Bart O'Kavanaugh

Was that supposed to more impressive the second time you posted it?

Trump exaggerates. Barry and Slick Willie flat out lied.
Trump lies. Deal with it.

He said more people attended his inauguration than Obama's. That an exaggeration, right, lying con tool?


Gee, Faun...what's REALLY important...exaggerating the number of people who showed up at your inauguration...or lying to the American people about their health care? Let me think...let me think...
Actually, what’s more important is the disparity in the number of lies. All politions lie — but trump struggles to ever tell the truth.

No wonder a lying con tool is such an eager fluffer for him.

Ah, so an exaggeration about how many people showed up at an inauguration counts the same to you as a blatant lie about being able to keep your existing healthcare plan and doctor? It's not how BIG of a lie it a lie that affects 1/6th of our's the number told? Right....
An exaggeration is embellishing -- trump lied and falsely claimed his crowd was bigger. Like he lied about having the biggest electoral win since Reagan; when in fact, GHW Bush, both of Clinton's and both of Obama's was bigger.

I like how you ask me about the definition of "is" and here you are, trying to redefine it.

So which is worse, Faun...claiming you have the biggest electoral win EVAH...or lying to the American people about being able to keep the healthcare plan they like and the doctor they like if the ACA was passed? Keep going down this path, Sparky...the further you go with it the more ridiculous you appear!
Clinton wasn't Jones' boss? What would the Governor of a State be to a State employee if they weren't their "boss"?

As for what Clinton "settled" for? It was the full amount of $850,000...the 1/3 amount you cite is what Jones received after paying her attorneys. Clinton settled that case because he didn't want to be dragged back into court and have to explain his perjury in the earlier case...perjury which resulted in his losing his license to practice law for five years.
No, ya lyin con tool. Jones asked for 2 million. She was awarded $200,000 of the $850,000 on which they settled.

Wow fawn, you're such a fucking liar.

Do the Iranians and North Koreans give you a bonus for extra lies told?

WASHINGTON (AP) - Paula Jones is awaiting the arrival of an $850,000 cheque from President Clinton, bringing an official end to the four-year saga spurred by her allegations of sexual harassment.

Clinton mailed the settlement cheque to Mrs. Jones on Tuesday, even as he braced for the heaviest fallout yet from her harassment suit - an impeachment trial in the Senate.}

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

No wonder WTP in enamored with you, stupidity and dishonesty are prized among you Nazicrats, making you top of the pops...
You know you're as dumb as the USMB's fucking bripmoron?

Jones to receive $200,000 of Clinton suit settlement

You could have checked that out for yourself instead of being embarrassed by me, but you're apparently too stupid and have no self resect anyway, so what did you have to lose, eh?
They are so friggin ignorant. It's unbelievable. They live in a totally different universe detached from the truth.
It's truly mind-boggling.

You and WTP both get "mind boggled" rather easily, Faun!
I'm amused by the left's latest attempt to stall this nomination! You don't think he should be on the Supreme Court because he couldn't hold his liquor when he was a teenager? THAT negates 35 years of his adult life that's about as stellar as it gets?
Why put a sexual predator on the SC? First of all one is already there and secondly they have other candidates.

You mean you think Bill Cosby is running for SC now too? Better get your wires uncrossed, your brain is smoking again.
Trump lies. Deal with it.

He said more people attended his inauguration than Obama's. That an exaggeration, right, lying con tool?


Gee, Faun...what's REALLY important...exaggerating the number of people who showed up at your inauguration...or lying to the American people about their health care? Let me think...let me think...
Actually, what’s more important is the disparity in the number of lies. All politions lie — but trump struggles to ever tell the truth.

No wonder a lying con tool is such an eager fluffer for him.

Ah, so an exaggeration about how many people showed up at an inauguration counts the same to you as a blatant lie about being able to keep your existing healthcare plan and doctor? It's not how BIG of a lie it a lie that affects 1/6th of our's the number told? Right....
An exaggeration is embellishing -- trump lied and falsely claimed his crowd was bigger. Like he lied about having the biggest electoral win since Reagan; when in fact, GHW Bush, both of Clinton's and both of Obama's was bigger.

I like how you ask me about the definition of "is" and here you are, trying to redefine it.

So which is worse, Faun...claiming you have the biggest electoral win EVAH...or lying to the American people about being able to keep the healthcare plan they like and the doctor they like if the ACA was passed? Keep going down this path, Sparky...the further you go with it the more ridiculous you appear!
You’re stuck on comparing one lie against one lie; meanwhile, ignoring the thousands of others Trump told. Again, all politicians lie — trump struggles to ever tell the truth.
No, ya lyin con tool. Jones asked for 2 million. She was awarded $200,000 of the $850,000 on which they settled.

Wow fawn, you're such a fucking liar.

Do the Iranians and North Koreans give you a bonus for extra lies told?

WASHINGTON (AP) - Paula Jones is awaiting the arrival of an $850,000 cheque from President Clinton, bringing an official end to the four-year saga spurred by her allegations of sexual harassment.

Clinton mailed the settlement cheque to Mrs. Jones on Tuesday, even as he braced for the heaviest fallout yet from her harassment suit - an impeachment trial in the Senate.}

Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

No wonder WTP in enamored with you, stupidity and dishonesty are prized among you Nazicrats, making you top of the pops...
You know you're as dumb as the USMB's fucking bripmoron?

Jones to receive $200,000 of Clinton suit settlement

You could have checked that out for yourself instead of being embarrassed by me, but you're apparently too stupid and have no self resect anyway, so what did you have to lose, eh?
They are so friggin ignorant. It's unbelievable. They live in a totally different universe detached from the truth.
It's truly mind-boggling.

You and WTP both get "mind boggled" rather easily, Faun!
You would too if you could see what we see. any "reasonable" person would lie about having an affair under oath? I beg to differ, Joey. A "reasonable" person knows that lying under oath is perjury and gets you into a lot more trouble than the blow back you get from having an affair! Bill Clinton had no problem at all lying under oath. He had no problem at all looking right into the cameras and lying to the American people.

and most of the American People, 70% of which opposed impeachment, said, "Meh, I'd have probably lied, too."

Just remember, in fucked up Right Wing World, lying a blow job is a big deal, but trying to rape a 15 year old isn't.

Lying about a blow job is a big deal, but lying about weapons and getting us into a war isn't.

Clinton wasn't Jones' boss? What would the Governor of a State be to a State employee if they weren't their "boss"?

As for what Clinton "settled" for? It was the full amount of $850,000...the 1/3 amount you cite is what Jones received after paying her attorneys. Clinton settled that case because he didn't want to be dragged back into court and have to explain his perjury in the earlier case...perjury which resulted in his losing his license to practice law for five years.

At the time she settled, she was asking for 2.5 million. Clinton didn't want to spend five years and another 10 million dollars explaining why Ellerth didn't apply to this case. Had nothing to do with the perjury because Weber Wright had ALREADY ruled that whether or not he had lied about having sex with Lewinsky was completely irrelevant to her claims.

Nothing funnier than watching you accuse me of being a liar as you defend the biggest liar ever to sit behind a desk in the Oval Office, Faun! Have a ball playing THAT game! Should we discuss what the meaning of the word "is" is?

Calling you a liar would assume you know enough about a subject to lie about it. The legal aspects of Jones v. Clinton have been explained to you many times and you still don't understand.
I love how you liberals get your panties in a bunch counting Trump "lies"! Yes...we know that Donald is prone to over the top exaggerations! He's a New Yorker. He's a real estate promoter. They tend to do the over the top thing! He speaks off the cuff...he doesn't speak from a teleprompter like Barry always did.

That being said...he's NEVER told a whopper like Barack Obama did when he said to the American people. "If you like your insurance can keep your insurance plan. If you like your can keep your doctor. PERIOD!"

I kept my doctor and insurance plan when ACA happened.. not sure what you are talking about
Tryin' ta give the kid the benefit of the doubt. I'm a nice guy that way.

Sure you are creep.

In that rain coat by the play ground...

Well thank you creep.

Next time try to find a violation to report, it will serve you better,

So I see you filthy Nazi fucks did exactly as I predicted and fabricated another accusation.

You'll keep cooking up more and more, because you're fucking Heinreich Himmler. This is the way you gutter scum operate. The only thing you evil fucks understand is a swift kick to the teeth, and that is all we Americans should EVER give to you.
Nobody's fabricating anything except rethuglican excuses.
The loopy kunt does not know what and when this false accusation happened, she has no proof and is changing her story.
Fucking bitch has no credibility lock the fucking bitch up
"Loopy kunt"?

There you have it ladies and gentlemen, what the conservitards think about women, right here right now.

You kids really are a peice of work aren't you.

It's no wonder you guys never get laid.
I love how you liberals get your panties in a bunch counting Trump "lies"! Yes...we know that Donald is prone to over the top exaggerations! He's a New Yorker. He's a real estate promoter. They tend to do the over the top thing! He speaks off the cuff...he doesn't speak from a teleprompter like Barry always did.

That being said...he's NEVER told a whopper like Barack Obama did when he said to the American people. "If you like your insurance can keep your insurance plan. If you like your can keep your doctor. PERIOD!"

I kept my doctor and insurance plan when ACA happened.. not sure what you are talking about

I'm referring to the millions of Americans that lost both their doctors and their insurance plans...something that Barack Obama KNEW would happen and lied about when he sold the ACA to them! That's what I'm TALKING about, Joey!
And yet he's not facing perjury charges or had a license to practice law suspended for lying to the court? Can't say that about Slick Willy...can ya', Faun!

No, he's the guy trying to find an excuse to fire Mueller because his own lawyers know you can't get him to tell the truth on the stand. mean the guy that was appointed to "investigate" Trump by the people conspiring against him in the FBI and the Obama Justice Department? That Mueller? Why would you need an "excuse" to fire someone that never should been HIRED in the first place?
Gee, Faun...what's REALLY important...exaggerating the number of people who showed up at your inauguration...or lying to the American people about their health care? Let me think...let me think...
Actually, what’s more important is the disparity in the number of lies. All politions lie — but trump struggles to ever tell the truth.

No wonder a lying con tool is such an eager fluffer for him.

Ah, so an exaggeration about how many people showed up at an inauguration counts the same to you as a blatant lie about being able to keep your existing healthcare plan and doctor? It's not how BIG of a lie it a lie that affects 1/6th of our's the number told? Right....
An exaggeration is embellishing -- trump lied and falsely claimed his crowd was bigger. Like he lied about having the biggest electoral win since Reagan; when in fact, GHW Bush, both of Clinton's and both of Obama's was bigger.

I like how you ask me about the definition of "is" and here you are, trying to redefine it.

So which is worse, Faun...claiming you have the biggest electoral win EVAH...or lying to the American people about being able to keep the healthcare plan they like and the doctor they like if the ACA was passed? Keep going down this path, Sparky...the further you go with it the more ridiculous you appear!
You’re stuck on comparing one lie against one lie; meanwhile, ignoring the thousands of others Trump told. Again, all politicians lie — trump struggles to ever tell the truth.

The person that's "stuck" would by you, Faun and it happened the moment I pointed out that a myriad of exaggerations by Trump don't come close to equaling the deliberate falsehoods that Barack Obama told the American people to get parts of his agenda passed! It's why I state that the modern liberal's mantra is "The end justifies the means!" You have zero qualms about lying if you think it will get you what you think is "right" for the country!
It’s not an act.
Tryin' ta give the kid the benefit of the doubt. I'm a nice guy that way.

Sure you are creep.

In that rain coat by the play ground...

Well thank you creep.

Next time try to find a violation to report, it will serve you better,

So I see you filthy Nazi fucks did exactly as I predicted and fabricated another accusation.

You'll keep cooking up more and more, because you're fucking Heinreich Himmler. This is the way you gutter scum operate. The only thing you evil fucks understand is a swift kick to the teeth, and that is all we Americans should EVER give to you.
Nobody's fabricating anything except rethuglican excuses.

Every bit of it is fabricated. We all know it - you approve, I don't.

Kavanaugh threatens your religion, which is abortion. Hence you and the filthy Nazi party you serve will do ANYTHING to stop his confirmation. Fucking Chuck "Heinreich Himmler" Schumer SAID he would lie, slander, or kill to protect abortion.

Everyone on every side knows this is all fucking lies, not a single person in this nations is stupid enough not to grasp that this is all a political ploy. But you support the lie, you're a fucking Nazi, a piece of shit without a hint of integrity, so you support the lies and promote them.

Abortion is too precious to you to allow facts and decency into the equation.

You're a fucking pig, reprehensible scum, but you don't care, abortion is the only thing that matters to you.
You would too if you could see what we see.

What we see is that you love abortion more than you love America. In fact you fucking hate America and seek to destroy this nation.

Which is the absolute truth of the situation.

Guilty until proven innocent? Really motherfucker? Your goal is simply the absolute destruction of the system of justice and the basic protections of jurisprudence.

You are engaged in a violent war to destroy the nation. You should be treated for what you are, an enemy soldier engaged in active hostility against the United States.
They are so friggin ignorant. It's unbelievable. They live in a totally different universe detached from the truth.

And by "DA TROOF" you mean the Communist Manifesto or the writings of Pol Pot.

MUST END DUE PROCESS, Guilty if accused, fuck being proven innocent.

You're Nazis, simple fact,
More lies and no proof as always. What an idiot.
Tryin' ta give the kid the benefit of the doubt. I'm a nice guy that way.

Sure you are creep.

In that rain coat by the play ground...

Well thank you creep.

Next time try to find a violation to report, it will serve you better,

So I see you filthy Nazi fucks did exactly as I predicted and fabricated another accusation.

You'll keep cooking up more and more, because you're fucking Heinreich Himmler. This is the way you gutter scum operate. The only thing you evil fucks understand is a swift kick to the teeth, and that is all we Americans should EVER give to you.
Nobody's fabricating anything except rethuglican excuses.

Every bit of it is fabricated. We all know it - you approve, I don't.

Kavanaugh threatens your religion, which is abortion. Hence you and the filthy Nazi party you serve will do ANYTHING to stop his confirmation. Fucking Chuck "Heinreich Himmler" Schumer SAID he would lie, slander, or kill to protect abortion.

Everyone on every side knows this is all fucking lies, not a single person in this nations is stupid enough not to grasp that this is all a political ploy. But you support the lie, you're a fucking Nazi, a piece of shit without a hint of integrity, so you support the lies and promote them.

Abortion is too precious to you to allow facts and decency into the equation.

You're a fucking pig, reprehensible scum, but you don't care, abortion is the only thing that matters to you.
You have facts with abortion? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:That'll be the day. You can't debate abortion intelligently. Remember, you're a retard.
I'm referring to the millions of Americans that lost both their doctors and their insurance plans...something that Barack Obama KNEW would happen and lied about when he sold the ACA to them! That's what I'm TALKING about, Joey!

Sure you are... funny, the only people who ever claimed this were right wingers. I don't know a single person who lost his plan because of ACA. I know a LOT of people who lost their plans because of Bush's recession.

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