Barry approves UN arms ban, not Keystone XL


Jun 1, 2013
The only question now is will Barry get viral mouth warts from Flippy who got them from Breck Boy? Inquiring minds want to know!


Of course when the Senate laughs the thing out of Chambers, Barry will blame it on Flippy and say he was "out of the loop" ie on the back nine drawing snowmen on his score card.
Looks like we got another one...

How long before he burns out or gets banned?
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It would behoove Him to get that damned pipeline approved.
Shit or get off the pot.

No brainer.....of course it doesn't take brains to vote "present"....he's a weenie.
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  • #7
Looks like we got another one...

How long before he burns out or gets banned?

Welcome to the wide wonder of the old-school POWER POSTER from yesteryear.

Keep flying around my bug-zapper ya dirty moth. :doubt:
It would behoove Him to get that damned pipeline approved.
Shit or get off the pot.

We need to look after the interests of Canadians

Who gives a shit about the Canadian pipeline through the heart of America?
The only question now is will Barry get viral mouth warts from Flippy who got them from Breck Boy? Inquiring minds want to know!


Of course when the Senate laughs the thing out of Chambers, Barry will blame it on Flippy and say he was "out of the loop" ie on the back nine drawing snowmen on his score card.
Kerry says US will sign UN treaty on arms regulation despite lawmaker opposition | Fox News
It would behoove Him to get that damned pipeline approved.
Shit or get off the pot.

We need to look after the interests of Canadians

Who gives a shit about the Canadian pipeline through the heart of America?

Refineries buy any oil they can this isn't "canadian" oil once it crosses the border....and 90% of it stays here so don't try that crap, and finally, it will partially replace what they refine from the communist Venzies....which must break your little commie heart...tough shit.
74% in a survey. Ironically that's more than Canadians LOL

We got the canadians over a barrel :clap2: so to speak because they can't build a pipeline to Vancouver to sell it to china.....their own "green" meatheads will never allow it. Even if they could, those waters are full of rips and shoals....I've fished from there to the San don't want an oil super-tanker in those waters. Canadians got no choice but to sell it to us.....LEAD OR GET OUT OF THE WAY OBUMMER!
It would behoove Him to get that damned pipeline approved.
Shit or get off the pot.

We need to look after the interests of Canadians

Who gives a shit about the Canadian pipeline through the heart of America?

74% in a survey. Ironically that's more than Canadians LOL.

Poll Finds More U.S. Support for Keystone Than Canadian - Bloomberg

Canada won't make enough to make up for the damage it does.

We make nothing at all but we get all the risk.


Thank you, Barry, for putting the US first.
Canada won't make enough to make up for the damage it does.

We make nothing at all but we get all the risk.


Thank you, Barry, for putting the US first.

You don't have a clue about what the Keystone XL is do you?
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Incidentally, just because the Senate (with Rat majority) will never pass a UN gun bill, aren't you lefties a little disturbed by an administration that tries to circumvent American soverignty by going to the UN to regulate American firearm ownership? You don't seriously doubt every single idiot idealist behind the gun-grabbing owns a firearm of their own do you?
It would behoove Him to get that damned pipeline approved.
Shit or get off the pot.

We need to look after the interests of Canadians

Who gives a shit about the Canadian pipeline through the heart of America?

Refineries buy any oil they can this isn't "canadian" oil once it crosses the border....and 90% of it stays here so don't try that crap, and finally, it will partially replace what they refine from the communist Venzies....which must break your little commie heart...tough shit.

The US is now a gas exporting country

Why we don't need the Keystone Pipeline - The Week

The United States now exports gasoline: Some 15 million barrels of gasoline a month. That's about 500,000 barrels a day. We're selling so much that exports have quadrupled in just seven years.
Americans are using a lot less gasoline. Demand peaked back in September 2007 at almost 9.3 million barrels a day. Today, we consume about 8.7 million barrels a day — a drop of 600,000 barrels a day.
We're producing way more gasoline than we need. The gap between supply and demand is so great, in fact, that the only market oil refiners can find for their product is overseas, where demand is growing (and prices are often much higher).

And this is happening even before booming U.S. shale oil and natural gas production really kick into high gear over the next few years, which brings me to two more observations:

The United States is on track, says the International Energy Agency, to become the world's top oil producer in just seven years — bigger than Saudi Arabia by 2020.
The U.S. will become a net exporter of oil around 2030 and nearly self-sufficient in energy by 2035.
That means that we'll have so much oil in just a few years that we'll be able to export it — like the Saudis do now — and won't need a drop from anyone.

So with all of that in mind, tell me: Why do we need the Keystone pipeline?
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We need to look after the interests of Canadians

Who gives a shit about the Canadian pipeline through the heart of America?

Refineries buy any oil they can this isn't "canadian" oil once it crosses the border....and 90% of it stays here so don't try that crap, and finally, it will partially replace what they refine from the communist Venzies....which must break your little commie heart...tough shit.

The US is now a gas exporting country

Why we don't need the Keystone Pipeline - The Week

The United States now exports gasoline: Some 15 million barrels of gasoline a month. That's about 500,000 barrels a day. We're selling so much that exports have quadrupled in just seven years.
Americans are using a lot less gasoline. Demand peaked back in September 2007 at almost 9.3 million barrels a day. Today, we consume about 8.7 million barrels a day — a drop of 600,000 barrels a day.
We're producing way more gasoline than we need. The gap between supply and demand is so great, in fact, that the only market oil refiners can find for their product is overseas, where demand is growing (and prices are often much higher).

And this is happening even before booming U.S. shale oil and natural gas production really kick into high gear over the next few years, which brings me to two more observations:

The United States is on track, says the International Energy Agency, to become the world's top oil producer in just seven years — bigger than Saudi Arabia by 2020.
The U.S. will become a net exporter of oil around 2030 and nearly self-sufficient in energy by 2035.
That means that we'll have so much oil in just a few years that we'll be able to export it — like the Saudis do now — and won't need a drop from anyone.

So with all of that in mind, tell me: Why do we need the Keystone pipeline?

The majority of Canadian crude will stay in this country. What is refined and exported will fetch a higher price overseas.

Now maybe you can tell me why we need agricultural exports while we pay record prices for groceries.
They Keystone XL section isn't only canadian oil either....excess capacity in the upper midwest, including the Dakota fields, can be sent to Houston with the completion of the Keystone. We are on the cusp of becoming the dominant force in the world's energy production and the moron in the WH is afraid to approve it or disapprove it....he does nothing but golf and and shoot baskets between campaign speeches...hopefully the unions can convince him to move forward before he's impeached.

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