Barry Vows To Come Out Of The Shadows If The President Kills His DACA Legacy

Didn't Obama say 22 times he didn't have the authority to do what he ended up doing?
Probably not. Without a definitive cite it's hard to say whether he really said it or whether chronic ODS sufferers say he said it. Look what happened when ONE TIME he said "57 states" when he meant "57 stops". You'd think he said it all the time, as often as it's been repeated. What no doubt happened is, 22 RW flacks said it and that's what you're remembering.
In other words, unless you believe it, it isn't true? He SAID 57 States. Not my fault you provide excuses for his fuck up. He also said Savannah GA, Charleston SC, and Jacksonville FL were on the Gulf Coast and indicated Hawaii was in Asia. All based on his WORDS. It's not my responsibility to figure out what he meant, it's his to say what he means. Typical Obama ass licker making excuses for the unqualified black guy in a government job.
I believe he said it ONCE. If he repeated it, you'd have a point. Otherwise, it's just a case of ODS on your part.
For a person who likes to parse Trump's words so much you seem to be deeply offended in a uneven manner.
Build the wall. Deport all invaders. Remove any penalties for killing an invader.

There's your immigration reform. There is no law where the children of criminals get to keep the proceeds of parental crime.
The Lefties might want to be careful here.

Trump could walk away with a strong, comprehensive. bi-partisan, decent immigration reform plan when the dust settles.
Well we can't have that. Half the Democrats platform would dissappear.
The Lefties might want to be careful here.

Trump could walk away with a strong, comprehensive. bi-partisan, decent immigration reform plan when the dust settles.

agree, he is forcing congress to do its job. He made a deal with the dems on the debt in order to fund hurricane relief. He knows how to do business and gets things done. That is what the libs fear most.
The Lefties might want to be careful here. Trump could walk away with a strong, comprehensive. bi-partisan, decent immigration reform plan when the dust settles.
agree, he is forcing congress to do its job. He made a deal with the dems on the debt in order to fund hurricane relief. He knows how to do business and gets things done. That is what the libs fear most.
I do wonder if this deal with the Dems yesterday was meant in part to pave the road for something bigger.

Also, I wonder how the Trumpsters will react if this turns into a real bi-partisan initiative. Some of their reactions from yesterday weren't very pleasant.
I do not disagree that Congress should tackle this, and the issue of immigration reform generally. I just wish Trump hadn't thrown this in the soup pot at this particular time. I would prefer the Congress tackle economic issues. That is what everyone has been waiting for.
I understand this is your opinion, and I respect that; however, what Obama did was pass a LAW - something he personally wanted, part of his own personal agenda - through Executive Order, by-passing Congress to do so. This wasn't some small, little thing. It was huge.

The legal argument of the Constitutional Separation of Powers aside for a minute, since liberals (not aiming at you) love EMOTIONal arguments so much, can you imagine if Trump did such a thing, using an EO to institute such a huge law while by-passing Congress to do so/ The Liberals would lose their freaking mind and demand immediate Impeachment.

IMO, what Obama did was not his to do. Even HE admitted it when he stated that any belief that he could change Immigration Law and change the status of illegal immigrants to legal on his own was not within his Constitutional Authority. He was MY opinion and in OBAMA'S opinion.
Are we talking about the same EO? DACA doesn't make them citizens. It simply delays deportment and gives them the right for a two year work permit. So they can CONTRIBUTE to the economy. And it is less than 10% of the estimated illegals in this country. And they did not make the choice to come here; they were brought by their parents.
I don't think Obama should have done it, but perhaps he was trying to force Congress to grapple with the issue, too. Just like Trump is doing now, in reverse.

do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal"? This is not an emotional argument, its a legal argument. Either we have immigration laws or we don't. There is no half way.

I share your empathy for these kids of illegals, I also feel empathy for the people of north korea who have zero freedom. But if we don't put our country first, we will lose it. Wake up.
I'm not feeling threatened by the DACA program. I believe our country will come first by making them legal. They are not going to undermine our way of life or destroy America. Really.
"Former President Barack Obama plans to speak out if President Donald Trump declares his intention to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, according to a person close to Obama…

Obama’s current plan is to post a statement on Facebook and link to it on Twitter, where the former president has more than 94 million followers. In his final presidential press availability, he suggested that he would speak out if Trump went after the Dreamers — and that it was one of the few issues where he would feel morally compelled to do so."

Of course, as usual, the POS had to LIE / MISREPRESENT THE TRUTH:

"He said he would not remain silent in the face of “efforts to round up kids who have grown up here and for all practical purposes are American kids, and send them someplace else, when they love this country."

1. No one is 'rounding up kids', you POS.

2. Notice how Obama says 'For all PRACTICAL purposes'...instead of 'LEGAL' purposes! He CAN'T say 'Legal' because even HE knows what he did - bypassing congress to institute his own personal law - was UN-CONSTITUTIONAL.

"The notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case," Obama said. (December 2014)
- Flashback: Obama Says He Can't Change Immigration Law Alone

“Back to a country they don’t know with a language they don’t speak?” the person close to Obama said. “It’s cruel.”

No, what was cruel was partnering with Human Traffickers and the US govt itself, bussing / bringing these kids to the US, KNOWING IT WAS ILLEGAL TO DO SO, and telling them they could stay forever, when Barry knew this was illegal / Un-Constitutional. Using them as political pawns and giving them false hope, which is what he did, is what is cruel.

So THIS is the 'Legacy' item that will draw him out of the shadows where he and Valerie Jarrett have been pulling the puppet strings of 'The Resistance' and the violent self-proclaimed Anti-American Anarchist Fascist Antifa to reveal himself and do the attacking, for once, himself...

Barry is trying to pull every emotional heart-string he can, do whatever he can, to preserve yet another Un-Constitutional / Illegal Legacy from being wiped off the books. What Trump is doing, besides ending the Un-Constitutional DACA program, is shining a light in the historic records / history books on the UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND LAWLESS PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATION OF BARAK OBAMA. Every time another Un-Constitutional, illegal program gets taken down, history will record each one as having been originally implemented by Barak Obama.
Good for him. :clap: He certainly has the right.
He also has the right to admit he caused this problem in the first place too, but figure the odds.
I do not disagree that Congress should tackle this, and the issue of immigration reform generally. I just wish Trump hadn't thrown this in the soup pot at this particular time. I would prefer the Congress tackle economic issues. That is what everyone has been waiting for.
I understand this is your opinion, and I respect that; however, what Obama did was pass a LAW - something he personally wanted, part of his own personal agenda - through Executive Order, by-passing Congress to do so. This wasn't some small, little thing. It was huge.

The legal argument of the Constitutional Separation of Powers aside for a minute, since liberals (not aiming at you) love EMOTIONal arguments so much, can you imagine if Trump did such a thing, using an EO to institute such a huge law while by-passing Congress to do so/ The Liberals would lose their freaking mind and demand immediate Impeachment.

IMO, what Obama did was not his to do. Even HE admitted it when he stated that any belief that he could change Immigration Law and change the status of illegal immigrants to legal on his own was not within his Constitutional Authority. He was MY opinion and in OBAMA'S opinion.
Are we talking about the same EO? DACA doesn't make them citizens. It simply delays deportment and gives them the right for a two year work permit. So they can CONTRIBUTE to the economy. And it is less than 10% of the estimated illegals in this country. And they did not make the choice to come here; they were brought by their parents.
I don't think Obama should have done it, but perhaps he was trying to force Congress to grapple with the issue, too. Just like Trump is doing now, in reverse.

do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal"? This is not an emotional argument, its a legal argument. Either we have immigration laws or we don't. There is no half way.

I share your empathy for these kids of illegals, I also feel empathy for the people of north korea who have zero freedom. But if we don't put our country first, we will lose it. Wake up.
I'm not feeling threatened by the DACA program. I believe our country will come first by making them legal. They are not going to undermine our way of life or destroy America. Really.
It should have been done legally, constitutionally, from the start...but that was never really Barry's preferred way.
I do not disagree that Congress should tackle this, and the issue of immigration reform generally. I just wish Trump hadn't thrown this in the soup pot at this particular time. I would prefer the Congress tackle economic issues. That is what everyone has been waiting for.
I understand this is your opinion, and I respect that; however, what Obama did was pass a LAW - something he personally wanted, part of his own personal agenda - through Executive Order, by-passing Congress to do so. This wasn't some small, little thing. It was huge.

The legal argument of the Constitutional Separation of Powers aside for a minute, since liberals (not aiming at you) love EMOTIONal arguments so much, can you imagine if Trump did such a thing, using an EO to institute such a huge law while by-passing Congress to do so/ The Liberals would lose their freaking mind and demand immediate Impeachment.

IMO, what Obama did was not his to do. Even HE admitted it when he stated that any belief that he could change Immigration Law and change the status of illegal immigrants to legal on his own was not within his Constitutional Authority. He was MY opinion and in OBAMA'S opinion.
Are we talking about the same EO? DACA doesn't make them citizens. It simply delays deportment and gives them the right for a two year work permit. So they can CONTRIBUTE to the economy. And it is less than 10% of the estimated illegals in this country. And they did not make the choice to come here; they were brought by their parents.
I don't think Obama should have done it, but perhaps he was trying to force Congress to grapple with the issue, too. Just like Trump is doing now, in reverse.

do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal"? This is not an emotional argument, its a legal argument. Either we have immigration laws or we don't. There is no half way.

I share your empathy for these kids of illegals, I also feel empathy for the people of north korea who have zero freedom. But if we don't put our country first, we will lose it. Wake up.
I'm not feeling threatened by the DACA program. I believe our country will come first by making them legal. They are not going to undermine our way of life or destroy America. Really.

They already are undermining it. They are ILLEGAL regardless of how they became that way.
I feel sorry for criminals all the time. Why a vote means more than the letter of the law is the question. They are tearing our voting process apart from the inside. Just like they did our education system. Pretty soon, no rational minds will be at the voting booths. Only programmed socialism

I do not disagree that Congress should tackle this, and the issue of immigration reform generally. I just wish Trump hadn't thrown this in the soup pot at this particular time. I would prefer the Congress tackle economic issues. That is what everyone has been waiting for.
I understand this is your opinion, and I respect that; however, what Obama did was pass a LAW - something he personally wanted, part of his own personal agenda - through Executive Order, by-passing Congress to do so. This wasn't some small, little thing. It was huge.

The legal argument of the Constitutional Separation of Powers aside for a minute, since liberals (not aiming at you) love EMOTIONal arguments so much, can you imagine if Trump did such a thing, using an EO to institute such a huge law while by-passing Congress to do so/ The Liberals would lose their freaking mind and demand immediate Impeachment.

IMO, what Obama did was not his to do. Even HE admitted it when he stated that any belief that he could change Immigration Law and change the status of illegal immigrants to legal on his own was not within his Constitutional Authority. He was MY opinion and in OBAMA'S opinion.
Are we talking about the same EO? DACA doesn't make them citizens. It simply delays deportment and gives them the right for a two year work permit. So they can CONTRIBUTE to the economy. And it is less than 10% of the estimated illegals in this country. And they did not make the choice to come here; they were brought by their parents.
I don't think Obama should have done it, but perhaps he was trying to force Congress to grapple with the issue, too. Just like Trump is doing now, in reverse.

do you understand the meaning of the word "illegal"? This is not an emotional argument, its a legal argument. Either we have immigration laws or we don't. There is no half way.

I share your empathy for these kids of illegals, I also feel empathy for the people of north korea who have zero freedom. But if we don't put our country first, we will lose it. Wake up.
I'm not feeling threatened by the DACA program. I believe our country will come first by making them legal. They are not going to undermine our way of life or destroy America. Really.

either we have immigration laws or we dont

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