Barry names bald-faced LIAR to top post!

Susan Rice is a liar. Indisputable. Her defense is she lied because obama lied and told her to lie. She was just following orders. Because she followed orders so well she got a promotion. Her advancement is predicated on her ability to lie and stick by that lie no matter how much evidence piles up to the contrary.

This is the person that our national security depends on. No matter what she says there is no basis to ever think she is telling the truth. If our security were compromised she would lie to make obama look good. That is an incredibly dangerous position for the country.
Actually as a matter of fact... I don't have any issues with GWB ... at all actually. at least he cared. No. I'm just over statism... I got past the point of holding a side awhile ago... I don't look at it in terms of left vs right anymore... I'm developing a new basis upon which we can unite people (ALL of them) against the state. Let me add a quick detail to that while I'm here: the goal is not to overthrow the state, it's just to put ALL people at odds with the entirety of the state constantly- the way we see legislative vs executive... Just... keep things in check and undo the division so we can view things differently.

Our best bet right now, is to get under the skin of the STATE regardless of party affiliations and just troll the absolute hell out of them... make working for the state an unbearable but necessary proposition.

I just... man I don't see the point in fighting the individual details anymore... I don't know.. I may be oversimplifying this but... meh ya know.
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Actually as a matter of fact... I don't have any issues with GWB ... at all actually. at least he cared. No. I'm just over statism... I got past the point of holding a side awhile ago... I don't look at it in terms of left vs right anymore... I'm developing a new basis upon which we can unite people (ALL of them) against the state. Let me add a quick detail to that while I'm here: the goal is not to overthrow the state, it's just to put ALL people at odds with the entirety of the state constantly- the way we see legislative vs executive... Just... keep things in check and undo the division so we can view things differently.

Our best bet right now, is to get under the skin of the STATE regardless of party affiliations and just troll the absolute hell out of them... make working for the state an unbearable but necessary proposition.

I just... man I don't see the point in fighting the individual details anymore... I don't know.. I may be oversimplifying this but... meh ya know.

Ah okay, I see what you're saying now and I's not the like the GOP has much to offer us other than continued off-shoring and out-sourcing....if we could get the millions of jobs we've lost back, we'd have a fighting chance to pay down the debt and fund SS and Medicare into the future.....fat chance of that happening with foreigners sitting on the boards of the Fortune 500. :(
Actually as a matter of fact... I don't have any issues with GWB ... at all actually. at least he cared. No. I'm just over statism... I got past the point of holding a side awhile ago... I don't look at it in terms of left vs right anymore... I'm developing a new basis upon which we can unite people (ALL of them) against the state. Let me add a quick detail to that while I'm here: the goal is not to overthrow the state, it's just to put ALL people at odds with the entirety of the state constantly- the way we see legislative vs executive... Just... keep things in check and undo the division so we can view things differently.

Our best bet right now, is to get under the skin of the STATE regardless of party affiliations and just troll the absolute hell out of them... make working for the state an unbearable but necessary proposition.

I just... man I don't see the point in fighting the individual details anymore... I don't know.. I may be oversimplifying this but... meh ya know.

Ah okay, I see what you're saying now and I's not the like the GOP has much to offer us other than continued off-shoring and out-sourcing....if we could get the millions of jobs we've lost back, we'd have a fighting chance to pay down the debt and fund SS and Medicare into the future.....fat chance of that happening with foreigners sitting on the boards of the Fortune 500. :(

I'd personally like to see it all crumple entirely- The dollar, the entitlement structure- everything we "owe"... I'd love to see the fed try to cover their asses against their debtors - try to collect their human colatteral (that will be the day) fail, and just... man... it'll be a spectacle... the preppers will be the rich the prepared will be the safe, and the private sector free market will rebuild from the ashes and we'll do it all over again...

I'm here for the show, I've given up trying to stop the curtains from opening. I'd suggest grabbing some popcorn.
Actually as a matter of fact... I don't have any issues with GWB ... at all actually. at least he cared. No. I'm just over statism... I got past the point of holding a side awhile ago... I don't look at it in terms of left vs right anymore... I'm developing a new basis upon which we can unite people (ALL of them) against the state. Let me add a quick detail to that while I'm here: the goal is not to overthrow the state, it's just to put ALL people at odds with the entirety of the state constantly- the way we see legislative vs executive... Just... keep things in check and undo the division so we can view things differently.

Our best bet right now, is to get under the skin of the STATE regardless of party affiliations and just troll the absolute hell out of them... make working for the state an unbearable but necessary proposition.

I just... man I don't see the point in fighting the individual details anymore... I don't know.. I may be oversimplifying this but... meh ya know.

Ah okay, I see what you're saying now and I's not the like the GOP has much to offer us other than continued off-shoring and out-sourcing....if we could get the millions of jobs we've lost back, we'd have a fighting chance to pay down the debt and fund SS and Medicare into the future.....fat chance of that happening with foreigners sitting on the boards of the Fortune 500. :(

I'd personally like to see it all crumple entirely- The dollar, the entitlement structure- everything we "owe"... I'd love to see the fed try to cover their asses against their debtors - try to collect their human colatteral (that will be the day) fail, and just... man... it'll be a spectacle... the preppers will be the rich the prepared will be the safe, and the private sector free market will rebuild from the ashes and we'll do it all over again...

I'm here for the show, I've given up trying to stop the curtains from opening. I'd suggest grabbing some popcorn.

You're not getting away with this mealy-mouth crap. Rice was chosen to lie on the Sunday morning shows because the rest of the kenyan's inner-circle wouldn't touch the assignment.

That seems a bit presumptuous.

Her work at the UN was a joke and the only reason she's around is because Moochelle likes her. Putting her in the NSA job is to enable them to claim "executive privelege" when Congress wants her to explain her confirmation hearing required....the wall of stones grows higher.

She's highly qualified for the position, she was the foreign affairs adviser for our current Secretary of State during his campaign, she has worked with the UN, she was a former assistant Secretary with the State Department, and she maintains close ties to international affairs groups such as her fellowship with the Brookings Institute, and her connections to CFR. That's a pretty impressive resume that is all relevant to the security adviser position.

"Unclassified material that stemmed from our intelligence services? LMAO! That's just're not getting away this either. CIA resources (SFG/SEAL) were told to stand down rather than admit the annex was being overrun. There was no "unclassified" was a fairytale written by political operatives to protect candidate Obama.

I've worked with government talking points before and yes, that's the way it works. When drafting them you have access only to pre-approved unclassified material, as a member of the federal government she is not authorized to leak classified information and must take her talking points from what material is given to her.

I'm also not sure why you are talking about the CIA standing down, I don't see what that has to do with Susan Rice, she isn't in charge of ordering them around. :confused:

Dodge on Rice preventing the attack....not worth another keystroke.

How was she supposed to prevent the attack. Do tell.

A "side note" that's another goddamn lie.....Ansar al-Sharia is indeed an al-Qaida "affiliate" who took money and weapons from AQ to enable the attack. You might be able to pull your weak little word games off elsewhere but not here.

No they aren't. They have not declared themselves in support of Al Qaeda, nor would they be likely to do so, they are a loose collection of regional militias and aren't even that solid of an entity. They received money from an actual Al Qaeda affiliate AQIM who contracted the job out to them to attack us. That doesn't make them Al Qaeda, the individuals who were there from Yemen were Al Qaeda.

We tend to have a labeling problem here in the US where we lump all Muslims / Islamists / groups together and it is a really poor practice when it comes to actually understanding what is going on in the world.
And another black woman named "Rice" to Dubya sticking pins in a voodoo doll or what? Of course the name "Susan" isn't nearly as fun to play with as "Condoleezza" but it's Susan who's kinda sleezy.....told outright LIES about Benghazi for 2 weeks, has never apologized, and now has been promoted!


Kinda mannish looking same as Queen that Reggie is gone (or is he?) Barry seems more confused about his own gender than our national security. How many red-lines for Syria ya think they have on the drawing board in the West Wing?

Except she didn't lie.
Actually as a matter of fact... I don't have any issues with GWB ... at all actually. at least he cared. No. I'm just over statism... I got past the point of holding a side awhile ago... I don't look at it in terms of left vs right anymore... I'm developing a new basis upon which we can unite people (ALL of them) against the state. Let me add a quick detail to that while I'm here: the goal is not to overthrow the state, it's just to put ALL people at odds with the entirety of the state constantly- the way we see legislative vs executive... Just... keep things in check and undo the division so we can view things differently.

Our best bet right now, is to get under the skin of the STATE regardless of party affiliations and just troll the absolute hell out of them... make working for the state an unbearable but necessary proposition.

I just... man I don't see the point in fighting the individual details anymore... I don't know.. I may be oversimplifying this but... meh ya know.

There's still plenty of wilderness to conquer son.

Go west young man.

Remove the shackles of society and get back to your roots.

Let us know how that works out. I guess you can send a carrier pigeon or something.
We tend to have a labeling problem here in the US where we lump all Muslims / Islamists / groups together and it is a really poor practice when it comes to actually understanding what is going on in the world.

Without coming off as inflamatory, I have to ask: Does it really matter? I mean really.

Suppose we set a universal policy in place that says, "Kill anyone who shows a tendency to point weapons and threats of violence at us."

This generally would apply to any group that shows such a tendency. Put in place, I believe it would motivate such groups and any unfortunate people who were lumped in with said groups to cease their tendency towards violence against us.

You're not getting away with this mealy-mouth crap. Rice was chosen to lie on the Sunday morning shows because the rest of the kenyan's inner-circle wouldn't touch the assignment.

That seems a bit presumptuous.

Her work at the UN was a joke and the only reason she's around is because Moochelle likes her. Putting her in the NSA job is to enable them to claim "executive privelege" when Congress wants her to explain her confirmation hearing required....the wall of stones grows higher.

She's highly qualified for the position, she was the foreign affairs adviser for our current Secretary of State during his campaign, she has worked with the UN, she was a former assistant Secretary with the State Department, and she maintains close ties to international affairs groups such as her fellowship with the Brookings Institute, and her connections to CFR. That's a pretty impressive resume that is all relevant to the security adviser position.

I've worked with government talking points before and yes, that's the way it works. When drafting them you have access only to pre-approved unclassified material, as a member of the federal government she is not authorized to leak classified information and must take her talking points from what material is given to her.

I'm also not sure why you are talking about the CIA standing down, I don't see what that has to do with Susan Rice, she isn't in charge of ordering them around. :confused:

Dodge on Rice preventing the attack....not worth another keystroke.

How was she supposed to prevent the attack. Do tell.

A "side note" that's another goddamn lie.....Ansar al-Sharia is indeed an al-Qaida "affiliate" who took money and weapons from AQ to enable the attack. You might be able to pull your weak little word games off elsewhere but not here.

No they aren't. They have not declared themselves in support of Al Qaeda, nor would they be likely to do so, they are a loose collection of regional militias and aren't even that solid of an entity. They received money from an actual Al Qaeda affiliate AQIM who contracted the job out to them to attack us. That doesn't make them Al Qaeda, the individuals who were there from Yemen were Al Qaeda.

We tend to have a labeling problem here in the US where we lump all Muslims / Islamists / groups together and it is a really poor practice when it comes to actually understanding what is going on in the world.

I get it that you're a robotic CYA/apologist for this crowd of liars and thieves okay? But you have no idea how OFFENDED we are from being lied to....these fuckers WORK FOR US..not the other way can blither about "how it works" until the moon turns blue and it's irrelevant.....Rice is an idiot, a dupe, and a proven liar.....that's the contention in my OP and it stands unchallenged....they gave her a script to read and she read it to us. It was bullshit, plain and simple and they're going to pay the price for it.
Without coming off as inflamatory, I have to ask: Does it really matter? I mean really.

Suppose we set a universal policy in place that says, "Kill anyone who shows a tendency to point weapons and threats of violence at us."

This generally would apply to any group that shows such a tendency. Put in place, I believe it would motivate such groups and any unfortunate people who were lumped in with said groups to cease their tendency towards violence against us.


I absolutely do think it matters, and I think the way that Al Qaeda has spread its affiliate base has indicated that. Take a look at President Bush's mistake in Somalia, back an Ethiopian against and bomb the ICU in southern Somalia because their Islamists. The result? We helped create Al Shabaab which did then declare its support for Al Qaeda and we are now allied with the remnants of the ICU against them despite the fact that the ICU had previously been keeping them in check (to a certain extent).

We allowed an entire branch of Al Qaeda to create itself because we didn't want to bother with distinctions. The same goes for our experience in Iraq. We hated Saddam so we invaded and Al Qaeda's strength pretty much doubled over night as a result with the rise of Al Qaeda in Iraq. Granted they aren't as internationally focused as Al Qaeda central was / is, and they are more sectarian, but that was a direct creation from a war that we didn't have to fight. Saddam had nothing to do with Al Qaeda and was an enemy of the organization.

Three more examples:

1.) The Salafists in eastern Yemen. Normally we think of Salafists and think of Jihadis, and then Al Qaeda and the eastern region that they are at is where AQAP has a lot of their stations. So bomb them all yeah? The important nuance here though is that the eastern Salafists in Yemen are generally pacifistic. They do not share the global jihadhi ideological system even though they are Salafists and thus there is no reason for them to be our enemy, if anything that shows an opportunity for us to work with them against AQAP.

2.) The Pashtuns in Afghanistan, if we simply went over to Afghanistan and bombed every militias out there we would have lost by now. The Pashtuns have been an important group for us to court in Afghanistan in order to have a support base on the ground. Ignoring that would have been extremely poor tactics and made enemies where there need not be any.

3.) Hezbollah. Right before the 2006 conflict with Israel they were dying. They were becoming irrelevant in Lebanese politics and were being pushed to the fringes of public import. That's why they were so willing to break the blue line and try to lure Israel into a conflict so they could use that to highlight themselves again and reassert themselves. The war took place and while it was larger than Hezbollah thought it would be, it also got Hezbollah exactly what it wanted: prominence and now Hezbollah is in a majority coalition in Lebanon instead of being largely irrelevant as it should be.

Violence isn't always the best way to solve things and when we do engage in it it is often best to pick our targets carefully rather than utilizing a spray and pray method.
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I get it that you're a robotic CYA/apologist for this crowd of liars and thieves okay? But you have no idea how OFFENDED we are from being lied to....these fuckers WORK FOR US..not the other way can blither about "how it works" until the moon turns blue and it's irrelevant.....Rice is an idiot, a dupe, and a proven liar.....that's the contention in my OP and it stands unchallenged....they gave her a script to read and she read it to us. It was bullshit, plain and simple and they're going to pay the price for it.

I can understand your anger and disappointment. I was lied to as well. But we shouldn't allow our anger to take over and allow us to become irrational. Linking Rice to the CIA or military standing down doesn't make any sense, she had nothing to so with that. Asserting that she created these lies isn't true either and is a case of misplaced blame which should instead be directed at the White House.

Saying she is stupid because you feel lied to doesn't make much coherent sense either, particularly in the face of her resume and past record.

Take a couple of deep breaths.
Asserting that she created these lies isn't true either and is a case of misplaced blame which should instead be directed at the White House.

So- if I'm understanding correctly what you're suggesting is that we should talk Kokesh back into his independence day march and storm the white house in search of answers?

I suppose that'd be alright... Not the sort of thing I'd ever propose, but hey you've got more guts than most of us I guess!

I got your back! :razz:
Asserting that she created these lies isn't true either and is a case of misplaced blame which should instead be directed at the White House.

So- if I'm understanding correctly what you're suggesting is that we should talk Kokesh back into his independence day march and storm the white house in search of answers?

I suppose that'd be alright... Not the sort of thing I'd ever propose, but hey you've got more guts than most of us I guess!

I got your back! :razz:

If you want answers they are going to rest with our intelligence services, the President, and maybe the State Department.
I dig it. At the very least a level of prioritized focus.

I find that pretty much all the perspectives in this thread have profound quality and validity... We need anger for fuel... but we need focus for efficiency...

I'm a fan.
Birds of a feather flock together. He needed to reward and protect her for the loyalty she demonstrated, regardless of the truth.
DO NOT pull that condescending bullshit with me was your contention she had nothing to do with the stand-down order the night of the attack....I said it wasn't worth a keystroke. Her "past record" at the UN is a joke......she couldn't get anybody to cooperate with us to boycott Iran's oil sales in any meaningful way....the russians ignored her pleas to stop helping Assad in Syria. She was constantly bewildered by the Security Council's votes she'd misjudged. And then they trot her out to lie about Benghazi. Let me tell you this....I have dropped a rucksack and run for my life to a waiting slick half a click off that was already taking ground-fire....that they would stay on the extraction point as long as possible was unquestioned. Without that, there would have been no mission. So don't give me your text book guesses how this works.....I sat through 17 CIA mission briefings and luckily 17 debriefings which meant I got back alive during TET parts l & 2 '67-'68 RVN. This ain't a game.....this is pacifist cowards running the defense of our nation for their own political is treason.
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The most unfortunate aspect of Susan Rice's appointment is that she will be interacting with foreign counterparts who won't believe a word she says.

obama has singlehandedly destroy the nation's credibility for generations. Maybe for all time.
DO NOT pull that condescending bullshit with me was your contention she had nothing to do with the stand-down order the night of the attack....I said it wasn't worth a keystroke. Her "past record" at the UN is a joke......she couldn't get anybody to cooperate with us to boycott Iran's oil sales in any meaningful way....the russians ignored her pleas to stop helping Assad in Syria. She was constantly bewildered by the Security Council's votes she'd misjudged. And then they trot her out to lie about Benghazi. Let me tell you this....I have dropped a rucksack and run for my life to a waiting slick half a click off that was already taking ground-fire....that they would stay on the extraction point as long as possible was unquestioned. Without that, there would have been no mission. So don't give me your text book guesses how this works.....I sat through 17 CIA mission briefings and luckily 17 debriefings which meant I got back alive during TET parts l & 2 '67-'68 RVN. This ain't a game.....this is pacifist cowards running the defense of our nation for their own political is treason.

I wasn't trying to be condescending. If I was I would have thrown in a "sport" or "champ" in my dialogue. I just think you are butchering your dialogue with incoherent anger, you come across as bitter, not reasonable and that is a shame given the potential validity of some of your points, furthermore you allow your anger to bring in things and try to link together items that aren't even relevant to one another (like the CIA). You're allowing your hatred for Obama to distract you and make you lose focus. Also, I've noticed that you haven't really been able to respond to any of my counterpoints with anything other than general angry ranting which also simply makes you come across as bitter rather than interested in any sort of actual discussion.
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DO NOT pull that condescending bullshit with me was your contention she had nothing to do with the stand-down order the night of the attack....I said it wasn't worth a keystroke. Her "past record" at the UN is a joke......she couldn't get anybody to cooperate with us to boycott Iran's oil sales in any meaningful way....the russians ignored her pleas to stop helping Assad in Syria. She was constantly bewildered by the Security Council's votes she'd misjudged. And then they trot her out to lie about Benghazi. Let me tell you this....I have dropped a rucksack and run for my life to a waiting slick half a click off that was already taking ground-fire....that they would stay on the extraction point as long as possible was unquestioned. Without that, there would have been no mission. So don't give me your text book guesses how this works.....I sat through 17 CIA mission briefings and luckily 17 debriefings which meant I got back alive during TET parts l & 2 '67-'68 RVN. This ain't a game.....this is pacifist cowards running the defense of our nation for their own political is treason.


Sat in on CIA meetings, eh?

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