darn year before they can get their legal right to a hearing n immigration court...

or spending money on ankle monitors, and a staff to monitor them, so they can be released, and forced to return for their court date

really, investing in the courts and judges would be the best thing to do, so we can process them a lot quicker....and take in the ones who qualify for refugee status and ship back as soon as possible the ones that are not granted refugee status.

AND having his State dept's best and brightest, get their rear ends down to central America and working on a diplomatic solution instead of twiddling their thumbs, is necessary and urgent!

Instead he's only been playing the campaign slogan of 'build a wall' crap and blaming democrats for open borders bull shat, when it will take a decade or two to get the land and eminent Domain lawsuits settled that takes the land owners land away from them to do such.... what a waste of time.... but it sure gets you all riled... which is his intent.... not getting to a solution to this crisis.

when by law and by treaty, we actually have to accept asylum seekers even if they hop a wall, and give them their day in court to determine their status of being a refugee or NOT.

Move to Mexico.

Obama separated children from parents at the border.
Obama did it to protect the children from predators.
Trump does it because he's a mean and evil person who wants to punish wetbacks for trespassing.

So the predators are now gone because Trump is POTUS? OMG....HOW STOOOOPID ARE YOU?

Obama built the cages. The fake news media blamed Trump for them.

Q: If the Democrats can spend two years chasing nothing, how can they deny that this investigation is warranted?
A: They cannot. At this point they have to justify the Mueller debacle, and must also bear scrutiny for why it ever began.

I can hear the Democrats screaming "Witch Hunt" already, and it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Barr testifies 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. ā€¦ I think itā€™s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

While vowing to release Special Counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed Russia report in a matter of days, Barr also announced Tuesday that he was reviewing the origins of the Russia investigation at the FBI and the Justice Department.

It's only his dopey opinion. He said he's seen no evidence of spying.
Barr: ā€˜I Think Spying Did Occurā€™ Against Trump Campaign

god damn you're not only terminally stupid, but a liar to boot.
Oh? And what did Barr bass that on?

I see that Faun, wants extraordinary evidence before considering it, but it has been suspected for over TWO years already:

Under oath he says the following in this selected excerpt, courtesy of The Last Refuge:

"AG William Barr: Yeah, I, uh, as I said in my confirmation hearing, I am going to be reviewing both the genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed at the Trump campaign during 2016. And, uh, alot of this has already been investigated, and a substantial portion of this has been investigated, and is being investigated, by the office of the inspector general at the department. But one of the things I want to do is pull together all the information from the investigations that have gone on, including on the Hill and the department, and see if there are any remaining questions to be addressed.

Shaheen: Can you share with us why you feel the need to do that?

Barr: Well, for the same reason we are worried about foreign influence in elections we want to make sure that, uh, during an election, I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal. Itā€™s a big deal.

The generation I grew up in, which is the Vietnam war period, people were all concerned about spying on anti-war people and so forth by the government; and there were a lot of rules put in place to ensure there was an adequate basis for, before our law enforcement agencies get involved in political surveillance. Iā€™m not suggesting that those rules were violated, but I think itā€™s important to look at that; and Iā€™m not just talking about the FBI necessarily, but the intelligence agencies more broadly.

Shaheen: So your not, your not suggesting though that spying occurred?

Barr: I donā€™t, well, I guess you could, I think thereā€™s that spying did occur. Yes, I think spying did occur.


Shaheen: Wow, let me, uhā€¦

Barr: But the question is: whether it was predicated. Adequately predicated. And Iā€™m not suggested that it wasnā€™t adequately predicated, but I need to explore that......"

Now you have the necessary context to what he stated under oath. He DOES believe there was spying going on.


Then we have this to ponder over from someone who has the access to the intelligence, selected excerpts from The Last Refuge:

"Finallyā€¦. F.i.n.a.l.l.y, Devin Nunes outlines the origin of the spying operation as it began in 2015 and extended into 2016. During an interview to discuss his criminal referrals to Attorney General Barr [see here] Devin Nunes outlines the big picture. "


Nunes Referral Notification

He is expected to brief the Attorney General about 8 criminal referrals that will pertain to the spying and leaking in the early days.

Democrats are in a world of serious trouble......
Weā€™ve seen much of the evidence and so far, thereā€™s been no actionable evidence. Barr saying he ā€œthinksā€ there was spying is nothing more than a biased opinion. But weā€™ll soon see if there actually is any evidence behind his opinion as Horowitz will soon be wrapping up his investigation. As far as Nunes, he was spoon fed information from the White House; hardly an objective source on the matter.

But like I said with the Mueller investigation, Iā€™ll wait until the findings are released.
There was spying. There were 4 FISA Warrants on Carter Page alone. And then you had at least Halper, an FBI informant trying to get a job on the campaign.

Wait for the results of the Investigation, then we will know the time line, what triggered it and if the law was properly followed that protects our civil liberties from illegal spying by a Crooked White house.

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