Kerry: US Will Sign UN Arms Treaty

No, the link makes reference to "body armor", "high grade military equipment" "missile steering mechanisms" and most conspicuously absent from that list, were "handguns" more notably however:

Are you trying to prove my point here, or yours?

The link claimed the US is a supermarket for terrorists - a fact you seem to have established quite clearly here.

By all means set off on some tangent that no terrorists or rebel group use US handguns, but don't expect anyone to follow you far down that alley. It's a red herring.
No, the link makes reference to "body armor", "high grade military equipment" "missile steering mechanisms" and most conspicuously absent from that list, were "handguns" more notably however:

Are you trying to prove my point here, or yours?

The link claimed the US is a supermarket for terrorists - a fact you seem to have established quite clearly here.

By all means set off on some tangent that no terrorists or rebel group use US handguns, but don't expect anyone to follow you far down that alley. It's a red herring.

I've already made my point. You've accused the US of supplying terrorists with their arms and equipment, when Russia is right there. But then again, isn't Obama about ready to send arms to the Syrian Rebels? Your argument is attacking my argument, not refuting it.

The majority of their weapons are Soviet style Kalashnikov AK-47s, RPG-7, and Grail SA-7 type shoulder mounted rocket launchers! Guess what, Saigon, Russia is sitting in their back yard. Most of their weapons are or were manufactured in Russia. Only very few weapons are of American origin!

-From my earlier post
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That did make me laugh!

Is that it? And you accuse me of not having an argument?

Fair enough - what made me laugh is that the idea that anyone in Europe pays any attention to England. They are a major economy, but their sneering, arm's length policies and attitude towards Europe means they are in many ways on the fringes of the EU.

Germany is the heart of the EU; with France, Spain, Italy and increasingly Poland the important voices.

So if the UK economy collapsed, would they still not be paying attention? Yes, that is a bit hilarious. They are all but one domino in a chain, Saigon.
A. (from your own link, btw): The treaty would require countries that ratify it to establish national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers, but it will not explicitly control the domestic use of weapons in any country.

B. Treaties with foreign nations cannot override the constitution. It's in the constitution.

Shhhhh.... telling the gun nuts that guns are bad makes them cry.
A. (from your own link, btw): The treaty would require countries that ratify it to establish national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers, but it will not explicitly control the domestic use of weapons in any country.

B. Treaties with foreign nations cannot override the constitution. It's in the constitution.

Shhhhh.... telling the gun nuts that guns are bad makes them cry.
Guns may be bad, but when somebody else has one and using it against you or a loved one, you'll wish you had one.
God bless John Kerry and God bless the United States of America. Signing it is exactly what should be done. Stick it to the cons :clap2:
A. (from your own link, btw): The treaty would require countries that ratify it to establish national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers, but it will not explicitly control the domestic use of weapons in any country.

B. Treaties with foreign nations cannot override the constitution. It's in the constitution.

Shhhhh.... telling the gun nuts that guns are bad makes them cry.

I am very protective of the Second Amendment and oppose most gun control measures from the Left.

However, the loons who say this treaty violates the Second Amendment are gullible fools who won't even provide evidence for their claims precisely because there isn't any.
Senate will not ratify it and g?

Nobody gives a shit what you think.

Yes, we have retards in the Senate. Not just you and the others on this forum.

And as I have proven, some in Congress are owned by the very arms makers who stand to lose big money because of this treaty.

The blood of innocents who will be killed by terrorists and state sponsors of terror is on all your hands.
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Hyperbole much dipshit?

Why don't you go out and save the world or some such shit....I mean you are after all gods gift to mankind.

Senate will not ratify it and g?

Nobody gives a shit what you think.

Yes, we have retards in the Senate. Not just you and the others on this forum.

And as I have proven, some in Congress are owned by the very arms makers who stand to lose big money because of this treaty.

The blood of innocents who will be killed by terrorists and state sponsors of terror is on all your hands.
A. (from your own link, btw): The treaty would require countries that ratify it to establish national regulations to control the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers, but it will not explicitly control the domestic use of weapons in any country.

B. Treaties with foreign nations cannot override the constitution. It's in the constitution.

Shhhhh.... telling the gun nuts that guns are bad makes them cry.

people like you are bad for this country.
Hyperbole much dipshit?

Why don't you go out and save the world or some such shit....I mean you are after all gods gift to mankind.

Senate will not ratify it and g?

Nobody gives a shit what you think.

Yes, we have retards in the Senate. Not just you and the others on this forum.

And as I have proven, some in Congress are owned by the very arms makers who stand to lose big money because of this treaty.

The blood of innocents who will be killed by terrorists and state sponsors of terror is on all your hands.

Well, that’s rather childish.

And does nothing to support your position, as all the facts of the issue prove the treaty will in no way adversely effect Second Amendment rights.
Yes, and "all the innocent blood on my hands" shit is spot on.

Go fuck yourself pretend lawyer, you want to submit to the UN have at it...we ain't playin.

Hyperbole much dipshit?

Why don't you go out and save the world or some such shit....I mean you are after all gods gift to mankind.

Yes, we have retards in the Senate. Not just you and the others on this forum.

And as I have proven, some in Congress are owned by the very arms makers who stand to lose big money because of this treaty.

The blood of innocents who will be killed by terrorists and state sponsors of terror is on all your hands.

Well, that’s rather childish.

And does nothing to support your position, as all the facts of the issue prove the treaty will in no way adversely effect Second Amendment rights.
The united states should be regulated by euro trash socialists, totalitarian marxist states , third world dictatorships, and banana republics................the global community knows whats best for americans.....
Hyperbole much dipshit?

Why don't you go out and save the world or some such shit....I mean you are after all gods gift to mankind.

Yes, we have retards in the Senate. Not just you and the others on this forum.

And as I have proven, some in Congress are owned by the very arms makers who stand to lose big money because of this treaty.

The blood of innocents who will be killed by terrorists and state sponsors of terror is on all your hands.

Well, that’s rather childish.

And does nothing to support your position, as all the facts of the issue prove the treaty will in no way adversely effect Second Amendment rights.

His position is set in stone
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Hyperbole much dipshit?

Why don't you go out and save the world or some such shit....I mean you are after all gods gift to mankind.

Well, that’s rather childish.

And does nothing to support your position, as all the facts of the issue prove the treaty will in no way adversely effect Second Amendment rights.

His position is set in stone
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Yes, we know, that's on the PostIt note stuck on your computer.
Don't forget the one next to it that reminds you to put your pants on.
Well, that’s rather childish.

And does nothing to support your position, as all the facts of the issue prove the treaty will in no way adversely effect Second Amendment rights.

His position is set in stone
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Yes, we know, that's on the PostIt note stuck on your computer.
Don't forget the one next to it that reminds you to put your pants on.

Are you drunk or is grammar a new thing you're learning?
His position is set in stone
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Yes, we know, that's on the PostIt note stuck on your computer.
Don't forget the one next to it that reminds you to put your pants on.

Are you drunk or is grammar a new thing you're learning?

Ah, so now you're onto the big page of insults on your wall?
The irony of this one is particularly good.

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