
Ok show me where in the law where it says you can discriminate against someone who has had transitional elective surgery of any kind for any reason.

There is no such thing. You mean elective amputation of healthy organs leaving one mutilated, incontinent and sexually numb...and no more female than Frankenstein?
Ok show me where in the law where it says you can discriminate against someone who has had transitional elective surgery of any kind for any reason.

There is no such thing. You mean elective amputation of healthy organs leaving one mutilated, incontinent and sexually numb...and no more female than Frankenstein?
False that's not what I mean .
Transgender surgery is not classified as amputation.
Well there you go being long winded and all again
A simple answer to a simply ignorant statement.

Here's another statement.

The "transition" is elective.

Society owes nothing to those ELECTING to go through it. Nothing.

You lose again.

I may actually post something you can beat so you don't have to go through life a complete loser.

Nah, that's not going to happen
Wrong again.

Ma, the boys delusional. I told Ya we should taken him in to see doc after the mule kicked him in the crotch!
Ok show me where in the law where it says you can discriminate against someone who has had transitional elective surgery of any kind for any reason.

.......of any kind?

You are delusional
the fact is that sexual predators hang around women's bathrooms anyway these laws don't change that .
Really? Last month if this guy was in the women's bathroom at Target he would be arrested.

Now he just hangs inside the ladies bathroom around waiting for a lone 6 year old girl.

Hell Pops --- Bruce Jenner is an OPPORTUNIST. And an embarrassment to the Trans community. That guy got fed too many Soy Milk Smoothies by Kloe and Kim.. He's getting rich PLAYING at being a lesbian or whatever.

I don't care if they are PRE-op, POST-op, or NO -op.. If they are willing to LEGALLY identify as "in transition" or "sexual converted" and have some medical docs to support this ---- they SHOULD become protected class members.

Could be abused like the Medical MariJane prescripts. ---- But it's far better than having looney tunes show up in your daughter's dressing room at Target or WalMart.

Problem is, the person in the stall can't tell the reals from the loonies.

It's them that are the concern. And that's over 50% of the population so that 03% are a bit more comfortable? Even after making attacks on that .03% a federal Hate Crime?

The cost/benefit ratio is too far out of whack.

I guarantee that you could not identify REAL COMMITTED transgendered. And if you can't tell the diff -- why in the world would you care?

Enforcement might be tricky. Maybe EVERYONE has to show ID to get access to a dressing room. So that "profiling" is not an issue. If protection for TRUE Transgenders is NOT ABUSED.. It should never ever get to be an inconvienience for any of us "others"...

It gets sticky though. Once you create a right, you can't just limit it to this place or that. I can't think of any handled that way off hand.

Once transgendered (pre op) are granted access to "women's only" facilities that must include showers and lockers.

Not much need to lift skirts in those.

Again, post op, they have substantially distanced themselves from the real thing, and I got no problem. Pre Op, they are still too similarily situated and you are seriously blurring legal lines.

Here's the important point Pops. If you must LEGALLY DECLARE that you intend to transition, the intent is there and so is the evidence that you've been medically advised. I don't see how folks with the intention to change gender and are willing to DECLARE that to the world ---- are in any way a threat.

Even IF -- a pecker shows up in the shower at the gym.. The person has HONESTLY declared their intentions are NOT to stalk and take victims..

Not buying it. Until the intention is realized fully, they remain more male than female. And for the few that might benefit, many become inconvenienced and legal concepts blurred.

Not enough benefit for the problems.

Then give them 3 or 5 years status "in transition" and require them to REFILE every time it expires. You may not realize how expensive and lonely and life challenging that process can be. Even if your parents are helping. Because no much is actually covered thru insurance and only RICH folk can really make that journey in just a few years.. Many will never actually have the MEANS to fix a basic problem in their lives. EVEN IF -- the med/psych folks sign off on it..

Anyone on that path is NOT a threat to any part of society.. The deal is -- to FIND those trans-people who have MADE the commitment -- BEFORE you start writing and fighting over bathroom laws..
With all the hoopla about bathrooms in the news, and completely failing to understand where the hell this stupid issue came from (it seemed to be completely out of the blue to me at first,) I've been doing some researching on the matter. It appears that a lot of colleges started going to co-ed bathrooms back in 2007 or so (including co-ed showers,) it's apparently kind of the norm over in Europe and Japan. From what I've read in comments from students, in general they are a little ify on the idea to begin with, but quickly realize its a non-issue. I have read a number of comments from US students who make the point that the only reason it's even uncomfortable at first is because society at large practices gender segregation, a bunch of the non-US students didn't even realize it might be an issue for anyone (like in their world co-ed is the norm.)

I could glean a couple things out of this; 1. it might help students entering colleges that have co-ed bathrooms adapt to college life 2. I suspect at least part of why a lot of folks see zero issue with co-ed bathrooms is because they had them in college so it really is a non-issue to them (aka their used to it.)
Problem is, the person in the stall can't tell the reals from the loonies.

It's them that are the concern. And that's over 50% of the population so that 03% are a bit more comfortable? Even after making attacks on that .03% a federal Hate Crime?

The cost/benefit ratio is too far out of whack.

I guarantee that you could not identify REAL COMMITTED transgendered. And if you can't tell the diff -- why in the world would you care?

Enforcement might be tricky. Maybe EVERYONE has to show ID to get access to a dressing room. So that "profiling" is not an issue. If protection for TRUE Transgenders is NOT ABUSED.. It should never ever get to be an inconvienience for any of us "others"...

It gets sticky though. Once you create a right, you can't just limit it to this place or that. I can't think of any handled that way off hand.

Once transgendered (pre op) are granted access to "women's only" facilities that must include showers and lockers.

Not much need to lift skirts in those.

Again, post op, they have substantially distanced themselves from the real thing, and I got no problem. Pre Op, they are still too similarily situated and you are seriously blurring legal lines.

Here's the important point Pops. If you must LEGALLY DECLARE that you intend to transition, the intent is there and so is the evidence that you've been medically advised. I don't see how folks with the intention to change gender and are willing to DECLARE that to the world ---- are in any way a threat.

Even IF -- a pecker shows up in the shower at the gym.. The person has HONESTLY declared their intentions are NOT to stalk and take victims..

Not buying it. Until the intention is realized fully, they remain more male than female. And for the few that might benefit, many become inconvenienced and legal concepts blurred.

Not enough benefit for the problems.

Then give them 3 or 5 years status "in transition" and require them to REFILE every time it expires. You may not realize how expensive and lonely and life challenging that process can be. Even if your parents are helping. Because no much is actually covered thru insurance and only RICH folk can really make that journey in just a few years.. Many will never actually have the MEANS to fix a basic problem in their lives. EVEN IF -- the med/psych folks sign off on it..

Anyone on that path is NOT a threat to any part of society.. The deal is -- to FIND those trans-people who have MADE the commitment -- BEFORE you start writing and fighting over bathroom laws..

The reason this is a problem is that you cannot create this class of person without arbitrarily discriminate an existing class

If you make the argument that a male with a penis is simalar to woman, how do you argue another male with a penis is not simalar to make #1 and can be excluded?

You can't, and we either create unisex bathrooms as a mandate or exclude the pre ops.

Option one is extremely expensive and unacceptable to the vast majority of the population. For what? .03% of the population.

Respectfully, that's absurd
Well there you go being long winded and all again
A simple answer to a simply ignorant statement.

Here's another statement.

The "transition" is elective.

Society owes nothing to those ELECTING to go through it. Nothing.

You lose again.

I may actually post something you can beat so you don't have to go through life a complete loser.

Nah, that's not going to happen
Wrong again.

Ma, the boys delusional. I told Ya we should taken him in to see doc after the mule kicked him in the crotch!
Ok show me where in the law where it says you can discriminate against someone who has had transitional elective surgery of any kind for any reason.

I can't off hand, but you make the assumption the tranny is being illegally discriminated against. And I've demonstrated that they are not.
When I go to a public bathroom, I want the other people I see in there to be women. I don't care if they were born women or became women. If they are men, born men or changed to men, let them use the men's bathroom. What's the big deal? Anytime anyone tries to peek over or under a stall, they're going to be called out. If men are exceptionally curious about the guy at the next urinal, they're going to be called out, too. We have greater things to worry about in this country.
Yes, we do.

But the republican agenda does nothing to address those problems, so they come up with these ridiculous red herring fallacies – such as ‘restrooms’ – in an effort to contrive a wedge issue designed to deflect from the fact that republicans have no solutions for the problems we face.
Protecting the safety and privacy of the population is one of the most important functions of the government.

Your post fails
With all the hoopla about bathrooms in the news, and completely failing to understand where the hell this stupid issue came from (it seemed to be completely out of the blue to me at first,) I've been doing some researching on the matter. It appears that a lot of colleges started going to co-ed bathrooms back in 2007 or so (including co-ed showers,) it's apparently kind of the norm over in Europe and Japan. From what I've read in comments from students, in general they are a little ify on the idea to begin with, but quickly realize its a non-issue. I have read a number of comments from US students who make the point that the only reason it's even uncomfortable at first is because society at large practices gender segregation, a bunch of the non-US students didn't even realize it might be an issue for anyone (like in their world co-ed is the norm.)

I could glean a couple things out of this; 1. it might help students entering colleges that have co-ed bathrooms adapt to college life 2. I suspect at least part of why a lot of folks see zero issue with co-ed bathrooms is because they had them in college so it really is a non-issue to them (aka their used to it.)

I've been to several countries in Europe several times. I can't remember ever running across unisex bathrooms in public facilities.
A simple answer to a simply ignorant statement.

Here's another statement.

The "transition" is elective.

Society owes nothing to those ELECTING to go through it. Nothing.

You lose again.

I may actually post something you can beat so you don't have to go through life a complete loser.

Nah, that's not going to happen
Wrong again.

Ma, the boys delusional. I told Ya we should taken him in to see doc after the mule kicked him in the crotch!
Ok show me where in the law where it says you can discriminate against someone who has had transitional elective surgery of any kind for any reason.

.......of any kind?

You are delusional
English not your first language?
With all the hoopla about bathrooms in the news, and completely failing to understand where the hell this stupid issue came from (it seemed to be completely out of the blue to me at first,) I've been doing some researching on the matter. It appears that a lot of colleges started going to co-ed bathrooms back in 2007 or so (including co-ed showers,) it's apparently kind of the norm over in Europe and Japan. From what I've read in comments from students, in general they are a little ify on the idea to begin with, but quickly realize its a non-issue. I have read a number of comments from US students who make the point that the only reason it's even uncomfortable at first is because society at large practices gender segregation, a bunch of the non-US students didn't even realize it might be an issue for anyone (like in their world co-ed is the norm.)

I could glean a couple things out of this; 1. it might help students entering colleges that have co-ed bathrooms adapt to college life 2. I suspect at least part of why a lot of folks see zero issue with co-ed bathrooms is because they had them in college so it really is a non-issue to them (aka their used to it.)

I just cannot help myself here! You would think that a college education would teach the difference in "there" ' their" and "they're", they all have different meanings. College eduction is mostly a waste of money for most students.
I guarantee that you could not identify REAL COMMITTED transgendered. And if you can't tell the diff -- why in the world would you care?

Enforcement might be tricky. Maybe EVERYONE has to show ID to get access to a dressing room. So that "profiling" is not an issue. If protection for TRUE Transgenders is NOT ABUSED.. It should never ever get to be an inconvienience for any of us "others"...

It gets sticky though. Once you create a right, you can't just limit it to this place or that. I can't think of any handled that way off hand.

Once transgendered (pre op) are granted access to "women's only" facilities that must include showers and lockers.

Not much need to lift skirts in those.

Again, post op, they have substantially distanced themselves from the real thing, and I got no problem. Pre Op, they are still too similarily situated and you are seriously blurring legal lines.

Here's the important point Pops. If you must LEGALLY DECLARE that you intend to transition, the intent is there and so is the evidence that you've been medically advised. I don't see how folks with the intention to change gender and are willing to DECLARE that to the world ---- are in any way a threat.

Even IF -- a pecker shows up in the shower at the gym.. The person has HONESTLY declared their intentions are NOT to stalk and take victims..

Not buying it. Until the intention is realized fully, they remain more male than female. And for the few that might benefit, many become inconvenienced and legal concepts blurred.

Not enough benefit for the problems.

Then give them 3 or 5 years status "in transition" and require them to REFILE every time it expires. You may not realize how expensive and lonely and life challenging that process can be. Even if your parents are helping. Because no much is actually covered thru insurance and only RICH folk can really make that journey in just a few years.. Many will never actually have the MEANS to fix a basic problem in their lives. EVEN IF -- the med/psych folks sign off on it..

Anyone on that path is NOT a threat to any part of society.. The deal is -- to FIND those trans-people who have MADE the commitment -- BEFORE you start writing and fighting over bathroom laws..

The reason this is a problem is that you cannot create this class of person without arbitrarily discriminate an existing class

If you make the argument that a male with a penis is simalar to woman, how do you argue another male with a penis is not simalar to make #1 and can be excluded?

You can't, and we either create unisex bathrooms as a mandate or exclude the pre ops.

Option one is extremely expensive and unacceptable to the vast majority of the population. For what? .03% of the population.

Respectfully, that's absurd
More penis phobia
Got a stats on the unacceptability
A simple answer to a simply ignorant statement.

Here's another statement.

The "transition" is elective.

Society owes nothing to those ELECTING to go through it. Nothing.

You lose again.

I may actually post something you can beat so you don't have to go through life a complete loser.

Nah, that's not going to happen
Wrong again.

Ma, the boys delusional. I told Ya we should taken him in to see doc after the mule kicked him in the crotch!
Ok show me where in the law where it says you can discriminate against someone who has had transitional elective surgery of any kind for any reason.

.......of any kind?

You are delusional
Yep of any kind.
I guarantee that you could not identify REAL COMMITTED transgendered. And if you can't tell the diff -- why in the world would you care?

Enforcement might be tricky. Maybe EVERYONE has to show ID to get access to a dressing room. So that "profiling" is not an issue. If protection for TRUE Transgenders is NOT ABUSED.. It should never ever get to be an inconvienience for any of us "others"...

It gets sticky though. Once you create a right, you can't just limit it to this place or that. I can't think of any handled that way off hand.

Once transgendered (pre op) are granted access to "women's only" facilities that must include showers and lockers.

Not much need to lift skirts in those.

Again, post op, they have substantially distanced themselves from the real thing, and I got no problem. Pre Op, they are still too similarily situated and you are seriously blurring legal lines.

Here's the important point Pops. If you must LEGALLY DECLARE that you intend to transition, the intent is there and so is the evidence that you've been medically advised. I don't see how folks with the intention to change gender and are willing to DECLARE that to the world ---- are in any way a threat.

Even IF -- a pecker shows up in the shower at the gym.. The person has HONESTLY declared their intentions are NOT to stalk and take victims..

Not buying it. Until the intention is realized fully, they remain more male than female. And for the few that might benefit, many become inconvenienced and legal concepts blurred.

Not enough benefit for the problems.

Then give them 3 or 5 years status "in transition" and require them to REFILE every time it expires. You may not realize how expensive and lonely and life challenging that process can be. Even if your parents are helping. Because no much is actually covered thru insurance and only RICH folk can really make that journey in just a few years.. Many will never actually have the MEANS to fix a basic problem in their lives. EVEN IF -- the med/psych folks sign off on it..

Anyone on that path is NOT a threat to any part of society.. The deal is -- to FIND those trans-people who have MADE the commitment -- BEFORE you start writing and fighting over bathroom laws..

The reason this is a problem is that you cannot create this class of person without arbitrarily discriminate an existing class

If you make the argument that a male with a penis is simalar to woman, how do you argue another male with a penis is not simalar to make #1 and can be excluded?

You can't, and we either create unisex bathrooms as a mandate or exclude the pre ops.

Option one is extremely expensive and unacceptable to the vast majority of the population. For what? .03% of the population.

Respectfully, that's absurd
Got any stats on the unacceptabilty you claim and the cost or are you speculating?
A simple answer to a simply ignorant statement.

Here's another statement.

The "transition" is elective.

Society owes nothing to those ELECTING to go through it. Nothing.

You lose again.

I may actually post something you can beat so you don't have to go through life a complete loser.

Nah, that's not going to happen
Wrong again.

Ma, the boys delusional. I told Ya we should taken him in to see doc after the mule kicked him in the crotch!
Ok show me where in the law where it says you can discriminate against someone who has had transitional elective surgery of any kind for any reason.

I can't off hand, but you make the assumption the tranny is being illegally discriminated against. And I've demonstrated that they are not.
It's not an assumption.
It gets sticky though. Once you create a right, you can't just limit it to this place or that. I can't think of any handled that way off hand.

Once transgendered (pre op) are granted access to "women's only" facilities that must include showers and lockers.

Not much need to lift skirts in those.

Again, post op, they have substantially distanced themselves from the real thing, and I got no problem. Pre Op, they are still too similarily situated and you are seriously blurring legal lines.

Here's the important point Pops. If you must LEGALLY DECLARE that you intend to transition, the intent is there and so is the evidence that you've been medically advised. I don't see how folks with the intention to change gender and are willing to DECLARE that to the world ---- are in any way a threat.

Even IF -- a pecker shows up in the shower at the gym.. The person has HONESTLY declared their intentions are NOT to stalk and take victims..

Not buying it. Until the intention is realized fully, they remain more male than female. And for the few that might benefit, many become inconvenienced and legal concepts blurred.

Not enough benefit for the problems.

Then give them 3 or 5 years status "in transition" and require them to REFILE every time it expires. You may not realize how expensive and lonely and life challenging that process can be. Even if your parents are helping. Because no much is actually covered thru insurance and only RICH folk can really make that journey in just a few years.. Many will never actually have the MEANS to fix a basic problem in their lives. EVEN IF -- the med/psych folks sign off on it..

Anyone on that path is NOT a threat to any part of society.. The deal is -- to FIND those trans-people who have MADE the commitment -- BEFORE you start writing and fighting over bathroom laws..

The reason this is a problem is that you cannot create this class of person without arbitrarily discriminate an existing class

If you make the argument that a male with a penis is simalar to woman, how do you argue another male with a penis is not simalar to make #1 and can be excluded?

You can't, and we either create unisex bathrooms as a mandate or exclude the pre ops.

Option one is extremely expensive and unacceptable to the vast majority of the population. For what? .03% of the population.

Respectfully, that's absurd
More penis phobia
Got a stats on the unacceptability

A stat?

Or stats?

And stat or stats on what exactly?
Here's another statement.

The "transition" is elective.

Society owes nothing to those ELECTING to go through it. Nothing.

You lose again.

I may actually post something you can beat so you don't have to go through life a complete loser.

Nah, that's not going to happen
Wrong again.

Ma, the boys delusional. I told Ya we should taken him in to see doc after the mule kicked him in the crotch!
Ok show me where in the law where it says you can discriminate against someone who has had transitional elective surgery of any kind for any reason.

.......of any kind?

You are delusional
Yep of any kind.

I've responded, read before you respond.
With all the hoopla about bathrooms in the news, and completely failing to understand where the hell this stupid issue came from (it seemed to be completely out of the blue to me at first,) I've been doing some researching on the matter. It appears that a lot of colleges started going to co-ed bathrooms back in 2007 or so (including co-ed showers,) it's apparently kind of the norm over in Europe and Japan. From what I've read in comments from students, in general they are a little ify on the idea to begin with, but quickly realize its a non-issue. I have read a number of comments from US students who make the point that the only reason it's even uncomfortable at first is because society at large practices gender segregation, a bunch of the non-US students didn't even realize it might be an issue for anyone (like in their world co-ed is the norm.)

I could glean a couple things out of this; 1. it might help students entering colleges that have co-ed bathrooms adapt to college life 2. I suspect at least part of why a lot of folks see zero issue with co-ed bathrooms is because they had them in college so it really is a non-issue to them (aka their used to it.)

I just cannot help myself here! You would think that a college education would teach the difference in "there" ' their" and "they're", they all have different meanings. College eduction is mostly a waste of money for most students.
The spell nazi ploy.
Guess nobody ever told you that when you have nothing to say, say nothing.
Here's another statement.

The "transition" is elective.

Society owes nothing to those ELECTING to go through it. Nothing.

You lose again.

I may actually post something you can beat so you don't have to go through life a complete loser.

Nah, that's not going to happen
Wrong again.

Ma, the boys delusional. I told Ya we should taken him in to see doc after the mule kicked him in the crotch!
Ok show me where in the law where it says you can discriminate against someone who has had transitional elective surgery of any kind for any reason.

I can't off hand, but you make the assumption the tranny is being illegally discriminated against. And I've demonstrated that they are not.
It's not an assumption.

No tranny is ever been denied access to a public mandated restroom.

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