Barry Vows To Come Out Of The Shadows If The President Kills His DACA Legacy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Former President Barack Obama plans to speak out if President Donald Trump declares his intention to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, according to a person close to Obama…

Obama’s current plan is to post a statement on Facebook and link to it on Twitter, where the former president has more than 94 million followers. In his final presidential press availability, he suggested that he would speak out if Trump went after the Dreamers — and that it was one of the few issues where he would feel morally compelled to do so."

Of course, as usual, the POS had to LIE / MISREPRESENT THE TRUTH:

"He said he would not remain silent in the face of “efforts to round up kids who have grown up here and for all practical purposes are American kids, and send them someplace else, when they love this country."

1. No one is 'rounding up kids', you POS.

2. Notice how Obama says 'For all PRACTICAL purposes'...instead of 'LEGAL' purposes! He CAN'T say 'Legal' because even HE knows what he did - bypassing congress to institute his own personal law - was UN-CONSTITUTIONAL.

"The notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case," Obama said. (December 2014)
- Flashback: Obama Says He Can't Change Immigration Law Alone

“Back to a country they don’t know with a language they don’t speak?” the person close to Obama said. “It’s cruel.”

No, what was cruel was partnering with Human Traffickers and the US govt itself, bussing / bringing these kids to the US, KNOWING IT WAS ILLEGAL TO DO SO, and telling them they could stay forever, when Barry knew this was illegal / Un-Constitutional. Using them as political pawns and giving them false hope, which is what he did, is what is cruel.

So THIS is the 'Legacy' item that will draw him out of the shadows where he and Valerie Jarrett have been pulling the puppet strings of 'The Resistance' and the violent self-proclaimed Anti-American Anarchist Fascist Antifa to reveal himself and do the attacking, for once, himself...

Barry is trying to pull every emotional heart-string he can, do whatever he can, to preserve yet another Un-Constitutional / Illegal Legacy from being wiped off the books. What Trump is doing, besides ending the Un-Constitutional DACA program, is shining a light in the historic records / history books on the UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND LAWLESS PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION OF BARAK OBAMA. Every time another Un-Constitutional, illegal program gets taken down, history will record each one as having been originally implemented by Barak Obama.
"Former President Barack Obama plans to speak out if President Donald Trump declares his intention to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, according to a person close to Obama…

Obama’s current plan is to post a statement on Facebook and link to it on Twitter, where the former president has more than 94 million followers. In his final presidential press availability, he suggested that he would speak out if Trump went after the Dreamers — and that it was one of the few issues where he would feel morally compelled to do so."

Of course, as usual, the POS had to LIE / MISREPRESENT THE TRUTH:

"He said he would not remain silent in the face of “efforts to round up kids who have grown up here and for all practical purposes are American kids, and send them someplace else, when they love this country."

1. No one is 'rounding up kids', you POS.

2. Notice how Obama says 'For all PRACTICAL purposes'...instead of 'LEGAL' purposes! He CAN'T say 'Legal' because even HE knows what he did - bypassing congress to institute his own personal law - was UN-CONSTITUTIONAL.

"The notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case," Obama said. (December 2014)
- Flashback: Obama Says He Can't Change Immigration Law Alone

“Back to a country they don’t know with a language they don’t speak?” the person close to Obama said. “It’s cruel.”

No, what was cruel was partnering with Human Traffickers and the US govt itself, bussing / bringing these kids to the US, KNOWING IT WAS ILLEGAL TO DO SO, and telling them they could stay forever, when Barry knew this was illegal / Un-Constitutional. Using them as political pawns and giving them false hope, which is what he did, is what is cruel.

So THIS is the 'Legacy' item that will draw him out of the shadows where he and Valerie Jarrett have been pulling the puppet strings of 'The Resistance' and the violent self-proclaimed Anti-American Anarchist Fascist Antifa to reveal himself and do the attacking, for once, himself...

Barry is trying to pull every emotional heart-string he can, do whatever he can, to preserve yet another Un-Constitutional / Illegal Legacy from being wiped off the books. What Trump is doing, besides ending the Un-Constitutional DACA program, is shining a light in the historic records / history books on the UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND LAWLESS PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION OF BARAK OBAMA. Every time another Un-Constitutional, illegal program gets taken down, history will record each one as having been originally implemented by Barak Obama.
DACA and DAPA are constitutional, except for the question of the work permits. Supreme Court was tied 4-4 on the case in June 2016. Whose fault is it that there were only 8 justices? Congress SHOULD tackle that and a lot more. Here's their chance.
DACA and DAPA are constitutional, except for the question of the work permits. Supreme Court was tied 4-4 on the case in June 2016. Whose fault is it that there were only 8 justices? Congress SHOULD tackle that and a lot more. Here's their chance.
DACA is a LAW / falls under the realm of 'LAWS', not 'ER's. Obama himself, as mentioned, even declared he could not Constitutionally make or change laws.

I agree that Congress has the opportunity to make all of this go away by doing its job and writing / passing a legal / Constitutional version.

If they succeed in doing so, in my mind at least, they will demonstrate that they have no desire to pass any of the Trump agenda. If they can come together and act so quickly to pass legislation to help illegals while preserving Obama's Legacy it should mean they ought to be able to come together and pass legislation that will benefit legal citizens in this country. So far, again, they have shown no desire to do so.

And 4 - 4 is not a judgment of 'Constitutional' or 'Not' - it is a 'Push', a decision of 'No Decision'.
DACA and DAPA are constitutional, except for the question of the work permits. Supreme Court was tied 4-4 on the case in June 2016. Whose fault is it that there were only 8 justices? Congress SHOULD tackle that and a lot more. Here's their chance.
DACA is a LAW / falls under the realm of 'LAWS', not 'ER's. Obama himself, as mentioned, even declared he could not Constitutionally make or change laws.

I agree that Congress has the opportunity to make all of this go away by doing its job and writing / passing a legal / Constitutional version.

If they succeed in doing so, in my mind at least, they will demonstrate that they have no desire to pass any of the Trump agenda. If they can come together and act so quickly to pass legislation to help illegals while preserving Obama's Legacy it should mean they ought to be able to come together and pass legislation that will benefit legal citizens in this country. So far, again, they have shown no desire to do so.

And 4 - 4 is not a judgment of 'Constitutional' or 'Not' - it is a 'Push', a decision of 'No Decision'.

Didn't Obama say 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ended up doing?
"Former President Barack Obama plans to speak out if President Donald Trump declares his intention to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, according to a person close to Obama…

Obama’s current plan is to post a statement on Facebook and link to it on Twitter, where the former president has more than 94 million followers. In his final presidential press availability, he suggested that he would speak out if Trump went after the Dreamers — and that it was one of the few issues where he would feel morally compelled to do so."

Of course, as usual, the POS had to LIE / MISREPRESENT THE TRUTH:

"He said he would not remain silent in the face of “efforts to round up kids who have grown up here and for all practical purposes are American kids, and send them someplace else, when they love this country."

1. No one is 'rounding up kids', you POS.

2. Notice how Obama says 'For all PRACTICAL purposes'...instead of 'LEGAL' purposes! He CAN'T say 'Legal' because even HE knows what he did - bypassing congress to institute his own personal law - was UN-CONSTITUTIONAL.

"The notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case," Obama said. (December 2014)
- Flashback: Obama Says He Can't Change Immigration Law Alone

“Back to a country they don’t know with a language they don’t speak?” the person close to Obama said. “It’s cruel.”

No, what was cruel was partnering with Human Traffickers and the US govt itself, bussing / bringing these kids to the US, KNOWING IT WAS ILLEGAL TO DO SO, and telling them they could stay forever, when Barry knew this was illegal / Un-Constitutional. Using them as political pawns and giving them false hope, which is what he did, is what is cruel.

So THIS is the 'Legacy' item that will draw him out of the shadows where he and Valerie Jarrett have been pulling the puppet strings of 'The Resistance' and the violent self-proclaimed Anti-American Anarchist Fascist Antifa to reveal himself and do the attacking, for once, himself...

Barry is trying to pull every emotional heart-string he can, do whatever he can, to preserve yet another Un-Constitutional / Illegal Legacy from being wiped off the books. What Trump is doing, besides ending the Un-Constitutional DACA program, is shining a light in the historic records / history books on the UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND LAWLESS PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION OF BARAK OBAMA. Every time another Un-Constitutional, illegal program gets taken down, history will record each one as having been originally implemented by Barak Obama.
DACA and DAPA are constitutional, except for the question of the work permits. Supreme Court was tied 4-4 on the case in June 2016. Whose fault is it that there were only 8 justices? Congress SHOULD tackle that and a lot more. Here's their chance.

That's why Trump is dumping it with a 6-month delay.

The libs had full control of the govt between 2008-2010 and did
nothing. They've never wanted to do anything, it robs them of a
campaign issue.

Now the ball is in their court. fwiw, the GOP has never been all
that concerned with updating immigration laws either.

Zero hurt himself. He was just trying to get more illegals in here
to have children and turn the voting tide in 20 years. For 75 years
illegals have always poured in here to do the manual farm jobs.
Their pay really isn't that bad, but their employers didn't have to be
burden with minimum wage for the Hispanics that didn't work hard
and couldn't reach the quotas that would get them good money.

Nobody wants to pay 3 bucks for a tomato.

Well, Trump is taking immigration off the campaign trail by putting
this in the hands of Congress. It's not going to be an issue in 2018.

We need to vet the folks coming into the country as farm labor, but make
it easier for them to come and go. When they drift from farm labor, we boot
them out.

Dems will be hard-pressed to keep up their narrative, because big money corporations will cease giving them campaign funds, if they are forced
to sell a bottle of ketchup for 10 bucks.

The Donald has put both parties right where he wants them. Shit or get
off the pot.

An executive order is just that. An order by the sitting President. The next
President can get rid of it if he wants to. Trump is doing just that and forcing
Congress, to do its job which is to create law.
His policies were rejected in November, why can't he just fucking disappear? Go back to Kenya or something.
Didn't Obama say 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ended up doing?
Probably not. Without a definitive cite it's hard to say whether he really said it or whether chronic ODS sufferers say he said it. Look what happened when ONE TIME he said "57 states" when he meant "57 stops". You'd think he said it all the time, as often as it's been repeated. What no doubt happened is, 22 RW flacks said it and that's what you're remembering.
Didn't Obama say 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ended up doing?
Probably not. Without a definitive cite it's hard to say whether he really said it or whether chronic ODS sufferers say he said it. Look what happened when ONE TIME he said "57 states" when he meant "57 stops". You'd think he said it all the time, as often as it's been repeated. What no doubt happened is, 22 RW flacks said it and that's what you're remembering.

In other words, unless you believe it, it isn't true?

He SAID 57 States. Not my fault you provide excuses for his fuck up. He also said Savannah GA, Charleston SC, and Jacksonville FL were on the Gulf Coast and indicated Hawaii was in Asia. All based on his WORDS. It's not my responsibility to figure out what he meant, it's his to say what he means. Typical Obama ass licker making excuses for the unqualified black guy in a government job.
Didn't Obama say 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ended up doing?
Probably not. Without a definitive cite it's hard to say whether he really said it or whether chronic ODS sufferers say he said it.
Already been posted....keep up. Obama: I Can't Just Suspend Deportations Through Executive Order, There Are Laws on on the Books
That's just once and Deferred and suspended aren't synonyms. I think you need to try and keep up on the English language and hone your reading comprehension skills. - The world’s favorite online dictionary!
Didn't Obama say 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ended up doing?
Probably not. Without a definitive cite it's hard to say whether he really said it or whether chronic ODS sufferers say he said it.
Already been posted....keep up. Obama: I Can't Just Suspend Deportations Through Executive Order, There Are Laws on on the Books
That's just once and Deferred and suspended aren't synonyms. I think you need to try and keep up on the English language and hone your reading comprehension skills. - The world’s favorite online dictionary!
I get it - 'It depends on the definition of 'Is'', and lie/deny/justify.... :p
Didn't Obama say 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ended up doing?
Probably not. Without a definitive cite it's hard to say whether he really said it or whether chronic ODS sufferers say he said it. Look what happened when ONE TIME he said "57 states" when he meant "57 stops". You'd think he said it all the time, as often as it's been repeated. What no doubt happened is, 22 RW flacks said it and that's what you're remembering.
In other words, unless you believe it, it isn't true? He SAID 57 States. Not my fault you provide excuses for his fuck up. He also said Savannah GA, Charleston SC, and Jacksonville FL were on the Gulf Coast and indicated Hawaii was in Asia. All based on his WORDS. It's not my responsibility to figure out what he meant, it's his to say what he means. Typical Obama ass licker making excuses for the unqualified black guy in a government job.
I believe he said it ONCE. If he repeated it, you'd have a point. Otherwise, it's just a case of ODS on your part.
Didn't Obama say 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ended up doing?
Probably not. Without a definitive cite it's hard to say whether he really said it or whether chronic ODS sufferers say he said it.
Already been posted....keep up. Obama: I Can't Just Suspend Deportations Through Executive Order, There Are Laws on on the Books
That's just once and Deferred and suspended aren't synonyms. I think you need to try and keep up on the English language and hone your reading comprehension skills. - The world’s favorite online dictionary!
I get it - 'It depends on the definition of 'Is'', and lie/deny/justify.
So you're using Slick Willy as a defense?!?! :laugh2:
Didn't Obama say 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ended up doing?
Probably not. Without a definitive cite it's hard to say whether he really said it or whether chronic ODS sufferers say he said it. Look what happened when ONE TIME he said "57 states" when he meant "57 stops". You'd think he said it all the time, as often as it's been repeated. What no doubt happened is, 22 RW flacks said it and that's what you're remembering.
In other words, unless you believe it, it isn't true? He SAID 57 States. Not my fault you provide excuses for his fuck up. He also said Savannah GA, Charleston SC, and Jacksonville FL were on the Gulf Coast and indicated Hawaii was in Asia. All based on his WORDS. It's not my responsibility to figure out what he meant, it's his to say what he means. Typical Obama ass licker making excuses for the unqualified black guy in a government job.
I believe he said it ONCE. If he repeated it, you'd have a point. Otherwise, it's just a case of ODS on your part.

I believe his statement about 57 States only had to be said once. His statement about the gulf coast and one indicating he thought Hawaii was in Asia only had to be said once, too. It only takes one thing to make an entire statement false.
I believe his statement about 57 States only had to be said once. His statement about the gulf coast and one indicating he thought Hawaii was in Asia only had to be said once, too. It only takes one thing to make an entire statement false.
Pretty harsh! I wouldn't doubt you'd be complaining mightily, if the same criteria were applied to your statements. Presidents aren't gods, no matter what Trump may think of himself.
DACA and DAPA are constitutional, except for the question of the work permits. Supreme Court was tied 4-4 on the case in June 2016. Whose fault is it that there were only 8 justices? Congress SHOULD tackle that and a lot more. Here's their chance.

One was a DACA expansion, and the other a new program for parents whose children had legal status. Both by EO. The SC non decision simply upheld a lower courts decisions blocking both and finding that Obama's actions exceeded his authority. The original DACA remained in effect.

The folks covered by this were already at extremely low risk of deportation...and still are. The kids have been going to public schools, for years - and those districts knew the kids were undocumented.

That's why Trump is dumping it with a 6-month delay.

The libs had full control of the govt between 2008-2010 and did
nothing. They've never wanted to do anything, it robs them of a
campaign issue.

Turning it over to Congress is the correct thing to do.

You're right in that Obama had two years to push this through Congress, but waited until his reelection campaign to announce it. Knowing it couldn't stand beyond his presidency, knowing it might gain a few more votes in 2012, knowing he was cowardly punting the unnecessary, heartless action.

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