Zone1 Based Black Man Says It Like It Is


America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
Here's a very sensible black man saying it like it is. He's honest about the state of blacks today compared to blacks after WWII or even during slavery. He lets us know exactly how many black slave owners there were and exactly how many black slaves they owned. He asks this question: Do the descendants of those black slave owners have to pay reparations? Good question.

Short Version:

Truth is soothing. It fills a void. Just think if Americans could get back to common sense, civil discussion. It's a lost art, I'm afraid.
Most of us know the truth deep down but are afraid to be called racist by the leftist, monolithic, radical racist culture that is cultured by Marxist radicals (like Soros) with the 'clout' of monetary support if one cow tows to anti-American thoughts, activities, propaganda. This is the true 'insurrection' movement afoot in the country today. Speaking out against this 'woke' movement has become dangerous to one's own professional career. I hope this man does not suffer for expressing his POV on this subject.
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Most of us know the truth deep down but are afraid to be called racist by the leftist, monolithic, radical racist culture that is cultured by Marxist radicals (like Soros) with the 'clout' of monetary support if one cow tows to anti-American thoughts, activities, propaganda. This is the true 'insurrection' movement afoot in the country today. Speaking out against this 'woke' movement has become dangerous to one's own professional career. I hope this man does not suffer for expressing his POV on this subject.
I became a truly free man about 6 or 8 years ago, when I stopped caring what names people might call me. I no longer apologize for speaking the truth. There's not enough time left to hide our light under a bushel. The truth shall set us free, no matter what race we are. We all have to stop caring what new names the left dreams up. I don't give two hoots what the "f" they call me. I will stand for the truth from now on until the day I die.
Here's a very sensible black man saying it like it is. He's honest about the state of blacks today compared to blacks after WWII or even during slavery. He lets us know exactly how many black slave owners there were and exactly how many black slaves they owned. He asks this question: Do the descendants of those black slave owners have to pay reparations? Good question.

Short Version:

what does "based" mean?
Black "leaders" today should be shouting from the rooftops (to their Black followers) about all of the tremendous opportunities that today's Blacks have when compared to previous generations. With just a little initiative they can get an excellent, free public education, and a low-cost or free "higher" education including professional schools (law, medicine). Every government agency and every large company in the U.S. is keen to hire qualified and even semi-qualified Blacks, if only for optics. For every employer who turns you down because you are Black, there are two or three employers who will welcome you with open arms.

But you have to get with the fucking program. Finish school, get a job, don't have kids unless and until you are married. Speak the King's English, grammatically. Don't dress like a homeless person or an ex-con. Groom yourself like Sidney Poitier, not Whoopie Goldberg.

You get the idea.

Instead, Black "leaders" are professional whiners and demanders. Fuck the lot of them.
Robert Woodson is an idiot. He's not saying anything like it is. He's saying what white racists want to hear. Now, since others have gotten reparations, the objection to black reparations by whites is based on racist hate and any black person doing so is a fool.
I became a truly free man about 6 or 8 years ago, when I stopped caring what names people might call me. I no longer apologize for speaking the truth. There's not enough time left to hide our light under a bushel. The truth shall set us free, no matter what race we are. We all have to stop caring what new names the left dreams up. I don't give two hoots what the "f" they call me. I will stand for the truth from now on until the day I die.
That's me. I'm old enough now to just feel either pity or contempt for meanspirited know nothings who can't make an intelligent argument but they love to call people names on message boards. That doesn't include those who for whatever reason just do it for sport but know why somebody is an idiot. It's sad when some don't have a clue what they're talking about but think being ugly to people covers it up.

As for reparations, the black man in the OP isn't the only black person who has been vocal about the stupidity and sometimes insanity of the whole issue of reparations. Walter Williams PhD, Thomas Sowell PhD, Shelby Steele, etc. etc. etc. and many other educated and intelligent black men and women have made well researched and intelligent arguments for why reparations are a foolish idea and initiative.

Americans living today are no more responsible or accountable or liable for slavery or any evils of past generations any more than are German, Japanese, Russian, Chinese, Italian, etc. citizens all who may have descended from people who committed or allowed or condoned atrocities in previous generations.

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