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Barr Update - ‘Group of People’ Attempted To ‘Topple’ Trump Admin

I'm not talking global conflict, I'm talking about how we get back to the rule of law and civil society.

Not going to happen. Every time this nation takes 2 corrupt steps backward the most we recover is 1 step. The upcoming Georgia election, I fear, is going to prove this nation is lost, as I fear we are going to see so much of the same election fraud we saw recently.

During an interview last week, Attorney General William Barr gave an update on the criminal investigation into the origin of the Obama-era FBI counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, saying that a “willful if small group of people” were involved in an attempt to “topple” the Trump administration.

Barr made the remarks in an interview with Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel in which he noted that he was “in a position in life where I can do the right thing and not really care about the consequences.”
so RUSSIA was bullshit the left soaked up and many trolls still cling to. will be interesting to see who is named as i'm sure we can figure out strozk, page and some others.

but it also says papadopolous and flynn were certainly setup in this attempt. at least in my eyes it does.

flat out - we need to clean house and stop the gov from being used as a weapon like was done under obama's administration.

NOW - for barr NOT saying this before the election? good. from comey's screw up we saw the DOJ is NOT supposed to comment *if* it will change things. comey did it anyway cause that's what he does. barr followed process and policy and while it may have helped biden, that isn't the point. the point is as a government we don't do that and comey was wrong to do it, barr was right to hold back.

according to our own laws.

should get fun from here. now i'm sure the trolls will be along to do what trolls do and derail the convo, blast me or the source, scream ORANGE MAN BAD n shit cause that's all they know.

will those who hate trump EVER admit this was bullshit? honesty can hurt some people; that's for sure.

I have no respect or time for US AG Barr anymore.

He was highly praised by both Democrats and Republicans as being a man of integrity and objectivity. He told Americans that enforcing US Law was his #1 goal / rule and that he did so without political bias, that he could not be bought, pressured, swayed, or silenced.

In the end he has demonstrated all of that was bullshit.

As per above, he said he was / is “in a position in life where I can do the right thing and not really care about the consequences.”.

He has concrete physical evidence of multiple extremely serious crimes that have threatened our national security and forced us off of the path established by the Constitution and Rule of Law, evidence provided to him by The FISA Court, released FBI documents, official testimony given under oath before Congress, and from both the DHS and Treasury Departments...

He has chosen to let 'the right thing to do' pass on by as he takes the coward's route out, reportedly stepping down and walking away in the next few days without finishing the job and, reportedly, while refusing to allow the multi-million dollar tax payer-funded Durham report be released, without indicting the Bidens (Hunter and Jack) for their financial scandals and crimes, such as Money Laundering Russian money, taking BILLIONS from the CCP, and Hunter not being registered as a Foreign Agent for China, etc....proven irrefutable by the evidence the DHS and Treasury Departments have publicly declared they have.

IMO, Barr had this huge 'shining knight' reputation because he was an immoveable rock when tasked to face crimes and scandals at a much lower level. When he was forced to proverbially come face-to-face with evidence of historic scandal and crime that would, if completely exposed, rock our federal government and completely undermine the confidence Americans have in our government, when he stared into the flames of the 'monster' he saw something he believed he could not defeat and instead is choosing the cowards' route.

IMO, the USSC did the same exact thing recently. Chief Justice John Roberts acknowledged the Federal and State Constitutional and Rule of law violations committed by states like Pa in this last election that did in fact disenfranchise voters and delegitimize elections. He acknowledged that this was an historic clusterfu@k, one that would take a massive, messy effort to 'UN-FU@K' if the USSC made the actual decision based on the pure facts, US-Constitution, and Law. Roberts and the USSC did not want any part of being the 1st USSC to strip votes - illegal or not - from an election and to be THE deciding factor in the outcome of a US Presidential election....so they 'punted'. They refused to do anything.....

"For evil to succeed all it takes is one good man"...or a USSC..."to do nothing."

* This is not the 1st time the USSC - Roberts - chose to NOT do their job, which is to uphold the Constitution and Rule of law. DACA was clearly a violation of the US Constitution - Obama himself declared he did not have the Constitutional authority to do it but did so anyway. When it came to the USSC, Roberts sent it back to the WH / President Trump's administration to answer more questions about the law suit. Roberts said that his biggest objection to overturning DACA and ruling it UN-Constitutional was based on the fact that doing so WOULD NEGATIVELY IMPACT POTENTIALLY MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND THEIR FAMILIES.

Not to sound cruel, but SO THE FU@K WHAT?!
i can see that - but i take "do the right thing" he is referring to "now" not "not commenting" on the case during the election.

NOW he can say it because the election is over and his statement won't impact the outcome - something the DOJ shouldn't be able to do anyway.

again - i can see where a PRO-TRUMP mindset would be furious that he didn't say this when it mattered, but *IF* policy is you don't, and he followed policy, then he did the right thing according to our laws.

Pro-Trump or Not, as a Tax payer who funded BOTH the billions-of-dollars coup attempted 'investigation run by the Obama administration which was exposed for what it was and the Durham investigation, which we have been told will never be released now, I see the Durham report as partly MINE. As a tax payer, I want to read what Durham's report says because I partly funded the damn thing! It belongs to all the tax payers.

And I take partial offense with your saying 'pro-trump' inference....

I have served my country for over 30 years. I took an oath of office to protect and defend the United States, its citizens, and the Constitution. I never swore an oath to any political party. I served and fought in some of the shittiest places on this globe, sacrificed for EVERY American, for my government, for EQUAL justice, and so that the Constitutional freedoms of EVERY American would be protected.

What I have seen for years now, especially the last decade, are criminal, traitorous, domestic enemies who have openly violated the US Constitution, violated the Rule of Law, violated both Constitutional and Civil Rights of Americans and have gotten away with it without repercussions of any kind while those same people have criminally, hypocritically destroyed 'equal justice'....

....while morons like the rabid p[artisans we have seen and continue to see every day cheer, gloat, and mock others because their own politicians are getting away with it all. They cheer the criminals and traitors because of their party affiliation.

The release of Durham's report is not important due to any political party affiliation but because it is about the existence or not of criminal, treasonous, crime and corruption in our Govt, a f*ing CANCER that needs to be cut out, a domestic threat that needs to be eliminate...not given a 'pass' and allowed to be emboldened and repeated in the future.

This is about making sure no politician ever betrays the trust of the American people again, never illegally spies on, never illegally weaponizes federal agencies and resources to attempt to destroy/undermine democratic elections / governance, and to ensure corrupt would-be 'rulers' remember they are SERVANTS of the people....

Sorry...just went off on my 'patriotic' 'Captain America' flag-waving old-school rant....

It's about COUNTRY...not partisanship or party.
no - this is a point that i think needs to come out of this - should barr have said something?

from an emotional standpoint and to clarify WHO is running? yes. i would think so.

- however -

Barr found out that the FBI had evidence of Hunter Biden crimes / scandal in regards to Ukraine, providing the evidence showing that President Trump had every right to reach out to Ukraine's PM to investigate crime. Releasing this evidence would have flat-out stopped the Impeachment hearings and the Democrats confessed political partisan-based Impeachment.

Choosing to HIDE the fact that the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Department had irrefutable evidence of Biden family crime was NOT the right decision. By claiming to NOT want to impact the election the election was impacted any way.

I don't give a flying f* WHO was running. Do you think if Trump had been the one in Biden's seat this information would have been withheld? Do you think anyone would have made the argument that informing the American people of the KNOWN / PROVEN crimes committed by the Biden family was the wrong thing to do?

I can't see - taking political partisanship / politics out of the equation - why the DOJ did not indict Joe and James Biden already based on the financial records and criminal evidence the DHS and Treasury Department say / said they have. You can bet your ass that if it had been / if it was you or I we would already be in jail right now....well before the election.
again - we are going back to previous bad behavior justifying doing it again.

my question is - when do we stop it? seems barr has chosen to stop it here and not "return the illegal favor".

the question is - remove all names and emotions from this and ask yourself 1 question - if the policy of the DOJ is to not comment on anything that could alter an election (any election any point in time) - should they?

You can't stop it if one side gets the advantages of doing it and none of the consequences......

You stop it by mutually assured destruction...if they do it, you do it back but more. Then, you offer them the deal of actually stopping it for both sides......

Otherwise, why would they stop? They do it...get away with it.....we refuse to do it, and get hammered without consequences for the ones breaking the law....
and like i said - people have had enough that simply breaking the law back at them didn't get the desired results.

so we escalate. that will show them. then they escalate.

hold my beer.

They will escalate anyway...they got away with it the first time, they will go bigger and badder the next time......since there is no reason for them to not go bigger and badder...and every reason for them to think it works for them to go bigger and badder....
like i keep saying -

i get it. i understand it. and no i don't expect anyone to "stand down" at this point. we seem to have gotten past the safe return zone and at any point we're going to have a global conflict again.

we keep forgetting how bad those are it would seem.

I'm not talking global conflict, I'm talking about how we get back to the rule of law and civil society.

the democrats have no reason to go back to the rule of law and civil society....they have only been rewarded for what they did. And now, they are going to do it some more...because they weren't punished for the laws they broke the last time....
i would agree. commenting on the overall perspective of how we got here and how much i hate it doesn't mean i don't agree we've hit a point that must be addressed.
again - we are going back to previous bad behavior justifying doing it again

I disagree with you here. We now know the DOJ had enough evidence to indict. The decision not to was the wrong thing to do, and I would bet it was purely based on political / partisan ramifications and not the law.

The American people deserved to know...NEEDED to know...prior to voting in an election. Withholding the information that the Biden family had been engaged in money laundering for years before they have a chance to vote for President was, IMO, criminal.

Polls taken recently showed a large number of Americans had no idea about any of this and showed enough DEMOCRATS to overturn the election results declared they would never have voted for Biden had they known about these proven crimes.
what does the DOJ process/policy/law (whatever the correct term for it is?

far as i know they do not comment til done. even at this, barr commenting now is "pre-mature".

if the DOJ doesn't comment due to the impact it could have an election, then it shouldn't be done.

comey should have been busted and hard for what he did. he wasn't. in my mind this is not a free reign to do it back as that perpetuates the very thing you don't want done to begin with.

it sucks to be in this situation but here we are.
Pfft...Trump's own DOJ appointed a special counsel who found that he tried to obstruct justice a number of times and detailed numerous contacts between the 2016 campaign and Russian intel--but somehow that isn't "collussion"...LOL. The Campaign said there were "NO" such contacts.

Nobody tried to topple the blob. The felony indictments speak for themselves. Trump should stop hiring felons.
what does the DOJ process/policy/law (whatever the correct term for it is)?

far as i know they do not comment til done. even at this, barr commenting now is "pre-mature". if the DOJ doesn't comment due to the impact it could have an election, then it shouldn't be done.

"far as i know they do not comment til done"


Based on the 8 years under Obama and his proven criminal administration?

Based on 4+ years of hemorrhaging, leaking, etc... during the failed Obama / FBI coup attempt?

You have almost entirely see the hypocritical BS every other American has seen demonstrated, repeated again and again.

You want to point back at 'the playbook / rulebook', but the problem with your idea / plan is that there isn't just ONE 'playbook / rulebook'. There are two, as everyone knows and has seen.

Allowing the criminals and traitors to systematically destroy this nation by playing by their own rulebook while pi$$ing on the Constitution and Rule of law is not working.

Either find someway to find someone willing to bust their balls and hold them accountable...or accept THEIR RULES / RULEBOOK as 'THE' rulebook and start adhering / following THAT playbook.

During the Revolutionary war the British marched in columns and stood right in front of their enemies when shooting / fighting. That's you and me, Ice, trying to 'obey the rules' of some 'civilized tactics of gentlemen's war'. Meanwhile the 'enemy' is hiding behind rocks and trees, refusing to fight by the same rules they helped author.....

You can keep on following those outdated /bogus rules the enemy continue to violate....ending up dying with your head held high, proud of the fact that you died following the rules....

.....you can find someone to hold them accountable, punish them, and FORCE them to go back to obeying the rules (how's that working out?....

...or you can do whatever it takes to win to save this nation....like making the decision to play by their rules - accept their new definitions /set of rules, fight fire with fire....

No one ever starts a fight / war to obey the rules of war - they start and fight a war TO WIN...at any cost. THAT is the 'enemy' we face....Democrats have shown they will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING - Constitutional or Not, legal or Not, 'fair' or 'Not'.

If you aren't willing to do anything and everything you can to protect, defend, and save your nation then be ready to lose it and live under the new socialist state that's coming.
what does the DOJ process/policy/law (whatever the correct term for it is)?

far as i know they do not comment til done. even at this, barr commenting now is "pre-mature". if the DOJ doesn't comment due to the impact it could have an election, then it shouldn't be done.

"far as i know they do not comment til done"


Based on the 8 years under Obama and his proven criminal administration?

Based on 4+ years of hemorrhaging, leaking, etc... during the failed Obama / FBI coup attempt?

You have almost entirely see the hypocritical BS every other American has seen demonstrated, repeated again and again.

You want to point back at 'the playbook / rulebook', but the problem with your idea / plan is that there isn't just ONE 'playbook / rulebook'. There are two, as everyone knows and has seen.

Allowing the criminals and traitors to systematically destroy this nation by playing by their own rulebook while pi$$ing on the Constitution and Rule of law is not working.

Either find someway to find someone willing to bust their balls and hold them accountable...or accept THEIR RULES / RULEBOOK as 'THE' rulebook and start adhering / following THAT playbook.

During the Revolutionary war the British marched in columns and stood right in front of their enemies when shooting / fighting. That's you and me, Ice, trying to 'obey the rules' of some 'civilized tactics of gentlemen's war'. Meanwhile the 'enemy' is hiding behind rocks and trees, refusing to fight by the same rules they helped author.....

You can keep on following those outdated /bogus rules the enemy continue to violate....ending up dying with your head held high, proud of the fact that you died following the rules....

.....you can find someone to hold them accountable, punish them, and FORCE them to go back to obeying the rules (how's that working out?....

...or you can do whatever it takes to win to save this nation....like making the decision to play by their rules - accept their new definitions /set of rules, fight fire with fire....

No one ever starts a fight / war to obey the rules of war - they start and fight a war TO WIN...at any cost. THAT is the 'enemy' we face....Democrats have shown they will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING - Constitutional or Not, legal or Not, 'fair' or 'Not'.

If you aren't willing to do anything and everything you can to protect, defend, and save your nation then be ready to lose it and live under the new socialist state that's coming.
i am not saying based on past behavior and people who may have abused it. their doing it and the next guy doing it to me are (2) different events, not a "well they did it first" which at this point EVERYONE can honestly say; we've gotten that far out of hand.

so - i don't care who's done it right or wrong just yet; we're not to that point.

what is the DOJ written policy on talking about a case that could impact an election?

next up - who did or did not do it right and what should happen to them. i don't want to mix and match this point so please bear with me.
and? how many meetings has biden had with chinese people we can start making up conversations and intent behind?

also - if you wanna go here -
who was the lawyer?
was she not banned from coming to the US?
who let her?

would seem to lend credence to this was a setup, huh? not to you however. you are always right according to you.

If you're referring to Velnetskaya, she wasn't banned from the USA. She was in the USA on a special visa to defend her Russian client who had been charged with money laundering and had been sued by the Justice Department for $270 million. She also had a job with the Kremlin to get the Magnitsky Act sanctions lifted, which she did not disclose on her visa application.

I find it interesting to note that Ms. Velnetskaya's client settled his money laundering suit for cents on the dollar, with Jeff Sessions after Donald Trump fired the federal prosecutor in the case just as the case was going to trial, and after calling the prosecutor personally and asking him to stay on. Even his lawyer couldn't believe the good deal he got.
what does the DOJ process/policy/law (whatever the correct term for it is)?

far as i know they do not comment til done. even at this, barr commenting now is "pre-mature". if the DOJ doesn't comment due to the impact it could have an election, then it shouldn't be done.

"far as i know they do not comment til done"


Based on the 8 years under Obama and his proven criminal administration?

Based on 4+ years of hemorrhaging, leaking, etc... during the failed Obama / FBI coup attempt?

You have almost entirely see the hypocritical BS every other American has seen demonstrated, repeated again and again.

You want to point back at 'the playbook / rulebook', but the problem with your idea / plan is that there isn't just ONE 'playbook / rulebook'. There are two, as everyone knows and has seen.

Allowing the criminals and traitors to systematically destroy this nation by playing by their own rulebook while pi$$ing on the Constitution and Rule of law is not working.

Either find someway to find someone willing to bust their balls and hold them accountable...or accept THEIR RULES / RULEBOOK as 'THE' rulebook and start adhering / following THAT playbook.

During the Revolutionary war the British marched in columns and stood right in front of their enemies when shooting / fighting. That's you and me, Ice, trying to 'obey the rules' of some 'civilized tactics of gentlemen's war'. Meanwhile the 'enemy' is hiding behind rocks and trees, refusing to fight by the same rules they helped author.....

You can keep on following those outdated /bogus rules the enemy continue to violate....ending up dying with your head held high, proud of the fact that you died following the rules....

.....you can find someone to hold them accountable, punish them, and FORCE them to go back to obeying the rules (how's that working out?....

...or you can do whatever it takes to win to save this nation....like making the decision to play by their rules - accept their new definitions /set of rules, fight fire with fire....

No one ever starts a fight / war to obey the rules of war - they start and fight a war TO WIN...at any cost. THAT is the 'enemy' we face....Democrats have shown they will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING - Constitutional or Not, legal or Not, 'fair' or 'Not'.

If you aren't willing to do anything and everything you can to protect, defend, and save your nation then be ready to lose it and live under the new socialist state that's coming.

Hey stoopid. It's been the FBI policy since J. Edgar Hoover started the fucking organization.

What kind of an American doesn't know this simple stuff?
and? how many meetings has biden had with chinese people we can start making up conversations and intent behind?

also - if you wanna go here -
who was the lawyer?
was she not banned from coming to the US?
who let her?

would seem to lend credence to this was a setup, huh? not to you however. you are always right according to you.

If you're referring to Velnetskaya, she wasn't banned from the USA. She was in the USA on a special visa to defend her Russian client who had been charged with money laundering and had been sued by the Justice Department for $270 million. She also had a job with the Kremlin to get the Magnitsky Act sanctions lifted, which she did not disclose on her visa application.

I find it interesting to note that Ms. Velnetskaya's client settled his money laundering suit for cents on the dollar, with Jeff Sessions after Donald Trump fired the federal prosecutor in the case just as the case was going to trial, and after calling the prosecutor personally and asking him to stay on. Even his lawyer couldn't believe the good deal he got.
epstein got the best deal, but i am not going to go off topic.

night johnboy.
Pfft...Trump's own DOJ appointed a special counsel who found that he tried to obstruct justice a number of times and detailed numerous contacts between the 2016 campaign and Russian intel--but somehow that isn't "collussion"...LOL. The Campaign said there were "NO" such contacts.

Nobody tried to topple the blob. The felony indictments speak for themselves. Trump should stop hiring felons.

No, actually he didn't.....why do you keep lying about that?

During an interview last week, Attorney General William Barr gave an update on the criminal investigation into the origin of the Obama-era FBI counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign, saying that a “willful if small group of people” were involved in an attempt to “topple” the Trump administration.

Barr made the remarks in an interview with Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel in which he noted that he was “in a position in life where I can do the right thing and not really care about the consequences.”
so RUSSIA was bullshit the left soaked up and many trolls still cling to. will be interesting to see who is named as i'm sure we can figure out strozk, page and some others.

but it also says papadopolous and flynn were certainly setup in this attempt. at least in my eyes it does.

flat out - we need to clean house and stop the gov from being used as a weapon like was done under obama's administration.

NOW - for barr NOT saying this before the election? good. from comey's screw up we saw the DOJ is NOT supposed to comment *if* it will change things. comey did it anyway cause that's what he does. barr followed process and policy and while it may have helped biden, that isn't the point. the point is as a government we don't do that and comey was wrong to do it, barr was right to hold back.

according to our own laws.

should get fun from here. now i'm sure the trolls will be along to do what trolls do and derail the convo, blast me or the source, scream ORANGE MAN BAD n shit cause that's all they know.

will those who hate trump EVER admit this was bullshit? honesty can hurt some people; that's for sure.
It just doesnt mean much, coming from the poster boy of corruption of the office of AG to preserve executive power, and from the lifelong shill for executive power. Any challenge to the authoritarian executive power Barr desires would be considered "trying to topple the administration", in his eyes. Just how "They" tried to topple Nixon. Just ask him and the other freaks in the Trump circle, like Stone amd Flynn.

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