Kerry: US Will Sign UN Arms Treaty

I will battle anecdotes with anecdotes until someone uses a factual argument. Plain and simple.

1. So, what are these statistics you speak of? Logic alone is not an argument, facts supporting that logic, or facts and logic, however; are. Neither of which you have proven to me yet.

2. As stated in my previous response, I will consider your opinions made up until you refute them.

3. I am only three years older than you, even I cannot fathom such thinking as "progress" as so defined by you and your so-called "young republican" friends. Progress is positive, not destructive.

4. Indeed. I think the party should be unified, not rife with division. My father is a member of the NRA, he is as nice as a person you could ever meet, so why should he be blamed for the alleged destruction of the Republican party? Your anger at the NRA is simply anger at their beliefs, not for any other reason. Your anger at Koch is simply anger at their wealth, not for any other purpose. And why aren't you angry at Monsanto?

5. I never said I was a Republican, now did I?

6. Your unwillingness to meet in the middle will be your undoing. As well as the GOP's. The cancer in a person's blood does not discriminate against itself, it proceeds in its deadly task. Even a disease has more resolve than the party that calls themselves Republican or Democrat. Please for pete's sake, stop bickering with each other.

7. See No. 6.

8. I didn't nominate Gary Johnson, I voted for Romney and McCain, that is until I found out how fruitless voting for establishment candidates could be. A party that can't meet with everyone at the table is like saying King Arthur sought the Holy Grail with only half of his knights.

You have yet to provide any statistics either, but that is because we have been using mostly anecdotal evidence. 1.I support gun regulation because it makes sense. Guns kill twice as many people then cancer does in this country. 2. WE kill more people via firearm than any, repeat ANY other nation in the industrialized world. Heck just take a look at this graph. We have a gun problem and we have a bigger problem, we cant admit it. We love our guns. I live in a nice NJ suburb and have friends with guns, but I also live next to Trenton. 3.A place that kills so many kids via firearms yearly, its absurd. Its even more absurd that they can just go across the border to PA, grab a gun from some random auction, no paper work needed, come back and kill whoever.

Now, progressive in the sense of gay-rights, marijuana, abortion. I have bigger issues to deal with like college loans and the economy to be worried about whether gays get married or not. 4. Socially progressive means moving our society forward, not backwards. Which is what we would be doing if we were to make guns more available.

1a.Yes, my anger is with the NRA. The policies they support so that some of their members wont have to wait in line a little longer or can sell their weapons at auction is directly related to inner city violence that kills more kids every year. 70% of our homicides are committed by guns, most other nations like the U.K. hover around 11 percent.

5. My unwillingness to meet in the middle of people in my party is justified because of the nonsense that they spew on a daily basis. They say that they are Republicans, but if Eisenhower or a Republican from an older generation were running today, heck even Reagan, they would label them as a RINO. You cant do anything with a person like that.

6. If you don't want to vote for establishment candidates then you are just wasting your vote. Ya, I get it, no vote is wasted, blah blah, but it is. If the Tea Partiers or Libertarians don't want to get on board with a sensible candidate who doesn't go Santorum crazy on social issues or has the foreign policy of crazy ass Rand Paul, then hop off, we don't need you.

1. No. Over 570,000 people died of the disease in 2011 according to the CDC.

1a. Once again, don't doctor the data. Cancer kills more children than inner city violence.

2. Data provided by activist organizations are not acceptable. If you can, research data by the CDC. That chart is disingenuous at best. If we use criteria such as "industrialized" and "overall" we get two completely different pictures.

3. Out of a population of 315 million, you call 11,000 deaths from gun violence "many"? Who are you to say what a law abiding citizen does with his firearms? Unless they are a danger to themselves or others, you have no standing!

4. How can a society move forward when you can't seek unity among members of your own party?

5. You'll have to find better justification than that. Youths such as yourself are still in that "rebel" stage. You are unwilling and uncompromising. Your way or no way. I take heart in believing that you will grow out of that mindset. As I asked before, how does a party succeed or "progress" when it's own members cannot stop bickering with themselves?

6. Is there any reason to insult them? This is absolutely pathetic. There is no need for this kind of behavior. Good thing I had enough sense to grow out of such puerility and leave; spare myself the disgrace. I will vote for whomever I wish, your arrogance is clearly evident when you tell me what candidate my vote would be more effective for. That is out of line, young one. That is the entire problem with your party. If someone doesn't fundamentally agree with your principles, they are outcasts. How rudimentary. How crude. How base. You are naive, and furthermore have a lot of growing up to do before you can go on to lead any political party. Your party should learn to be more accepting of those with so-called "fringe" beliefs. The man who wrote the 13th Amendment? A radical Republican of his day. The 13th Amendment passed overwhelmingly and ended slavery. Don't sit there and lecture other people on things you've barely had enough time to experience.

We kill more people with guns than any other industrialized nation. We have a gun problem and if you cant even see that then I don't know what else to say. I here your lecture on arrogance and narcissism loud and clear and I really don't care all that much. Yes a vote for a candidate who cannot win is a wasted vote. Yes, my deep seated disdain for the radicals in my party is evident, but I have reason. Those who are directly affecting the future of politics in this country deserve any attention that they bring to themselves.

When I emerge from Law School I want a job, I want a tax rate that isn't asinine and I want to be able to buy a big ass house outside of whatever city I am working in without having to pay ridiculous tax on it. The only way I see this as possible is to elect a sensible Republican candidate. I say sensible because if we go out electing Rand Paul or something to run for office, we just wont win. Then there you have it, another four years of liberal policies affecting the life I want. Then all these fringe Repubs and Tea Partiers can go back to hating the President. Ya see, they don't want to win elections. They have so much fun bashing Democrats, they wouldn't know what to do with themselves if someone else were to be in office. Well I want to win elections and if that means hurting a few crazies feelings to get my point across, that is just a casualty of war.
If the Tea Partiers or Libertarians don't want to get on board with a sensible candidate who doesn't go Santorum crazy on social issues or has the foreign policy of crazy ass Rand Paul, then hop off, we don't need you.
We need every single vote we can get in order to reinstate fiscal conservatism, and we need to respect the majority of conservative voters and what their votes and hard work decides. ;)

The Second Amendment is generally inapplicable to arms exports. Though the amendment protects “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,” it does not protect the right to supply arms to persons who are not themselves among “the people” of the United States. In other words, the Second Amendment does not protect either a right to arm aliens abroad or a right for aliens to receive American weapons. The proposed ATT’s potential implications for most firearms exports therefore pose no Second Amendment concern.
When the U.S. signs the UN Small Arms Treaty, it is another stepping stone for America to be absorbed into a New World Order. The so-called global elite through Obama is trying to find ways to override and circumvent the 2nd Amendment.

Both Bush and Obama (Rothchild Zionists) consider the Constitution an inconvenience. Henry Kissinger (Rothchid Zionist), was recently quoted as saying, "The illegal things we do right away. The unconstitutional things take longer."

The US Government DOES NOT care about the American people or their Constitutional rights. They only pretend to. Bush, Obama, Kissinger, Kerry, Clinton to name a few, are nothing more than puppets. Puppets who are put in place by the so-called global elite to move the global agenda forward.


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